Simultaneous time travel: Am I the only normal person?

Chapter 207 The Death of Uesugi Koshi? ? ?

"Herzog found Bondarev's base in Tokyo."

"He inherited everything from Bondarev, the cologne fetal blood obtained from the bottom of the Lenin, the preliminary product of the evolutionary medicine, and three embryos."

Speaking of this, Luke paused for a moment.

Yuan Zhisheng's eyes stared at him tightly, as sharp as a sword.

"Dad is Herzog?"

"That's right, an evil ghost crawling out of Black Swan Port."

Yuan Zhisheng frowned.

He didn't approve of Luke's title of Tachibana Masamune.

After all, from this point of view, apart from his persistence in researching dragons, Tachibana Masamune's image has not been too seriously damaged.

"After coming to Neon, he learned one thing from Bondarev's black book."

"The eight Sheqi families who rule the neon underworld hide secrets about God."

Luke stood up.

All the people outside had left, leaving only the cadres of the eight Sheqi families and the members of the fierce ghosts who had surrendered and given up resistance.

"But Herzog knew that in order to resurrect God, his own strength alone would not be enough."

"So he used me and Eri Yi to control the real purpose of the Sheqi Eighth Clan."

"Just to resurrect the so-called god?"

Yuan Zhisheng felt a little ridiculous.

Dad has worked hard for so many years just to prepare for such a crazy plan?

"He did more than that."

Luke shook his head.

"He has two emperors in his hands. In order to find God faster and safer, Herzog chose to hold all the neon hybrids in his hands."

"He gave one of the two to the Sheqi family, and the other to the fierce ghosts."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the audience was shocked.

Crow's legs shook involuntarily, and he looked at his good partner Yasha.

Same eyes, same thing, different location.

These little Karami, if they knew so much, wouldn't they wait to be silenced by the young master?

The successive impacts made Yuan Zhisheng's mind go blank.

"In order to send you to different organizations, Herzog deliberately designed a trap to create a gap between the two of you."

"After all, only two opposing emperors can allow Herzog to benefit from it."

Hearing this, Yuan Zhi's heroic face turned even paler.

"Pontine interruption surgery, remember?"

Luke's voice was calm.

"The one who became a ghost was not Minamoto Girl, but his second personality Kazama Ruri, who is now the Dragon King of the Fierce Ghosts."

"Zhisheng, you killed your brother yourself, Yuan Zhisheng."

After saying that, the red flame ignited again, and the vermilion attic was about to fall.

But no matter how high the temperature is, it can't warm Yuan Zhisheng's heart at this moment.

"No, it's impossible!"

Yuan Zhisheng's body trembled slightly, and he desperately wanted to grab something with his bare hands.

Sakura looked worried.

"Let's go back in time and see, Yuan Zhisheng."

Luke's voice gradually became distant and ethereal.

Yuan Zhisheng suddenly woke up and found that he was back in the mountain town again.

This is the hometown of him and his young daughter.

It is also a nightmare that has been sealed in my heart.

The shrine named Shikatori stands in the dark night. A clear stream flows through the town. The whole town is sleeping in the continuous rain, and the long grass underfoot is fluttering in the wind.

He walked forward mechanically, the long grass under his feet making a rustling sound.

Minamoto Chisheng did not enter the shrine.

He knew that everything here was "illusory".

Over the years, he has dreamed of this abandoned town countless times. In the dream, it always rains in Shikatori Town.

Pedestrians hurried, dogs barked and birds chirped.

Tonight is the Miko Festival.

It also symbolizes the birth of "ghost".

The young girl turned all the witches who came to study into injection molded "statues".

He walked towards the school step by step.

No one saw him, and no one cared about him.

Even if he has a sword on his waist at the moment.

Is this how ghosts feel?

Yuan Zhisheng felt a pain in his heart.

Walking into the campus and passing by the playground, the wastewater well is still in its original location.

This is where he buried his younger brother.

After walking around the gymnasium and pushing open the creaky door, he returned to the abandoned equipment storage room.

The gorgeous singers silently welcomed his arrival.

Princess Zetsuma in the clouds in "Narukami", Barnacles and Ukifune in "The Tale of Genji", Yomaki in "Suke Roku Yuen Edo Sakura", and Yatsuhashi in "Wake Up Drunk in the Street of Flowers in a Cage".

They are all beauties in full makeup, so young and beautiful.

But there was no sound.

They died many years ago.

Died at the hands of his own brother.

