Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 241 Nidalee: Bai Ye has evil intentions towards me, I endure it! Ahri: It’s time to hunt!

Chapter 241 - Nidalee: Bai Ye has evil intentions towards me, forbearing! Ahri: It's time to hunt!

"Did you solve it yourself?"

Irelia's eyes swept over Bai Ye and others.

When she saw the corpses of Noxian soldiers all over the ground, she was also a little happy.

If the Vastaya had such a strong fighting force, they would definitely be able to do a lot to protect Ionia.

Although the Vastaya have always been unfriendly to humans.

But if they were Ionians, everyone would basically live in peace, but if the people of Noxus occupied this place, the Vastaya would definitely not be at peace.

Because the cruel rule of Noxus and the unrestrained plunder have caused dissatisfaction among many Ionians.

So they hope to be saved, and there is a group of people who stand up. After facing the invasion of Noxus, they spontaneously formed an army to block it, and are also constantly expanding this team.

Irelia is one of them.

For her, this feeling of shouldering a heavy burden is like a thousand people looking forward to every word and every thing they do.

She wants to drive the Noxians out of Ionia!

"No, he helped."

Although Rengar was reluctant to admit it, it was indeed Bai Ye's help that made them feel better.

Looking at the direction he pointed, Irelia followed his gaze with a hint of kindness on her face.

"By the way, Irelia, I agree with your cooperation proposal. We want to drive the Noxians out of Ionia!!"

At the beginning, Irelia had asked Rengar and others to cooperate.

But at that time, Rengar thought there was no need for cooperation at all.

The current situation is no longer the time to let himself be willful. Even if he is reluctant to take this step, he knows it in his heart.

If he still refuses to cooperate as before.

What happened today will happen again, so in order to avoid this kind of thing, Rengar also decided to abandon the previous prejudices and cooperate with Irelia.

"You are most welcome!"

The smile on Irelia's face could not be hidden. This is good news.

At the same time, Irelia also set her sights on Bai Ye and asked, "Are you also from Ionia?"

Nowadays, most of the foreigners in Ionia have actually chosen to leave here.

The people who can stay here should be Ionians, right?

In addition, the other party is righteous

Irelia wants to invite Bai Ye to stay and resist the Noxian army together.

"I am from Noxus."


He is from Noxus?

Rengar turned his head and looked at Nidalee.

Nidale didn't mention this before.

"Then you must be dissatisfied with what Noxus has done, so you come to help, right?"

This is all Irelia can think of. Since Bai Ye decided to come to help, he must be dissatisfied with what Noxus has done.

In fact, it is not just Ionia, and even many other places have suffered from the invasion of Noxus.

After the establishment of Noxus, this expansion has never stopped.

"I'm not, I just come to join in the fun."

In fact, after talking with Swain before, Bai Ye realized that the other party didn't seem to care about winning or losing at all.

After all, this war is bound to be lost.

In the final analysis, if Leblanc hadn't controlled the emperor to start this war, it would be impossible to start two wars at the same time, not to mention that the other one was Demacia.

Demacia is not a weak country. Now Darius still has a lot of Noxians deeply involved in this war.

If this can successfully invade Ionia, it will be a ghost.

So Bai Ye's purpose of coming here is simply to play and get to know some people.

Because of the contact with Swain, Bai Ye also has a new plan.

Originally, he was controlled by Leblanc, because being targeted by Leblanc but not changing his strength was not good news for him.

But now he just needs to delay time, and when Swain gains power in the Immortal Bastion and starts to fight against Leblanc, this is the best time for him to intervene.

So he didn't want to get too close to Noxus or Swain, but he didn't want to be too far away, and he needed to maintain a close but distant relationship.

"Join in the fun"

This is a war zone.

You are really not afraid of death.

Although Bai Ye said this very comfortably, no one would be so relaxed on this battlefield where people could die at any time, right?

"Don't worry about me, I have my own style of doing things."

