Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 20: Lottery, Eight Gates of Dunjia! (Please read and recommend the 4K chapter with monthly t

Chapter 20 - Lottery, Eight Gate Dunjia! (Please pursue reading the recommended monthly ticket 4K chapter)

Nara Shikaku thought he had made the best choice. How could he not know that Sarutobi Hiruzen released the news because he actually wanted them to fight against the Uchiha clan?

If the Hyuga clan doesn't compromise, then they won't compromise either.

But the Hyuga clan has returned the land to the Uchiha clan, so they can only choose to keep up at this time. It is simply unrealistic to expect Inokacho to face the Uchiha clan.

What's more, there is no benefit to holding this thing. The Uchiha just took back the land that originally belonged to them. Most of it was taken away by the four families of Sarutobi, Shimura, Mito, and Tenjin.

As a result, the four families hid behind and asked them and Hinata to fight. Oh no!

There aren't many benefits, so let them take the blame?

"But if we do it this way, it might not be easy to deal with later, right?"

Yamanaka Haiichi was also a little worried because this matter created a gap between him and Konoha's top management.

"There is no other way. Hinata has agreed that we do not have the strength to fight against the Uchiha, and there is a high probability that the Hokage will not be able to give us any help. It is simply a fantasy for us to resist the Uchiha, and Konoha cannot always let it go. One person speaks for himself."

At first Shikaku saw hope in Namikaze Minato, the hope of changing Konoha.

Unfortunately, the emergence of the Nine-Tails Rebellion directly caused everything to change. Sarutobi Hiruzen came back to power, and the original new order returned to the old order.

Shimura Danzo, Mito Kadoen and Kaden Koharu stood at the center of power again.

After all, changing to another Hokage is just to redistribute the cake. As a result, your cake is eaten by the original people. Who would be happy with this?

"Actually, this matter can be regarded as a reminder to Hokage-sama. In the final analysis, the Uchiha clan and us have never been enemies. We are all members of the family. It is a bit too much to always target the Uchiha clan."

Looking at the overall situation, Nara Shikaku, Konoha's current high-pressure policy against Uchiha will definitely cause problems for Uchiha in the future.

Although families are constantly fighting for resources, they must not sit back and watch Konoha push the Uchiha clan to a dead end. Once the other party rebels, it will definitely not be good news for Konoha.

And it's almost enough. Although they, Ino Shiga Die, are supporters of Hokage, they are not mindless supporters. With the current situation in Konoha, they have eaten too much.

"Okay, let's do whatever you say, Shikaku. Besides, the agreement has already been signed!"

Akimichi Tingza didn't want to continue listening to the long speech. He felt that the things were almost done, and it would be useless to talk about it anymore.

What's more, even if he did this, wouldn't Hiruzen Sarutobi do anything to them?

But don't forget that they, Ino Shikacho, have always been an alliance. What's more, according to Shikaku's analysis, both the Hinata and Uchiha clans are dissatisfied with the Hokage. Now Sarutobi Hiruzen should be worried about the two of them the most.

"Oh, what a troubled time it has been!"

Nara Shikamaru looked out the door, then shook his head: "Forget it, we don't have to get involved in such a troublesome matter. Anyway, this is an issue between the top management and Uchiha. It's really troublesome. Why do we have to participate in political struggles? Go inside!"

After doing all this, Nara Shikaku also decided to see who of the two sides would make it to the end.

Most families in Konoha Village can actually see that the relationship between Uchiha and Konoha has reached a critical point.

This is why Nara Shikaku wants to return the land to the Uchiha.

If they don't return it, the Uchiha will explode, but if they return it, they will be stable for a while, and then although the Sarutobi and Shimura clan will be unhappy, at least they will not rebel directly like the Uchiha.

If it were Fugaku, he would really think about it before making a decision, but Byakuya was different. This approach was undoubtedly biased towards the radicals. Once he refused, the first ones to start a fight would be Inogacho and Uchiha.

He didn't want to get involved in this kind of thing, at least he couldn't drag Zhuludie into the abyss.

"I'm so sorry, Hokage-sama. I need to trouble you four to move today."

