Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 19 What's up? Are you going to fight with me? (Please read it later, 4K chapter)

Chapter 19 - What? Do you want to have a hard time with someone? (Please read, 4K big chapter)

"We have always been deeply bound to the Hokage family, so we definitely cannot return it."

Akimichi Tingza touched the back of his head. After listening to Nara Shikaku's words, he also made his position clear.

Inarakacho has been bound to the Hokage line since she joined Konoha.

"But we also have business dealings with the Uchiha clan. Will we be cut off from now on?"

Yamanaka Haiichi suddenly felt a little distressed. Konoha is a community of interests. After so many years, everyone will have some interests in each other more or less.

Especially for a wealthy family like the Uchiha, most of the Akimichi clan's BBQ restaurants and rice balls, Nara clan's medicinal materials, etc. are actually sold to the ninja clan, and among them, the Uchiha clan buys the most.

In the past, it was all the hard steel of Konoha and the Uchiha clan.

Their families don't need to come forward at all, so their business will naturally not be affected.

But it's different now, and I don't know how Bai Ye came up with this method.

The pressure came directly between the ninja clan and the ninja clan, so there was no need to worry about the relationship with the Uchiha clan before hiding behind the village.

"What can we do? Shikaku, what do you think we should do?"

Akimichi Dingza thought about it and felt that it would not be good if he cut off from the Uchiha clan directly.

The idea I just had was a bit extreme.

Simply, he just wanted to see if Nara Shikaku had other ways to affect all of this without affecting the current situation.

"No solution. At least I need to know what the other party's attitude is, so we need to meet with him."

A glint flashed in Nara Shikaku's eyes. After saying that, someone reported outside that Byakuya was already here. Do you want to invite him in?

The three of them looked at each other, communicated with each other, and then said: "Go to the living room, let's all go there!"

Arranging Byakuya to the living room, Nara Shikaku and the other two quickly arrived here.

Looking at Byakuya who was sitting quietly waiting for the three of them, he looked up and a trace of emotion flashed in Nara Shikaku's eyes. He is really young but courageous!

Back when Uchiha Fugaku was still in power, Nara Shikaku could see that if the Uchiha clan continued like this, their living space in the village would only become smaller and smaller.

After Bai Ye came on stage, he seemed to have found a way.

But this alone is not enough.

Nara Shikaku looked at Byakuya and said directly: "You should have taken care of the Hyuga clan, right?"


Akimichi Tingza on the side was instantly confused.


Do you know what you are talking about?

Will the Hyuga clan really return the land to the Uchiha clan?

"You are indeed the leader of the Nara clan!"

A flash of appreciation flashed in Byakuya's eyes, he even knew this, but he was still curious about how Nara Shikaku knew.

"If you fail, you won't come to us, because if Hinata doesn't let go, you also know that the impossible ones will come to us."

Nara Shikaku explained the reason for his speculation.

In his opinion, if Byakuya hadn't taken care of the Hyuga clan, it would be basically impossible for him to come and find them.

After all, if you can't even win Hinata, then this was a failure from the beginning.

"In this case, I won't hide it. Hinata also agreed, so I am going to ask you to get the land that originally belonged to us. Of course, you can also pay to buy it back. Anyway, these lands don't mean much to you. use."

The real bulk was taken away by Konoha F4.

What Inogacho got was not much different from Hinata's, it was just some leftovers, and it didn't feel like he was bleeding heavily when they were asked to take it out.

"Bai Ye, you are a smart person, you should know our difficulties."

Lu Jiu looked at Bai Ye, and finally breathed a sigh of relief, not knowing how to answer Bai Ye.

This matter made them very embarrassed.

"Are you Konoha's Inokacho or Sarutobi Hiruzen's Inokacho?"

Byakuya also didn't answer, but turned to look at Nara Shikaku and the others.

Listening to Byakuya's question, Nara Shikamaru secretly thought that it was indeed troublesome, but he still patiently explained to Byakuya: "We have always followed the strategy of supporting whoever is the Hokage."

His answer also made his position clear. If the Hokage was Byakuya today, then they would also support Byakuya, not that they clearly support whom.

