Simultaneous Travel: Becoming a Legend in the Heavens

Chapter 97 The Origin of the Technique

"Born from darkness, from darkness to darkness. Eliminate all filth and residue."

Nanami Kento chanted "tent" while retreating, and the invisible black curtain hung down, firmly protecting the bathtub.

Scope: bathtub

Limited personnel: Fujiwara Rikki

Using a very small scope and only restriction to achieve the maximum effect, only in this way did he feel that it was possible to cover up Lu Ke's awakening momentum.

"What's going on now? Why does his magic power change so exaggeratedly?"

The tone of Mingming on the other side also changed.

[Crow Marking] is a way of using her technique [Blackbird Manipulation]. She imprints on specially raised crows, which will achieve better results than normal manipulation with the technique.

The branded crow is smoother to control, the power of the suicide attack will be more terrifying, it can share the field of vision, and it can also sense the nearby spells.

However, this technique is [Blackbird Exercises] rather than [Human Exercises]. If you want to brand a person, not only does the person need to relax physically and mentally when being branded to succeed, but even if it succeeds, the only thing left is to perceive the magic power. effect.

At this moment, she felt an unimaginably huge amount of curse power rising from the body of the branded person. It surpassed her own curse power for a moment, and then jumped to a level that she could not estimate.

"It's hard to describe, but the change is obvious."

The reliable adult male suppressed his panic and tried his best to maintain the "account" while calmly watching the scene in front of him.

In the bathtub, Luke's body was stretched bit by bit. His body, which was thin due to years of work and unhealthy routine, was filling in at a speed visible to the naked eye.

His hair, which had gradually become sparse, became luxuriant. His fairly good facial features seemed to have been slightly adjusted, becoming more handsome and attractive. His pale face also became rosy and delicate, and his skin seemed to glow with a gleaming white light.

In the eyes of a spellcaster, the rising spell power at that moment is the most conspicuous feature.

The strong and substantial curse power unconsciously spread to every corner of the tent. Just a little leakage made the limited "tent" shaky and began to fluctuate violently, as if it might break at any time.

At this moment, the strength of the "tent" suddenly increased rapidly. Not only did it stabilize, but it also became more solid. This made Nanami Kento's face look much better.

"Lord Tianyuan?"

The fluctuations in the barrier flashed in response, confirming his suspicion.

Nanami Kento breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Luke with a frown.

"What exactly did you go through to have this change?"

Luke felt like he was gradually understanding everything.

After sharing it with Luke from other worlds, the memories of each world exploded in his mind, and power continued to surge up.

When his consciousness left that mysterious space and was about to return to his body after leaving the light gray mist, he was suddenly carried by a force to another place.

The field of vision continues to lengthen and rise, and the consciousness begins to blur.

After calming down, Luke opened his eyes, and what he saw was pure white, and he could not see the edge at a glance.

Time, space, perception, everything loses meaning here.

What the hell, could there be a second stage of Goldfinger?

Just as he was thinking this, Luke suddenly heard a voice coming from behind him.

"What a rare visitor. It's rare for a magician to come to this place in modern times."

The voice that sounded was between a boy and a young man, but it had an inexplicable sense of vicissitudes of life. Lu Ke followed the sound, and he didn't know when there was a figure behind him.

It was a soft-looking young man with black eyes and long burgundy hair, wearing only a white robe. He was lying leisurely on a simple stone chair, holding his head with his left hand and looking at Lu with interest. gram.

Lu Ke frowned. Although he didn't know the identity of the other party, judging from his appearance... he was a big shot!

"Where is this and who are you?"

"The Hall of Creation, the Room of Truth, the Crown of God, humans have many names for this place, but for a spellcaster, you can simply understand it as the source of the spell."

The good-tempered boy explained the latter question after thinking for a moment.

"Well... As for my identity, this question is really hard to answer."

"Am I an Onmyoji? It seems impossible to talk about it. Am I a psychic? It doesn't seem to be accurate. Am I the will of the earth? It seems a bit one-sided."

"If I have to say it, the title [God of Earth] is the most appropriate."

Luke's eyes widened. Although Japan is said to be a ghost place with eight million gods and cats and dogs can call themselves "gods", the "god of the earth" is obviously not some small monster.

And this title always gave him a very familiar feeling, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

The young man who calls himself the "God of the Earth" did not worry about how much impact his words would have on the other side. With a slight lift of his palm, the flawless white space lit up, and countless light groups emerged in the air.

"Come and touch it."

Following the boy's words, several light groups floated towards Luke and stopped in front of him.

After confirming that the person opposite was not hostile, Luke tentatively touched it, and a stream of information poured into his mind along with his movements.

[Ice Condensation Spell]: It can manipulate the ice in nature, and at the same time, it can use the spell power to convert mass into energy. It can effectively reduce consumption by using water vapor in the air to condense into ice.

