A layer of black silk-like curtain appeared at the edge of the bathroom. This is a barrier called "tent". The strength is determined by compiling entry and exit conditions. The smaller the restrictions, the higher the strength.

Luke put his hand on it and passed through the tent effortlessly. Obviously, he was not within the limited range of the tent.

The lights in the subway station returned to normal. There were a few sparse figures around, and the sound of conversation and footsteps came into his ears again.

Luke breathed a sigh of relief. It was a normal world. After successfully escaping danger, he looked inside. From a perspective that ordinary people could not see, the dark curse power began to boil, and two figures were fighting fiercely.

Nanami Kento's body, blessed by the curse power, was not inferior to the curse spirit at all. He turned and moved in the narrow bathroom with agile movements. The machete in his hand swung and left several scars on the curse spirit.

The curse spirit roared and sprayed a large number of beams, but he dodged them one by one. Instead, there were a few more cuts on his body, but the curse spirit's body seemed to be particularly hard, and the physical injuries healed quickly.

Often when the second strike arrives, the wound left by the first strike has already healed, and the blood that has flowed out will return to the body.

"My technique is called the Ten-Stroke Spell."

Nanami, who was tired of stalling for time, reported her technique information to the enemy. This is "binding", which strengthens the effect of the technique by informing the enemy of the information.

"No matter who the opponent is, this technique can forcibly create a weakness in the enemy. Specifically, it means dividing the length of the target into equal parts and forcibly creating a weakness at the 7:3 point. As long as the "point" is hit, it can trigger a "critical hit."

"Even if it is an enemy stronger than me, it can cause a certain amount of damage. Any part can be designated as the target of attack, and it is also effective for objects other than living things. "

At this moment, in Nanami Kento's eyes, everything turned into a scale divided into sections, and the cursed spirit was no exception.

With a breath, while the cursed power was running rapidly, Nanami Kento rushed to the cursed spirit quickly, and the machete in his hand hit the cursed spirit's body at seven-tenths.


Like the sound of broken glass, the cursed spirit let out a piercing scream, and its hands and feet fluttered twice like a frog being dissected, and finally fell powerlessly into a pool of blood, and the abnormality in the bathroom returned to normal.

"The cursed spirit with the ability to control blood... can be used just right. "

Nanaha Kento took out a small brown bottle from his pocket, then put two fingers on his chest, and the blood of the cursed spirit slowly flowed into the small bottle as if it was pulled by an invisible force, and it did not expand at all.

After a while, the blood of the cursed spirit was drained, and its body quickly dissipated like ice and snow encountering strong sunlight.

At this time, the "tent" was lifted, and the dark curtain-like barrier disappeared.

Nanaha Kento put the small bottle back into his pocket and walked out in an orderly manner. His steps were steady and his expression was calm, acting like an ordinary office worker.

"Sorry for the wait, Senior Fujiwara Luke."

Luke shook his head, "No need to use honorifics or full names, just call me Luke."

"Long time no see, Nanami, you saved my life when we just met."

Nanaha Kento took off his glasses with green lenses and straightened his collar, "I just happened to be nearby and was notified that you were in danger, so I rushed over."

"Who? "Luke asked curiously.

"Miss Mingming has tattooed a crow on your lower abdomen."

The private matter was suddenly exposed, and Luke's face cracked for a moment.

If he had to say it, he felt like he was being prostituted and the other party recorded it and shared it with colleagues.

Nanaha Kento continued to talk to himself: "That is a self-sensing engraving technique. When there is a strong curse reaction around you, she will sense it."

Hearing the name of his ex-girlfriend from someone else again, Luke felt a sense of time and space confusion, especially when he heard that Nanami Kento came here because she notified him.

"She won't forget me now, right?"

"No, I think she only notified me because the reward for exorcising a first-level cursed spirit is very high. I need to give her 30% of the reward this time. "

Nanaha Kento gave the answer quite calmly.

Luke: (_)

This is understandable, after all, Mingming is the kind of person who only considers money when doing anything.

There were more and more people around, and another wave of rush hour arrived. A few minutes later, the subway arrived at the station. Lu Ke took the initiative to invite Nanami Kento to his home for a short visit, and the other party did not refuse.

When the two worked together in the bond company, they got along very well. They were considered to be dining partners, and they jointly complained about their dissatisfaction with work and their disgust for their stupid bosses, and declared their rejection of work together.

But one day, Nanami Kento suddenly resigned.

"Anyway, there are cesspools everywhere, so why not stay in a place that makes you feel more comfortable. "

Having said this, Nanami Kento disappeared from the company.

Later, Luke began to dislike this kind of work where a large amount of money flowed through his hands but did not belong to him. After offending his boss, he decisively resigned.

After leaving the station, it took about 20 minutes to get home. Luke welcomed the guests in, cleared a path through the garbage on the floor, quickly and simply cleaned up the living room, and then took out two cans of cold beer.

"Sorry, the house is a bit messy, and I don't have time to clean the house. I'm sorry to embarrass you."

Nanami looked at the messy room and fell silent for a while.

