"Young man, are you a mutant too?"

Although it was a question, President X's tone was very sure.

The magic in this universe rarely works.

Even the original Supreme Sorcerer Strange is really just a religious leader here.

All the extraordinary powers seem to come only from genetic mutations, or the power of technology.

"Professor Charles, should I call you Mr. or Ms. now?"

Luke clapped his hands, and invisible mental waves swept through the prison, and the mutants trapped in the cell suddenly woke up.

Fear and timidity were the first reactions of these mutants when they woke up.

However, isn't President X an old man?

Why bother with this question?

Pietro was puzzled.

"Come here, kid, and throw yourself into my arms."

President X didn't care about Luke's "crazy talk", opened his arms, and slowly pushed the wheelchair forward.

The chaotic magic that distorted reality rolled, and the mental invasion of the psychic ability user before was silent.

President X's voice was full of magnetism, and his eyes were deep.

Luke walked towards him.

Pietro was about to step forward to stop Luke when Jocasta grabbed him.

He looked at Jocasta in confusion, with doubt in his puzzled eyes.

Pietro couldn't understand why Jocasta wanted to stop him?

Luke looked like he was obviously bewitched by President X!

However, Jocasta's hand was like an iron clamp at this moment, and it would not let go after clamping.

Could it be that Jocasta was also bewitched? !

Pietro was anxious.

At the same time, Luke had walked in front of President X.

President X smiled.

He slowly stood up and opened his hands, as if he wanted to hug this strange child.

Just as the two were about to touch, Luke, who had originally had a dull look in his eyes, suddenly showed a cold look.

With the force of thunder, he punched President X's abdomen!

The air was instantly torn apart, making a sharp explosion, and the air flow surged wildly, forming a cyclone visible to the naked eye.

The ground also shook violently under the impact of this force, and President X was blasted into the wall, and spider-web-like cracks quickly spread around.

Dust and gravel splashed, blocking the vision of everyone present.

Waiting for the thick fog to dissipate, the explosive force showed the huge damage it caused.

The wall was sunken, the hole collapsed, the underground prison gradually shook, and dense cracks appeared in the ground cells.

Bob gently touched the cell door.


The cell door collapsed.

The mutants chose to stay where they were, staring in awe at the thin man in the center of the prison who looked like a god on earth.

Of course, they couldn't move even if they wanted to.

Many people have lost the ability to walk normally under the torture of Kingpin.

"Ms. Jocasta, is Mr. Luke really a doctor?"

Pietro stammered.

Before, he thought that Dr. Luke's attitude towards him was a bit too much.

But now, Pietro found that Dr. Luke's attitude towards him was already tolerant enough.

What kind of mentality did he have when he was wandering around in front of Luke before?

He really didn't know what was good for him.

Pietro was sweating profusely.

"How dare you lie to me! Damn idiot!"

The torn female voice was very penetrating.

The red mist surged, and a woman with long hair and delicate features appeared in front of everyone.

She was wearing a torn blood-red dress and two pointed hair accessories on her head.

Is it the Scarlet Witch? !

Pietro was stunned.

How could she be here?

"I'm going to kill you! Kill you!"

The Scarlet Witch's eyes were red, and the scarlet mist kept rolling, and the gravel wrapped in it was directly ground off the molecules.

"I'm a little curious, are you the Scarlet Witch now, or President X, or someone else?"

Luke didn't care about the Scarlet Witch's ghostly howling.

Through the perception of the sheep spell, this guy's state is not right.

Logically speaking, she should have only one soul in her body at this moment.

However, President X, who had taken over the body of Scarlet Witch, had a strange superposition state on his soul.

Not only was there the soul of Scarlet Witch, but there were also other unknown guys.

It was as if President X's soul was made up of countless souls put together.

This was not split personality, but a real fusion of souls.

And the answer to Luke was Scarlet Witch's repeated "Kill you!" "Kill you!".

It seemed that it was no one.

Luke thought in his heart.

He raised his hand, and the thunder in his palm crackled.

Superposition, tens of millions of volts!

In the cancerous universe, he had not made much of a move, but it did not mean that his strength was weak.

On the contrary, because of the inclusiveness of the Marvel Universe, Luke could use all his abilities to his heart's content.

Therefore, he developed a lot of fusion moves.

Luke stepped on the ground, a deep pit appeared, and he rushed to the front of Scarlet Witch with a shaving.

Press her head, and the electric current surged!

The crackling sound of the electric current was like the chirping of hundreds of birds, crisp and melodious, but revealing a deadly murderous intent.

Luke pressed down with one hand.


The close contact between the head and the ground made the scarlet mist thinner.

Before Luke could continue to exert force, he felt his palm empty.

"Iron armor protects you!"

Luke said in a low voice.

The invisible barrier blocked the sudden attack of the red mist behind him.

He turned around and grabbed the hand of the Scarlet Witch.

He grabbed her again and slapped the Scarlet Witch's abdomen.

The next moment, her body fell to the ground.

The twisted and mutated fusion soul floated in the air, howling and screaming, desperate to rush into the body of the Scarlet Witch again.

Luke directly put the body of the Scarlet Witch into the devouring capsule.

But the twisted soul did not stop there, the red mist surged, and the weird chaos magic could not be restricted by a body!

He directly crashed into Luke with the red mist.

Since the body of the Scarlet Witch is gone, use yours for me!

President X's twisted soul directly drilled into Luke's body.

His confused mind did not notice Luke's upturned mouth.

The soul power of the sheep spell is not something a twisted madman can deal with.

After the twisted soul crashed in, he was stunned.

Endless fragments of memory flooded his consciousness like a tide.

In a trance, he seemed to see himself.

"There are many things in this world that you don't like to do, but you have to do them. This is the whole meaning of responsibility."

"Mutants, they are born with extraordinary talents, but they are still immature, groping in the dark, looking for direction, and talent can become a curse."

"I haven't forgotten you, but I can't recognize you."

Words, people.

They all seem so familiar and strange, just like the dreams he once had.

President X opened his mouth, his consciousness was still confused, but he kept trying to say something.

Is that him?

The fragments of memory rose and receded like a tide.

"Do you think you did the right thing?"

At some point, Luke's figure appeared beside President X in the white light corridor composed of countless glass fragments.

He looked at President X calmly, as calm and gentle as ever.

President X opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

But it was too late.

His figure gradually became transparent and blurred.

"Thank you."

I don't know if it was an echo of nothingness or a hollow residual sound, but Luke heard the last words of President X.

No, it should be said that it was the last words of Professor X.

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