Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 396: The Medical Representative Comes to the Door

Professor Dewey and Professor Hashimoto Ken came very quickly, and this was not the first time they had come to the Fourth High School, and they were familiar with each other.

Professor Dewey was fine, so he brought two assistants and a translator, and Lao Mei's behavior was relatively low-key.

But Professor Hashimoto Ken is different. In addition to his own students and assistants, he also brought with him 3 managers from Nipro Medical Devices and 5 reporters.

In addition, there are officials from the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, and staff of embassies and consulates in China. The whole official meaning is strong.

There are as many as 15 people in the whole team, which is really the same as a tourist group. It can be seen that Professor Hashimoto Takeshi's personal social skills and the Japanese government's attention.

Since there are officials involved, there are officials on Huaguo's side to deal with it.

Now it's all right, Chen Qi was afraid that someone would gossip behind his back, so he couldn't even entertain him in a low-key manner.

When the foreign guests came, the old way, the primary school band played, the flower presentation was indispensable, and at the same time, we had to organize a grand scene for the masses to welcome.

It's okay if you welcome the old beauty with yellow hair and big nose. The problem is that most of the foreign guests are from Japan.

Standing in the welcoming crowd, Chen Qi felt that the coffin slabs in the Qipanshan mass grave would not be able to hold it down anymore, and how many people in Keqiao and the workers of the Fourth Hospital were cursing behind their backs.

There is no way, the official welcome attitude cannot replace the sentiment of the people.

Chen Qi came from later generations and had seen the power of U-shaped locks.

No matter what you say about science without borders, medical communication should not involve historical issues, but on the surface, or in words, from the perspective of political correctness, you must hate Japan.

Of course, privately, almost all high-end medical equipment, from CT and MR machines to biochemical analyzers to laparoscopic instruments, are imported from Japan.

Even if the machine is made in China, the core components, such as medical chips, power systems, etc., are also purchased from Japan...

Right now, Chen Qi can't take care of so much anymore. The Japanese have already sent money to their doorsteps, so why push it out?

Besides, looking at the current posture, it's not something Chen Qi can just say no to.

After Professor Hashimoto got off the car, he saw Chen Qi from a distance, even if he was his junior, he still bowed slightly

"Doctor Chen, we meet again."

Chen Qi is not used to bowing, but facing such a God of Wealth, he still warmly held his hand with both hands:

"Welcome Professor Hashimoto to visit our country."

Hashimoto Ken was obviously in a good mood. He introduced the team of assistants and students he brought with him one by one, focusing on the three managers of Nipro Medical Devices.

The two sides shook hands and greeted each other warmly.

After the welcoming ceremony, everyone else went to rest, in the dean's office.

Chen Qi looked at the surgical instruments on the table, and his eyes were almost blurred. As a surgeon, of course he was happy to see Liexin, and picked up different surgical knives from time to time to feel it.

Kaito Nimura, the manager of Nipro Medical Devices, kept introducing his own products.

Chen Qi also met many medical representatives in his previous life. Of course, he was a small doctor in his previous life, and he was not qualified to participate in many high-end games.

At most, it is the dinner organized by the medical representatives, KTV, etc., and the other is to participate in some academic conferences to get credits. In fact, it is a product recommendation meeting, and then get a red envelope before leaving.

As for which drug was used, which company's product, and the resulting rebate, he was not entitled to it.

Although I have never eaten pork, I have seen pigs run away anyway, so I am not surprised.

There are many gray transactions in this business, but most of them are normal product recommendations.

Take a simple surgical instrument. There are hundreds of manufacturers at home and abroad that can produce it. Even if there are three or four companies that will come in through bidding, it will test a sales ability.

It is also beneficial to doctors. After all, there is competition, so these manufacturers must provide the best products to doctors.

Doctors will choose the best product according to their personal habits and clinical effects.

Especially the top bosses, there will always be a pharmaceutical giant as a "backer" behind them, and pharmaceutical companies will also provide the company's most cutting-edge products to the boss doctors.

The boss often has to give lectures in public, do public teaching operations, and demonstrate operations, and the number of professional doctors who watch them is innumerable.

The boss also has many students, apprentices, and admirers. These students, apprentices, and admirers are themselves doctors and even directors of hospitals at all levels.

So which product the boss endorses, the sales of which product will be able to increase.

For example, when selling, you will say: "Look, Professor XX is also using our company's products." Or: "Your master is also using our company's tools."

This is the so-called advertising effect, and it is also a very important method of promoting products that major pharmaceutical companies value most.

Of course, this kind of treatment is only available to top doctors. For example, Professor Takeshi Hashimoto in Japan and Professor Dewey in Japan all have dedicated surgical instrument suppliers.

In fact, Chen Qi also has it. He is now using the surgical instruments of Bangziguo Hanjiang Pharmaceutical Company, but they were only used as a thank-you fee before and did not have a formal endorsement contract.

Chen Qi wants to switch to another company's product at any time without any restrictions.

Nimura Kaito, or Nipro, obviously didn't want to sponsor a surgery. They had heard about Chen Qi's magic for a long time. Now that they had the opportunity, they wanted to form a long-term partnership with Chen Qi.

The medical manager is also considered half an insider. Of course, he knows that Chen Qi's current level is actually far superior to that of Professor Hashimoto Ken, and Chen Qi is younger, only half of Hashimoto Ken's age.

Investing in Chenqi is investing in the future.

If a doctor like Ken Hashimoto can still invest for 5 to 10 years, then Chen Qi can invest for 20 to 30 years.

Which one has more investment prospects and which one has more investment benefits is not difficult to calculate.

"Doctor Chen, are you satisfied with our company's products?"

Chen Qi was not an ignorant bumpkin, and said with a smile: "Your surgical instruments are very fine, I am very satisfied."

Ermura Haidou was overjoyed when he heard that, and he quickly bowed and said, "Then, Dr. Chen, are you interested in cooperating with our Nipro Company?"

Chen Qi didn't know the plan of the Japanese manager, and thought it was just a cooperation in teaching surgery.

"Of course, Professor Hashimoto has already told me to use your company's products for this tubular nose surgery."

"No, no, what I mean is, I hope that Dr. Chen can use our company's products for a long time, whether in public or in private, and that you can often attend some of our company's product promotion meetings, or our company's organization teaching surgery."

Chen Qi's eyelids twitched, thinking, isn't this the "spokesperson"?

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