Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 662 Unannounced inspection of the burn department

The Chinese New Year is approaching soon, and all major units across the country are discussing how to distribute year-end benefits.

Chinese people have a strong "Spring Festival sentiment". It's fine if your unit doesn't give out some benefits, but if you don't pay the New Year's goods at the end of the year, then the reputation of the unit's leaders will be stigmatized.

Today's employees are not like those little sheep decades later. The boss will do what he says, and he doesn't even dare to fart.

The current state-owned factory workers will really point the nose at the factory manager and scold their mothers when they encounter injustice.

So let alone a state-owned enterprise, even a private enterprise will do everything possible to give more benefits to employees at the end of the year, to please the employees and make them work harder in the coming year.

This is the normal order of a normal society. Of course, this can also be attributed to the demographic dividend period.

It's not like decades later, when it's hard to find a job, the bosses can't wait to cut the moon cake in half and distribute it to the employees, so that you 996 still think it's a blessing to your employees.

One more sentence: Do you like to do it or not, there must be someone to do it.

This unequal treatment between capitalists and laborers is the greatest injustice in society, and it is not the normal order of a normal society.

In the Spring Festival of 1990, compared with private enterprises, the life of state-owned enterprises was still very difficult.

The major state-owned enterprises in Vietnam and China, such as the original No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 textile factories, are all under water at this time. Let alone paying benefits, it would be good to be able to pay wages normally.

Of course, local state-owned enterprises such as the Vietnam Iron and Steel Plant are not counted.

They are now pigs on the wind, and the domestic economic construction is booming. It is the time when the demand for building materials and steel is the strongest. The large trucks waiting to pull steel materials at the door can travel five miles, so there is no shortage of money at all.

Yue Steel Factory, which is not short of money, sent a car full of New Year's goods today.

Don't ask who the new year's goods are for, just look at the truck full of sauced duck and cured chicken, Anchang sausage, air-dried goose, dried herring, ham, and sauced pig's head, all of which are preserved meat, you know that Yuegang Factory is Come to kiss someone's ass.

No one in Yuezhong now knows that Dean Chen never accepts red envelopes, but if it is his favorite bacon sauce, he will always come to him.

When Chen Qi looked at the cart full of bacon, he really wanted to cry.

God knows how this rumor spread, anyway, every winter in the Chen family, the bacon can only be described as piled up like a mountain.

Can't finish it, can't finish it at all.

Throwing it away and not being willing to throw it away, the dinner table is full of these pickled products every day, eating too much high-salt food, Chen Qi suspects that his blood pressure should already be getting higher and higher.

Director Qi of Yue Steel Works rubbed his hands beside him, and said with a smile as if asking for credit:

"Dean Chen, what's the matter? These are all high-quality bacon sauce products. All of them are pre-ordered by our factory with the farmers. They are handmade. The taste is guaranteed to be pure and delicious."

Originally, Qi Guomin did not trust Yue TCM Hospital or Chen Qi, and invited experts from Shanghai and Shanghai to rescue the workers.

In the end, the facts proved that Chen Qi's level was far superior to that of Shanghai doctors. He even saved two patients who were judged to be dead by others. He Qi Guomin's hat.

Now that Director Qi saw Chen Qi, it was exactly the same as seeing his benefactor.

Chen Qi touched his head in embarrassment:

"Director Qi, this, this is too much, I can't finish it."

"Not much, not much, just a truckload. If Dean Chen likes to eat, I'll pull another truckload tomorrow."

Look, the tone of the big dog is so Versailles.

After finishing the formalities, Director Qi asked the serious matter he wanted to talk about: "President Chen, when do you think Lu Wenjie and Wang Chuanbing will be discharged from the hospital?"

"Are you discharged from the hospital?"

Chen Qi was really reluctant to let the two Gods of Wealth leave the hospital, mainly because Ding Xinjuan's mother and daughter hadn't been discharged from the hospital yet. With the God of Wealth gone, the poor mother and daughter's medical expenses would be lost.

"Ahem, how about this, let's leave the hospital on the 28th, so that they can go back for a year, but they still have to come back to do rehabilitation training after they are discharged from the hospital. The superficial burns have almost healed, but the functional recovery may take a long time."

"Okay, thank you, Dean Chen, hehe..."

As soon as the words fell, He Jia from the hospital ran over: "Dean Chen, hurry up, the ministry has brought some foreigners over, and Guo Shuji told you to come over immediately."

