Simultaneous time travel: Am I the only normal person?

Chapter 191 Luke: Master Yue, do you want Yuan Zhisheng to recognize you as his father?

Emperor refers to a super hybrid that has exceeded the critical blood limit but can still maintain its humanity intact.

Every emperor has a powerful strength that is absolutely superior to ordinary hybrids.

The Shadow Emperor not only refers to absolute suppression in lineage, but also represents a supreme status.

On the front of the neon, there is the King of Animals.

The dark side of neon is the Shadow King!

He leads the eight Sheqi families and controls the entire neon underworld, with his extended tentacles capable of covering all walks of life.

The emperor in the shadow can be seen clearly.

Yuan Zhisheng is the future shadow king of the eight Sheqi families.

As the young head of the family, he knew very well who the previous film emperors were recorded in the family history books.

Logically speaking, the real emperor has disappeared for nearly sixty years.

It wasn't until the birth of Minamoto Chisheng and Uesugi Eriki that the eight Sheqi families finally welcomed back their true emperor.

So the old man in front of me is a certain movie king from sixty years ago?

Yuan Zhisheng somewhat understood why this ramen stall was so popular with the Dragon King.

"Ahem. Ahem!"

Yasha was eating noodles fiercely, and when he heard this, he couldn't help but choked.

The stiff atmosphere was immediately broken.

The crow was speechless and patted Yaksha on the back to comfort him.

If this idiot dies one day, he will definitely die of stupidity.

"Bastard Angers!"

Unexpectedly, Uesugoshi, whose identity was revealed, did not choose to vent his anger on Luke.

Instead, he angrily cursed a certain shameless old slut.

In his impression, only that shameless guy in Angers could do this style of calculating and forcing people to move forward.

What Luke is doing now is undoubtedly under the guidance of Angers.

"I should have guessed it a long time ago. It must be him, this old bastard."

Uesugi thought casually.

Yuan Zhisheng looked at me, and I looked at you, with awkward expressions.

What can they say?

The old master did not deny it, which shows that he may indeed be a certain shadow king in the family.

The question is, who tampered with and concealed his information?

As for the identity of the head of Yuan Zhisheng's family, he can only get superficial information like a ramen master.

"Master Yue, let's make it public as soon as possible and enjoy it early."

"Have you forgotten the happy days you lived when you were young?"

"You bastard, shut up!"

Uesugi's face was sullen. Do the Sheqi family still dare to mention their youth to him?

If it weren't for these beasts from the Sheqi Hachi family, he should be enjoying a wonderful life with his parents in Lyon instead of being a useless ramen chef in this damn place!

"Master Yue, the blood of the emperor is in you. You are the true emperor of the eight Sheqi families. This is a fact that can never be escaped."

"The new era does not need the emperor, the emperor should have died in 1945!"

Uesugoshi, the former neon underworld emperor, had a glimmer of gloom in his eyes.

Hearing this, Yasha wanted to say something mean again.

But someone has already spoken out for him.

"But now he appears again, Master Yue."

Luke said slowly.

Uesugoshi was stunned for a moment, then sneered.

"Don't you know this, old bastard? The three inner families have been dead for a long time. Where did the emperor come from?"

"This group of fake juniors are really getting more and more ridiculous."

Upon hearing this, Crow's subordinates turned their attention to their boss.

Yuan Zhisheng is the young head of the family appointed by everyone's parents, the real emperor.

Now, the old man who is suspected to be the last Shadow Emperor actually said that there is no other emperor in this world except him.

Yuan Zhisheng couldn't help but frown and said:

"Actually, there is still an emperor in the eight Sheqi families."

Upon hearing this, Uesugoshi suddenly grabbed a pair of chopsticks, like a samurai drawing a sword, and veins bulged on the back of his hands.

"There can be no emperor other than me in this world!"

"The Sheqi Eighth Family can find a few children from the fifth outer family to be adopted by the inner three families, and change their surnames to Minamoto, Tachibana or Uesugi, but that's a lie!"

"The real three inner families are the families that inherit the blood of the emperor. People with the outer surname cannot become the emperor no matter how hard they try."

Uesugi spoke with excitement, and his thick and dull golden eyes appeared involuntarily, like a calamity fire falling from the sky!

"Calm down your anger. Too much anger is harmful to your health. We don't have a few years to live, Master Yue."

Luke took the chopsticks from his hand and replaced them with a glass of sake.

Master Yue glared at him and drank the sake without ceremony, as boldly as a samurai.

Luke was right, Uesugoshi did not have a few more years to live.

