Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 331 Young people are just hot-tempered!

Chapter 331 - Young people are just hot-tempered!

"The power of the talisman is not enough to kill these willow trees, just like when you met the clown before, but were chased away by the clown.

You are not good enough now, so you can only use these talisman bullets to deal with simple ghosts.

If you know a little bit of Taoism, you can still make use of these talisman bullets.

Although these bullets did have an effect on the willow trees, you can't completely seal or kill these willow trees directly, so it's useless.

This angered them instead. Everything you see now is actually just an illusion. Once you believe that these willow trees are dead, you will die the moment you walk past them."

These willow trees have been angered.

The reason why they haven't taken action yet is actually because they are still pretending.

Bai Ye is not sure whether these willow trees will take action at the beginning.

But after being hit by the talisman bullets, these willow trees will definitely take action.

Let’s not talk about the fact that they took the initiative to attack and caused the willow trees to be injured, which in itself stimulated the aggressiveness of these willow trees.

Let’s just say that they need to recover after being injured.

After all, they are injured here, and this human blood is definitely a great tonic.

So when they took action, Bai Ye knew that this matter was no longer something they could solve.

And after Bai Ye finished saying this, they couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment.

I didn’t expect it to be because of me? !

I thought it was sealed this time.

If Bai Ye didn’t show up, what would happen? I dare not think about it.

“Does it mean that we are too weak?”

Bai Ye’s words seemed to mean this.

It turned out that they didn’t need the power of the talisman at all.

“Because the talisman is engraved on it, it will definitely be stronger if it is activated by mana, but unfortunately you don’t have it.”

It is definitely a very difficult thing to cultivate mana.

Just like what Zhong Fabai said before, he is a rare genius who can cultivate mana.

Otherwise, it is very difficult to cultivate mana in this Dharma Ending Age, because there is not much spiritual energy for you to absorb.

And the human body now is somewhat different from the ancient body.

There are many impurities in the body, and if you want to cultivate, you must remove the impurities in the body.

Unless you are born pure or have very little.

"Mana again."

Mana is like a mountain pressing down on everyone.

They had heard Bai Ye talk about mana before.

Later, everyone sensed mana, but all failed.

Bai Ye did not give them too much time to sense.

Otherwise, there should be a few people who can succeed.

Jojo is probably OK, but because Jojo has not been exposed to cultivation yet, although Long Po accepted Jojo as an apprentice, she did not teach too much.

At that time, Long Po was going to die, and she must have given priority to prolonging her life.

Since Jojo was chosen by Long Po, it means that she must be able to cultivate mana.

If he didn't have that talent, Long Po wouldn't have chosen him.

"You don't have the conditions for mana, so you don't need to think about mana for now."

Bai Ye interrupted the thoughts of several people. Now that they don't have the conditions, they don't need to think about it for now.

After all, it's not that time yet. Later, they will slowly select those who are suitable for cultivating mana from them.

There is no need to rush now.

"Then Taoist Bai, let's act quickly. We don't know where Meng Chao is now!"

Jin Maji didn't want to know about the mana problem, and now is not the time.

These things can be discussed later. The most important thing at present is where Meng Chao is.

If Meng Chao can't be found, it's useless to talk more.

"Yes, Taoist, Meng Chao is missing."

Others also reacted and realized that now is not the time to talk about this.

Let's talk about it after finding Meng Chao.

"Let's get rid of the willow tree first."

Bai Ye spit out a flame from his mouth.

The raging flames burned the willow forest, and the vines and branches of the willow tree kept shaking.

At the same time, they also wanted to stretch out branches to entangle Bai Ye and others.

This was the willow tree's last struggle.

But it was ultimately useless. Before the branches could reach this side, the flames spread and engulfed the willow branches, and the willow trees began to burn.

At the burned location, the blood kept flowing, and then evaporated by the flames.

Such a horrific scene gave everyone present a very creepy feeling.