He wouldn't come here recklessly. If he met someone he couldn't solve, he might die without knowing how.


Irelia originally wanted to invite Bai Ye to join, but since Bai Ye had his own ideas, it seemed unnecessary to persuade him.

After saying goodbye to Irelia, Bai Ye also embarked on a journey alone.

Rengar chose to leave with Irelia. They were going to talk about how to defend against Noxus.

And behind him, there was also a little tail following him.

"What? You're not going back?"

Bai Ye turned around and looked at Nidalee who had followed him with some curiosity.

She must have come here for her own purpose.

"I just want to go with you to have a look, and I know how to heal. If you are injured, I can help you heal."

Nidali actually wanted to repay Bai Ye's favor.

"Then you just follow me like this?"

Bai Ye asked in a strange tone. Logically speaking, Nidalee shouldn't just leave like this, right?

They wouldn't walk around Valoran casually.

"Yeah, I want to leave with you, but I need to go back and talk to them before I leave."

Nidali seemed to have made up her mind. She wanted to leave here and walk around Valoran with Bai Ye.

Of course, it was mainly to repay the favor. After she finished repaying the favor, she might choose to leave or choose whether to continue to follow Bai Ye according to her heart.

Because she was afraid that once she parted with Bai Ye this time, she would not be able to repay Bai Ye's kindness for saving her this time. He was not like an Ionian.

If she was saved by Irelia, she would join the allied forces against Noxus and help here at that time.

But Bai Ye was different.

Bai Ye was thinking whether to take Nidalee with him on this trip.

It seemed like it would be nice to have someone to accompany him on the journey.

After thinking for a while, Bai Ye nodded: "Okay, let's go to your tribe first."


When Nidalee saw Bai Ye agree, she felt a strange message in her heart.

In the tribe.

Many Vastaya were waiting for Nidalee's arrival. When they came back, Nidalee said that although Bai Ye let them go, no one knew whether it was an enemy trap.

So Nidalee chose to stare at Bai Ye closely, but she hadn't come back until now, which really made them worried.

Now after seeing Nidalee, all the Vastaya present breathed a sigh of relief.

"Nidalee, you're back?"

It's hard to say what a big tongue says.


Nidalee walked up quickly and looked at Neeko excitedly. She hadn't seen Neeko among the people who were captured before.

She originally thought that Neeko was in another group, but now that she saw Neeko, she couldn't help but feel relieved.

And Bai Ye couldn't help but look over after hearing what Nidalee said.

Neeko? !

Is that the Neeko who can transform?

Legend has it that as long as you have Neeko, you have everything?

"Where were you before, Neeko?"

Nidalee touched Neeko's head worriedly.

She was so worried before, and after hearing what Nidalee said, she immediately raised her head and said proudly: "Neeko went to notify others to save you!"

When she saw Nidalee and the others being captured, she immediately went to find other Vastaya for help.

Lion Dog is one of them.

Although there are many subdivided races within Vastaya, they can also unite when facing foreign enemies.

"It turns out to be you, thank you."

Nidalee's face flashed a hint of understanding, and she was still wondering why Rengar came here before.

Before, it was clear that all the people here were captured and taken away by the people of Noxus. Now it seems that Neeko ran away before. Thinking of Neeko's camouflage ability, she was relieved.

The two reminisced about the past, and Nidalee also expressed her intention to leave.

After hearing that Nidalee was about to leave, Neeko also had a trace of reluctance on her face.

"Is Nidalee going to leave?"

Neeko actually wanted Nidalee to stay.

But Nidalee herself did not belong here, although she had already known that Nidalee would leave.

But when she heard that Nidalee was about to leave, she was actually somewhat reluctant in her heart.

"Well, I will still be in Ionia."

I just have to leave here temporarily.

When Nidalee came here, he heard from Bai Ye that he would stay in Ionia temporarily.

"Yeah, then Nidalee, you have to pay attention to safety!"

