Simultaneous Travel: Becoming a Legend in the Heavens

Chapter 146 Chapter 145 Stop lying to yourself

In the vast deep space universe, a mass of nebula-like material condensed into crystals. On a huge foundation, the azure ocean flowed to the edge, turning into a waterfall-like spectacle.

Asgard, the fairy palace in Norse mythology, where the legendary gods live.

However, according to Marvel's settings, although Asgard is considered a powerful force in the universe, except for Odin's family, it is difficult for other Asgardians to be called "gods".

At this time, Odin, the father of the gods, was frowning, always feeling that something was wrong.

The strength of Gu Yi Lao Pedeng is unfathomable, and even he can't figure it out. The two sides are not in conflict with each other, and they can be regarded as colleagues in the protection work of the Nine Realms, but each has something hidden, and the two of them go back and forth. Over the years, the tempers and conduct of both parties have become very good.

The Supreme Mage, who used to stay at home, suddenly agreed to come over to attend his son's celebration banquet. This was obviously wrong.

Ten or even nine points is wrong!

Thinking of this, he immediately gave the order to the guards.

"Go and call Thor here. I have something to tell him. Oh, and by the way, call Heimdall here too."

The guard nodded respectfully, "Yes, the great father of the gods."

He was about to leave when Odin stopped him again.

"Wait a minute, Loki...Loki also calls over."

After all, both of them are princes of Asgard. It's really not good to just call them Thor, even though Loki is here and can't help much.

Thinking of this, Odin sighed.

The three crown princes of Asgard, the eldest princess Hela, is quite impressive. She has amazing strength at a young age and has a better record than when he was young. She made great contributions when helping him to pacify the Nine Realms.

She was too cruel and belligerent, and after pacifying the Nine Realms, she still wanted to continue to expand, wishing to unify the entire universe, but she didn't know that the water here was very deep and she couldn't control it, so Odin could only reluctantly cut her off and seal her away.

The second prince Thor, his strength is passable, but he is a real reckless man. He spends all day "fighting, it's fun!" and runs wherever there is a fight. Apart from fighting, he just drinks. If it weren't for Asgard He has always advocated force, and it is difficult for him to hold his position as heir.

To rule the nine realms requires force, but it cannot be just force. A wise monarch must have both the strength to stabilize the territory under his jurisdiction and the strategy to govern his subjects.

The third prince...the third prince Loki has a little talent in terms of brains, knows current affairs, and is good at strategies, but this is limited to small fights and cannot reach the realm of elegance.

To be fair, Loki's envy, jealousy and hatred for Thor can be seen by everyone except Thor himself, the stupid big man.

If he could completely hide his jealousy towards Thor and hide his brotherly love in front of everyone, Odin felt that he might not be able to consider the possibility of Loki succeeding to the throne.

"Every one of them makes people worry."

Odin walked to a huge mirror and looked at himself. His eyes penetrated the Destroyer Armor and saw the skinny body underneath. Although he was still very strong, he was still too old.

The Asgardians have a strong physique and a long lifespan. The average lifespan is about 5,000 years. This is a large number. Looking at the entire universe, they are considered a long-lived people. Correspondingly, many methods of extending lifespan are not suitable for them. kick in.

At his level, it is not impossible to survive forever, but that way of living is not what Odin wants, so it is urgent to choose a successor.

This was also the reason why he always sent Thor to resolve minor disputes and frictions in the territory. He had to establish some achievements and prestige for his children in advance, so that he could convince the public.

Thor did a pretty good job in this regard, so Odin is quite satisfied with his son.

If nothing else happens, he will be able to prepare for his enthronement ceremony in a few months.

Heimdall, who was wearing thick golden armor, was the first to arrive. He saluted Odin and his eyes stayed for a moment on Odin's Destroyer Armor and Eternal Spear.

It had been a long time since he had seen Odin in such a fully armed posture.

"Odin, is there anything I need to do?"

Heimdall was concise and concise, and his words were quite profitable.

The two had fought side by side on the battlefield. When no one was around, Odin valued this old friend very much. When no one was around, Heimdall did not call him "Father" or "Your Majesty" like others.

"Heimdall, I need your eyes."

Odin's tone was deep, "Look carefully at Midgard with your eyes and tell me, who is the successor of the Supreme Mage?"

"Does that mage also have an heir?"

A glimmer of light flashed in Heimdall's eyes. His eyes are said to be able to see every part of the nine realms. In legends, he is called the guardian god.