When he arrived at the scene, the most familiar and painful scene appeared in front of him.

The long knife completely penetrated Yuan Jingnu's heart.

"Yuan Zhisheng" held him tightly in his arms and twisted the handle of the knife, destroying his blood vessels and internal organs.

The hand holding the knife was so strong, and the hand holding Yuan Zhennu was so strong, preventing him from escaping before all the blood flowed out.

Yuan Zhi's face looked like a dead tree, like a lonely tortoise.

He just stood here quietly.

Looking at himself, he was howling like a lone wolf.

Watch yourself, stumbling out of the basement.

Looking at himself, he threw the girl into the dry well.

Nothing seems to have changed.

Yuan Zhisheng stared at the past in a daze.

That wastewater well with a cast iron manhole cover contains Yuan Zhennu's wastewater well.

He reached out and touched the manhole cover.

Get it cold.

But at this moment, another hand was also placed on the manhole cover.

Yuan Zhisheng was stunned for a moment.

Looking up, he saw a familiar face.

Yuan Zhisheng's body couldn't stop trembling.

Did that dragon just want him to see this scene?

Tachibana Masamune did not see Minamoto Chisheng.

He is just an afterimage of the past, how can he touch people in the future?

Lifting the manhole cover, Tachibana Masamune went down the well alone.

Yuan Zhisheng watched him rescue the girl.

Tachibana Masamune stroked Minamoto's pale and delicate face.

His movements were so gentle and loving, as if he were facing his own treasure.

But Masamune Tachibana's eyes were like those of a greedy devil, his endless desire seemed to be able to penetrate time and space.

It's like seeing the source that is supposed to be an illusion.

The source of cold air enters the body.

At this time, Tachibana Masamune put on the mask of a public minister.

He took out a dose of medicine from his pocket.

The royal bloodline allows the young girl's body to retain a certain degree of activity.

In other words, he was not dead in the first place.

Therefore, it only takes a little stimulation at this time to wake up the sleeping emperor again!

"no, do not want!"

Yuan Zhisheng subconsciously wanted to rush forward to stop him.

He realized it.

If Masamune Tachibana injects the evolutionary medicine into Minamoto's body, his brother will sleep forever.

The one who wakes up will only be the Dragon King of the Fierce Ghosts!

However, the past and the future are two parallel and unrelated lines.

Yuan Xiaosheng has no qualifications to touch this line.

Tachibana Masamune crushed the potion, and the potion dripped into the girl's mouth.

During this period, Minamoto was like crazy, constantly trying to push Tachibana Masamune away.

But every time, he could only pass through Tachibana Masamune's body.

To him, they were illusions.

He is also illusory to them.

When the hazy potion entered the entrance, the face of the young girl was covered with a layer of white exoskeleton, like a mask carved from ivory.

Dense blue scales appeared on the pale skin, and the hands were also evolving towards sharp claws.

"Great Emperor, welcome your arrival!"

The ministers raised their arms and shouted.

During the thunderstorm, the Ghost King returned from hell and lit up his golden eyes.

Yuan Zhisheng staggered, and he wanted to hug his younger brother.

However, his brother is dead.

He killed the young girl with his own hands!

The picture is like broken glass, flying in the wind, reflecting the light of regret and despair.

"You still have time, Yuan Zhisheng."

Yuan Zhisheng knelt on the ground, holding his hands on the ground.

Hearing this, he had no reaction.

"Master Yue and Yuan Zhinu are both there. If you can arrive in time, you might be able to prevent the birth of the White King."

Yuan Zhisheng's body trembled.

"But if you just stay here, your brother will die, your father will die, and you will die too."

Lucela's origins are childish.

Dusted him off.

"Go on, go to Tama River before it's too late."

Yuan Zhisheng raised his head, the stern golden eyes made him look like a high and mighty emperor.

"Girl, is there any possibility of coming back?"

he asked.

"He's been waiting for you in the basement."

Luke said.


The strong wind swept away, and Yuan Zhisheng's figure disappeared into the attic in an instant.

He jumped down from the height.

This is the first time, and possibly the last time, that Yuan Zhisheng has shown the full power of the emperor.

Girl, wait for me!

"What are you still doing? Why don't you hurry up and notify the Sheqi family to save people?"

"Any later, Master Yue will be beaten to death by his own son."

Luke was a little strange.

Yuan Zhisheng was stunned in place just now because he couldn't calm down after falling asleep.

As for you, you haven't gone to save people even after you've said it.

Is it because Master Yue is not of mixed Japanese and American descent?