They were somewhat fortunate that they had not gone there before, otherwise they would probably be hanged on the willow branches now! ?

"Is it the Samadhi True Fire?!"

Fa Mao knew this.

This legendary ability.


The flames burned the willow forest to ashes.

When the willow forest burned out, the gusts of gloom around seemed to dissipate at that moment.

"This used to be a mass grave, and then it was converted into an amusement park, but it was abandoned because of some things. I didn't expect you to dare to come here."

Bai Ye glanced at them. The group of people felt a little embarrassed after hearing what Bai Ye said.

Especially Huang Yaozu. In fact, this incident also showed that he was a little unreliable.

He almost led everyone else into the ditch.

If Bai Ye hadn't come, he would definitely be responsible next.

"This is my problem."

"It's not about who to find. In my opinion, there is no need to say whose problem it is. I think since you are here, you should investigate it clearly, and leave quickly when you can't deal with it."

Bai Ye actually has a question that he can't figure out.

That is, in horror movies, why don't people who encounter problems think about leaving quickly at the first time.

"That Taoist priest, don't you blame us for walking in here?!"

Li Guoqiang actually didn't speak before, mainly because of this.

He proposed to come to find Meng Chao and the Loach King.

Although there was nothing wrong with saying this at the time, after all, they were all companions. If he just left it alone, he would feel bad in his heart.

But although he said so, he violated what Bai Ye said before.

Even if Bai Ye wants to blame himself, there is no problem.

But although he said so, he would not be scolded if he could avoid it.

"Why should I blame you?! If you choose to stay where you are and don't plan to save them, then I need to say it, right?!"

In Bai Ye's opinion, Li Guoqiang's action is actually quite good.

Although there is a risk of giving away heads, it is much better than teammates encountering problems and wanting to run away directly, right?

"Then Taoist priest, let's go and save Meng Chao!"

Li Guoqiang heard that it had nothing to do with him, and Bai Ye thought that he was doing a good thing.

That's fine.

"There is a mass grave ahead, and people are being buried alive. The talisman should be able to hold on for a little while."

The mass grave ahead is the mass grave.

Meng Chao can only say that his luck is really bad, and he actually went there directly.

In the movie, the heroine's brother was dragged into the ground and buried alive immediately after he arrived there.

Fortunately, Meng Chao has no problem at this time because of the talisman.

But it may not be the case later.

"It's right over there. Go dig Meng Chao out and take this with you."

The talisman must be taken, otherwise he will be pulled in later.

According to the direction pointed by Bai Ye, they pulled Meng Chao out.

"What a shame."

Zhong Fabai muttered quietly while standing beside Bai Ye.

One Meng Chao, one loach king.

Now Zhong Fabai finally knew why Bai Ye said that he might have problems.

Now it seems that these two people really made Zhong Fabai not know what to say.

"It's okay, you'll get used to the embarrassment, I'm just afraid that you will be cheated to death!"

Bai Ye felt that this was actually okay, but he was afraid that Zhong Fabai would be cheated to death at that time.

"That. Teacher, I'm sorry"

Meng Chao and Jin Maji were different from others.

Others called Zhong Fabai "Master Zhong", that is, Jin Maji and Meng Chao always called each other teacher.

Because they knew each other a long time ago, although Zhong Fabai never admitted that the two were his disciples.

But the two kept talking about this matter.

Seeing the look Zhong Fabai gave him, Meng Chao lowered his head a little embarrassedly.

Some words could not be said, he was captured by a ghost.

"No need to apologize."


Zhong Fabai sighed, he wanted to say a few words.

But in the end he gave up.

He felt that Meng Chao had nothing to say, he already knew what kind of character Meng Chao was.

Then why should he have a little fantasy about what Meng Chao could do? !

Originally, his ability was just this little.

"Master Bai, what should we do next?! Are all the ghosts below here?"

Li Guoqiang loaded the pistol and was ready to shoot.

