Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 243 Leblanc's conspiracy, practicing the Wuji sword!

Chapter 243 - Leblanc's conspiracy, practicing the infinite sword art!

"Even if you occupy Presidium, your final outcome will only be failure, Swain."

The soldier who left also revealed his true appearance at this moment.

Holding a staff, the explosive figure under the robe, and two black eyeliners drooping at the corners of his eyes.


Because Swain's plan has been known, under the control of Noxus, Leblanc will never allow anyone to disrupt her plan to control Noxus.

Black Rose finally found this opportunity. The emperor was controlled by her. After experiencing this failure, she was also very confident that she could completely control Noxus.

From then on, Black Rose could gradually emerge from the darkness.

"What if Swain died?"

A black shadow flashed out on the side, looking at Leblanc and asked curiously.

If Swain died, it seems that it is not in Leblanc's interest, right?

There must be someone to take the blame for this matter, and he must go back alive to bear everything. Swain is the best choice.

Leblanc's plan is to let Swain occupy Placidum. The Ionians who know that this place is occupied will never sit and wait for death, so they will definitely come back.

The two sides will also fight over this place. If Swain has support, it might be better. Unfortunately, no one will support him this time. He is isolated and helpless.

Leblanc has already cut off all his retreat routes.

"Irelia, that little girl, is not that strong yet."

Leblanc shook her head and did not believe that Irelia could kill Swain.

So Swain will lose, but he will not die. After returning to Noxus, he will become his best scapegoat.

In this way, the forces loyal to Swain will be completely dispersed by himself.

"Swain knew that he would fail in this war, but he didn't know why he failed. It's really a bit sad!"

Vladimir said lightly. Although he didn't really want to get involved in the political confrontation between the two sides, he woke up from his slumber and just needed to find something to relieve his fatigue.

Although Leblanc didn't tell him the plan, he probably guessed something based on what Leblanc had done these days.

Target Swain with the failure of the Noxian war.

Swain is a pure patriot, and he is loyal to the Noxian Empire.

After knowing that the emperor of the empire did not ascend to the throne through formal channels, but through the mysterious organization Black Rose, and the two sides cooperated on this, preparing to hollow out Noxus.

Swain also took action, but he didn't know that all this was Leblanc's calculation.

"Because the puppet was disobedient, he found another person to rebel and kill his parents, and beat the emperor to admit his weakness, and since then he has become a nationally famous general. Speaking of which, don't you want Irelia to kill Swain?"

Swain is not so easy to kill now, and he can't die too bizarrely.

So at the beginning Leblanc also thought about whether to let Irelia kill Swain.

This is why Leblanc cut off everything and left Swain isolated and helpless.

There are some tests in this. She wants to see if Swain will die. If he dies, that's good. If he doesn't die, then he can go back and take the blame.

"Swain's affairs have been arranged. Speaking of which, that guy still surprised me."

Leblanc skipped Swain's affairs directly. She is very interested in Bai Ye now.

Originally, she just felt that the other party's swordsmanship was very good in the arena.

She wanted the other party to help her do something, and then she felt that it was not bad, so she could absorb the other party into the Black Rose.

However, the attitude of that person also surprised Leblanc. Obviously, through some previous language tests, she also knew that the other party might know something about the Black Rose.

But she refused to join the Black Rose. After returning, Leblanc also went to investigate the information of Bai Ye, inexplicably came to Noxus, and then entered the Noxus Arena.

There was a period of time before when the battle was quite strenuous, and he almost died several times, but then it seemed like he suddenly awakened, or maybe he had hidden strength before?

But no matter what, Bai Ye finally gave me a big surprise.

Especially on Singed's alchemical flame, I originally thought that Bai Ye was a wind swordsman, but I didn't expect that he even had the ability to freeze.

It would be better if his magic power was stronger. Of course, even now, Leblanc thinks that he has a promising future.

"Didn't he not join?"

"People will change."

After saying that, Leblanc disappeared here directly. She had some things to prepare urgently.

At the same time.

Wuji Village.

After Master Yi and the disciples of Wuji School hurried back, they couldn't help but feel relieved when they saw that the whole village was safe.

After hearing on the battlefield that Wuji Village had been attacked by Singed's alchemical flame and the whole village was about to be lost, Master Yi and others didn't dare to wait any longer.

