Simultaneous time travel: Am I the only normal person?

Chapter 192 Uesugi Yue: I am the head of the eight families of Sheqi!

Early morning, Genji Heavy Industries Building, conference room.

"Everyone, this is the financial report for this quarter."

Sakurai Nanami respectfully handed over the summary report.

The other five of the eight Sheqi companies are active in various neon industries.

The Sakurai family focuses on the business world, although with little success.

After Tachibana Masamune received the report, he carefully considered every word, but the more he read, the more frightened he became.


After several other family heads received the summary report and looked at the accounts clearly, they couldn't help but sigh.

The data in the report is very eye-catching. If you do not look at expenses and debts, their profits this quarter increased by 7.8% compared to the previous quarter.

For an existence of the size of the Sheqi Eight Family, a single point of increase is a fortune that is unimaginable for ordinary people.


Still unclear! It’s not clear at all!

The mess left by Neon’s defeat and the economic bubble was too big.

In the past few years, they have relied on borrowing from international capital to survive.

As a result, the continuous profit-making in the past ten years has reached the point where the entire Sheqi family cannot afford to pay it back.

The eight Sheqi families are obviously working hard to make money every year, but why do they owe more and more debts?

Thinking of a certain high-spirited woman, several family heads couldn't help but have bitter looks on their faces.

She extended a "helping hand" to the Sheqi family when they were most in danger.

But the owner of this hand is actually a devil.

As long as this woman stops supporting her and collects debts, the Sheqi family will be bankrupt and dissolved on the spot.

At that time, the shadow king and beast king will not be as real as a leg hair of Boss Su.

What's gratifying, ahem, sad is that they still have to look up to Miss Su, who can continue to give them a glimmer of hope.

"Well done, don't worry, we will definitely solve these difficulties."

Tachibana Masamune waved his hand and closed the report.

He was smiling and still looked confident.

The expressions of the several family heads were stern, and a burst of courage surged in their hearts.

We all grew up here, and no matter what difficulties they face, they will definitely be able to overcome them.

Thinking of the miracles this man had repeatedly created over the past few decades, the heads of the family felt deeply honored and proud.

In their eyes, the achievements of the parents are no less than that of Principal Angers at home.

As for Masamune Nagatachibana, the master who has high hopes from all the family heads, his smile has never changed, like a green mountain that has stood firm for thousands of years.

However, no one will know his true inner thoughts.

"Let's summarize the progress of each company and see if we can find new opportunities."

Tachibana Masamune smiled.

"Everyone, the Inuyama family is expected to achieve an ideal growth rate of 30% this year. I can accept more idle personnel."

"I understand that Kaguya will inform you of the specific manpower transfer."

Tachibana Masamune nodded.

Inuyama Ga is mainly responsible for the customs industry. In recent years, the Fierce Ghost Society has become more and more unscrupulous, and many ordinary people have been tempted and killed in these special places.

He does need manpower to keep him safe.

"The development scale of the shipbuilding industry has expanded, but the market profits of the fishing industry are currently getting worse day by day."

Miyamoto Shio looked helpless.

The reason why the size of the neon fishery market continues to shrink is that everyone knows that this is something that cannot be solved at all.

"You can focus on Southeast Asia, or do transoceanic business and transship domestically."

Sakurai Nanami reminded.

"But the domestic market is too small. If we spend a lot of money to transport it back, it will easily lead to market saturation."

"It's better to convert it directly into fishery processing."

Just when several people started to discuss.

Suddenly, a rapid siren sounded.

Several family heads stopped and raised their heads to look at the heads of the family.

Tachibana Masamune frowned.

"Emergency rule, sir, there was a raid on the first floor of the Genji Heavy Industries Building."

"The enemy is suspected to be a high-risk Deadpool and has arrived on the third floor of the building. Defense teams have been dispatched to try to stop him."

Kaguya's cold voice sounded, giving a real-time broadcast.

She is responsible for managing the cloud computing system of the Neon Branch of Kassel College, which is equivalent to Norma at the main campus of Kassel College.

It's just that Kaguya is an intelligent system independently developed by the Neon Division, which can deny Norma's access or force the connection to be disconnected.

"Call the defense team and tell me the specific situation."

Tachibana Masamune ordered.

The noisy sound of electricity and footsteps were mixed together, and the electromagnetic signal seemed to be interfered with by some means, making it impossible to connect the phone immediately.

"Hey, I'm the deputy captain of the defense force. The enemy is suspected to be a dragon!"

"The enemy is suspected to be a dragon. We need support. Repeat, we need support!"


With a squeaking sound, the communicator fell to the ground, and the deputy captain's wail could be heard faintly.

