Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 397: $300,000 in Endorsement Fees

Chen Qi was about to confirm, so he asked:

"Mr. Nimura, the exclusive use you mentioned is limited to my plastic surgery operations, or does it mean all my operations?"


Nimura Kaito couldn't understand, what other operations are there?

Immediately afterwards, he realized that the doctor in front of him was not a cosmetic surgeon, but a director of the International FSSH Society, who could perform hand surgery.

All of a sudden, Nimura Kaito's eyes became brighter, and he became more greedy:

"Of course it's all the surgeries. Hehe, I think of Dr. Chen's outstanding contribution in the field of hand surgery. In fact, our company's orthopedic instruments are also very advanced, and we will definitely not let you down."

Chen Qi thought to himself, I do plastic surgery, hand surgery is just for fun, what other surgeries can't be done?

Since it's about business and it involves your own interests, there's nothing to be shy about. Chen Qi asked again:

"Then what kind of conditions can your company give me?"

Kaito Nimura hesitated for a while, discussed with several managers, and finally made up his mind.

"Dr. Chen, it's like this. If you can become a contracted doctor of our company in plastic surgery and hand surgery, we can give you a financial sponsorship of 300,000 US dollars a year, and we can also help you publish some papers."


Chen Qi was overjoyed when he heard it, using other people's surgical instruments for nothing, but also using his public relations for nothing, and still getting $300,000 a year, isn't that flattering?

Go to the bank to exchange 300,000 U.S. dollars. That’s 1 million yuan. What kind of bicycle do you need?

Chen Qi didn't want to bargain, after all, he was just a doctor in Huaguo, and the Huaguo medical market didn't rise in the 1980s, so his advertising effect was not very strong.

His strength lies in the two double director titles on his head, and he can go to foreign countries to show off.

Since the $300,000 is the same as picking up in vain, then he doesn't want it in vain.

Anyway, the contract is not for life. When he grows up, there will be countless pharmaceutical companies offering olive branches to him. Why isn't the endorsement fee going up gradually?

It is the thinking characteristic of people in Haidong Province to be safe in their pockets.

Chen Qi suddenly laughed: "OK, I am willing to cooperate with your company."

Nimura Kaito was ready to bargain at first, but suddenly there was no place to use his full stomach of drafts, but he was still very excited, after all, it was his credit for winning a double director.

So he decided to give this "honest" young doctor two big gift packages.

"Great, Doctor Chen, don't worry, our company will serve you wholeheartedly. This Ms. Masako will become your personal liaison in the future. You can ask Ms. Masako for any needs in the future. She I will not refuse any of your requests."

any request? This language implies that everyone who understands it...

Qianhui Masako also came up and bowed to Chen Qi. Although she couldn't see her figure in a coat, her pretty face was pleasing to the eye.

"Hi, please take care of Dr. Chen, I will serve you wholeheartedly in the future!"

Chen Qi also smiled and shook hands with her:

"It's a pleasant cooperation, just right, I have two papers that need to be published, one is "Microsurgical Descending Causal Stem Replantation", and the other is "Toe Transplantation and Reconstruction of Fingers", both of which I have just completed Operation."

Qianhui Masako didn't let go of Chen Qi's hand, holding it lightly, she replied:

"Dr. Chen, don't worry, leave the papers to me, and I will guarantee to publish them in top international journals. Please give me some time."

Chen Qi felt the catkin in his hand, then looked at this fashionable beauty, and sighed in his heart,

Whether in 2022 or now in 1986, beautiful and sexy female medical representatives are the mainstream.

Especially for female pharmacy representatives in surgery, because almost all surgeons are male, female pharmacy representatives have a natural gender advantage.

Then, between the male doctor and the female pharmaceutical agent, countless 1024 short essays can be written, and many doctors' families have been ruined because of this.

Chen Qi also likes beautiful women, but he secretly warned himself that he must keep his heart. If he gets lost in Vanity Fair, he will definitely not be able to enter the field of hepatobiliary surgery in the future.

At least that kind of Wu Dashen can't tolerate a grain of sand in his eyes, and even has been demanding his apprentices and students with the strict standards of soldiers.

Nimura Kaito smiled and said beside him:

"There is a second one, this tubular nose teaching surgery, you can use our company's products, Nipro will pay you 100,000 US dollars, this is the signing fee from our company, I hope you don't decline."

Chen Qi thought that only a fool would refuse, and whoever refuses will have something wrong.

