Simultaneous time travel: Am I the only normal person?

Chapter 196 The biggest creditor of the Sheqi Eight Clan!

On the dance floor, Uesugoshi's expression was also very excited.

"Asshole, hand over my daughter!"

"We have checked before and there is no customer named Eriki Uesugi in the store."

"Besides, you hurt my guests!"

The humpback whale yelled.

The group of people in front of them kicked down the cowherd in the store as soon as they entered.

Before the security guard in the store could come up, a group of big men in black suits rushed in.

Within a few minutes, he controlled the entire Gaotianyuan.

The humpback whales were furious.

To him, this kind of behavior is trampling on his ikebana, trampling on the ikebana of the entire Takamagahara!

"No matter who you are or what you do, Gao Tianyuan does not welcome bad guests!"

Humpback whales devote their lives to ikebana.

Kansuke Fujiwara stands next to the humpback whale like an iron tower.

If this group of guys who are suspected of being gangsters want to kill the store manager, then they should step over his 200 kilogram body first!

"My subordinates saw Eriki entering the store with his own eyes."

"Shopkeeper, the beautiful era of Hakuzakura has passed. The length of Takamagahara's flowering period depends on you. I only have one daughter."

Uesugoshi's voice gradually cooled down.

Now, he has quite a domineering gangster demeanor.

The Shadow King, who had been cowardly for half his life, finally got hard at an age when he couldn't.

"Young Master, no one was found."

Yasha came closer.

He led people to search up and down, but found no trace of the secret room.

Yuan Zhisheng's face turned dark.

If Sakura hadn't reported the news to him in time, he wouldn't have known that Luke, a bastard, would have brought Eriki to a place like this.

Is this Dragon King sick again?

He now wished he could kill a certain shameless Dragon King with a knife.

"Look again, Crow, to check the surveillance in the store."

Yuan Zhisheng was indifferent.

The crow nodded, and Kaguya cooperated to take over all the monitoring facilities here and retrieve the records.


The humpback whale opened its mouth to stop them. What bloomed in Gao Tianyuan was the ikebana of a man, not the vicious underworld!

"Hey, this is urgent. I thought you would continue to endure it, Turtle Man."

Luke's joking voice came from upstairs.

Yuan Zhisheng's expression did not change.

When he raised his head, he saw his sister holding Luke's arm, waving to him and saying hello.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Zhisheng's brows jumped.

Obviously, he is very concerned about the "intimate contact" between Eriki and Luke.

But it was rare to feel relieved in my heart.

Her clothes were intact, and there was no lingering flush on her face. It looked like Eriki hadn't learned the lesson yet.


Master Yue exploded with astonishing jumping power, causing the marble tiles on the ground to shatter and he jumped straight up.

It was like a hyena that had been hungry for ten days and a half and finally saw a carcass with only its lower limbs left.

Can't wait to push forward.

However, when Uesugi rushed to a few meters in front of Eriki.

Erika's eyes widened in shock.

"do not come."

The clear and exquisite girl's voice is as sweet as an oriole.

It is estimated that anyone who hears this will smile involuntarily and instantly recall their youth.

But the premise is that the girl is really an ordinary girl.

Language with a meaning of rejection, under the guidance of high-risk bloodlines, the elements in the field are automatically called.

The will to cut is like God's will, forcibly harvesting all life in the field, and the sharp invisible sword is enough to pierce the alloy.

In an instant, the suit on Uesugoshi was cut into countless rags and scattered on the ground.

Subconsciously enter the keel state.

But the invisible cutting power can still make dense small wounds appear on his body, and blood seeps out.

Eriki was at a loss and her eyes were panicked. She subconsciously looked at Luke.

It was clear that Luke was the one closest to Eriki, but the trial did not have any impact on him.

He was well dressed, noticed Eriki's gaze, and took her hand.

"Don't worry, it's okay."

Eriyi lowered her head in embarrassment.

Eri Uesugi, the strongest sword of the eight Sheki families.

Possessing a high-risk word spirit, serial number 111, trial.

A dragon bloodline that is almost like a deadpool, coupled with a high-risk word spirit that is like a divine punishment.

What ultimately resulted was this terrible result.

Once Eriki opens her mouth to speak, the elements in the field will involuntarily cooperate with her to use her word spirit.

Even if she doesn't want to hurt the enemy, death will always follow her to defend the majesty of the Dragon Miko.

Uesugoshi stopped where he was, staring blankly at the flattered Eri.

As his daughter, a hybrid who has also awakened the royal blood, logically this should not happen.