Before returning, they had already made various preparations. However, when they actually returned, Master Yi and others saw that the village was intact, except that there were many more ice sculptures around the village.

After making sure that no one in the village was hurt, he couldn't help but feel relieved.

After asking the villagers about the cause and effect of the incident, Master Yi immediately found Bai Ye who was still resting in the village.

"Thank you."

"I want to learn the Way of Wuji."


So direct? !

Master Yi was a little surprised, but he felt like he couldn't refuse.

After all, he saved the whole village.

If it weren't for Bai Ye's appearance, all the people in this village would have died, so it didn't seem to be a difficult decision to teach Bai Ye the Way of Wuji.

The reason why Bai Ye made this request was mainly because he thought he might draw a lottery in the future.

But if he could learn by himself without wasting the chance to draw a lottery, wouldn't it feel better?

So Bai Ye was also ready to take the favor of saving Wuji Village this time and let Master Yi teach him the Way of Wuji.

"The time required to practice the Wuji Dao is not short. If you want to learn, I can teach you, but you have to wait until the war is over."

Master Yi's face flashed with apology. Although he wanted to teach, the Noxian army was still in Ionia.

If Bai Ye is willing to wait, he will teach Bai Ye after the war is over.

"Okay, I can practice for a long time afterwards."

"What about us?"

Nidali pointed at herself. She was still waiting to repay Bai Ye.

If Bai Ye stayed here, what would she do?

"Do you want to go back to Ixtal?"

Bai Ye asked.

He could actually send Nidalee back to Ixtal.

The key is to see what Nidalee thinks.

Go back to Ixtal? !

After hearing Bai Ye's words, Nidalee was stunned for a moment, and then began to think.

Should I go back?

The original plan was that she would take some Vastaya away from here and return to Ixtal.

But now she actually wanted to travel around Valoran with Bai Ye.

I used to live in the jungle, but since I came out with Bai Ye, I found that the outside world is actually quite beautiful.

"Didn't you say before that you wanted to travel all over Valoran? Can we go to Ixtal at the end?"

Nidalee asked.

She hoped that Bai Ye could put Ixtal at the last stop.

In this way, the adventure of the two would end there.

"I don't care."

Bai Ye didn't care. The reason why he wanted to travel all over Valoran was to find some opportunities to see if there was a chance to win the lottery.

So it seems that there is nothing wrong with putting Ixtal at the end.

After getting Bai Ye's consent, Nidalee's face flashed with joy.

"Well, I'm going to the battlefield."

Master Yi felt that the atmosphere seemed a little wrong.

It seemed that he shouldn't be here.

Now Ionia still needs them.

"It just so happens that we are leaving too."

"Don't you want to sit for a while?"

"No, we just came here to take a look."

Is it on the way?

If Nidalee remembered correctly, she came here directly, not on the way.

But she didn't intend to expose Bai Ye's idea.

The three of them walked around Ionia together.

It was a pity that the ninjas of the Order of the Balance and the monks of the Silana Monastery had already gone out to fight Noxus.

Bai Ye didn't meet the people he wanted to meet, and then he was ready to say goodbye and leave.

Looking at Ionia, Bai Ye was hesitating whether to stay.

Along the way, Bai Ye actually took action several times, and even Bai Ye himself realized that Swain probably knew that he was helping Ionia.

Even though they had an agreement at the beginning, now he was open, but there was a 50% chance that Swain would still cooperate with him in the future.

Because the Black Rose was too deeply rooted in Noxus, if he wanted to reform, he needed more support.

"I heard that Irelia has already counterattacked Presidium."

"Swain is going to fail."

Swain's failure seems to be there, right?

No one expected that Swain would be defeated by Irelia, who was only fourteen years old at the moment.


Behind it, in fact, the deep-seated reason was that Swain and Black Rose were at odds, which led to his failure.

If he wanted to reform, he had to move Black Rose, and this was also not allowed by Leblanc.

At the beginning, she wanted to arrange for Black Rose to appear in the public eye after the emperor took the throne.

"That's good!"

After hearing Bai Ye's words, Nidalee was obviously relieved.

"By the way, Master Yi said before that he wanted to ask you for something, which was entrusted by a friend. Shall we go?"

When Master Yi said that, he was actually a little hesitant.

After all, he and Bai Ye didn't know each other very well, and rashly bringing up this matter might cause some dissatisfaction in the other party's heart.

