Simultaneous time travel: Am I the only normal person?

Chapter 193 Takamagahara, Cowherd, Dragon!

Genji Heavy Industries Building, mural hall.

The fire scene was cleaned up simply, and the blood on the ground was dried by the raging fire. The executive department's specialists lay on the ground wailing.

Gen Chisheng walked over quickly.

"Young Master, Kaguya sent a message that the attacker is Uesugi Yue, and the head of the family is currently confronting him in the conference room."

Crow followed behind Gen Chisheng and lowered his voice.

"You stay here to take care of the wounded, I'll go deal with it."

Gen Chisheng didn't even turn his head.

The ever-bright lamp was relit, and the huge space was shrouded in the halo of this solitary lamp. On the wall were the fragments of murals that were smoked black, and the gods and demons were dancing in the swaying flames. The atmosphere was solemn and weird.

Gen Chisheng's steps became more and more urgent.

He was an emperor, and he naturally knew how terrifying the suppression of an emperor was on ordinary hybrids.

I hope my father can hold on until he comes!

All the bones in his body burst one by one, and Gen Chisheng opened the scrapped elevator door, holding the cable to use the force to throw himself to the upper floors.

The dragon bone state can make the hybrids have thousands of bones like dragons, and these bones can be tightly combined into one when necessary to enhance their own strength.

The emperor of the hybrids is the dragon in human skin!

Second floor, third floor, fourth floor

Yuan Zhisheng went straight to the meeting room.

"Stop, let go of Daddy!"

Word Spirit·Royal Power, make all dragon blood in the field bear dozens or even hundreds of times the gravity.

Due to the super gravity, even if the body of the affected person can bear it, the blood in the body will accumulate under the body, causing brain blood loss and hypoxia.

Therefore, the affected person usually needs to use the posture of bowing his head to avoid brain blood loss.

It is worth mentioning that although the caster can make some dragon blood in the field partially immune, it cannot completely exempt them from the effect of the word spirit.

So, the question is, facing Yuan Zhisheng, the last shadow emperor.

Do you think he will be timid and try it out, or will he choose to go all out because of "Dad"?

Flutter, flutter, flutter

The sound of knees hitting the ground was crisp and pleasant, and Gen Chisheng finally saw the situation clearly.

But his expression gradually became embarrassed

"Hey! Son, I knew you would definitely come!"

Then, a thin but not frail figure blocked his sight, and the heavy smell of ramen kept pouring into his nose.

Gen Chisheng was stunned, and was hugged tightly by Uesugi Yue.

Tachibana Masamune and several family heads were still trying to pull their heads out of the ground.

At the same time, Takama-ga-hara.

Countless men and women were swaying in the dance floor, and the ground was shaking rhythmically.

This was a grand masquerade, and the women were all wearing short skirts and high heels, with exquisite masks on their faces, and the hems of their skirts were decorated with gorgeous sequins or peacock feathers.

Their dance partners are all young men, either feminine and handsome or masculine and rough, most of them are star-level handsome men

In the secret room on the top floor, two high-back sofas are placed side by side, and the shadows shake the scarlet wine in the cup, peeking at the champagne party next door through the crystal blue water.

The elegant silver dragon fish swims slowly, and a small bubble floats up slowly from the seaweed.

The wall of the fish tank is actually a peeping mechanism. The back is made of one-way glass. The people in the secret room can see what is happening in the hall clearly, but the hall cannot see this luxurious secret room.

This is the real boss's office of Takamagahara.

There are two beautiful women in the office.

The girl on the left is a forest girl with refreshing long hair, while the girl on the right is ancient and enchanting, with a black high bun and a red ribbon wrapped in her hair.

"Is the boss not here yet? Don't wait until Xiaolongnu kills us. We haven't received the order yet."

The forest girl twisted her shoulders. She looked like a financial manager in what she was wearing, which was out of tune with the atmosphere here.

"You don't even know the boss's dynamics, how could I know?"

Jiu De Mai shook her head.

She was just an operational member of the trio, while Su Enxi was a technical talent who combined the roles of behind-the-scenes military strategist and financial manager.

Every time a mission was carried out, Su Enxi was in control.

"Where's San Wu Niu, she didn't come either?"

Su Enxi asked.

She remembered that the two should have met each other during the last mission.

"No, Ling said the boss had other tasks for her."

"So the boss is going to let the two of us go to slay the dragon?"

Su Enxi pointed at herself.

Slay the dragon, you mean me?

I'm afraid that before I took two steps, I would be sprayed into a pile of charcoal by the dragon king's dragon flame.

Did the boss peep at underage teenagers too much and his brain developed abnormally?

Su Enxi was very suspicious.