What is an emperor? A super hybrid whose dragon blood ratio exceeds the critical value of 50% and can still maintain self-awareness.

As descendants of the White King, they should be able to suppress the rage of dragon blood and control high-risk speech spirits that ordinary hybrids cannot touch due to their powerful spiritual realm.

But now, he saw something.

My daughter just said a word.

The elements in the field surge explosively.

Is this the emperor?

Uesugoshi suddenly felt his shoulders sink.

Luke put his hand on his shoulder, and then the power of the Horse Talisman emerged.

The tiny stab wounds on Uesugoshi's body were quickly healed, leaving no scars on his skin.

Is there such a spirit of speech?

Uesugoshi looked at Luke in surprise.

Dragon type spirits are generally used in combat, or have certain auxiliary effects in combat.

Because of this, there are very few words that can heal injuries.

As for Uesugoshi, the former Shadow Emperor, he was the only word spirit he knew that could have a healing effect.

It is the Word Spirit and Blazing Sun of Sequence 28.

Effectively, UV light sources can be used to kill viruses and bacteria in the area in a very short time.

Doesn't it sound a bit low? In fact, it is indeed quite low.

The reason why Uesugi knew the function of this word spirit.

It was also because when he was the Shadow Emperor, the people below gave him concubines, and the women they sent to his bed had to go through such a sterilization process first.

It's a bit absurd, but it fits Xiaoli's perverted character.

"I will settle your account with you later!"

Uesugoshi glared at Luke fiercely.

Don't think that you can fish in troubled waters just by healing your injuries. If you bring my daughter to Cowherd's shop, you probably don't know how fast I am with Uesugoshi's sword!

At this time, Master Yue still doesn’t know Luke’s true identity.

Not long after he returned, Tachibana Masamune and the other family heads didn't want to talk to him.

My son doesn't really recognize him as his father, so it's normal for him to be unclear about many things.

Uesugoshi turned to Eri and showed a kind and gentle smile.

Eriki hid behind Luke, she didn't want to get close to the old man.

Therefore, Uesugoshi was wearing flowery pants and a tattered vest at this time.

It looks a bit like the beggar passerby in some anime.

"Eriyi, hello, my name is Uesugi Koshi, you can also call me um, Master Koshi."

Master Yue probed carefully.

Luke briefly told him last night about the personalities of his children.

At that time, he said that his son and daughter were both introverted and autistic.

If you want to get into their hearts, you must warm up these "ice sculptures" with a warm attitude.

This is also the real reason why Uesugi gave Minamoto a bear hug when they met.

Although this method sounds unreliable, Yuan Zhisheng, a sultry tortoise, did not clearly express his refusal.

It shows that Luke's seemingly inconsistent method is really effective.

So Master Yue decided to continue Luke's strategy.

I wanted to give my daughter a hug with deep fatherly love.

But looking at it now, if he can get close without getting chopped, he has successfully achieved his goal today.

Master Yue kept cheering himself up in his heart.


Eriyi lowered her head and wrote on the small blackboard.

‘Hello, Master Yue, my name is Uesugi Eri. ’

Eriyi raised the small board and placed it on her chest, her dark rose-red eyes blinking like an elf.


"Eriyi, is there anything you want to eat or play? Master Yue can take you there."

At this time, Uesugoshi was like a greasy man on the street who kidnapped a little girl with a lollipop.

His smile was a little disgusting.

Eriki silently retreated behind Luke, lowered her head and continued writing and drawing on the small blackboard.

Master Yue's face stiffened slightly.

After a while, Eriyi revealed the small blackboard.

‘Eri is going to eat five-eye fried rice with Luke and go to an amusement park with Luke! ’

Master Yue's face froze completely.

Luke nodded lovingly in agreement, as if he was expressing to Uesugi:

Lao Deng, will-o'-the-wisp, are you okay?

Master Yue suddenly wanted to go to the kitchen to make something for Luke.

At this time, Yuan Zhisheng and others also caught up.

After seeing the mess everywhere, he frowned subconsciously.

Eriyi, has she lost control again?

It was obvious that he had been injected with a sedative not long ago.

"Eriyi, it's time to go home."

Minamoto ignored Luke and Uesugi, and looked directly at Eriki.

Eriyi hesitated for a moment, lowered her head and wrote a line of words.

‘No, my brother is a liar! ’

Yuan Zhisheng was stunned.

"Eriyi, when did I lie to you?"

‘Brother promised to play games with me yesterday. ’

Hui Liyi writes very quickly.