Although it is not that easy to use in practice, this does not mean that his eyesight is not good, but that there are some places on the earth that are blocked or cannot be reached by his eyesight.

Heimdall's gaze traveled through the distant space and landed on Kama Taj, searching for the figure of the successor of the Supreme Mage. He passed a group of novice mages who were practicing opening portals and set his sights on the interior of the library.

There were restrictions set by Ancient Yi here. He felt that his vision was covered with a layer of mist, and the picture he saw was not clear enough, but fortunately he still found the target.

It was an elf with pointed ears. Even if you couldn't see it clearly, you could tell from the outline that he had the great appearance of the elves. The elf mage was holding a magic book with his eyes focused.

From the powerful magic fluctuations and aura of the mage, he should be the successor of the Supreme Mage mentioned by Odin.

Suddenly, he raised his head and his eyes met Heimdall.

The elven mage showed a polite smile, nodded slightly at him, and then continued to lower his head to read.

Heimdall: ...

Suddenly a little embarrassed.

"How is it, did you see anything?"

Seeing that Heimdall did not speak after retracting his gaze, Odin could not help asking.

"The successor is an elven mage, knowledgeable, wise, and kind, and the Supreme Mage has a successor."

Odin: (灬O)

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Doesn't he know what kind of person the Ancient One is? It would be a miracle if he could find such a reliable successor.

It must be a trick!

At this time, a roar of breaking through the air came, and a silver-white hammer flew at a high speed, bringing the pendant No. 1, the big golden-haired Thor, on the handle, and the pendant No. 2, the little corgi held in the hand of the pendant No. 1... Loki.

The hammer stopped steadily. Thor, wearing a close-fitting battle armor and a muscular body, held the hammer high, as if he was afraid that others would not see the hammer in his hand, and then yelled to Odin.

"Father, what's the matter with calling me and Loki here? Is there going to be a war somewhere again!"

He turned sideways and smiled cheerfully at Heimdall: "Oh, Heimdall, you are here too! How strange, it's rare to see you leave the Rainbow Bridge!"


Just now I saw an elf wizard with a smell of ink all over his body, and then I looked at Thor, this stupid big guy, and I felt that I couldn't look at him directly!

Odin: "Thor, your performance on the battlefield..."

Just halfway through the words, Loki, who was forcibly dragged over by Thor and experienced the turbulence in the air, ran out of the hall with his mouth covered, and then there was a heart-wrenching vomiting sound outside.

"Loki's physique is too weak, even Sif is stronger than him."

Thor shook his head when he heard it. He always felt that his brother's body was not strong enough, and now he felt it even more so.

Asgardians value direct confrontation the most. Although Loki's tricks have become passable, his trick of secretly creating an illusion to attract people's attention and then sneaking around to attack has always been unpopular.

After a while, Loki, who had finished vomiting, walked back in with a dark face, acting as if nothing had happened, and saluted Odin.

"Father, what did you ask me and Thor to come here for?"

Odin touched his beard, "Tomorrow is Thor's celebration banquet. I invited the Supreme Sorcerer of Midgard and his heir to attend the banquet, so this banquet needs to be held more grandly."

"And you, my two children, need to perform well and not lose the demeanor of Asgard in front of the guests."

"Don't worry, I will definitely perform well!"

Thor looked quite interested. The Supreme Sorcerer of Midgard is very mysterious. He has never seen the real person. This is a rare opportunity.

I remember my father once commented on this person, "Let alone his character, his strength is very strong."

He likes strong people!

Loki felt cold in his heart. As a wizard, he had heard his mother Frigga's introduction. He knew the importance of the Supreme Wizard better than Thor. He was a character who could talk and laugh with Odin.

Inviting such a strong man to Thor's celebration party was undoubtedly the beginning of the handover. It seemed that Odin had decided to pass the throne to Thor.

Although he had always known that Thor was the popular choice, although everyone had supported Thor as king a long time ago, and although he had always acted calmly.

But when the dust settled, Loki still felt particularly uncomfortable.

It was like discovering that his wife started to put on makeup and dress up, went out early and came back late, ran on the other end of the phone, had some strange marks on her body, and wore a pair of men's underwear that was not hers, and he still lied to himself and gave many explanations, until he saw it with his own eyes and recognized the reality.

It hurts, it hurts so much!

Loki touched the knife hidden in his waist and looked at Thor's waist with a fierce look in his eyes.

Good brothers should stick their necks out for each other, but he doesn't want Thor's necks, just give him two kidneys and make him extinct!

Odin sighed repeatedly, his family was unlucky, these useless people.

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