Luke suddenly understood and touched another light group.

[Ten Shadow Spells]: Ten types of shikigami contracted by the original creator can be summoned. To summon a shikigami, you need to surrender in advance to obtain approval. The power of the dead shikigami will be inherited.

"Each light group represents a spell, and all light groups represent all the spells in the entire spell world, is that right?"

Luke expressed his guess while trying to read deeper information.

"A conjurer who has mastered his spells to the extreme will come to this space to engrave his spells, and then his bloodline will have a chance of awakening to the engraved spells."

The young man nodded slightly and said with a bit of humor: "Also, don't try to learn other spells secretly, you don't have permission to read them, and the underlying logic of this world is that everyone can only have one spell, except for those with bugs. "

Lu Ke, who was caught stealing the book, awkwardly let go of the light ball that was penetrated by him and changed the topic.

"Then why am I here? I'm still a mediocre magician."

The young man smiled and said, "As a magician, you are very weak, but other powers are not weak."

Luke: "..."

Seeing Luke's wary eyes, the young man waved his hand.

"Don't get me wrong, the will of this world is a very young child and is very interested in the new power system you bring. However, he cannot hold so many things in one breath. At present, he can only bring you the simplest part of the power. Transformed into a spell, the subsequent steps need to be unlocked slowly.”

"Of course, the power of being the son of Genji will also be awakened, so congratulations on becoming the first conjurer to legally possess two spells, and there will be more spells in the future."

The young man's body suddenly appeared in front of Luke, and the two were so close that Luke unconsciously took a step back.

He stared at Luke's pupils, with a hint of inquiry in his eyes, and then showed a meaningful smile.

"Although there is still a certain distance, it is not too far away. You have the qualifications to become the new 'god'."

Luke's body suddenly stepped into the air and fell suddenly, and the boy's last voice came to his ears.

"Looking forward to the day when you ascend to the throne of God."

The terrifying momentum suddenly dissipated, and the pressure on the "tent" subsided. Luke slowly opened his eyes and stretched out his palm to look at it.

Nanami Kento took a step back and cautiously took out the bandage, machete and spell tool.

The drastic change just now was completely unlike a normal awakening spell. Even if it was assumed that Kaitan was resurrected from Luke and upgraded two levels in a row, it would not be possible to cause such a movement.

If Luke were still himself, then the world of magic would probably welcome the fifth super magician. If he was possessed by something strange, he would probably die here.

As for escaping, it could be considered if the surroundings were a deserted desert, but in the environment of a residential building in a busy city, this option had been eliminated by Nanami Kenren.

"I always feel that I have never had good luck in my life. Will I offend any god at some point?"

After sighing and saying his dejected words in a dark tone with no ups and downs, Nanami Kento was ready to fight.

"If I become a god in the future, I will definitely protect you, Nanami."

Luke's voice sounded, and he stood up from the bathtub and looked down at his now strong and well-proportioned body.

"The change is really... big. I'm suddenly many times stronger than at my peak. By the way, why haven't you canceled it yet? My technique has been awakened."

"Now there is a new problem." Qianhai Jianren not only did not withdraw the tent, but pointed the machete at Lu Ke, "Do you still remember your name?"


"Full name."

"Qianchuan..." Lu Ke suddenly stopped mid-sentence. He had just finished sharing and had too many memories in his mind that were still being digested.

"It's Fujiwara, Fujiwara Luke."

Nanami Kento's face turned ugly and he tightened the knife in his hand.

"Can't believe it."

Luke: "..."

Luke: “Work is shit!”

"It's true."

Nanami, who had been vigilant just now, found a sense of familiarity and resonance, and suddenly relaxed.

At this time, a sexy and husky female voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Wait a moment, this test is not safe enough. Let me ask something else."

"It's Ming Ming."

Lu Ke's expression darkened, and he walked straight towards Nanami. The black curtain-like tent disintegrated after three seconds of contact with him, making Nanami's eyelids twitch.

"Lend me your cell phone."

Taking the phone with an attitude that could not be refused, Lu Ke sounded a little solemn.

"Long time no see, Ming Ming."

"It's been a while, and your calling has become very unfamiliar. In the past, you would have been obedient to calling me sister. How have you been lately?"

"Very good, especially after opening the Wind Spirit Moon Shadow just now. It's better for you to avoid me."

Luke answered very coldly, with a hint of resentment.

"Ah, I remember that I didn't offend you, and the breakup fee was enough."

"It's okay to break up, but it's not right to talk about the privacy in bed after the breakup. I also have a sense of shame. You are a bad woman who only thinks about money."

Luke looked disgusted.

"Be careful. Next time we meet, I will make you an olive."

A woman's low laugh came from the other end of the phone, "It sounds like you can look forward to it."

"Nanami, this is true."

Qianhai Jianren: "..."

Let’s not talk about whether it’s true or not, his ears will be dirty.

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