He felt that this was no longer a bit messy, but he politely didn't say anything. After all, a person who got home only after eleven o'clock in the evening obviously didn't have the energy to keep things tidy.

"Can I ask about your work and rest time?"

"Six to ten in the morning, two hours of commuting, and occasional overtime work."

Nanami Kento was silent again, "Have you not considered changing your job?"

"The current job pays high and the share is also high." Lu Ke replied affirmatively, "When I make enough money, I will stop working in the future."

"...It's such a simple and simple idea, but according to the current situation, you may not live to be old." Nanami Kento exhaled.

"The boundary between you and the other side has become increasingly blurred, especially after today's incident. If you continue like this, you will die in the attack of the curse spirit soon."

"Is there any way to deal with it?"

Lu Ke asked, since Nanami Kenren said it, there must be a solution. It was probably because of this that he did not refuse to visit his home late at night.

Nanami Taketo took out a small brown bottle filled with the blood of the curse spirit from his pocket.

"This is the blood of the previous curse spirit. Because of its ability to control blood, the quality of this curse spirit's blood is quite good, even comparable to the blood of ordinary special-grade curse spirits."

Luke didn't know why, "What does this have to do with me?"

Nanami Kento thought for a moment and explained: "Spells are passed down along the bloodline. Theoretically speaking, unless the talent is extremely poor or the 'Heaven and Curse Binding' is awakened to convert one's own curse power into physical quality, usually Warlocks will awaken their spells under certain circumstances."

"It may be present at birth, or it may be awakened automatically after reaching a certain age, or it may be that it needs to meet certain conditions before it can be awakened."

"I learned from Miss Mingming that your talent as a conjurer is not particularly bad. When you were alone with her on the bed, you didn't show the inhumanly powerful physique of Heaven and Curse Binding..."

"Wait a moment, wait a moment, stop."

Luke took a deep breath and waited until his mood calmed down before making a gesture of invitation, "Okay, you continue."

"So, your technique should require certain conditions to be met before it can be awakened."

Nanami Kento shook the bottle in his hand, "After someone's investigation, your bloodline inheritance can be traced back to the Genji. Some groups of warlocks from that clan need to kill evil ghosts and bathe their whole bodies with the blood of 'evil ghosts'." Awaken your own magic."

"Genji? But my last name is Fujiwara." Luke took the bottle, a little surprised.

"Hundreds of years have passed. I don't know how many generations of blood have passed. It is common for surnames to change. Although your warlock talent is not too bad, according to someone, it is not much better. No need. Trouble with these issues.”

Nanami Kento stood up, "Pour the blood from the bottle into the bathtub and soak your whole body. Your technique will awaken. After that, come to us for a period of training, and you will have the power to protect yourself."

"So, what's the price?" Luke asked in a deep voice.

“Depending on someone’s needs, it’s roughly 10 million yen.”

Luke: "..."

"The person you are talking about cannot be Ming Ming."

"It seems that after hearing her comments about your performance in bed, you didn't really want to hear her name, so I used a code name." Nanami Kento replied thoughtfully.

What a bad woman, she tried every means to get back the money she left for him!

"Among ordinary people, I should be pretty good."

It was about male dignity, Lu Ke still explained.

"Senior Lu Ke, the more you explain some things, the more it shows you are guilty."

A rare smile appeared on Nanami's lips, "Hurry up and start the ceremony."

Luke: "..."

After a moment, Luke looked at the thick scarlet liquid in the bathtub and hesitated.

"Is there going to be any problem?"

"No, you may feel soreness, numbness, and a sense of erosion at first. This is normal. You just need to lie in it and sleep."

Nanami Kento reached in and felt it, and assured him, "I will be watching from the side."

Luke took a deep breath, took off his clothes and pants, and entered the blood pool wearing only his shorts.

Just like what Nanami Kento said, the feeling of pain and numbness instantly eroded every part of the body that was soaked. The uncontrolled spell power in the body echoed with the spell power in the blood at this moment. The two seemed to be quite repulsive to each other. , began a tug-of-war.

Slowly, the magic power in the body resisted the magic power in the blood in a more natural and pure way.

During this war, Luke's consciousness gradually blurred, and his soul moved to infinite heights as if out of body. Suddenly, he saw a layer of faint gray fog and a few figures.

Seeing that everything was normal, Nanami Kento took out a phone and said, "The incident has ended successfully. Senior will awaken the technique in a while."

"Thank you for your help. You can get more of the share this time." A husky and sexy female voice came from the phone.

"What level do you think he can reach after awakening the technique?"

"Hmm, after mastering the use of spells, you can probably reach level 4. If the spells are more impressive, level 3 is enough to save your life if you don't have to be a spellcaster to take the initiative to face danger."

The flow of the air suddenly changed.

Nanami's voice had obvious fluctuations, and a drop of cold sweat slipped from his face. Feeling the substantial pressure rising in the room, he licked his dry lips and spoke with difficulty.

“Mingming, are you sure?”

Push Diary-?

Yesterday, all the pushers in the group suddenly greeted me with smiles and flattered me

I immediately felt something was wrong, and pinched my face to find that I didn’t feel anything

I was dreaming!

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