Simultaneous Travel: Becoming a Legend in the Heavens

Chapter 145 Meeting between the two bosses

"Relax, relax, Tony."

Luke tried his best to comfort Tony Stark, and a large group of his friends stood next to him, Happy, Rhodes and Pepper, everyone looked at Tony with encouraging eyes.

"It's nothing, Tony." Luke touched his head and spoke softly.

"Just treat this as a normal egg-changing period. Every boy will experience it. It's not a big deal."

"Fuck you, where does the egg-changing period come from for men!"

Tony couldn't help but curse. He lay on the operating table, looking at the oversized machete in Luke's hand that seemed to be able to cut him in half, and his body was shaking crazily.

He looked at Potts with tears in his eyes, "Poots, there is something I have always wanted to say to you, but I could never find the chance."

"Stop talking."

Potts held his hand and looked at him lovingly, "I understand."


Tony's spirits perked up, and then he heard the warm voice of his beautiful, sexy and capable assistant.

"You've been worried that if you don't make it through Stark Industries, no one will take care of you, right? Don't worry, I will take good care of your industry, and so will Happy."

She suddenly glanced at Happy with a shy expression, and Happy hugged him in his arms and showed him a guilty expression.

"I'm sorry Tony, it's not that brothers are inappropriate, it's just that Pepper is too charming. You've been holding me back, and brother just can't bear it anymore."

Tony's eyes widened, this is impossible!

He and Little Pepper were clearly just short of breaking through a layer of window paper!

He thought that he would not give up a forest for a tree, but he didn't expect that when he heard that the two people were together, he still felt a huge sadness in his heart.

But soon he had no time to feel uncomfortable, because Luke came towards him with an anesthetic in one hand and a machete in the other.

After returning to modern society, Tony directly held a press conference without consulting others and publicly announced the closure of Stark Industries' weapons production department. This move caused an uproar, which was more serious than the previous "Sonic Stark".

You must know that the weapons department accounts for nearly half of Stark Industries' revenue. Such a declaration directly caused the stock fund-related industries of Stark Industries to plummet wildly.

The company's shareholders, led by Oba, are pursuing Tony one after another. Most of the assets in their hands have been cut off by force. No one will be happy with this, even if Tony claims that he will develop technologies for other industries.

The United States made its fortune through war. Weapon sales are excellent commodities in terms of profit and stability. They will never allow Tony to make arbitrary decisions.

But Tony had no intention of changing his tune. Instead, he stayed at home and started preparing for the research and development of new armor, which somewhat made others look down on him.

Potts and the others are willing to support Tony, even if this move seems a bit crazy to others, but at least he should explain to the outside world, comfort internally, and formulate the future policy of Stark Industries.

So there was this stage play.

"You have a serious problem and you need a disembowelment surgery."

Luke's expression was solemn, "My treatment plan is to cut off half of your chest first, take out the shrapnel, and then cure you."

Tony felt very upset and wanted to refuse, but the others tried their best to dissuade him and gave him crazy hats.

"What are you afraid of? You are Tony Stark!"

"This is not the Tony I know."

"Don't you still believe in my medical skills?"

"That's right! Don't you still believe in Luke's superpowers? He can save even a dying person like me!"

Under the offensive of rainbow farts and moral public opinion, Tony went to the operating table in fear, and then saw Luke holding up a machete that could cut him into half.


Luke poked Tony's head to confirm his status.

Happy let go of his sister-in-law and smiled, "I never thought that Tony would be frightened and faint. This thing can make me laugh for a year."

Of course, he doesn't really have anything to do with Pepper. This scene was suddenly added by Pepper. Obviously she couldn't stand Tony's behavior of only flirting but not marrying, and she planned to stimulate him.

Unfortunately, he was just frightened and fainted. Luke shook his head regretfully. He also wanted to collect bedwetting photos of super rich people like his predecessors, but under normal circumstances, Tony obviously would not lose points like this.

He placed his palms on Tony's chest and abdomen, and with a compressing squeezing sound and a strange sound of flesh and blood crawling and growing, his body expelled a ball of bloody foreign matter.

"It's incredible."

Ethan exclaimed in admiration. Every time he saw Luke's treatment methods, he would feel that it was a blasphemy against modern medicine.

After returning, he joined Stark Industries and became Tony's personal doctor. Because Luke was here, this was considered a sinecure, just lying around and getting paid every day.

After Potts saw that the matter was resolved, he asked Ethan and Happy to stand up the people one by one and prepare to leave.

"Thank you, Luke, come to Stark often when you have time."

Recently, Oba and others have been pushing Tony harder and harder, and even have plans to join forces to expel Tony, which keeps her busy.

At the same time, she also had some suspicions about Oba, but Tony always regarded Oba as his uncle, and when she brought it up, Tony just thought she was overthinking.

