Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 608 Traditional surgery is replaced

It was already 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, and the auditorium of Yuezhong People's Hospital was still brightly lit.

It is hard to imagine that a large auditorium that can accommodate thousands of people is still overcrowded at this time, and few doctors leave halfway.

Originally, Chen Qi planned to leave the operating room directly, and just find an empty ward to sleep with him for three days and three nights.

But later he heard that his peers still wanted him to speak a few words about his operation experience, so he had to drag his heavy steps to the auditorium.

As soon as he came in, there was warm applause from the audience.

Chen Qi also clasped his hands together and bowed to thank everyone again and again.

Comrade Guo took the microphone and presided over the "meeting meeting" in person.

"Comrade Chen Qi is really amazing. For a total of 14 hours and 45 minutes, he gnawed off this difficult operation. Not only did the patient's rectum and anus be preserved, but it also provided a solid foundation for the treatment of lateral developmental tumors." A new idea, which will benefit tens of thousands of patients, I suggest, let us once again give warm applause to today's great hero, Dr. Chen Qi!"


The applause broke out again.

"Okay, it's already 12 o'clock, and Comrade Chen Qi is already very tired, so I won't delay everyone's communication. Next, let's ask Dr. Chen Qi to say a few words."

Everyone's eyes were shining brightly at Chen Qi.

Chen Qi was a little embarrassed, so he scratched his head: "Guo Shuji, can you give me a chair so I can sit and talk?"

He Jia from the hospital office took a chair as quickly as possible and rushed to the stage. Many people thought in their hearts that this little girl has a good look and a future.

"Thank you, Comrade Xiaojia, I'm sorry everyone, I really can't take it anymore, I have to sit and talk. I know that before I had this operation today, most people were not optimistic about it, thinking that endoscopy cannot replace traditional surgery. .

But today's surgery has proved to everyone that endoscopy has its own advantages, such as simplicity, speed, efficiency, safety, less damage to patients, fewer complications, low mortality and low total cost. For this patient, You can leave the hospital in three days.

But if we use traditional surgery, think about what will happen? It is easy to say that the rectum and anus are cut completely, but it causes great trouble to the patient's prognosis and future life. How painful is it to live with a feces bag in this life? "

After Chen Qi finished speaking, he licked his lips.

Now it was Jin Meng's turn to run up to the stage and hand over a bottle of Coke.

"Teacher Chen, here it is."

Chen Qi was quite surprised when he saw Coke, he laughed and joked:

"It seems that my students still remember that I love to drink Coke. It just so happens that my blood sugar should be the lowest now, and I can just add sugar."

Many employees of the People's Hospital curled their lips, thinking that there are so many sycophants today.

Under the stage, a doctor from Shanghai took the opportunity to ask:

"President Chen, you once said that after learning the three new techniques in endoscopic surgery today, half of the diseases in the Department of Gastroenterology no longer require surgery. Does this mean that surgery will not work in the future? "

This is a question of great concern to all physicians and surgeons in the field.

"Yes, I said that, and I will give a few examples,

For example, ESD is suitable for huge flat polyps of the gastrointestinal tract, wide-based polyps and sessile polyps of the gastrointestinal tract with a diameter greater than 2cm, early gastrointestinal cancers, submucosal tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, submucosal tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, such as leiomyoma , stromal tumors, lipomas, neurogenic tumors, etc.

The surgical indications for EMR are mainly gastrointestinal lesions, including polypoid lesions of the upper and lower gastrointestinal tracts, early cancers \u003c2 cm, other benign lesions, and even ectopic pancreas.

There is also a POEM operation, indications include achalasia, other esophageal motility disorders, esophagus-gastric outflow tract obstruction and other diseases.

Count your own wrench numbers. I just gave examples of so many diseases, do they already account for more than half of the diseases in gastrointestinal surgery? The key curative effect is also better than traditional surgery, just like this POEM treatment of achalasia, which is far better than surgery.

So I said, not to mention other disciplines, as far as our gastroenterology or gastroenterology is concerned, endoscopic surgery will definitely become a mainstream treatment method in the future. Of course, I have to clarify that endoscopic surgery is not the patent of physicians. , Surgeons can also learn. "

At this time, another doctor raised his hand and asked:

"President Chen, what I want to ask is, besides gastrointestinal surgery, is there any other surgery that is also easy to be replaced?"

Chen Qi drank a few mouthfuls of Coke, and quickly put down the answer after hearing the question:

"It cannot be said to be a replacement. Traditional surgery cannot be completely replaced, but it is true that the business of surgery will become worse and worse in the future. It is indeed not limited to gastrointestinal surgery. I see that many surgeons are a little scared, and they are also scared." It's useless.