He had cancer, terminal.

Dragon blood can bring humans excellent physical fitness, IQ far beyond ordinary people, and incredible speech and intelligence.

But this does not help him to be completely immune to human diseases.

Even if no one comes to him, even if there is no plan by Herzog

This ramen chef won’t live long.

Of course, this "how long" is for mixed races.

The emperor's bloodline is quite powerful. At the very least, it will allow Master Yue to survive for another twenty or thirty years to send away the last batch of war criminals.

Even before he left, Master Yue probably could beat several A-level hybrids without dying.

"Old sir, can I ask you why you said this?"

Yuan Zhisheng noticed that Luke had never denied this.

The mixed race has been searching for the truth of history, but there are always doubts and mysteries that cannot be solved.

But the ancient dragons that have been lurking in the long history are often those who experienced them in the past.

So what the old man calls "the emperor is extinct", is it possible that there is really something hidden behind it?

But after hearing Yuan Zhisheng's question, the old man fell silent.

For Uesugoshi, the things mentioned in the past are the tragic memories that he least wants to touch in this life.

His father's forced departure, his mother's death, the endless crimes he committed back then, and those damn beasts.

The old man's silence temporarily caused the entire lively venue to become cold.

"Let the past be bygones."

Uesugoshi said dryly.

He didn't want to recall the past, it was an unspeakable torture.

In fact, it can also be said that he has stayed in the past and never left.

Just like the small alley where he stayed, it was like this sixty years ago, and it will still be like this sixty years later, without any change.

"I can only tell you that the royal blood of the three inner families has ended in my hands."

"As long as I die, there will no longer be a sinful emperor in this world."

Uesugoshi looked into Minamoto's naive eyes.

He's a bit like his younger self, but not as much of a jerk.

Yuan Zhisheng was a little confused.

"Master Yue, you are right, but you are also wrong."

Luke shook the small cup. The wine was dry, but the story was not over yet.

Uesugoshi turned his head and looked at Luke.

Did Angers, this old guy, collect information that he didn't know about?

"The emperor's bloodline is indeed sinful, whether for dragons or humans."

"In the eyes of dragons, the emperor is the remains of a rebellious minister, an unknown creature that is even more disgusting to dragons than hybrids."

"In the eyes of humans, the Emperor who slaughters his own compatriots and destroys shrines despite having human rationality is also a being who deserves death."

Luke filled his small cup with wine.

Uesugoshi's face darkened. How did the old bastard know his past?

Is it possible that the clan elders back then are still alive today?

Several people's eyes were focused on Luke.

After Luke took a sip of sake, feeling the sour taste between his lips and teeth, his eyes were like a lit torch and he continued to talk.

"But, Huang, in modern society, it does still exist."


"I should have burned everything down in the first place!"

Uesugoshi blurted out.

Yuan Zhisheng and others were stunned.

Did the previous Shadow King destroy everything?

"Remember when you were young and the Germans asked for the donation program?"

"What's the meaning?"

Uesugoshi was stunned for a moment.

What happened sixty years ago was so long ago that even the emperor couldn't remember the details of that year.

"When you were young, the eight Sheqi families signed up for a scientific research project in Germany in your name."

"And you will become one of the first movie kings in the world to donate sperm for scientific research."

Luke drank slowly.

But Uesugoshi's body trembled involuntarily.

At the same time, Yabuki Sakura and others had strange expressions on their faces, glancing at their superiors from the corner of their eyes.

Yuan Zhisheng's face was expressionless, as calm as a turtle.

However, the clenched fists in the sleeves of his long windbreaker undoubtedly exposed the turbulence in his heart.

Shouldn't it be.

"They used my genes for experiments?"

Uesugoshi asked tremblingly.

His mood at this moment could not be expressed in words.

Anger, excitement, regret

Luke didn't answer directly.

"The donated samples flowed into the sample bank established by the Germans. After the war, they flowed into SULIAN's Black Swan Port."

"That's a research base dedicated to studying the existence of hybrids."

At this point, he stopped.

Uesugi couldn't believe it, but looking at Luke's dull eyes, he swallowed.

"Where are they now? Are they still in Russia? I will go find them now!"

Uesugoshi's tone was urgent.

When he was a child, his father agreed to the family's request and returned to Japan in order to save him and his mother.

The difficult and difficult life at that time left a deep impression on him, and because of this, he realized it more clearly.

The childhood of children without parents will be so gloomy.

"Master Yue, don't worry."

At this time, Luke smiled.

He shook the wine cup, but the wine was gone.