This itself has something to do with the strategy of the three tribes when they joined Konoha.

During the Warring States Period, Inokacho and Inokacho were in an alliance. Because ninjutsu itself can be considered as cooperation, the relationship between the three families was not bad. All the way to Konoha, after they joined, the Nara family established a policy and the other two families agreed. Just appeared.

"Hokage has not always existed, and a Hokage who is already old and can't even control the village, is it a bit foolish to continue to be loyal?"

Byakuya was curious. According to Shikaku's wisdom, he should be able to tell that Hiruzen Sarutobi would only become weaker and weaker during his reign.

"Even if we can't control it, we can't act rashly. Besides, if you do this, it will only cause Konoha to collapse."

Nara Shikaku knew what Byakuya wanted to do.

But this is not fun to do!

"One clan will not be the rival of a village. I think if possible, you can sit down and have a good talk!"

Shikaku persuaded. In fact, he also knew that the Uchiha clan was already ready to make trouble.

But a village is a violent organization that combines countless families. No matter how strong the Uchiha clan is, unless they have their ancestor Madara, it is simply impossible.

"Shikaku, you are wrong. We were not enemies from the beginning. I took back the land that originally belonged to us. This is just for the peace of the village. The tribe has been depressed to the point of reaching a dead end. If we don't find some people at this time, At the point of venting, I'm afraid the village will fall into chaos.

From the time we got the land back, there was actually no loss for Inokacho and Hinata. Even the Sarutobi clan just moved away from the center of the village. The place where we live now can be given to them. "


What Byakuya said is indeed very reasonable. How could Nara Shikaku not know about it, but you changed the central position to a remote position. It is impossible to say that the Sarutobi clan has no ideas.

"I want to know why the Hyuga clan agreed!"

After Nara Shikaku finished speaking, he stared at Byakuya.

Before making this decision, he must know why the Hyuga clan agreed to such a ridiculous approach.

"Because a village cannot be dominated by one family, but must be balanced. If you want to retreat when you are young, you must retreat gracefully. Only when you are old will people respect you. Lianzhuang has been around for too long, and most of the village has been Those guys have swallowed it up, maybe if it continues like this, a new Konoha will be created in the future?"

Byakuya said with a smile on his lips. After all, isn't it that the Hyuga clan is dissatisfied with Sarutobi Hiruzen?

If Hiruzen Sarutobi hadn't done those things, and if most of these benefits hadn't been eaten up by Sarutobi, Shimura and other families, they wouldn't have cooperated with the Uchiha clan.

"Your thoughts like this are very dangerous!"

Nara Shikaku hopes for a peaceful Konoha rather than a damaged Konoha.

After all, once Konoha really goes to war with the Uchiha clan.

Then other forces in the ninja world will definitely go to war with them. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to carve up Konoha. Who is willing to miss it?

"If we return the land to you, can you maintain the status quo? What we want is a peaceful Konoha. If you can do it, then we can also return the land to you!"

Nara Shikaku really didn't want Konoha and Uchiha to go to war.

And this newly elected Byakuya is most likely a radical within the Uchiha clan.

Therefore, if he really doesn't agree to the other party at this time, there is a high probability that there will be civil strife. In fact, after Bai Ye came here, he had already thought about returning it to Bai Ye.

If even the Hyuga clan can handle it, there must be some kind of deal with the Hyuga clan, otherwise the other party will not easily return these lands to them.

"I can make sure they don't mess with us, we won't cause trouble, and I can restrain the tribesmen, but if they are still aggressive, it's beyond my control."

After Byakuya finished speaking, he didn't say anything. Yamanaka Haiichi and Akimichi Choza on the side also focused on Nara Shikaku.

Obviously, they finally left the decision to him. No matter how many questions they had in mind, they decided to wait until Bai Ye left before asking them.

"I understand. We will give the land to you in a transaction. I hope you will keep your promise."


Sure enough, it was just as I thought. Once the Hyuga clan was taken care of, Inokacho was actually very easy to take care of.

