Simultaneous time travel: Am I the only normal person?

Chapter 197: Bangzi sound, mission, ghost!

The Sheqi Eight Family has been very lively recently.

Quite lively.

In the past, the former Shadow King conspired to usurp the throne, and in the past, the Dragon King's creditors followed closely behind.

The entire Sheqi family has become a mess.

"Children, I'm thirsty. Pour me a cup of tea."

Yuan Zhizhi did not move, his face was like a rigid machine, mechanically pressing the buttons on the game controller.

Kunoichi Yabuki Sakura silently poured tea.

"Children, hey! Don't do this combo, it's useless."

"Look, Silk Blood fought back, didn't he?"

"By the way, Zhisheng, is the barbecue I ordered still not good?"

In front of the huge LCD TV, Yuan Zhisheng sat cross-legged on the quilt, enduring Luke's "torture".

Minamoto's wish to take Eri home home came true.

But he also brought back a dragon king who had transformed from a collaborator to a "master".

Eriyi's little head is so smart.

Since her brother doesn't agree with her going out, wouldn't it be better to let Luke go home with her?

And they can also play games together, eat five-eye fried rice together, and...

In the end, Luke, bearing the identity of a creditor, returned to the Genji Heavy Industries Building with Eriko under the gnashing eyes of Uesugoshi and Genji.

The top floor of this building is Eri's home.

It is also the prison where the most powerful sword is imprisoned.

20cm thick vault door, steel-reinforced ward, passage with exhaust device

Even the observation window is made of high-strength plexiglass with a thickness of 5 cm.

Even groups of Deadpools cannot break through this solid cage immediately.

The eight Seraki families need the power of Eriki Uesugi, and at the same time, they are also deeply afraid of the Dragon Miko.

Her bloodline combination that could turn into a dragon at any time was second only to the Judgment of the World-Destroying Word Spirit, and no hybrid had the guts to approach her.

Even her brother Yuan Zhisheng must keep a certain distance from his sister.

As the young head of the eight Sheqi families, he also had no room for error.

However, considering the bad temper of this dragon king, Yuan Zhisheng drove away the reluctant Master Yue and played games in Eryi's "room" all night long.

"I'll call to urge you."

Crow hurriedly called.

Yuan Zhisheng put down the controller and stood up.

"Zhisheng, where are you going? You don't want the Sheqi family to go bankrupt, right?"

Luke had expected this.

Now, both in terms of strength and status, the eight Sheqi families need to treat Luke with caution.

For specific performance, please refer to the previous Amerikan and Neon.

"I'm going to barbecue for you."

Yuan Zhisheng kept walking and walked straight towards the airtight door.

After staying all night, since Luke, a guy who was worse than a beast, didn't do anything like a beast, it was time for him to leave.

Moreover, his father sent a message asking him to deal with a family hybrid who escaped out of control today.

"Tsk, tsk, you're still too temperamental. I'll double your rent next month."

Seeing Yuan Zhisheng walking away, Luke touched his chin and marveled.

The three subordinates lowered their heads and remained silent.

The original treasury door has disappeared, and the circular vacancy seems to have been measured by the hand of God.

Many employees carefully wore protective clothing and continued to disassemble parts of the metal gate.

When he came back yesterday, the god of war Uesugoshi witnessed the miserable situation of his daughter.

Immediately after turning on the black sun, this place was penetrated.

It was extremely smooth throughout and didn't damage the interior at all.

In the room, several of Yuan Zhisheng's subordinates looked at me and I looked at you.

"Mr. Lu, let's hurry up the chef."

Crow stepped forward and said.

Luke nodded.

Several people were immediately overjoyed and trotted out the door.

This place is really too depressing for them.

The young master himself may not feel it.

But for a group of ordinary hybrids like them with low bloodline, Luke turned over and almost couldn't help but light up his golden eyes.

The monarch's strictness, even if he does not show it deliberately, does not allow others to offend him.

'Are they all gone?'

Eri walked out of the back room wearing a loose miko uniform, her hair slightly damp.

When she saw that the others had left, her bright eyes suddenly dimmed a bit.

"It's okay, they will come back."

"Come on, Eriyi, I'll help you dry your hair."

'good. ’

Eriyi nodded, sat down obediently, and put the small blackboard aside.

