Simultaneous time travel: Am I the only normal person?

Chapter 186 Encounter with President X!

The next day, the news that the owner of the Hydra bar shot a stripper and then committed suicide appeared on the sidebar of the local entertainment news.

Nick Fury had already gone crazy.

He would definitely choose death.

Just like this crazy universe, it will sooner or later step into the abyss of death.

A few days later, Luke drove a small jeep through the wilderness.

The mutant prison established by President X is located in Texas and is not open to the public.

Ordinary people at the bottom have no idea where the mutants harvested by the National Guard will be sent.

They will only applaud and curse "mutant monsters" by the way.

Even if a reporter goes in to visit, it is completely impossible to report the incident after coming out.

President X relies on his psychic ability to control all congressmen and business leaders.

As long as there is any information that is not favorable to him, it will be immediately blocked by all walks of life.

If the reporter wants to report the truth, he may be shot eight times in the back and judged as suicide before he even reaches the door of the newspaper office.

"Doctor, I think as a patient, I should sit in the car and rest."

Pietro complained by the car window.

"Pietro, while you are young, you should walk more."

"Leave it to me and Jocasta to rest in the car."

Luke remained calm, holding the steering wheel calmly and stepping on the accelerator.

The SUV suddenly accelerated, and Pietro almost didn't grab the window. The young man's eyes became more resentful.

He felt like he was on a pirate ship.

After joining Luke's small group, he learned some information about the two from Ms. Jocasta.

His grandfather, uh, Dr. Luke, came from a universe that was fully invaded by the evil god.

All life there was infected by the evil god and turned into disgusting monsters.

Dr. Luke, who has the ability to predict, is also the last organic life in the universe.

According to the established future, he made an escape plan and successfully preserved the last spark for his universe.

Pietro was a little moved when he heard this.

He didn't expect his "grandfather" to be such a great man.

Of course, if Dr. Luke had not conducted human experiments on him, his admiration would have been even stronger.

Last night, Luke fiddled in his room for a while.

He came to Pietro's suite with a glass syringe filled with milky white unknown liquid.

He gave him an injection without saying anything.

Afterwards, Dr. Luke explained that it was a magic potion extracted based on his genes.

It can not only treat his injuries, but also repair some of his genetic defects and enhance his abilities.

Although Pietro is very interested in "magic", after all, he is a child raised by gypsies.

But I don't know if Luke mixed anesthetic ingredients in the potion, Pietro soon "slept".

When he woke up the next morning.

Pietro's broken leg recovered, but his arm did not grow out.

As for the enhancement of ability, he has not felt it yet.

"Doctor, did the experiment fail?"

Pietro asked.

Luke touched his chin and looked Pietro up and down.

Then, it became the current situation.

The doctor drove the car, accompanied by a beautiful woman.

Poor Pietro could only accompany the wind and sand in the wilderness.

As soon as he opened his mouth, these little cuties couldn't wait to stuff Pietro's mouth.

"Doctor. Pah, we're almost there."

Pietro grabbed the car window again.

"Go about five kilometers ahead, there will be a hillside, and the prison is underground."

"Okay, Pietro, get in the car."

Hearing this, Pietro's body shook, and he was already sitting in the back seat.

"Are you tired?"

"No, doctor, this is amazing!"

Pietro's face was not red and he was not out of breath.

This was the easiest long-distance marathon he had run since he got super speed.

Before this, whenever Pietro used his ability, he always felt like a stone was pressing on his chest.

It was heavy and uncomfortable to run.

But after the injection, Pietro didn't feel that his ability had improved much.

However, the vague sense of oppression before has disappeared.

Luke cannot deny this.

The potion injected by this kid last night contains part of the blood of Pietro from the 10011 universe.

A genetic mutation that conforms to the logic of reality, but in some ways it overlaps with the original version.

Luke thought in his heart, but his hands did not stop moving, turning and shifting in one go.

In the endless wilderness, it seems that there is only such an intermittent road that can show some traces of human civilization.

Not right, there are occasionally a few human remains on the roadside.

When Luke set off, he also met an "acquaintance" driving a racing motorcycle.

Johnny poured gasoline on his head and ignited himself with a lighter. The head burning with flames and the motorcycle that never stopped were like the ghost rider of hell.

It was gloomy and terrifying, but full of the madness of the wasteland.

At the beginning, Pietro almost scared his legs.

At the same time, in the mutant prison.

The huge Kingpin waved a stick and teased the phantom cat Kitty.