But now they can't tell the difference at all. The war with Noxus has entered the most critical moment. It can be said that the outcome of this war will be decided soon.

So they also need to concentrate their manpower to fight this war. Originally, they decided not to send anyone there, but then he thought of Bai Ye. If Bai Ye agreed, he would help. If he didn't go, Master Yi wouldn't think too much, and he wouldn't force it anyway.

"Go ahead. It just so happens that there's nothing to do in Ionia."

Bai Ye originally wanted to meet those people, but now it seems that there is no chance.

Swain is going to fail here, and there is no need for him to stay in Ionia. He can still meet him in the future.

"Not staying here?"

Ahri looked up at Bai Ye. Recently, she has mixed a lot of souls with Bai Ye.

If she leaves, doesn't it mean that she can't eat those spirits?

"Ahri seems reluctant to leave here!"

Nidalee came forward to look at Ahri. Ahri retreated a little with some disgust at her face that suddenly came up.

Why are you so close!

"Of course she is reluctant!"

Bai Ye smiled. It is normal for Ahri to be reluctant to leave.

After all, Ahri has a lot of spirits to absorb here. Once she leaves here, it will not be so easy for Ahri to absorb spirits.

Ahri looked at Bai Ye eagerly. The longer she spent with Bai Ye recently, the more she imitated Bai Ye and Nidalee. She wanted to become a human, at least look like them when she was a human.

Nidalee, forget it, is similar to herself. She has been imitating Bai Ye, and sometimes she is not so dull.

Not only imitating Bai Ye, but also imitating what those women are like in the memories of some spirits, and more of following Bai Ye. She is relatively young and likes to stick with Bai Ye.


After Ahri saw that it was useless to act like a spoiled child and Bai Ye didn't seem to care at all, she climbed directly on Bai Ye's head angrily.

I won't talk to Bai Ye today!

"This little fox is getting angry?"

Bai Ye didn't say anything either. Ahri seemed to have a higher IQ now.

Go to Demacia.

Bai Ye was actually a little surprised about what Master Yi asked him to do.

Who needs Master Yi to ask him to send him to Demacia? !

Ignoring Ahri's temper along the way, Bai Ye followed the location given by Master Yi.

When he arrived at the location, Bai Ye also saw an unexpected person, Sona.

Master Yi's friend is Lee Sin?

There are a group of children beside Sona, and these are all arranged by Lee Sin to leave Ionia and go to Demacia for refuge.

"It seems that in the background story, Sona went there by herself, which is strange."

It stands to reason that you have to go from Ionia to Demacia.

That must cross Noxus.

It is impossible for Sona to cross from Noxus.

Unless you take a detour.

One is to go through the Bilgewater waterway below. In Bilgewater, as long as you have money, you can do anything.

The other is to go north and then take a detour from Freljord.

Both of these roads are available.

"Hello, are you the person Master Yi mentioned before?"

Sona's piano sound seemed to be able to make people hear her voice. She was a mute and could not speak. Only by relying on the piano sound could people understand what she said.

After seeing the person coming, Sona also thought of what Master Yi had said to them before, that he had arranged people to protect them.

So they were originally ready to leave, but in order to wait for Master Yi's people to come, they hid here temporarily.

"Yes, how are you going to leave?"

Bai Ye asked curiously.

"Go directly to Noxus by water and then pass through there to reach Demacia!"


Now Bai Ye understood that they were going to go directly through Noxus from the beginning.

"Then you probably can't do it now!"

Bai Ye shrugged and said slowly. Originally, Sona and the others didn't seem to have much problem going this way.

But now that he was here, it was impossible.


Sona looked at Bai Ye strangely. Was she going to take a detour?

It didn't seem to be that troublesome, right?

"Because of what I did before, I can't pass through Noxus anyway!"

What Bai Ye did in Ionia before was directly regarded as a traitor by Noxus.

So if I take Sona and walk out of here at this time, it feels like it is probably impossible.

From this point of view, it seems that it is because of me that Sona's journey is more difficult?

After hearing Bai Ye's words, Sona was silent.

Did Master Yi find a protector to protect them to Demacia, or did he find someone to take refuge together.

PS: Please give me some data, anything is fine, I will try to update it tomorrow, I wanted to take a leave today, but I thought I would write a chapter QAQ

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