After Byakuya got the land transaction book from Hinata and Ino Shikacho.

He approached Hiruzen Sarutobi immediately, and he didn't want to give Hiruzen Sarutobi time.

Looking at the transaction book in front of him, Sarutobi Hiruzen fell silent.

He had thought that maybe Bai Ye could really do it, but it would definitely not be possible to do it in one day.

The whole of Konoha was watching the news that Danzo had just gotten out today. He hadn't even talked to Ino Shikacho and Konoha yet, but Byakuya had settled it?

"How can it be!?"

Danzo's face was also extremely ugly. According to the original agreement with Bai Ye, the four of them had to move out immediately.

"Nothing is impossible. To them, these places are just useless, so isn't it normal to sell these to us?"

"Bai Ye, it will take some time to move."

A kind smile flashed across Sarutobi Hiruzen's face, and he still wanted to delay it for a while.

After all, he hadn't figured out the situation yet, but Bai Ye had taken care of it. He wanted to see if he could operate it himself.

"No, you can just leave. One day is almost enough. After all, with the help of ninjas, we can clean up quickly. If not, our Uchiha clan can provide moving services. In addition, I have asked people to notify the people in the clan. Going to move, you won’t regret it, Third Generation, after all, the whole village knows about it.”

Byakuya looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen with a smile. Although he had tried his best to restrain himself, Byakuya could still see the anger hidden in his eyes that was quickly hidden.

Danzo, Mito Kadoen and Koharu who were sleeping next to them didn't know what to say for a moment.

This central location of Konoha was taken back by the Uchiha clan, so it would be impossible for the people in their clan to say anything. This is in the center of Konoha.

On the contrary, if they had not publicized this matter before, they would have had a chance to regret it, but now that the whole village knew about it, they would probably lose their face if they regretted it.

"Of course you won't go back on your word, but at least give us some time to find a place to live, right?"

"No, we can give you some of the places where Uchiha currently lives. It just so happens that you didn't say that you could keep Konoha safe by living nearby. We will give the responsibility of protecting Konoha to the four of you. I believe that as the Hokage and the elders, You should be better protected than us Uchiha, right?"

Do you really want to do this so well?

A trace of gloom flashed in Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes, and for a moment there was a hint of murderous intent in his heart.

This was not just for Byakuya, but also for Uchiha.

He felt as if his control over Konoha had diminished.

To Sarutobi Hiruzen, that was completely unacceptable.

"I'll let them vacate it now."

Sarutobi Hiruzen closed his eyes and said no more, but Mito Kadoen and others on the side were anxious: "Sarutobi!!"

"Stop talking! Since we promised others things, we must fulfill them!!"

I am willing to admit defeat!

Sarutobi Hiruzen admitted that he underestimated Byakuya at first.

But just this time, he will definitely treat Bai Ye's opponent seriously.

"Give it."

Danzo was no longer silent, and he didn't want to show any bad expression in front of Byakuya.

"I see."

After seeing the attitudes of Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo, the other two people also knew that they had to give this thing away.

"Then thank you, Hokage-sama. In that case, I will go back and organize the Uchiha clan to move."

With that said, Byakuya stood up and left the Hokage's office.

After Byakuya left, Koharu quickly asked when he went to bed: "Sarutobi, what are we going to do next?! The Uchiha clan is simply lawless now!"

Her land!

The thought of leaving here soon and returning to the edge made her feel uncomfortable.

"He just won this time. Only the one who wins to the end is called the big winner. If we give it to them this time, they will be more successful, and their subsequent plans for us will be smoother."

After Danzo finished speaking, he closed his eyes. It was obvious that he was not as calm as he seemed at this moment.

"If we lose, we lose. If we lose, we will give it. If we don't give it this time, how will we manage the village in the future? Then what's the harm in giving it back to the Uchiha clan?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes were deep, and he began to care in his heart.

It seemed that he had to step up his action, but fortunately he still had a trump card, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui.

When the time comes, it will be up to the two of them to destroy the Uchiha clan.

Originally, Sarutobi Hiruzen had been struggling with whether to keep part of the Uchiha or completely annihilate the clan.