When this guy escaped from prison last time, his ability to penetrate suddenly failed, his body got stuck in the cell door, and his intestines were severed.

The depths of the prison were filled with the wails of mutants.

The blind radioactive eye regretted the family members he shot and killed. Nightcrawler seemed to be going crazy with hunger, grabbing his own tail and chewing it with relish.

A hell-like scene emerged in this mutant prison.

At this time, the chain pulled.

Someone started the elevator and came down from above.

Jin didn't tease the phantom cat anymore, and walked towards the elevator with his baton in hand.

The elevator came down slowly, and the man slumped in the wheelchair appeared in front of Jin Bin.

"Great President X, who do you want to see today?"

Faced with the sudden arrival of President X, Kingpin behaved very calmly.

President X would often visit the mutant prison, but he would just sit in a wheelchair and say nothing.

Even if he occasionally communicates with these mutant monsters, President X's incomprehensible words will make these mutant monsters burst into tears.

Of course, he sometimes has fits.

Kingpin still remembers that once he took off his pants and shouted to the mutant monster, "You all came from here!"

Hahaha, this is so interesting, isn't it?

Jin Bin's smile remained the same.

He knew this guy could see into people's minds, but Kingpin didn't care at all.

Everyone here is crazy, including Kingpin who is the warden!

"No, I can do it myself."

President X's calm words appeared in Jin Bin's mind.

Jin Bing's smile became even brighter, and his huge body made a difficult bow, like a gentleman, extending his hand to give way.

The soldiers behind President X pushed him forward expressionlessly.

The guy must have been hypnotized.

No, it's possible that the entire person's spirit has been wiped out.

The one who is really moving now should be President X!

It's a pity, Colson, last time we met, you said you wanted to invite me to drink with you.

The thoughts in Kingpin's mind were chaotic and useless.

He watched the great President X walk to the end of the prison.

At the end of the prison is a door, which contains a mutant monster that Kingpin doesn't know yet.


Kingpin suspected that President X had a woman inside.

Didn't the Daily Bugle say before that President X once had an affair with Mystique?

After all, since Mystique failed to transform during a plane trip and was taken away by the National Guard, she has disappeared from the public eye.

You know, Mystique is a perfect fighter with multiple buffs such as bi-directional, transgender, and racial.

Even if the United States is in this state caused by President X, the LGBT community like Mystique can still dominate the political arena.

Coulson let go of the wheelchair's handle.

He stepped forward and pushed open a heavy iron door with great effort.

After pushing President X in, come out and close the door.

Then, with a plop, Coulson fell to the ground, making no sound.

Kingpin shrugged, sure enough.

Squeak, squeak, squeak—

The axle turned and the elevator moved again.

Anyone else coming today?

Kingpin turned his head in confusion.

Then, everything went dark.

The huge body flew up into the air, crashed into the wall and then fell down.

Before he could get up again, Luke flicked his finger.

A weak flame fell, easily burning up Jin Bing's strong body.

Pietro glanced around cautiously.

"Pietro, is that you?"

In the corner, Iceman Bobby's voice trembled.

It's not fear, it's just natural.

If he didn't stay in a high temperature environment, the super cold temperature in his body would be enough to freeze himself.

"Bobby, it's me, I'm back."

"Are you okay? I found help. I will rescue you now."

Pietro was very fast and ran directly to Kingpin's office to get the key, and then opened the cell door for Bobby.

But Bobby held his hand.

The biting chill made Pietro shudder.

"Run quickly!"

Bobby shuddered.

"He's here! President X is here!"


The iron door where the unknown person was imprisoned was directly blasted open by invisible power of thought.

Bobby looked desperate.

It’s over!

All is lost!

Pietro turned around stiffly.

An old man sitting in a wheelchair suddenly appeared in front of him.

It’s President X!

The most powerful mutant in the world, the leader of the United States, and the extreme dictator who destroyed the Avengers!

From Pietro's perspective.

President X does not look like a dictatorial ruler.

He is more like a scholar, with neat and silver hair, exquisite half-rimmed glasses, and a kind and gentle face.

Even sitting in a wheelchair, people can feel an inexplicable magnanimity and style.

"Child, can you choose to commit suicide?"

The corners of President

Pietro nodded blankly, subconsciously raising his hand to break his neck.

But then, he got a big blow from Luke.

Instantly refreshes your mind.

Pietro woke up on the spot, looking horrified.

What happened to him just now?

Do you really want to break your own neck? !

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