Just like a few days ago, our Yuezhong People's Hospital just treated a patient with myocardial infarction, and the effect of thrombolysis was not good. Our Yuezhong Hospital has no cardiac surgery, and there is no way to perform bypass surgery, so we adopted a new intervention Operation. "

Wow, there was a lot of discussion in the audience.

Those who came here today are all leaders of major hospitals, either directors or professors, obviously they all know something about interventional surgery.

Understand is understood, but Huaguo did not carry out cardiac interventional surgery in 1989, and even in European and American countries, only a few top hospitals did it.

Good guy, such a complicated operation, a small municipal hospital in Yuezhong actually carried out it?

Many people began to have various doubts and disbelief in their hearts.

"In the past, severe coronary stenosis could only be performed through cardiac surgery, and a new blood vessel was used to connect the open two ends, commonly known as bypass surgery, but this operation has more restrictions, not many doctors can do it, and the hospital level is also very high .

And even if bypass surgery is done, the high medical expenses are not affordable for ordinary patients, but there are so many patients with coronary heart disease in the society, are they all waiting to die? Therefore, foreign countries have recently invented cardiac interventional surgery.

Just take a catheter, and then send the catheter to the heart through the radial artery or femoral artery. If any blood vessel is occluded, then I will use a balloon to expand the occlusion, or more advanced, just install a stent directly.

This kind of interventional surgery is very simple, two doctors can complete it in half an hour, and the cost is not high, at least not as high as traditional heart bypass surgery, and the curative effect is very good.

In addition to the coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction I just exemplified, others such as congenital heart disease, such as atrial septal defect, radiofrequency ablation of tachyarrhythmia, arrhythmia-type diseases, chronic bradycardia or paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, etc. etc., can be done through interventional surgery.

Think about it, if cardiac interventional surgery can handle so many common diseases, will cardiac surgery lose most of its business? Here is a word, in foreign countries, this kind of operation is done by the Department of Cardiology. Did the doctor in the Department of Cardiac Surgery shake to death? "

Chen Qi's joke made the doctors in the audience unable to laugh.

Good guy, in the blink of an eye, the cardiology department is going to be ruined again? Can you still make friends happily?

In the audience, Lao Guo and Zhu Huoyan also frowned. The two surgeons were obviously shocked by Chen Qi's remarks.

But Chen Qi obviously didn't intend to let everyone go, and he also wanted to take this opportunity to sound the alarm for everyone.

"Do you think this is the end? Wrong, you are very wrong. In addition to endoscopic surgery and interventional surgery, there is also a kind of laparoscopic surgery. When this kind of surgery is popularized, it will be the technology that will really change the entire surgical landscape."


This assertion obviously made many surgeons unconvinced.

why? Because laparoscopic surgery appeared in 1989, many surgeons have heard of it.

For example, in 1985, the German doctor Muhe used Semm's equipment and the surgical laparoscope "Galloscope" designed by himself to perform cholecystectomy on the patient.

However, due to some reasons, the operation was not completely successful. After Muhe published the operation report, the academic circles dismissed it.

In 1987, French doctor Moret performed the world's first laparoscopic cholecystectomy, which aroused great attention in the top surgical circles in Europe and America.

Unfortunately, due to the lack of laparoscopic equipment, it has not attracted everyone's attention.

As for the first case of laparoscopic surgery in China, it did not appear until 1991 in the original history.

So when Chen Qi said that laparoscopic surgery is a major trend in the future and a true old friend of traditional surgery, the surgeons in the audience were not convinced.

"President Chen, laparoscopic surgery has been tried a few times in foreign countries but not very successful. How can you say that it can replace traditional surgery?"

"Our current surgery has been developed for a hundred years, and it is still creating new techniques. How can such a rising discipline decline?"

"That's right, foreign doctors are not good at laparoscopic surgery. It's so good that it was promoted early."

Listening to the rebuttals of these surgeons, Chen Qi sneered in his heart.

He is a reborn, and no one knows the status of laparoscopic surgery in the future surgical field better than him.

To put it this way, by 2022, laparoscopic surgery will account for more than half of the total surgical operations.

Among them, minimally invasive cardiac and major vessel surgery accounted for 56%, minimally invasive general thoracic surgery accounted for 94.85%, and thoracoscopic minimally invasive surgery accounted for more than 70% of all thoracic surgery operations.

Minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery in urology accounts for more than 75% of the total surgeries, and hysteroscopic surgery in gynecology also accounts for 80%.