There was a rare hint of resentment on her expression.

"But didn't I ask Luke to accompany you?"

‘This is different! ’

‘Brother is a liar. ’

Huiliyi is full of energy.

Yuan Zhisheng had a headache.

Before meeting Luke, Eriki wouldn't care about these messy things.

She would just obey orders and stay on the top floor.

Occasionally, I want to go out, but I just stay not far from Genji Heavy Industries and watch the busy traffic quietly.

Then she waited there obediently for the people from the Sheqi Ba family to find her and bring her back.

"In this way, Eriki will follow me first, and I will send you back when you get tired of playing."

Luke suggested.

"No!" X2

The father and son looked at each other and confirmed each other's thoughts.

They were crazy to give Eri Yi to someone like Luke again.

'I agree! ’

Hui Liyi held up the small blackboard.

"Rejected!" X2 again

Erika's eyes dimmed.

Seeing this situation, Yasha muttered in his heart, the young master still refused to acknowledge the relationship between father and son.

At this level of synchronization, twin brothers are no more than this.

"Everyone, if you want to quarrel, can you go outside?"

Uesugi Yue turned his head.

The woman was wearing a white shirt, black plastic glasses, a document on her waist, and her tone was cold.

Who is this?

"Yaksha, take the irrelevant people away."

Uesugi Yue ordered casually.

After hearing the order, Yasha excitedly rolled up his sleeves and was about to carry the people away.

He was familiar with the one-stop service of tying, carrying, and burying people.

Many of the cement piles in Tokyo Bay were his masterpieces.

But Yasha had just taken a step when he was pulled back by Crow.

This idiot!

"Aren't my words effective?"

Uesugi Yue frowned slightly.

After all, he was an emperor.

Can any young man ignore him now?

And this young man was his son's subordinate.

"Master Uesugi, this..."

Crow hesitated.

Yuan Zhisheng sighed, came forward, and whispered a few words in his ear.

Uesugi Yue's expression kept changing, doubtful, surprised, solemn

Finally, he took a deep breath, and a gentle smile appeared on his old face again.

The signature smile that the ramen chef has when treating customers.

"Miss Su, we are presumptuous."

"There is an old Chinese saying that when a flood washes away the Dragon King Temple, the family members will not enter the same door."

Uesugi Yue spoke awkward Chinese.

Don't look at this guy's excessive debauchery in his early years, only knowing how to eat, drink and have fun.

But he was considered a cutting-edge intellectual back then, his mother was a Chinese-French mixed-race, and his father was a Japanese artist.

Uesugi Yue was a college student in France in the early twentieth century.

"But why did I hear someone was going to close my Takama-ga-hara just now?"

Su Enxi meant something.

My Takama-ga-hara?

Has this terrible woman already acquired this place?

Yuan Zhisheng muttered in his heart.

It is difficult for him to deal with a mercenary businessman like Su Enxi, and in the past it was his father or other heads of the Snake Eight Families who dealt with him.

All Yuan Zhisheng had to do was to go there in Yasha's car, leave in Yasha's car, and act as a mascot.

But now, looking at this aggressive woman.

Yuan Zhisheng sighed.

There was no way, even if it was a hybrid with extraordinary power, it would eventually fall to the hands of the yellow and white things.

After all, hybrids are also human beings and need to eat.

"We apologize for our previous reckless behavior, and we will compensate for all the losses as soon as possible."

"Miss Su, please bear with me."

Yuan Zhisheng imitated Tachibana Masamune and apologized in a proper manner.

Master Yue smiled and scratched his head, seeming a little embarrassed.

The domineering underworld boss style just now disappeared without a trace, and the honest and reliable ramen master came online.

Su Enxi did not answer, quickly restrained her arrogant attitude, and walked to Luke respectfully.

"Mr. Lu, here is a welcome gift prepared by the boss. I wish you a happy time in Japan."

After handing the document to Luke, she didn't care whether he signed it or not.

Su Enxi turned around and left.

She was acting so big, why not run away now?

Luke took the document and opened it, and a line of catalogs came into his eyes.

"Miyamoto Shipyard, holding 16.1% of the shares"

"Ryoma Advanced Weapons Research Institute"

"Sakurai Company, holding 22% of the shares, relatively controlling."

There are also small companies, enterprises, and processing plants in various industries in Japan below.

The little devil is really generous.

Luke looked up and smiled.

Yuan Zhisheng, who was still surprised that Luke, the Dragon King, was actually related to Su Enxi, shuddered.

The biggest creditor of the Sheqi Eight Families has changed.

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