Although they are from the Hokage's side, they themselves have to consider the interests of their own family. At the same time, what Sarutobi Hiruzen has done in recent years has actually caused dissatisfaction among many families.

At this time, the reason why Sarutobi Hiruzen did not take action against the Uchiha clan was because his control over Konoha was too weak.

Once he takes action personally, it will trigger a counterattack from other families in the village.

So he needed an opportunity. Of course Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted the Uchiha clan to be exterminated.

First of all, to solve one of the biggest troubles, and secondly to be able to scare other families. This is also one of the reasons why Sarutobi Hiruzen seemed to have regained control of Konoha from the time after the Uchiha genocide to the beginning of the plot.

Although he didn't take action directly, such a big thing happened in Konoha. If you want to say that Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't know about it and that none of the ANBU went there, this is obviously impossible.

Therefore, after the night of the genocide, Sarutobi Hiruzen once again took control of Konoha.

The reason why Byakuya said this was because the other party would not stop at all. Danzo must let the Uchiha clan be wiped out, otherwise how would he get Izanagi's Sharingan?

The second is interest. Having offended the four of them, it is unlikely that they will get along well with each other in the future.

But Byakuya can no longer control so much. To be quiet during this period, first of all, let some voices within the Uchiha clan be quieted.

The second is that Bai Ye needs to trade time for space. Although he has turned on the kaleidoscope, the current threat has not been eliminated.

Obito is the person behind the whole thing who wants to destroy the Uchiha clan the most, and Shisui is also the one Byakuya wants to win over. Once Shisui is allowed to stand with him, then there are other gods, and he does not believe that Obito Earth can be so unscrupulous.

One is Obito and the other is Zetsu.

The two people really want to exterminate the Uchiha clan.

Therefore, time is the most important thing for Bai Ye now, and after experiencing this incident, Bai Ye believes that Sarutobi Hiruzen and his men will probably stay quiet for a while, and it is during this period of time that Bai Ye must fight for.

So Bai Ye naturally agreed to Shikaku's request.

After the two parties signed the purchase contract, when Bai Ye left, Yamanaka Inoichi couldn't resist the question in his heart: "Shikaku, why did you agree so quickly?"

"The other party has an agreement with the Hyuga clan. If one of the two families fails to handle it well, Konoha will fall apart directly.

Secondly, we are indeed from the Hokage family, but I have said before that whoever is the Hokage, we will support him, so what we have to do is to stabilize Konoha and prevent Konoha from getting in chaos, rather than stabilizing someone's rule. Bai Ye is right. In fact, after that incident, he shouldn't have come up.

It's a pity for Minato. If Minato was still here, this situation would not have happened."

Nara Shikaku's eyes flashed with a trace of nostalgia. When Minato was still the Hokage, he was the Hokage's assistant. However, after Minato died, Sarutobi Hiruzen took the throne, and his Hokage's assistant became Danzo. ,

He is not greedy for power, but it is obviously impossible to say that he has no opinions in his heart.

He was very dissatisfied with Sarutobi Hiruzen's re-emergence and the subsequent operations, especially Naruto. He was Minato's son, but he was treated like this. Even if Jinchūriki was not welcome in other villages, you couldn't let him eat expired products every day, right?

Minato said that he was the fourth Hokage and Naruto was the son of a hero. Not to mention how good the treatment was, was this how you promised to take care of his son?

"How could the Hyuga clan have an agreement with the Uchiha clan?"

Akimichi Choza was stunned. Didn't they say that the two sides didn't like each other?

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Don't forget that the Hidden Cloud Village kidnapped Hinata. Hiashi died because of this. It's impossible for Hiashi to say that he doesn't care, so it's normal for them to cooperate."

Shikaku analyzed slowly.

"Then won't you make Konoha completely chaotic?"

You know, they said that as long as they return, the Sarutobi clan will also return.

"What else do you want to do? Do you want to go to war with the Uchiha clan?"

Then you only have two choices, one is to let the Sarutobi clan fight the Uchiha clan head-on, and the other is to let them fight the Uchiha clan head-on. Which one do you want to choose?

And it may not be just the Uchiha clan, maybe the Hyuga clan too?

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