So he smiled brighter: "OK, OK."

The next day, in the newly renovated conference room of the Fourth Hospital of Yuezhong University.

The top experts in plastic surgery at home and abroad sat below, listening to the medical report report carefully.

Because it is a cooperative project between China and Japan, and the preoperative examination of the patients was done by Professor Takeshi Hashimoto in Japan, so the preoperative medical records were dictated by Professor Takeshi Hashimoto.

"Patient, female. 18 years old. She complained that she only had the right nasal cavity after birth, and there was a cylindrical growth at the root of the right forehead and nose, which increased with age and blocked the vision of the right eye. Because the patient was an abandoned child, the family genetic history unknown.

A specialist checks the defect of the right lacrimal duct. A cylindrical vegetation can be seen in the inner part of the right eye near the root of the nose. The surface is smooth and tough to the touch. The pedicle gradually expands from the end. 2cm.

There is a small circular hole with a diameter of about 7mm in the center, and the depth of the probe is about 4cm. The single hole is in the shape of a long tube, and its pedicle is located between the inner canthus and the root of the nose. The mucocutaneous transition lined with mucous membrane orifice is similar to that of normal human nares.

When the patient has a cold or is stimulated by cold air, mucus-like secretions can be secreted from the tube like a normal nose. Nasopharyngoscopy only has the right posterior nostril, and the nostril is defective after birth. Red Australian mercury is used as the internal pressure of the tube After injection, no red-smelling mercury flowed out from the pharynx.

According to the clinical symptoms and relevant auxiliary examinations, we clearly diagnosed the patient as congenital tubular nose and congenital cleft lip and palate. Since the patient is a young woman with a strong desire for facial integrity, we decided to undergo plastic reconstruction. "

Ken Hashimoto reported in fluent English, even the words on the slides were in English, which made the top experts from all over the world listen carefully.

But the surgeons from the Fourth Hospital sitting below were all numb.

Because none of them can understand English, listening to the medical report is like listening to the bible.

Old doctors like Huang Ying, Bian Pengfei, and Ma Shouli didn't understand it, because they learned Russian back then.

But young doctors like Yan Shifan, Bian Meng, and Yang Tihao also couldn't understand. The English education in the health school was only the most basic, and they would have forgotten it a few years after graduation.

This is also where Chen Qi is most helpless. If he cannot communicate with foreign doctors normally and cannot read English journals, it will be difficult to keep up with international trends and the latest developments.

The gap suddenly widened.

Then there will be no way to keep up with Chen Qi in the future, and it is doomed to be unable to fight monsters and upgrade with him.

But at this time, Chen Qi didn't care whether his subordinates understood. He also walked to the front desk, ready to introduce the operation idea.

"Patients love beauty, especially the patient is an 18-year-old girl with flowers, so we doctors are like God, of course we must try our best to be responsive, so Professor Hashimoto Ken and I are going to rebuild the shape of the external nose, not simply everything It's over."

There was a burst of light laughter in the hall.

"However, this external nose reconstruction is easy to say, that is, to move the tubular nose to the tip of the nose, and then fuse the two nostrils into a complete nose, but it is very difficult to do, and all similar operations in various countries have failed before.

This time we decided to adopt a brand-new surgical method, which is based on the anatomical characteristics of the dorsal nasal branch of the ophthalmic artery and the medial palpebral artery, the lateral nasal branch of the facial artery, and the medial canthal artery. The method of pedicled transfer of blood supply..."

While Chen Qi was talking, he put out the anatomical structure diagrams of the nose, blood vessel distribution diagrams, and surgical schematic diagrams drawn by himself on the slides.

For a while, experts from various countries in the venue put on their glasses to watch carefully, while experts from Huaguo habitually spread out their notebooks, preparing to make a cheat sheet.

Hashimoto Ken had communicated with Chen Qi before, and had already understood the idea of ​​the operation.

But when he saw these hand-drawn drawings again, his heart was filled with reverence for Chen Qi again.

I thought to myself that it is definitely not accidental that this doctor Chen Qi is so famous at such a young age and can invent all kinds of new techniques.

Just by looking at his preoperative preparations, Chen Qi has done detailed preoperative research for each operation, and even has a clear understanding of the organizational structure.

Details determine success or failure, and Ken Hashimoto is more confident about the next operation.

Thank you for your support all the time. I didn’t write very well, but there are still so many monthly ticket recommendations and rewards. Thank you all.

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