The last time they met, the boss looked mysterious and muttered nonsense.

"The established fate has been changed, and the new king has been born."

"Sorry, brother, I need to make some changes."

"Girls, there is a new mission, we need to go to Neon!"

Although the boss has always been in this riddle-like tone, this is the first time Su Enxi has seen the omnipotent boss show an uneasy expression.

So, what happened in this tiny place of Neon?

Was it Godzilla fighting the three-headed dragon, or Ultraman Tiga fighting the evil god Gatanjea, or maybe the guy from the next studio came to take pictures

Su Enxi's divergent thinking.

As a result, when they came over, they realized what they were going to face.

It's a living dragon king!

The dragon king in his prime!

And according to the information sent by Sanwu Niu, this dragon king is suspected of using unknown means to annex and deprive the authority of the bronze and fire kings.

Damn it, Norton and Constantine's ashes haven't even cooled down yet, and their authority has been lost!

This means that what they will deal with is no longer the twins who have just awakened, or even the cripples who haven't even conceived a dragon body.

But the bronze and fire kings who really have power and power!

After hearing this news, Su Enxi almost pulled the plug on the spot, picked up Changtui and Sanwu Niu and ran away.

For this level of task, Su Enxi has only one firm idea.

Can't do it!

Can't do it at all!

It's better to expect a maid who manages accounts to deal with the dragon king in his prime than to hope that gold will depreciate significantly.

But Jiude Mai is an excellent ninja after all, with excellent professional qualities, and she carried Su Enxi to the destination.

In Su Enxi's eyes of regret, he took out a large sum of money and bought the bankrupt Takamagahara.

Unlike the original work, this time they were not here to help the ignorant Sakura.

But simply to scout the enemy.

Genji Heavy Industries is only two blocks away from here.

As for the dragon king who is said to be the king of bronze and fire, but more human than humans, he often hangs out in various entertainment venues nearby.

He was having a lot of fun playing small marbles.

This silly dragon king once broke the King of Fighters winning streak record of a game hall with his extraordinary reaction speed.

These little things were recorded for the two to scout.

But no matter how Su Enxi looked at it, she felt that this dragon king was no different from the Internet-addicted youth who was addicted to video games on the street.

"Girls, what are you talking about?"

At some point, a little boy in a suit appeared in the secret room, holding a cup of clear tea in his hand, steaming.

"Boss, you are finally here. I thought we were going to pack up and disband."

Su Enxi complained.

She was not surprised at all how the boss managed to get here by crossing numerous obstacles and the door of the secret room.

After all, the boss was always elusive, and they had long been accustomed to it.

"Don't worry, if I really can't beat him, I will hand you over as an apology as soon as possible."

Lu Mingze spread his hands, looking wise as if he had been prepared.

Su Enxi's eyelids jumped.

The boss's level of white nonsense has been quite good recently.

However, seeing that the boss still had the leisure to joke, it means that their mission this time is probably a sure thing.

"Hey, boss, what are we going to do next?"

"Just wait for Xiao Longnv and the little monster to meet?"

Su Enxi changed the subject.

"Well, just wait for someone to come."

Unexpectedly, the boss actually just shrugged this time and replied easily.

"Wait for someone to come, who? Sanwu girl?"

Su Enxi asked in confusion.

"Well~ not Ling, but he brought a Sanwu girl with him."

The boss spoke in a gentle tone, raised the teacup, and sipped the tea.


Su Enxi was even more puzzled.

Could it be someone the boss knows?

Then, with a crisp sound, the boss snapped his fingers.

A display screen popped up above the one-way glass.

Then, the picture turned, and in the dance floor, a familiar person pulled a curious little girl and shuttled through the club.

It turned out to be him. Ah? !

"Old. Boss! Could the person you are talking about be him?"

Su Enxi's tone was rarely seen with a bit of panic.

As an undefeated queen who dominates the world financial market, although in front of her companions, she often behaves like a stupid otaku.

But that was to ease the atmosphere inside, can it be taken seriously?

The serious Su Enxi is the real Buffett of the financial world!

"Well, girls, prepare the wine and beauties, a distinguished guest is coming."

The boss winked.

At this time, the man projecting the display screen seemed to have noticed that someone was peeping at him.

The man looked up at the display screen, he smiled and nodded.

It was as if the man had greeted them through the electronic screen.

Su Enxi shuddered.

The display screen suddenly made a "rustling" sound, and then it went black and turned off.

The secret room was quiet, and Su Enxi looked at the long legs.

Jiude Mai had a blank expression on her face, and seemed to not care about all this.

This made Su Enxi a little discouraged.

She thought she would see the panic of the long legs, and she had played the emotional drama for nothing.