Now he doesn't think about it anymore, he knows that Byakuya's appearance on stage is completely different from Uchiha Fugaku's.

He was dealing with Byakuya using the same method he used to deal with Uchiha Fugaku.

It also caused him to suffer a bit in this regard, but he won't do it next time.

"What about Hinata and Inokacho?"

Mitomon Yan asked.

There is also the problem of these four families. The four families were betrayed so quickly that they did not even have time to prepare.

"You can't move. If you move, it will not be conducive to our future actions. Moreover, Sarutobi, you must think about one thing, that is, the position of the Uchiha clan at the center. It will be difficult for us to take action in the future. I said at the beginning that the clan should be wiped out early. You just don’t listen!”

Danzo almost exploded with anger when he said this.

At the beginning, Uchiha was at the edge of the village, where it was easy to do things. As long as the layout was good, no one would notice.

But now that people have moved to the center of the village, it won't be that easy for you to attack them again.

"Danzo, I told you not to attack Uchiha just yet!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen raised his head and looked at Danzo. He wanted to do it too, but he couldn't do it himself.

"As for Hinata and the others, forget it."

Is it because of the daily difference?

Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Hinata couldn't move. He owed each other one time. It was understandable for them to do so. Inokacho couldn't move even more. He was an ally of Hokage. If they still had a fight, , then his control over Konoha will probably drop to another level.

All I can say is that we really lost this time.

The Uchiha clan.

After Byakuya brought back the good news that he could return to his original clan immediately, the entire Uchiha clan burst into joy.

Living here not only means being monitored every day, but also some elderly people and children have to walk a long way to the center of the village.

This is a world of difference from the previous treatment.

Now, after Bai Ye took back the original clan land, many Uchiha ninjas instantly thought that Bai Ye's promotion was indeed the right choice.

In the conference room, Uchiha Setsuna patted Bai Ye on the shoulder, with a look of relief on his face: "Bai Ye, you really did it, I really didn't misjudge you!"

At first, I was worried that Bai Ye couldn't do it, but I didn't expect Bai Ye to complete it in one day.

"Indeed, although the relationship with Konoha has deteriorated, the clan members are also very happy to get back the land that originally belonged to us!"

Uchiha Tie stroked his beard and said with a smile.

Although Uchiha Jin on the side did not speak, his eyes were full of relief. Obviously, they were very satisfied with Bai Ye's action this time.

"Alas, am I really not suitable to be the clan leader?"

A bitter smile flashed across Uchiha Fugaku's face. He had been in power for so many years, and his confrontations with the Konoha high-level officials had always failed.

Now Bai Ye was able to do so well in his first time in power. Although it worsened the relationship between the Uchiha and the village, at least the clan members should be very glad that Bai Ye was in power at this moment, right?

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt that he seemed to have failed to some extent.

"There is still a long way to go."

Bai Ye put his hands together in his sleeves, stood up and walked out the door. Looking at the Uchiha clan members who were smiling and packing their things to move, Bai Ye also felt a little proud.

He changed the current situation of the Uchiha. At this moment, perhaps everyone is thanking himself as the clan leader?

[Ding! The plot has been changed successfully. Congratulations to the host for winning a chance to draw a lottery! ]

Looking at the system prompt, Bai Ye's smile became even wider.

After this matter came to an end, the next time the plot is changed, it is estimated that it will start with Shisui and others.

[Ding! Successfully used the lottery opportunity, congratulations to the host for obtaining: Eight Gates of Dunjia. ]

Hokage Byakuya: [Eight Gates of Dunjia, it seems that everyone can practice this thing? ]

Pirate Byakuya: [This thing is to unlock the channel of chakra bondage in exchange for power, we should not be able to practice it, right? It should be up to you. Speaking of which, you have changed a lot. I will make you a fruit to strengthen it later! ]

Yokai Byakuya: [Oh? You want to make a fruit? By the way, your era was the Rocks era, right? What fruit do you want to make? ]

Pirate Byakuya: [It’s best to be Nika, but I can’t find it. This fruit has its own ideas. I’m going to go to Bica to find the Thunder Fruit! ]

The Thunder Fruit is a fruit that Enel played well, but not well. He will not leave it to Enel.

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