Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 242: Ice that freezes fire, greatness needs no further explanation! Total War Ionia Noxus

Chapter 242 - The ice that freezes the flames is so great that it goes without saying! Total War Ionia Noxus

People's defenses are at their lowest when sleeping. Ahri had been waiting for the opportunity for a long time, originally thinking that Byakuya and Nidalee would fall asleep soon after returning to the room.

But after waiting for a long time, Ahri finally didn't wait until the two of them fell asleep and kept chatting like this. On the contrary, she almost fell asleep.

After confirming that Bai Ye was asleep, Ahri walked gently to Bai Ye and placed his front paws gently on Bai Ye's cheek.

As long as the other party is not guarded against her, she can absorb the essence, so after Bai Ye fell asleep, she didn't believe that she couldn't do it.

Activating the magic, a tiny soul link appeared on Ahri's body. As long as the link was connected, the other party's soul would be absorbed by her. It had always been like this before. Just when she was about to take action, she discovered her own soul link. It broke suddenly.

what's the situation?

There is a big question mark inside the little fox's head.

It was obviously not like this before, but the soul connection is still broken?

Unwilling to give up, Ahri was ready to try again.

It's just that the link was broken not long after it was connected to Bai Ye.

After trying several times in a row, they all ended in failure, which made Ahri a little confused.

After several failures, Ah Li lay down on Bai Ye's shoulder, a little discouraged. She didn't understand why she failed when she obviously did nothing wrong.

"It seems like her ability is not very strong."

Bai Ye muttered in his heart. He hadn't fallen asleep just now. Although Ahri's illusions had not controlled him before, he had no other means to protect Ahri, so he simply closed his eyes to see what Ahri was going to do next. .

Now it seems that Ahri's ability really has no effect on him.

He can then rest assured.

Perhaps it was because her magic power was not strong enough just after she was born, and her magic power affected the power of her soul. When her soul was stronger than Ahri, this ability seemed to have no effect on her.

It seems that it still needs to be awakened and able to use the magic ball.

Nowadays, Ahri's strength has been determined a lot by Bai Ye, so he no longer cares about it so much.

the next day.

Bai Ye grabbed Ahri. The fox probably didn't get much rest at night and kept trying. Now he seemed to be lying in Bai Ye's arms a little listlessly.

After gently stroking Ahri, the fox showed a humanized irritation on his face.

Ahri was in a bad mood. She had been working hard last night, but she had not finished it at the expense of her rest time. As a result, Bai Ye was still coming to disturb her rest.

"Good morning Bai Ye!"

Nidalee stretched herself and slept well last night. This place was no different from the jungle, and she still needed to be prepared for some unexpected occurrences.

"Good morning."

Bai Ye was a little surprised to see Nidalee licking her fur so early in the morning.

Is this a must-have for felines?

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Bai Ye's surprised eyes, Nidalee was a little embarrassed and put her hand down.

This has become my habit, and I have to start straightening out the fur on my body every morning.

Just seeing Bai Ye's strange eyes made Nidalee speechless.

"It's nothing. Aren't you from Ixtal? Why did you come to Ionia?"

Bai Ye shook his head. In fact, Bai Ye was a little strange about Nidalee coming here.

"Actually, it's not just me. Rengar and Neeko are both from Ixtal, but we are here to take away some vastaya."

Nidalee explained.

The reason for coming here is actually to take some of the vastaya tribe away to Ixtal.

"So are all those people from the tribe who want to leave with you?"

A flash of understanding flashed across Bai Ye's face, and he realized why Ixtar's people appeared in Ionia.

"Hmm, originally we were about to leave, but then Noxus invaded Ionia."

Nidalee nodded in response, it was because of this that they did not leave.

Although she was later rescued by White Night, Nidalee also learned from Neeko after she returned that she went to find Rengar and some warriors from Vastaya to rescue them.

After listening to Nidalee's words, Bai Ye also reacted. It seemed that his appearance had caused some chain reactions.

But then again, why did Ixtal come here to take away the vastaya?

"Byakuya, you want to ask why we came here to take away the Vastaya tribe, right?"

Nidalee saw the confusion in Bai Ye's eyes, and after thinking about it, she probably understood why Bai Ye was like this.

In fact, none of them would have come here originally, but the vastaya clan here asked for help.

"That's right. Logically speaking, it doesn't make sense."

"Because some of the Vastaya tribe have defected to Noxus, and many people are opposed to it, so they want to leave Ionia and prepare to go to Vastaya with us, so they contacted us to come together. "

Nidalee explained that this was why they were here.