Crow and the others rushed out of the door as if they had just woken up from a dream, and hurried outside.

I didn't even think of saying thank you.

Luke just told them that everyone might have to face the enemy BOSS alone.

The vermilion pavilion was burning, and from time to time there was the sound of beams and columns collapsing.

Without Luke's power to suppress the fire, this place would eventually be burned to a puddle of ashes.

"Are you still ready to stay here?"

Luke asked.

Sakurai Kogure looked embarrassed.

She shook her head.

Since the Dragon King is not dead yet, why does she need to stay here to "die for love"?

"Guest, can you tell me about Lord Dragon King's past?"

"He is just controlled by a dead brother."

"Don't worry, the 'Dragon King' you fell in love with is Yuan Zongnu. The second personality will only appear when it is controlled by the sound of bangzi."

Luke added.

"Then what you just told him is"

Sakurai Kogure paused.

Since the main character of Yuan Zhisheng is not dead, what Luke told Yuan Zhisheng before was not a lie.

"If I don't say that, do you think the turtle will take the initiative to save him?"

Luke couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Or do you want to see father and son team up to kill their relatives and get rid of the 'Dragon King'?"

Sakurai Kogure smiled bitterly and said nothing more.

The two walked down the steps slowly, and the raging fire, like the claws of an ancient dragon, quickly climbed up from the bottom, raging in every corner.

Strangely, the fire did not touch the two.

They seemed to be conscious, sweeping over the two irregularly but uniformly.

Luke looked up.

The little devil should be watching over there.

I don't know how far the two sides have come?

Uesugi Yue has done many wrong things in his life.

The stupidest thing is to come to Neon.

At that time, he was young and didn't know what his arrival would bring to this land.

He didn't know what he would encounter in the future.

Until the ruthless passage of time.

He realized that this was not a paradise of enjoyment, but a hell in the abyss.

His mother Charlotte Chen died under the swords of his subordinates.

The Snake Qi Eight Families he led became a weapon to invade other countries.

He chose to live alone for sixty years after destroying everything.

Uesugi Yue thought he would die in his own ramen stand in this life.

Just like an ordinary old man, he died of cancer in a corner of Tokyo in obscurity one day.

But until that day, a young man named Luke appeared in front of his stall.

At first, the boy was a little panicked, as if he was afraid of something.

But after a few months, Luke became more and more calm and confident.

The whole person has undergone earth-shaking changes.

He didn't know what Luke had experienced in the meantime.

But it must be a very complicated, tedious, and even painful memory.

He had such an experience.

Later, when he learned from Luke that he still had a child alive in the world.

Uesugi Yue's heart at that time was really mixed.

Is he worthy of having a child?

Is he worthy of being a father?

Uesugi Yue doubted himself.

But when he saw Yuan Zhisheng stubbornly choose to leave.

He felt that

he should give it a try.

Try how to be a qualified father.

So, Zhinv, Zhisheng, Eri.

Are you willing to be my children?

Uesugi Yue stretched out his hands.

His hands were full of blood, and he felt a piercing pain in his chest.

Gently, he tried his best to hug the child in front of him.

"Thank you for your hard work."

The king praised.

Gen Chinu snorted coldly, turned the handle of the knife, and crushed Uesugi Yue's organs.

Uesugi Yue's hands were bulging with blue veins, and large mouthfuls of blood spurted out of his mouth.

He knew it was a trap, so why did he come alone?

Was it because of the third child who might survive?

Or was it because he was eager to harvest the lives of the fierce ghost kings?

"I love you."

Looking at the face that seemed familiar to Chisheng, Uesugi Yue took a step forward.

The sword pierced his chest.

He hugged his son.

But at the same time, he also ruined his only chance of survival.

Uesugi Yue has been running away all his life.

Escape from France, escape from the Eight Houses of Snake Qi, escape from the past

Now, for the first time, he took the initiative to face the unknown, and it was also the last time.

Uesugi lowered his head, and Genjimyou hugged his body in a daze.

Why would he feel some pain in his heart after killing this guy?

He is not his brother.

Genjimyou did not understand.

At this time, applause and wanton laughter sounded.

It was the king general.

The king general bowed in front of Genjimyou, just like an actor bowing to the only audience.

"Dragon King, the throne of the emperor has been waiting for you for a long time!"

He held up the holy bones.

Like a servant welcoming the gods.

In the air.

The little devil smiled and sat on the throne, enjoying the clowns' hard performance.

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