Neeko reminded her, she felt that Nidalee still needed to pay attention to safety.

After saying goodbye to Neeko and the others, Nidalee also embarked on the journey to leave with Bai Ye.

"Speaking of which, can Neeko become everyone's?"

"Yes. What's wrong?"

Nidalee looked at Bai Ye a little strangely. Why did he suddenly ask when she didn't ask before?



I should have kidnapped Neeko earlier.

Bai Ye thought it was a pity, but since she had already missed her, let it go.

"By the way, what are you Vastaya doing?!"

Bai Ye walked to a bush with some strangeness, squatted down, looked at the white fox in front of him, and was a little shocked in his heart.

Ahri? !

The original woman in the perception just now turned into a nine-tailed fox, with a gem next to her.

It seems that she has just awakened not long ago.

Speaking of it, since I have shared the Conqueror's luck, it seems that I am really like those protagonists. I can pick up any messy things wherever I go!

Shaving, and then picking up an Ahri?

"A little fox from the Vastaya tribe, seems to have been abandoned here?"

"This is not a little fox."

Did Nidalee not see that?


The Ahri in front of her seemed to have just awakened, but she was extremely talented.

According to the description in the background story, it seems that Ahri did awaken during the war between Noxus and Ionia.

Is it because so many people died in this war that she absorbed a lot of essences, and now she seems to be pretending to want to take them away and absorb her own essence?

Speaking of which, Ahri seems to be a predator now, right?

He likes to devour souls and also plays with people's emotions.

Should we take him away? !

"How about we send her to a nearby vastaya tribe?"

Nidalee didn't want to see a newborn baby die in the wild.

They had just left the tribe not long ago, and there were quite a few vastaya groups in this area. They could place her on the outskirts of a tribe and let them adopt her.

After all, if he were left here, he might die.

But after hearing Nidalee say that she was going to be sent away, the little white fox who had closed his eyes suddenly opened his eyes. If he was sent away like this, wouldn't this prey be gone? !

Originally, Ahri only wanted to hunt those who were alone, but she had been waiting here for a long time, but she never met them. Finally, they met today. Although they were two people, Ahri felt that she could still give it a try.

If you give this away to yourself, then who knows when you will meet the next one!

So she would never allow this to happen.

What's more, she was born alone and didn't adapt to the life of the ethnic group at all.

Opening her eyes, the little white fox followed suit and walked elegantly towards Bai Ye. The blue eyes looked at Bai Ye. What surprised her was that after her own eyes saw Bai Ye, there was nothing unusual in the other person's eyes. .

He doesn't seem to be afraid of his own illusions at all.

Back then, as long as her eyes met the other person's, that person would fall into the illusion she had woven, and in the end he would hand over his soul.

Although every devoured soul has their own memories of their lifetime, this also makes Ahri sometimes maintain a trace of sympathy for them.

But now she is more like a beast with power but no control.

Even though she has power, she cannot control it, and she really wants to absorb the essence, because now she needs the essence to maintain her human form.

"It's looking at you!"

Nidalee raised her hand and picked up the little fox.

The little fox struggled in the hand for a moment, and then gracefully jumped out of Nidalee's hand.

This woman is so rude!

The little fox thought secretly, and then continued to look at Bai Ye unwillingly, wanting to activate the illusion and try it again.

That's why she doesn't want to attack more than two people, because unforeseen circumstances may arise.

"She seems to like you very much!"

Nidalee muttered, a little surprised. Logically speaking, she and the little fox should be closer than Bai Ye, right?

Why does this little fox seem to be unwilling to get close to him at all?

"Does this mean you like me?"

Bai Ye said a little weirdly, didn't she see that this little fox had been using illusions on herself?

You didn't let yourself fall into the illusion the first time, but did you start it again the second time?

This little fox is really persistent.

"Is not it?"

Listening to Bai Ye's words, Nidalee also looked at Bai Ye strangely. She felt it was so, but she knew from Bai Ye's mouth that he didn't seem to think so.