"That's not right. Didn't you already know that there would be a war between Noxus and Ionia? Are you still coming here?"


Since it was known, why was he still arrested?

And since the Vastaya have already surrendered to Noxus, then Noxus should not attack the Vastaya.

Why is there a hint of weirdness in this?

"I don't know either, but according to our understanding, we are not among those who are protected. The Vastaya have already had disagreements. We originally thought that the war between Noxus and the surrounding areas has been going on all the time, and we can just leave with our people."

Nidalee explained the reason for this matter.

At the same time, they also told their previous thoughts.

Bai Ye also sorted out this matter.

There were disagreements between the two sides, and some of those who surrendered were blessed by Noxus, while the two Vastaya tribes regarded each other as traitors.

In addition, Noxus has been waging small-scale wars against foreign countries for many years.

No one expected that Noxus would directly invade Ionia on a large scale, so this matter was something that Nidalee and the others did not expect, and they were captured after arriving here.

This also confirmed her previous conjecture that the two sides did not seem to be very harmonious.

In fact, not all Ionia members are in favor of war. After all, some people may want to surrender directly, after all, Noxus is stronger than Ionia.

"So, Bai Ye, have you made up your mind?"


Bai Ye was a little confused and didn't understand why Nidalee said that.

"Have you ever thought about joining this matter? I always feel that you seem to be a bit distant."

Of course, what Nidalee said was not the ambiguity in feelings, but that Bai Ye seemed to want to participate in this matter, but was worried about something.

He came from Noxus, but he was helping Ionia. At least what he was doing now seemed to have no benefit to Noxus.

"I don't want to be tied to any force. I do things according to my mood."

Bai Ye also understood that everyone could see his ambiguity clearly, and Swain saw it at the beginning.

"Yeah, so where are we going next?"

Nidalee didn't dwell too much on this matter.

She just wanted to know what Bai Ye's purpose was. Sometimes she really couldn't understand it.

Follow your heart?

So you saw yourself being captured, so you chose to save him?

It seems that I am also a beneficiary of this matter, what can I say?

"Wuji, the Order of the Balance or the Cerana Monastery."

In addition to Irelia and Karma, the people who participated in this war.

There are also Wuji's Wuji Swordmaster, the Order of the Balance's Zed, Shen, Akali and the Cerana Monastery's Lee Sin who appeared in this war.

The Wuji Sect where the Wuji Swordmaster is located was destroyed by Singed with alchemical flames in one night because the Wuji Swordmaster had a great impact on Noxus.

As for the Order of the Balance, they want to see if they can abduct Akali.

After all, Akali will become a stray thorn for some reason in the future.

As for the Cerana Monastery, the key is to go and take a look.

Anyway, there is not much to do in Ionia, and I can go to find Swain after Swain is defeated.

"The distance between them is quite far."

The Promise is located on an island in the lower left of Ionia, while the Order of the Balance is in the north, and the Monastery of Silana is in the northeast. The distance is really large.

Basically, I have traveled all over Ionia.

"Let's go to Promise first!"

The reputation of the Promise Swordmaster has been heard on the battlefield.

I believe that it will be attacked by Singed soon.

However, if I act like this, it seems that I will have to confront Swain later.

But just as Swain understands me, Bai Ye also understands Swain.

The interests of Noxus are paramount. As long as there is value, Swain will not turn his face easily.

What's more, it is a result that the other party has already encountered.

"Yeah, yeah, Promise is not far from here."

They just landed in Ionia, so this place is relatively close to Promise.

After defining the target, the two packed up and checked out and prepared to leave.

Along the way, the two of them enjoyed the customs of Ionia.

The closer they were to Noxus, the more tragic it was.

After this place was occupied, many people in Ionia began to be transported to Noxus.

Noxus has been in war for many years, and the population has already died a lot. It is natural that they need to replenish the internal forces after conquering this place.

Along the way, Nidalee saw too many deaths and also realized the brutality of Noxus.

"Another pile of dead people, all from the war between the two sides."

The closer to Wuji Village, the more dead people there are here. It seems that the two sides have experienced a big war here.

"So many spirits!"

Compared to Nidalee's sigh at the tragedy of the war, in Ahri's eyes, the spirits of those who had just died on the battlefield not long ago were a fatal temptation.

These days, she thought she had not been discovered by Bai Ye, and she had quietly eaten a lot of spirits.

However, all of this fell into Bai Ye's eyes and he didn't say anything.