Uesugi wanted to smash his broken sake bottle and cup together.

But consider the character of this bad boy.

Uesugi suppressed his excitement and threw a bottle of valuable liquor over.

Luke raised his hand, turned his strength into strength, and caught it easily.

"Luke, tell me!"

Uesugi couldn't wait any longer.

"The research at Black Swan Harbor was successful, and someone took away three excellent embryos from it."

"And these three embryos were eventually brought to Neon."

At this point, Luke said it clearly enough.

But before Uesugi could get excited, he heard a bang!

The tabletop was smashed through.

I saw Yuan Zhisheng with a cold face, retracting his fists, and scattered sawdust.

The wooden tabletop is naturally unlikely to cause any harm to the emperor.

"Lu Jun, this joke is not funny!"

Yuan Zhisheng knew very well where he came from and how bad the character of the ancient dragon in front of him was.

Except for Eri, no one can escape the fate of being played by this evil dragon.

Luke said nothing.

Uesugi looked at him more strangely.

Although he always felt that this young man looked familiar and very kind.

Judging from the bloodline, he should be a good hand in the Execution Bureau.

But, I found my child, what does it have to do with you?

You are so excited, do you think that I, an old man, deserve to have no children to support me in my old age?

"Hey young man, don't be so impulsive."

"Look at me, I know I have a child, but I am not so anxious. No matter how big the matter is, I have to take it slowly."

Uesugi Yue was interrupted by Luke when he was halfway through comforting.

"What if I say that he is the child you have never heard of?"

As soon as these words came out, an awkward atmosphere filled the air, and the atmosphere inevitably fell into a deadlock again.

Only Uesugi Yue's gradually heavy breathing was left.

"You, me, him."

Uesugi Yue lost his ability to speak for a while.

He looked at Yuan Zhisheng, with fair skin, upright body, and some tenderness in his handsomeness.

Looks like!

Too much like!

Uesugi Yue trembled his hands and raised them, as if he wanted to touch his "son"

But Yuan Zhisheng subconsciously dodged.

Uesugi Yue's eyes dimmed a little.

"Don't joke, Luke!"

Yuan Zhisheng tried his best to ignore Uesugi Yue's figure and shifted his sight to Luke.

"I know my life story, old man, he is lying to you!"

"I lied to Master Yue? Yuan Zhisheng, can you say with your conscience that you are not the emperor?"

Luke sneered.

Yuan Zhisheng was speechless.

He looked around, and his subordinates who had worked hard in the past were like dead at this moment, without any reaction.

Crow tried hard to hide his body behind Yasha, and Yasha turned his head and pretended not to see it.

As for Yabuki Sakura, with most of her face covered by a mask, no one could see her expression clearly.

But from her attitude of lowering her head, this loyal shadow guard obviously did not want to get involved in the adults' family affairs.

The director of the Executive Bureau, the young master of the Snake Eight Clan, turned out to be the child of the previous Shadow Emperor!

This explosive news is enough for Fingel to open ten bets on the forum.

Taking advantage of the silence, Uesugi Yue seized the opportunity.

"Child, I am not a qualified father, but I hope I can give you no, I will definitely be able to give you."

Uesugi Yue was incoherent.

It was normal for him to lose his temper.

After all, an old man who was about to die suddenly learned that he was not extinct, and his child had been born in this world a long time ago.

Uesugi Yue was still able to maintain his sanity, thanks to his nearly sixty years of self-cultivation.

"Luke, Eri wants to see you tomorrow, remember to go!"

Yuan Zhisheng said coldly.

He ignored Uesugi Yue's outstretched hands, said this, and turned away.

"Crow, why are you hiding there, come back and drive!"

Yuan Zhisheng rarely couldn't hold back his emotions.

Crow was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly nodded and said yes.

He pulled Yasha, who was still pretending to be a human sculpture, to run to the car.

Yabuki Sakura also hurriedly followed and held an umbrella for her young master.

The raindrops swayed in the wind, interweaving into a dark curtain.

Yuan Zhisheng's figure seemed to be no different from when he came just now.

However, a feeling of being at a loss inexplicably arose.

Luke's mouth curled up.

Noticing the dazed Uesugi Yue, he was still immersed in the frustration of being rejected by his "biological son".

"Master Yue, do you want your son to recognize you?"

Luke asked.

Uesugi Yue's eyes lit up, his hopeful eyes, and his trembling hands undoubtedly proved how much he wanted in his heart.

"Luke, do you have a way?"

"Of course."

Luke smiled inexplicably.

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