For example, the proportion of laparoscopic surgery for patients with bowel cancer has reached about 90%.

Doesn't these data show that minimally invasive surgery will occupy a mainstream position in the future, far surpassing traditional surgery.

But Chen Qi can't show these data now, so he can only use other methods to remind these colleagues in the country to frighten them appropriately.

"Just now many colleagues questioned the role of laparoscopic surgery. In fact, what I want to say is that everyone has stayed in China for a long time, and they don't know how far foreign medicine has developed. I often travel abroad and see it with my own eyes. more than everyone else.

Let's put it this way, the top hospitals abroad, as well as the most famous pharmaceutical companies, are all secretly developing laparoscopic machines. What does this mean? It shows that people are optimistic about this industry, otherwise, how could billions or tens of billions of dollars be invested in it?

Another example is endoscopic surgery. I believe that most of the colleagues present here are doubting whether endoscopy can perform such or other operations before coming to Yuezhong today. What is the result? The 15-hour operation record is here, do you still doubt it?

Comrades, what I want to say is that compared with foreign countries, medical technology in our country is completely backward, both clinically and theoretically. We have to admit this, but the backwardness in concept is more terrible than the backwardness in technology. .

So when encountering a new thing, the first thing we need to do is not to doubt it, but to study it and find out about it. Similarly, if you have any whim in clinical practice, you can try it out, maybe there will be unexpected effects? "

As soon as Chen Qi finished speaking, many doctors curled their lips, wondering who is Chen Qi? Minister of Health?

Of course, many doctors have thought about it, yes, foreign technology is changing with each passing day, we have to take off our shoes to catch up, and we can no longer follow others and eat farts.

After a short silence, he raised his hand again:

"President Chen, I am from the People's Hospital of Xi City, Suzhou Province. I agree with what you said just now that we need to develop new technologies and have more medical innovations. If we want to make progress, we must work hard on new technologies. I think The question is, if we also want to learn such an advanced endoscopic surgery, where can we learn it, and are you willing to teach?"

Medicine is the same thing as traditional skills. The most feared thing is to teach apprentices to starve to death.

Now that Yuezhong People's Hospital has managed to exclusively master "endoscopic surgery", would you like to contribute it to hospitals across the country?

If willing, the endoscopic monopoly of Yuezhong People's Hospital will be broken in a few years.

If you are not willing to teach, then what Chen Qi said just now to develop new technology is farting. You are not willing to teach yourself, let others how to do endoscopy? How to develop endoscopic surgery?

Everyone looked at Chen Qi who was drinking Coke on the stage, wanting to hear his answer.

Chen Qi hiccupped after drinking the coke, feeling refreshed, when someone asked if he would like to teach endoscopic surgery in China, he immediately nodded:

"Teaching is no problem. In fact, I have already started teaching endoscopy. The first batch of 15 graduate students has been recruited. In addition, I am planning to launch an endoscopy refresher course for in-service doctors. The teaching content is all about endoscopy.

However, because of my limited time, I will temporarily arrange 20 places for this year. If any hospital is interested, you can contact the hospital office of our Yuezhong Hospital. Please rest assured, I will definitely not hide my secrets. "

As soon as these words came out, the discussion in the audience became louder.

Everyone knows the preciousness of these 20 places. In the future, any hospital will also have endoscopists. Not only will they look superior technically, but they will also be a great growth point in terms of business, making money.

With such a poke of the endoscope and light digging of everything, you can get hundreds or even thousands of medical expenses. The cost is labor costs and disinfection costs, so much money.

For individual doctors, whoever masters endoscopic surgery may become the leader of the discipline and the authority of the relevant department. Isn't that an obvious advantage in getting a promotion title, advanced evaluation, and hiring a director?

So all the surgeons and physicians in the audience were eager to move.

At this time, Professor Tong also turned his head and said to Liang Jingwen, Director of Gastrointestinal Medicine, and Zhou Qifa, Director of Gastrointestinal Surgery of Xijing Hospital:

"The 20 places must be snatched up. We came first, and we have a little friendship with Chen Qi, so you are going to grab the places early tomorrow morning. The more the better, the minimum guarantee is 2, do you understand?"

Liang Pingjian and Zhou Qifa nodded again and again: "Good teacher Tong, we must play tricks and insist on a few more places."

That night, I don't know how many doctors fell into insomnia, lying on the bed thinking about Chen Qi's remarks about new technologies.

As for Chen Qi, after being supported by Lan Lijuan and sitting in Santana, he snored immediately. The 15 hours of surgery in a day made him so tired that he vomited blood...

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