Compared to directly eating the soul of a living person, Bai Ye would still be able to accept it if Ahri ate the soul of a person who had just died.

You can't catch people alive every day just to raise Ahri.

Isn't this the same as a demon cultivator?

But if Ahri could do this, then Bai Ye would just turn a blind eye and pretend he didn't see it.

At the same time, this also made Ahri realize that following Bai Ye does not necessarily require absorbing Bai Ye's essence. She can eat a lot of essence every day when she follows Bai Ye.

"Her magic power has improved a lot compared to before. She is indeed a succubus."

Bai Ye felt deep in his heart, it would be great if he could absorb the essence and become stronger.

"According to previous people, it seems that Wuji Village is ahead."

Nidalee pointed forward, and they arrived here after a while of traveling.

In the Wuji Village in front of them, many people have already gone to the battlefield, and those in the rear are still forging armor and weapons.

Because of Master Yi's leadership, many people from the Wuji faction went down the mountain to defend against Noxus.

At this moment, apart from the elderly, children and some forging craftsmen, there is no fighting capacity in Wujicun.

On the outside, a team of six people also surrounded the place.

Looking at Wuji Village, which was just around the corner, a trace of evil flashed in their eyes.

Noxus' secret force.

They got some poison from Singed, which could completely turn a village here into ashes.

If it weren't for Wujicun's Master Yi, Noxus would never have suffered such a big loss.

So this is all their revenge.

Just to tell everyone that anyone who goes against Noxus will also encounter this kind of treatment.

"Captain, do you want to take action?"

The team members looked at the middle-aged man and asked.

No one knew whether Master Yi would come back, so they didn't dare to wait any longer.

Once Master Yi comes back, it will not be good news for them.


The captain nodded, although most people were not resting now and might be noticed.

But Singed said this before when he gave them the potion.

As long as he uses it, there will definitely be no problems, and they believe it. After all, Singed is the number one alchemist in Valoran, so he shouldn't lie to them, right?

Thinking of this, the captain directly took out the alchemical flames and threw them in the direction of Wuji Village.

The flames are burning, accompanied by thick poisonous smoke, this thing is the most deadly.

Looking at the screams caused by the flames not far away, I also saw them running around to put out the fire.

Looking at their efforts to put out the fire, a sneer flashed across their faces.

This kind of flame cannot be extinguished by water!

"Haha, boss, those people are too funny. They actually want to use water to extinguish Singed's alchemical flames?!"

"This is the struggle before the insect dies!"

The captain smiled, but did not continue to say anything.

But he still enjoyed watching these bugs struggle.

"All for me, Great Noxus!"

Although the entire village will be killed as soon as he takes action.

The people below were almost in despair.

But he didn't care at all, because in his opinion, everything he did was for Noxus, so it was all right!

However, the people below seemed to have discovered that they could not extinguish the flame no matter what, struggling almost desperately.

"It's really tragic. Alchemy can actually do this."

Bai Ye looked at the villagers of Wuji Village who were gathering below, with some surprise in his eyes.

Singed's flame is indeed strong, and this is just one of Singed's alchemy skills.

This kind of flame cannot be extinguished by water at all, and the most important thing is not the fire, but the poisonous smoke. Even in the white night, the body feels a little uncomfortable.

"Those guys in Noxus have absolutely no humanity at all!!!"

Nidalee gritted her teeth and looked at the people below who seemed to have given up struggling.

She had only seen corpses all over the ground before, but after she really saw that the Noxians were crazy enough to use this kind of thing, the anger in her heart had reached its peak.

“Is it ready for dinner?”

Ahri didn't have that kind of concept. After Ahri looked at the struggling people below, she had no other thoughts at this moment. She just thought about whether the souls of these people could be given to her later. Ate it.

"You can't eat it!"

Bai Ye patted Ah Li on the head. Ah Li raised her head and looked at Bai Ye in confusion. She knew what she was thinking?


What do you mean you can’t eat it?

Did he know that he was secretly eating souls along the way?

"Bai Ye, let's save them!"

Nidalee said as she prepared to take action.

"No need to go down."

Byakuya reached out and grabbed Nidalee directly.

Looking at Bai Ye, Nidalee felt some indescribable feelings in her heart. Is Bai Ye not ready to take action?

Just watch the people below die?

Thinking of this, Nidalee gritted her teeth and decided to go down by herself. She also knew that Bai Ye couldn't force Bai Ye if he didn't want to go down.

Do you want to kidnap him morally?

"I'll take action."