The warm air from the hair dryer blew through her hair, and Eriyi closed her eyes.

The room fell silent, just like before.

But there are differences.

Gradually, Eriyi showed a smile, although the smile was thin and cold, like light floating on the snow.

But on her indifferent face, there was a beauty as if she had put on blush.

Luke was so focused that he looked like an old father taking care of his daughter.

A narrow cafe in an alley in Tokyo.

This cafe is in a remote location and the decoration is not very good. It looks like an antique abandoned by the times.

Luckily, the prices at this cafe are pretty cheap.

This allows it to attract a pitiful amount of foot traffic.

The man was quietly sipping coffee. He was well-dressed and wearing black-rimmed glasses. He looked like an elite white-collar worker.

On the opposite table, a high school couple was chatting and laughing.

The boy was wearing a cheap white shirt, with a handsome face and a smile.

The girl was wearing a slightly tight school uniform. It was obvious that she was growing and growing taller, and she had not had time to make a new school uniform.

She was still wearing a childish kitten hairpin, and a Hello Kitty backpack was placed beside her. She was full of youthfulness.

The two of them exuded the smell of youth, and the air seemed to become more active because of it.

The man hated this smell.

It reminded him of the bad past.

He was eager to tear the couple apart, just like he treated the coquettish woman who was broken into several pieces last night.

The violent desire made his eyes red, so he deliberately lowered his eyes to avoid being noticed by the other party.

The couple seemed to have noticed the strange atmosphere.

The sound of their discussion gradually decreased.

Finally, the male high school student raised his hand and called the waiter, who was the store manager here.

He took out the money from his wallet to pay the bill, and the male high school student hurried out the door holding the girl's hand.

The male high school student looked very anxious, almost exactly like himself when he first tasted the forbidden fruit that day.

He might have a beautiful and innocent night, instead of the man's, with only a screen full of blood.

Noticing the movements of the two, the man's eyes flashed with fiery gold.

The cafe is located in a remote area.

It is easy for him to do it, and this place is in a blind spot for surveillance.

As long as he grasps the opportunity, he can even play with the girls and then kill the two.

Thinking of this, the man stood up.

The store manager came over, and the man handed over a bill and waved his hand to indicate that no change was needed.

When the man just escaped from the "prison", he had no money on him.

But now, he has everything he wants.

No one can stop him!

The golden pupils revealed the man's greedy desire, and every cell in his body seemed to wake up from sleep, and the power surged in his blood vessels like a tide.

It's wonderful, isn't it?

Those potions saved him, awakened him, and made him feel that he was standing at the center of the world and was the master of everything!

As long as he can escape the pursuit of the family law enforcers, any woman and any person he wants must obey, and whoever he wants to die will die!

This is the charm of dragon blood, which can make humans leap to higher creatures, and is a power that the Eight Snake Qi families can never reach.

The Eight Snake Qi families fear the power of the emperor, but at the same time, they are always eager for the birth of the emperor.

How much they fear dragons, how greedy they are for dragons.

The couple in front seemed to have discovered that the man was following them.

The male high school student pulled the girl and walked quickly.

After walking for a while, they found that the man behind them was still following them closely, and the distance between them was getting closer and closer.

The boy was a little anxious.

He pulled the girl and started to run out.


Suddenly, the girl was tripped by something in a hurry.

The boy looked back and saw the smile on the man's face.

A twisted smile like a devil!

The boy was stunned.

"Lyoma-kun, my legs are numb."

The girl seemed to realize something, and her tone was slightly trembling.

The boy woke up as if from a dream.

He was about to pull the girl up, when suddenly, a hand grabbed his wrist.

It was a man.

The distance between the two was very close.

For a hybrid, this distance was even closer.

As long as he wanted, he could catch up with the boy at any time, just like now.

"Ryoma? It's a good name."

The man's tone was inexplicable.

This name made the man who was gradually losing his human reason vaguely recall something.

But when he wanted to think carefully, the picture of the potion gradually changing from bright red to gloomy beauty occupied his brain now.

The boy called Ryoma pulled out his arm with force, trying to break free from the man's control.

But how can an ordinary human fight against a "ghost"?



The girl subconsciously shouted the boy's name, but as soon as she said a word, her mouth was covered tightly by a big hand.

The boy was kicked out and hit the wall, unable to climb up.