According to Bai Ye, this is a mass grave, and Meng Chao also said before that he was dragged into the ground by a group of ghosts.

Obviously there are many ghosts below.

"There are ghosts, but they are staying here because the mass grave was pushed."

This used to be a mass grave, and the dead finally had a grave.

But it was flattened by unscrupulous developers and turned into an amusement park, and these ghosts became lonely ghosts.

How can they not feel resentful after a long time? !

"These ghosts are waiting for a chance to reincarnate."

"But they almost killed Meng Chao just now!"

Li Guoqiang looked at Bai Ye in confusion, because these ghosts almost killed Meng Chao before.

Logically speaking, Bai Ye should have taken action to kill the other party.

But Bai Ye looked like he was not ready to do it? !

"Do you know what kind of ghosts should be killed and what kind of ghosts should not be killed?"

Bai Ye did not rush to do it, but turned his head to look at Li Guoqiang and asked.

He knew very well that Li Guoqiang probably did not understand at all, and the young man always wanted to completely eliminate this ghost in his mind.

He did not care what kind of ghost this was.

If this is the case, I believe Li Guoqiang will definitely fall into this trap in the future.

"I don't know, but I think these ghosts should want it."

Li Guoqiang didn't know either, but these ghosts wanted to harm Meng Chao, which meant they wanted to harm people, so they must kill them.

Otherwise, if they stayed here, I'm afraid other people would still be killed.

"No, if you kill them all, it will only damage your own virtue. Not all ghosts need to be killed.

Some of these ghosts tried to catch Meng Chao, but some did not. Killing all the ghosts will only cause you trouble in the future."

Bai Ye reminded Li Guoqiang that the young man seemed to have a little bit of killing intent.

But not all the ghosts here have to die.

"But I just want to kill the ghosts who attacked Meng Chao."

"Then how do you tell them apart?"


After Bai Ye said that, Li Guoqiang was speechless for a while.

He really didn't know how to tell them apart.

"So if you want to distinguish good ghosts from bad ones, first you have to be able to see the evil spirit on the other party. Generally, ghosts with evil spirits must have attacked people before. The heavier the evil spirit, the deeper the entanglement between him and the person.

For some ghosts without evil spirits, if you kill them directly, you will be miserable after death.

That's why I advise you to calm down. It's not too late to learn how to distinguish them later."

They can't see the evil spirit, but they will teach them slowly later.

"Why don't we do it now? It's just an opportunity."

Zhong Fabai reminded him from the side. It's just that there is a good opportunity now.


In fact, the tears of the cow can be seen, but it just requires some tricks.

Bring all these ghosts up. These ghosts hiding underground can't resist the traction of Bai Ye's Taoism at all, and all appear on the ground.

"Black air!?"

"Are you an idiot? Black air doesn't mean there is evil spirit? Who told you that black air is evil spirit?!"

You've watched too many movies, right?

Bai Ye heard Meng Chao pointing at the ghosts in front of him and then shouting black air, as if black air is evil spirit.

"Evil spirit has no color, it is invisible. If you use your eyes to see black air, then all ghosts have it. It is the embodiment of Yin spirit.

Does the butcher know? They have a kind of evil spirit. If the old butcher and the executioners in ancient times stand in front of you, can you see it at once?

Feel it with your heart, don't use your eyes to see it, your eyes will sometimes deceive you."

Ghosts are the best at deceiving people.

What he is best at is deceiving the eyes, making everything you see look real.

Sometimes, when dealing with ghosts, you should follow your heart.

"Is he?!"

Jojo pointed to a middle-aged ghost in front of Bai Ye. On him, Jojo felt an unusual breath.

This guy is different from other ghosts.


Bai Ye's eyes lit up. He is indeed the one chosen by Long Po. He is a person who can ask for rice. He obviously has a great advantage in this aspect. Bai Ye didn't even tell her the method, but she knew it?

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