I always feel so tired of living.

Kama Taj, Ancient One was lying on the armchair and drinking tea leisurely.

He has a bad reputation... Pah! Despite his reputation, the Earth is still at peace.

The barriers of the three holy temples prevented the invasion of powerful enemies. The little wizards under his command could still deal with the shrimps that occasionally slipped in. Now that he has found Luke who can take over, his life can be said to be quite comfortable.

The elf Luke is a completely different kind of struggler from the original. He is very interested in magic and is a very capable helper. He learned most of the spells of Kamar-Taj in a very short time and also modified some of the magic.

Suddenly, Ancient One frowned and looked up at the sky.

He sighed and got up from the recliner. The Eye of Agamotto flew out of the secret room with his movements and hung around his neck. The Book of Vishanti in the depths of the library appeared in his hands.

Then, the ordinary wizard robe on Ancient One turned into a pure white, dignified and magnificent robe dotted with countless stars with the fluctuation of magic.

In a flash, he turned from a white-bearded old man who looked ordinary into an unfathomable Supreme Mage. Then the space in front of him folded rapidly, and a huge palace appeared in front of him.

There are several rooms in the palace, each of which has countless powerful magic seals. From time to time, a pair or countless pairs of ferocious eyes will emerge from the seals.

Dimensional demons, alien gods, extraterritorial demons, ancient life forms, and hell lords, every enemy connected by the seal here is extremely powerful and can easily destroy the earth!

These are the enemies he defeated and repelled in the long time, and they are the honor wall of his glorious deeds.

After preparing these, Gu Yi straightened his face, waved his right hand, and powerful magic fluctuations emerged from him, and a huge magic screen unfolded.

On the screen, the hall and statues stood tall, with the background of continuous and towering mountains, and colorful rainbows running through the entire country. Being in it, it seems like walking into the fairyland in a fairy tale.

The one-eyed god king in the center looked solemn and domineering. He was wearing the Destroyer armor, holding the powerful artifact Eternal Spear, with an eight-legged Pegasus under his feet, and two crows patrolling in the air.

The master of Asgard, the god king who commands the nine realms - Odin!

The two people on the screen looked at each other across the distant starry sky, and neither of them was convinced by the other. They pulled their momentum to the highest level, trying to surpass each other in terms of prestige.

The two powerful momentums collided through the galaxy, but with the tacit cooperation of the two, no one was alarmed. Neither the warriors of Asgard nor the ordinary people on the earth noticed it.

"Supreme Sorcerer, long time no see."

After a long time, Odin slowly spoke, with a magnificent tone, layered, and with the majesty of the god king.

"God King Odin, it's not long, you contacted me once twelve years ago."

The voice of Gu Yi also became unusually vicissitudes, and his tone was full of wisdom that had settled down after flipping through countless time and traveling through countless starry skies.

Twelve years sounds long, but in front of the long lives of the two people, it is just a blink of an eye.

"I wonder what the God King has entrusted to you this time?"

"It's not a big deal, but my son Thor has recently shined in the disputes of the Nine Realms. He single-handedly pacified the rebels of Alfheim and Nidvear, which is quite like my style in the past."

Odin said what he wanted to tell in a steady tone.

Ancient One: ...

"Thor, the god of thunder, is indeed like the God King in the past."

Damn, I thought there was something serious, but it turned out that he was showing off his son.

Your Nine Realms are all under your jurisdiction, and they have been pacified, and Heimdall is watching you day and night at the Rainbow Bridge.

Just when some ignorant little scum had an idea, you sent your son to solve it before their power grew. How difficult is that!

What's there to show off about a big baby who is more than a thousand years old?

Show off every day, show off every day, show off your horse!

All day long, I keep saying "my son Thor has the talent to be a god king". I look left and right and I can't see what's worth praising. Isn't it just bullying that the wizards here don't have anything to show?

Thinking of this, Gu Yi's eyes passed through the space and suddenly came to the clinic where Luke was. The heir he chose was lying on the recliner and drinking tea leisurely.

It's really embarrassing!

Such a person turned out to be his chosen heir. I can only say that he can donate his eyes to Odin.

"Tomorrow I will hold a celebration banquet for Thor in Asgard. If the wizard doesn't mind my humble home, you might as well come and have a chat."

Odin turned his back to the beautiful Asgard that looked like a painting, and his tone was sincere.

According to convention, Gu Yi would refuse once, and then he invited again. Gu Yi refused again, and then he could only nod regretfully, indicating that he would not force it.

Ancient One spoke slowly: "That's good. I just recently chose a successor. It would be a good thing for us to exchange ideas with each other."

Odin: (灬)

The God King frowned.

This script is wrong!

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