The powerful force brought by the evolution potion was enough to break the boy's ribs.

‘Don’t worry, he can’t get up.’

The man leaned close to the frightened girl’s ear, his voice was light.

However, it was enough to make the girl’s pupils dilate, and she froze on the ground, not daring to move, and her Hello Kitty backpack fell to the side.

Yes, that’s it.

The same reaction as other girls!

The man’s smile became even bigger.

Next, he just pounced on her, pressed her to the ground like a beast, and tore her clothes.

The black desire made the man’s body gradually hot, and he seemed to have smelled the rusty smell that he hadn’t tasted for several days.

“It’s okay, we will be fine.”

The man comforted the girl, and it seemed like he was comforting himself.

The girl’s glasses widened in fear, and her once lovely face was filled with despair and helplessness.

She should have had a bright future, spent three years of youth happily, and went to college with faith.

But now, everything is going to be ruined.

The man’s consciousness was a little trance, scattered, and the gorgeous potion kept recalling in his mind.

Dense green scales continued to appear on his neck, his pupils turned into vertical pupils, and his hands also vaguely developed in the direction of claws.

He shook his head, as if trying to get rid of these useless memories.

Now, men just want to enjoy this beautiful moment!

Eat her!

Eat her!

The temptation of the ancient god and the chaotic consciousness made the man do what he wanted to do most.

It’s also what I do most often these days!

call out!

"You bitch! Bichi!"

The bullet equipped with a silencer hits, and the green scales on the body provide the man with a defense comparable to that of a dragon.

Although he was not directly incapacitated like ordinary people, the bullet hit also made the man curse in pain.

The stupid brain filled with evolution potions has no time to think about why an ordinary female high school student would carry a gun with her in a country where guns are banned.

The man's golden eyes were faintly red, and the stimulation caused by the pain had made him lose his mind.

The girl looked at the man calmly, her hands holding the gun.

"Young Master, it's time to go out."

The girl's cold voice sounded in the alley.

The man turned his head subconsciously.

Face him, draw your sword out of its sheath, and wave it in a circle!

It was as if a thunder exploded in the scabbard, and the sword's light showed a strange cyan color.

What Yuan Zhisheng pulled out didn't seem to be a knife, but an empty cold air!

At the same time, it seemed as if a golden sun enveloped him. He stood in the glorious sun disk as if King Kong had come to the world, and the arc cut by the ancient knife was the edge of the sun disk!


The cyan scales could block bullets, but they couldn't block Yuan Zhisheng's sword skills.

Yuan Zhisheng's almost flawless sword cut the man in half in the air.

The body fell to the ground and Yuan Zhisheng sheathed his knife.

The long black trench coat was open, and on the lining was a grand ukiyo-e.

The giant's bones lay on the ground, and the clear spring flowed through the left eye of the bones. From it, a naked goddess was born. She was clothed with her long golden hair and held the sun in her hand.

"Ahem. Report. Mission accomplished. Send someone to recover the body."

Crow coughed and dialed the phone.

"I just said let me do it. Your bones will definitely not be able to bear it."

Yasha patted Crow's shoulder carelessly.

The crow couldn't stop coughing a few more times.

This guy did it on purpose.

Out of pure jealousy, he and Yabuki Sakura acted as lovers for once.

The crow was speechless.

"Yaksha, you look more like a gangster, which will increase the target's resistance."

Sakura Yabuki put away her firearm.

"And according to the fifteen crime scenes, this guy prefers being a minotaur rather than watching yellow-haired gangsters molest female high school students."

Crow did not hesitate to strike again.

Yasha didn't care at all. He lowered his head and stuffed the two-part body into the body bag.

"What if he is so good?"

Yasha muttered quietly.

Yuan Zhisheng's face was expressionless. He wiped the ancient sword as usual.

A few people were noisy and just passing the time in a boring way.

As long as they follow the young master on missions, they basically pass the time like this.

Chat about women or brag, and then bag the body after Yuan Zhi is born.

Contact the Executive Directorate and have someone come and receive it.

If the corpse was of no value, they would usually drive a van to Tokyo Bay to collect local materials, pour them into cement piles and throw them into the sea.

Today seems to be no different from usual.

But, is this really the case?

A strange banging sound suddenly sounded in the alley, and several people were stunned.

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