"This little fox likes you so much, how about you take him with you?"

Nidalee, this little talker, still wants to bring the little fox with her.

Is this little fox eager to do something to himself now?

If you take the other person directly, isn't this giving the little fox a chance?

The little fox was also a little happy in his heart. He didn't expect that Nidalee, a woman, didn't look so hateful.

She was actually a little discouraged before.

If he couldn't control Bai Ye with illusions, she might be sent away later based on what they had talked about before.

So although she didn't want to, there was no other way. But if she was taken away by Bai Ye now, she could find many ways to try in the future.

"Do you really want me to take her?"

Ahri's strength is still relatively weak, and her growth potential will be very high in the future, so it seems good to bring her now.

But it's just a little dangerous in the early stages.

"But I think she quite likes you."

Nidalee also saw that the little fox liked Bai Ye very much, so she mentioned it. If Bai Ye didn't want to, she wouldn't say anything.

After all, these things can't force Bai Ye to take the other person away.

"Then take it with you."

Bai Ye felt that it was unnecessary to give up a combat capability that would be good in the future just because it was a bit dangerous.

What's more, if he is even afraid of Ahri, who has not yet fully awakened in the early stage.

Then you might as well stop messing around in the future.

Hearing that Bai Ye was going to take him with him, the little fox's face flashed with joy, and he made up his mind to absorb Bai Ye's essence later.

He is so strong.

If I absorb the essence, then I must be able to become more powerful, or at least be able to maintain my human form for a long time, right?

Ahri actually felt a little guilty about absorbing the spirit.

After all, not all the people she killed were bad people.

It was just that her instinct made Ahri want to absorb the spirit while also wanting to maintain her human form.

"I'll call you Ahri from now on."


The little fox looked up at Bai Ye in confusion. Did she have a name?

She tilted her head, and she didn't have much resistance to this name.


the little fox also had a strange and indescribable feeling in her heart.

"You said you don't like her!"

Nidal thought of what Bai Ye had just said. She thought Bai Ye would not bring Ahri with him.

Now it seems that Bai Ye likes Ahri very much.

"I didn't say I didn't like her, did I?"

Nidal's train of thought made Bai Ye not know what to say for a moment.

It seemed that he didn't say anything before.

"Forget it, let's go. Let's go to the town early to find a place to stay."

Bai Ye didn't want to rest in the wild, although the town couldn't be said to be very safe now.

But in the wild, you may encounter wild beasts or attacks from Noxus at any time, and Bai Ye doesn't want to sleep badly at night.

Finding a nearby town, Ahri, lying in Bai Ye's arms, is thinking about how she should absorb Bai Ye's spirit, while Nidalee is curiously looking at everything in the city.

Everything she sees is so strange.

"Have you never been to the city?"

Nidale's look fell into Bai Ye's eyes, and he asked Nidalee curiously.

Has she never been there?

There seems to be someone in Ixtal, right?

Even from Ixtal to Ionia, you should meet them halfway.


Bai Ye thought of something, maybe Nidalee avoided humans all the way, so it was like this?

"Yeah, we usually don't have too many intersections with humans, because we are afraid of some unexpected events."

Nidale nodded, and what she said in her words did confirm his previous questions.

These problems between races have existed in Valoran for a long time, and they cannot be changed in a few words.

There is distrust between the two sides, and even Bai Ye feels that there is no need for him to say anything.

The first time he came to the human city, Nidalee remembered everything about the surrounding shops, vendors, etc.

At the same time, other people around him looked at Nidalee curiously.

Although everyone in Ionia knows that there are Vastaya tribes.

But the Vastaya tribe has always been hiding in the mountains and rarely appears.

Naturally, few people have seen the Vastaya tribe. Now that a living one has appeared, they are of course very curious. Nidalee is embarrassed to be looked at like this.

Originally, she wanted to continue to see what was different here, but after noticing the eyes of the people around her, Nidalee also shrank her body and tried her best to hide behind Bai Ye so that others would not see her.