"Boss, do you want me to let the humpback whale bring them in?"

"I've asked him to go."

The boss continued to sip tea.

I don't know if his teacup has some strange alchemical field, and the cup has not been empty after drinking for a long time.

The atmosphere in the dance floor was even more lewd, and everyone was drunk.

The drunk woman hugged the drunk man and poured champagne into his collar.

The leading man tore his shirt to reveal his muscular chest amid cheers, and the waiters walked through the crowd with trays of silver powder. The women dipped their hands in silver powder and left palm prints on the chest and back of the dancer.

The headlights went out, the demons danced wildly, the fluorescent light shone on the dancer, the thin silver palm lines overlapped like his tattoos.

Eri looked around curiously.

"Don't you like it here, Eri?"

Luke asked.

Eri shook her head.

She felt that this place was like the way Tachibana Masamune sometimes looked at her.

Although she didn't feel scared, she felt uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, Eri, we'll only come here once."

Luke patiently comforted her.

If he left this girl alone outside and came alone, Luke was worried that the little devil would seize the opportunity to steal her home.

So he could only make things difficult for this girl for a while.

Hearing this, Eri nodded obediently.

"Handsome guy!"

The young woman in a little black dress on the booth beside the dance floor suddenly jumped up, her feet were as unstable as cotton, and she twisted and came over.

She picked up a glass of Margarita.

"Are you a new gigolo? Don't worry about the little girl behind you. How about going with your sister?"

The young woman said drunkenly.

In the booth behind her, there were many elegant and mature women, either hugging the gigolo or leaning on the gigolo's arms, smiling like a sinful baby chestnut flower.

It seems that alcohol destroyed her rationality. Under the encouragement of everyone, she came to tease the young "gigolo".

Eri subconsciously grabbed Luke's hand.

She didn't quite understand the deeper meaning of the woman's expression.

But Eri knew that someone was trying to steal her "things"!

In an instant, a sharp feeling like a needle lingered in the narrow club space.

But the excessive alcohol had paralyzed everyone's nerves, and they did not notice the strange phenomenon here.

Miss Kudo was still raising her glass to invite.

And just when little Eri was about to "run away".

A hand appeared in front of Miss Kudo.

He steadily took the drunk lady's glass, and his tone was impassioned.

"Miss Kudo, these two are my honored guests, not the waiters in the store."

"If possible, can you let me drink this glass of beautiful wine that I am very honored to drink?"

Humpback Whale's request was quite humble.

Miss Kudo did not feel offended.

After all, he is the owner of a gigolo club worth billions of dollars. What else can he be dissatisfied with when he apologizes to you so politely?

Of course, it may also be that Miss Kudo has been married to her husband, a detective novelist, for many years.

The detective's unique sense of smell also infected her, making her subconsciously choose a direction that is more beneficial to herself.

Miss Kudo nodded.

Humpback Whale immediately drank it all in one gulp.

"Beautiful Miss Kudo, to save our mistakes, this invitation is for you."

After drinking, the waiter took the wine glass with a tray.

Humpback Whale bowed respectfully again and handed over a card.

Originally, Miss Kudo didn't want it.

But when she saw the handwritten "xiu" on the card, Miss Kudo suddenly felt much more sober.

"This, this is Master Kazama's Candlelight Night?!"

Miss Kudo covered her mouth in surprise.

The invitation to "Kazama Ruri's Candlelight Night" is the only formal way to meet Master Kazama.

I didn't expect that it was just a momentary mistake, and Takamahara was willing to take out this kind of thing that was snatched in the upper-class ladies' society as an apology.

What are the identities of these two people?

Miss Kudo carefully accepted the invitation letter.

When she looked up again, she saw the store manager Humpback Whale respectfully taking the two upstairs.

"Yukiko, are you ready?"

"It's your turn!"

Behind her, several women lazily called her name.

Miss Kudo calmed down, then picked up her bag and left.

"Hey? Yukiko, don't you want to play?"

"We only drank three bottles of wine today, Yukiko, you are too disappointing."

"Yes, yes."

There was a complaint from the booth, and Miss Kudo turned around and showed an apologetic smile.

"Sorry, Shirley called and said that there was a breakthrough in the new drug, and asked me to go back and take a look."

After that, Miss Kudo hurried out the door.

With the invitation letter from Kazama Ruri, who would come here to spend money to chat with this group of inferior goods?

Miss Kudo was very excited.

"So, you don't actually want to conquer the Snake Eight Clan?"


"You just want to come back and run for the head of the Snake Eight Clan?"


"And to be Eri's father?"

"Yes, son, can you tell me where Eri is now?"

Uesugi Yue nodded repeatedly, his expression eager.

Gen Chisei had a dark face.

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