"Lost the signal source, called the video surveillance, the target's danger factor increased, it is suspected to be a dragon disguised in human form!"

Kaguya continued to add.

But that's it.


The sound of explosions came from the lower level, and the expressions of several family heads changed.

The conference room has been soundproofed. Even so, you can still hear such noises. Did the dragon drive in with a high-risk word spirit? !

"Inform the head of the Uesugi family and ask her to come down!"

Tachibana Masamune shouted coldly.

They are originally dragon slayers, so how could they be intimidated by dragons!

What's more, the ultimate weapon on the top floor is the Sheqi Eight Family's greatest confidence in dealing with the Dragon King.

Tachibana Masamune didn't panic at all.

"Everyone, the head of the Uesugi family was picked up by Target No. 3 this morning and is currently at Tokyo Tower."

Kaguya's tone was as calm as ever.

But Tachibana Masamune felt a cold sweat running down his back.

Several family heads still looked at him, the patriarch, with great expectations, hoping that the omnipotent patriarch could deal with the invading unknown dragons.

"Is Yuan Zhisheng here?"

Tachibana Masamune was slightly stiff.

"The director did not return to Genji Heavy Industries last night, and his current location is unknown."

"Do you want to open access to conduct a nationwide search?"

Kaguya asked.

Tachibana Masamune tried his best to keep himself calm, but when he heard these words, he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth slightly.

It's okay in the morning and it's okay in the evening. Why are you still busy at the critical moment?

Sure enough, Yuan Zhisheng should have adopted a brainwashing strategy from the beginning.

The risk of this kind of stocking is still too great.

"We will check later, Princess Kaguya, plan an escape route, we will go out first."


The door to the conference room was kicked open, and the alloy door rubbed against the edge of Tachibana Masamune's body and penetrated into the wall.

Immediately afterwards, the pressure of high-risk bloodline came like an overwhelming force.

Several family heads couldn't help but light up their golden eyes to ensure that their spirit and strength were not affected.

"It's all here!"

Another dragon who understands human civilization?

The heads of the Sheqi Eighth Family looked at each other. Could this guy have something to do with that bastard dragon on Tokyo Tower?

The dust dispersed, and an unexpected scene appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

An old man who looked a little thin stood in front of the huge hole in the damaged wall and waved to them with a smile.

He seemed to be greeting them.

Inuyama He's mouth twitched.

However, after seeing clearly who was coming, the pressure in his heart suddenly disappeared, his golden eyes dimmed, and he gradually returned to his normal appearance.

Fuma Kotaro noticed Inuyama Ga's relaxation.

He was keenly aware that the visitor might be an acquaintance of these old guys.

Continuously retrieving memories, the old man's appearance kept overlapping, blurring, and blending with a figure that had long since disappeared.

"It's you?!"

Fuma Kotaro was shocked.

Sakurai Nanami and several other young family heads looked at Fuma Kotaro strangely.

You know him?

"Hey! It's Kotaro, you're still alive!"

Uesugoshi also didn't expect that he would be able to see an old acquaintance. He smiled even brighter and greeted Fuma Kotaro.

Fuma Kotaro was speechless.

The former King of Movies is still as out of character as ever.

Sixty years have passed, and his eccentric character has not changed in any way.

"Why are you here?"


Fuma Kotaro spoke solemnly.

After hearing this name, several people were still puzzled.

Tachibana Masamune suddenly seemed to remember something and said in shock:

"Are you the Shadow Emperor Uesugoshi from sixty years ago? Are you still alive?"

Tachibana Masamune's unbelievable look undoubtedly made the curiosity of several young family heads even more intense.

Uesugoshi nodded.

He took off the black towel tied to his forehead and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

For today's Uesugi, it is quite energy-consuming to control the words spirit to cause damage without killing.

"Ah He, long time no see. I have been troublesome these years."

Uesugoshi solemnly thanked him.

Inuyama He saw no change in his expression and just nodded silently.

Uesugi disagreed. He turned to look at the current patriarch, a man named Tachibana Masamune.

Luke told him that if he wanted to welcome his son back, he needed to take his time.

First of all, you need to regain your father's identity in name only!

But they can't admit that you are their father without any reason.

After all, the emperor’s son is also the emperor!

Luke's remarks made Uesugi more convinced.

Therefore, under Luke's "wise" advice, he resolutely chose to return as the "Dragon King" today!

"Hello, I am Koshi Uesugi, the Shadow King of the Eight Sheqi Family sixty years ago."


Sakurai Nanami and others' pupils shrank.

Now only Tsukiyomi is left in the Uesugi family.

After Uesugoshi glanced around and confirmed that they were all looking at him, he took a deep breath and said firmly:

"At the same time, he is also the biological father of Eriki Uesugi and Minamoto Chisei!"