She also became a little worried.

"Will they think I'm a freak?"

Nidalee whispered softly. In the eyes of humans, she should be a freak, right?

She was already a little nervous and immediately became more nervous after thinking about this.

"No, aren't you pretty?"

Bai Ye was a little surprised. Nidalee didn't have any strange features. If you said Nami came here, then other people would look at mermaids with a little different eyes.

But Nidalee is really pretty in human form.

She has a good figure and looks good. I can't help but want to take a few more glances.


Nidale opened her eyes wide, and the slight uneasiness in her heart seemed to be reduced a lot with Bai Ye's words.

Does he really think so?

"Of course."

"Yeah, Bai Ye, you are a good person!"

Good person?

I didn't expect that I would be given a good person card after praising her for her beauty.

For a moment, Bai Ye didn't know what to say.

"Let's go, let's find a hotel to rest first."

Forget it.

Maybe Nidalee doesn't know this.

Let's solve the problem of eating and sleeping tonight first.

"Nidalee, how about I open a new room for you?"

Bai Ye never thought that Nidalee would choose to live in the same room with him.

The reason was that she didn't have to spend so much money and she could live in the same room with Bai Ye.

When he heard Nidalee's proposal, the first thing he thought of was to agree. After all, a beautiful woman said she wanted to live in the same room with him. It would be so bad to refuse!

But what surprised Bai Ye was that this was a trap!

Although Nidalee said that she wanted to live with him, as soon as she came in, she turned into a leopard and then lay on the ground. Bai Ye immediately lost his composure.

It turned into a zoo around him.

A fox and a leopard, suddenly glad that Neeko didn't come. If Neeko came, would there be a chameleon around him? Neeko. It should be a chameleon, right?

Bai Ye was also a little unsure of what race Neeko was.

"No need, Bai Ye, you don't have much money, let's save some money!"

Nidalee shook her head. She didn't want to embarrass Bai Ye. After all, she learned from Bai Ye that he had just come out of an arena. He must not have much money, so she thought it was better to forget it.

She felt that it was pretty good now.

"Don't worry. I used to live in the jungle. This environment is much better than the jungle. I can just sleep on the ground!"

Nidalee patted her chest and said that it didn't matter to her. Bai Ye didn't need to worry about her.

After listening to her words, Bai Ye opened his mouth and then couldn't help sighing in his heart. In fact, he wanted to say that he didn't mind her sleeping on the bed. Of course, if he could get rid of the leopard form, it would be the best.

But Bai Ye couldn't say this.

If he said this, wouldn't it expose that he was a LSP?

Not right.

He should be a small SP. After all, he was still young!


Bai Ye didn't say much in the end. He lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling, feeling the cold wind blowing from outside.

Although the young lady often sleeps in the jungle and is very cold-resistant, I can't help but feel sorry for her.

In this cold winter night, Bai Ye felt that he had to give Nidalee a warm hug.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye couldn't help but ask: "Nidalee, if you feel the floor is cold, you can come up, don't worry, I don't mind!"

Well. He doesn't mind!

"Don't worry, Bai Ye, I have slept in colder places before, you don't have to worry about me, I heard that you humans are weaker, don't get cold at night!"

Nidalee still refused.

Although she always felt that something was wrong, she still thanked Bai Ye for his kindness.

She had thought about it when she lived there before, and Bai Ye didn't need to consider herself.

This time I came here to repay the favor!

After being rejected again, Bai Ye finally gave up!

Okay, okay!

That's how you play, right!

After Nidalee refused, Bai Ye also understood that there was nothing to talk about!

If she invited again, Nidalee would still refuse.

Then just go to sleep.

Closing his eyes, Bai Ye quickly fell asleep. He had not slept well these days because he had been traveling with the army.

A slight snoring sound echoed in the room, and the little fox, who had originally closed his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes.

It's time to hunt!

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