After Bai Ye breathed out a breath of ice, Nidalee was instantly surprised when she looked at the scene in front of her.

The fire was still burning, but it was frozen inside the ice.

The ice did not melt, and the flames did not go out because of the ice. The two sides seemed to be in a stalemate here.

"Are you kidding me?! The flame is frozen?"

The captain of the team was stunned for a moment when he saw the scene in front of him.

Not a buddy? !

Did you see it wrong?

Or did you faint?

Why can the flame be frozen?

"You read that right, the flame was frozen by me."

"It's you?!"

The team leader looked at Bai Ye with blank eyes. He knew Bai Ye. He belonged to Swain directly, so he had met Bai Ye before.

The moment he saw Bai Ye, he also had a bad premonition in his heart.

What does this guy mean? !

"Why are you doing this?!!"

the team leader questioned.

Obviously this guy is from Noxus like himself, why would he help Ionia?

"No reason, because I wanted to do it, I'm sorry."


The team leader almost laughed out of anger. This guy did such a thing, do we still need to beg for his forgiveness?


He will definitely tell Swain about this.

Swain must be allowed to punish Bai Ye properly when the time comes.

He actually wanted to see how Bai Ye would deal with Swain.

But before he could continue speaking the next second, his eyes saw his back standing still without moving, and the others seemed to be the same as him.

And he also realized why Bai Ye wanted to apologize to him.

You are so polite.

Kill yourself and still say sorry to yourself?

"Let's eat!"

Ah Li greedily absorbed the essence. She just said she couldn't eat it, but in the end, she ate it for herself!

Absorbing the souls of the people in front of him, Ahri frowned, but there wasn't much burden in his heart.

"You are so awesome."

Nidalee walked up to Bai Ye, opened her mouth and finally choked out these words.

"It's okay. Compared to others, it's a bit better."

It's easy for Bai Ye's strength to defeat these. If he really encounters any demigods or dark descendants, he will probably give up.

If you think about it this way, it seems that there is a dark descendant sealed here in Ionia, right?


This should be the time to get out of trouble.

Bai Ye didn't want to meet a dark descendant at this time!

"How does your freezing ability affect flames but not freeze people?!"

Nidalee was also a little strange. Judging from the intensity of this freezing, shouldn't everything be frozen directly?



If you don’t want to say it, just don’t say it.

This guy actually came up with a secret for himself.


Swain raised his head and listened to his subordinate's report.

Things in Wuji Village have also failed, and their people have lost contact.

"Yi has gone back?"

Swain narrowed his eyes, guessing that it might have been because of Yi's return, but other than that, he couldn't think of any other reason.

"No, Yi rushed back after hearing about what happened in Wuji Village yesterday. Our people lost contact before that. The flame was very strange."

Their people went over and took a look, but didn't dare to get close.

The flame was actually frozen. They observed it for a long time, and the flame remained frozen. This phenomenon was very strange.

At the same time, they were a little confused as to what was going on, but they were sure that Yi was not going back.

So after getting the information, in order to avoid being discovered, they just observed for a while and then left.

"Isn't it Yi, who has the ability to freeze flames? Is there anyone like this in Ionia?!"

Swain picked up the information in his hand and looked at it one by one. It seemed that there was nothing here at all, including some heroes who had been hidden under previous investigations.

Could it be from the Freljord? !

its not right!

There is no time to care about that side, and it is impossible to come here. Besides, Noxus has not messed with each other, Ionia has not helped each other, and Freljord has no reason to come.

Then it is difficult to explain the problem.

"Forget it, let's just leave it like that if there is no attack there. Focus on the Presidio in Navoli."

Since Wuji failed, it would be fine to go find trouble with Singed later.

He had promised that this would be successful and the flame would not be extinguished.

But after being frozen, even the poisonous smoke was ineffective. This was certain that Swain would not let it go.

But now he doesn't want to care about it.

The most important thing is Presidence, which is one of the sacred places in the First Land. Many Ionians will travel long distances to come here to study.

To Ionia, this is holy land.

So Swain's focus has always been here.

Why don't they want to take over here?

But the people in this place are becoming more and more resistant.

Irelia also became a leader among them, leading many people to fight against the invasion of Noxus.

The current Presidence is a hard bone, but if it can be chewed off, it will definitely be good.

"But our move to divert the tiger away from the mountain was very successful. Let's take action tonight and capture Presidio!"

Swain said calmly, he was sure of victory.


The soldier nodded, and then went out to give the order, but when he turned to leave, a strange smile flashed across his face, and then disappeared.

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