"Impossible! The young master is from the Yuan family!"

Fuma Kotaro turned out to be the first questioner.

He is a figure of the older generation, so he naturally knows how important the three inner families are to the eight Sheqi families.

A true emperor can only be born from the three inner families.

"Kotaro, don't get excited yet."

Tachibana Masamune said in a deep voice, he looked directly at Uesugi Koshi, like a sleeping lion waking up.

"Former Shadow Emperor, it doesn't matter whether Eryi and Zhisheng are your children or not."

"What exactly do you want to do when you break into Genji Heavy Industries today?!"

"If there is no suitable reason, you will be the enemy of the Sheqi family until death!"

Tachibana Masamune's tone was full of anger.

The heads of the house looked stern and their bodies tensed.

Yes, regardless of his status.

The guy in front of me is now just an enemy who has forced his way into Genji Heavy Industries!


Uesugoshi repeated.

His eyes turned cold, staring at Tachibana Masamune, his fierce eyes were like a tyrannical ancient dragon.

"I really can't stand seeing you, a waste, continue to serve as the head of the family!"


"Uesugi Yue, this is not the place for you to go crazy!"

Fuma Kotaro and several young family heads immediately reprimanded.

Inuyama He remained silent.

Among this group of people, only he and Fuma Kotaro knew this shadow emperor.

But after decades of precipitation, Fuma Kotaro has now become a good dog trained by Tachibana Masamune.

After all, the nature of a ninja is to submit to the master.

And because of Angers and his own business, his position in the Snake Eight Families is quite embarrassing.

Under the promotion of some people with ulterior motives, many of the younger generation even regarded him as an old pervert who indulged in wine and women.

But it is precisely because of this that he can quietly do some unknown things.

For example, the means of contacting Kassel Academy to keep the land on the street where Uesugi Yue is located.

Maybe it's because he had more contact with Ange in his early years.

Other family heads think that Tachibana Masamune is a hero who is as capable as Ange, or even more capable than Ange.

But in Inuyama He's opinion, there seems to be something hidden in the heart of the head of the family.

Is it the dark side of human beings, or the pressure caused by work?

Inuyama He doesn't know, but he just hopes that it is not what he imagined.

"Shut up for me!"

Uesugi Yue stepped forward, his golden eyes lit up, and the mental pressure that was almost like an ancient dragon was enough to make the family heads sweat.

Each of them is an elite of mixed-bloods, no less than the dragon slayer of A-level mixed-bloods.

But facing the emperor, they are still too fragile.

"The honor of the eight families of Sheqi has been thrown into the sea by you bastards!"

"Neon Branch, International Capital Debt, and Fierce Ghosts."

Uesugi Yue paused for every word, and the heads of several family heads couldn't help but lowered a few points.

"This is the Snake Eight Clan you lead, the underworld family you rule?!"

"Tell me, Tachibana Masamune, are you the head of the Snake Eight Clan? Or someone else's dog?"

Uesugi Yue asked questions one after another, his tone becoming more and more impatient and annoyed.

He also learned from Luke that the current Snake Eight Clan has fallen to this point.

When Uesugi Yue was the mascot, the Snake Eight Clan would not fall to such a point of being slaughtered by others no matter how difficult it was!

Several family heads showed anger on their faces, but they just clenched their fists and stood still.

The confrontation between the emperor and the emperor is not the right of the ministers to intervene.

Tachibana Masamune was silent for a moment.

Maybe he was thinking about how the set "Tachibana Masamune" should answer Uesugi Yue's questions.

"So, in order to restore the glory of the Eight Snake Families and get rid of the shame of Cassel, I'm here!"

"I, Uesugi Yue, announce as the head of the Uesugi family and the former Shadow Emperor that I will openly run for the position of the head of the Eight Snake Families!"

Uesugi Yue spoke loudly, and his heroic spirit soared into the sky.

This old man, who is nearly 90 years old, has blossomed with unimaginable power for his children.

At the same time, Tokyo Tower.

The girl with long crimson hair looked at the world outside the glass window curiously, looking down, the whole Tokyo was in full view.

At this time, she didn't know what was going to happen.

"Eri, is it beautiful?"

The man asked.

Eri nodded.

"Do you want to come and see it in the future?"

Eri hesitated for a moment, but still nodded.

Then, she continued to write something in the small notebook.

After writing, she raised it and handed it to the man. The board clearly read:

"Eri wants to come and see it with Luke in the future!"

Seeing this line of words, the man smiled.

He touched Eri's smooth long hair, and Eri tilted her head and looked at him.

"Okay, Luke will always be with you."

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