Chen Qi was upset when he heard that, thinking why every year when the Spring Festival came, things would pop up and affect his plan to take the whole family out for a trip?

Seeing that Chen Qi's smile disappeared, director Qi couldn't figure out why this young dean was a little bit resistant to foreigners?

Isn't it a good thing to have foreigners come to visit? If it was changed to the Yue Steel Factory, he would like to beat the gongs and drums, and let the whole world know with the sound of firecrackers.

"Principal Chen, if you have something to do, go and do it first, but these bacon..."

Chen Qi nodded to He Jia and said, "Xiao He, let the General Affairs Section empty a small warehouse first, and put all these cured meats first, and I will make my own arrangements then."

"All right, Dean!"

He Jia was delighted, and her eyes had been fixed on the big ham for a long time. Anyway, the head of the house would definitely distribute it to the staff, and the rain and dew would all be wet.

When Chen Qi came to the small conference room, it was already very lively inside.

As soon as Chen Qi stepped through the gate, he saw Liang Bosong, the deputy director of the Ministry's Propaganda Department, and Lao Guo having an emotional exchange.

There were 10 foreigners sitting next to them. Judging from the clothes of these foreigners, the temperament of intellectuals was obvious. Chen Qi guessed that it was a doctor from another hospital who came to visit.

"Director Liang, long time no see, hehe."

Don't look at Chen Qi as the director of a local hospital, but he is registered in the personnel department of the ministry, and is a cadre in charge of the ministry, at the deputy department level.

So he is at the same level as the leader of the ministry in front of him, the deputy director of the Propaganda Department.

When Liang Bosong saw Chen Qi coming in, he stood up quickly, and said helplessly, "President Chen, we have been harmed by you."

Before Chen Qi could answer Director Liang, he turned his head and greeted several foreigners:

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Yuezhong Hospital, is there anything we can do for you?"

The two middle-aged men who took the lead greeted them and shook hands with Chen Qi respectively:

"Chen, we are actually old friends. Maybe you don't know us, but you must have heard of us. Let me introduce myself. I am Owen, the editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine and Surgery."

"Hello, Mr. Chen, I'm Hubert from the main story of The Lancet."

Chen Qi's eyes are wide open, and the four top medical journals in the world are "Nature", "New England Journal of Medicine and Surgery", "Science", and "The Lancet".

These four top medical journals are the temples in the minds of all medical workers, representing the international mainstream medical circle.

Anyone who publishes an article in these four top medical journals shows that the author's medical research level has reached the top international level, and his academic attainment can be said to be very high, which is the highest honor and recognition.

Of course, the difficulty is also very great, and it is beyond the imagination of ordinary authors.

Whether it is now or in the future, which doctor has a paper published in these four major journals, it goes without saying that he will be directly rated as professor or associate professor, director or deputy director.

Some hospitals, colleges and scientific research institutions directly reward RMB 1 million, and then major units compete for VIPs.

That can definitely make an ordinary medical worker go to the pinnacle of life.

That is to say, the freak Chen Qi came out of Yuezhong, who worked as a "literary copy public" and copied many classic medical topics, so he and Lan Lijuan successfully published many papers in these four top medical journals.

To put it this way, the number of top-level papers published by Yuezhong Hospital is unmatched by all hospitals in the country combined.

This is also one of the main reasons why few people raised objections after Yuezhong Hospital was rated as a third-class hospital. After all, this is a real achievement, not just bragging.

Today, the editor-in-chiefs of the New England Journal of Medicine and Surgery and The Lancet came to Vietnam together, which surprised Chen Qi.

As some foreigners have said, Chen Qi publishes papers in these four top medical journals every year, and usually has correspondence with the responsible editors of these four journals.

After all, if someone wants to publish your paper, in addition to professional demonstration and peer review, they will also communicate with the author on some details and questions.

So both Irving, editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine and Surgery, and Hubert, the main article of The Lancet, were deeply impressed by Chen Qi, a Chinese doctor.

It doesn’t matter if it’s not profound, let alone Huaguo, if you take the whole world as an example, how can there be such a prolific author of papers like Chen Qilan and Lijuan couple?

Others have honed their swords for decades and published one or two papers in their lifetime, and their majors are the same.

Chen Qi is the only freak in the world who jumped from the topic of Helicobacter pylori in internal medicine to the repair of cleft lip and palate in surgery, and then he went all the way from hand surgery to endoscopy.

Good guy, at the beginning of 1990, this amazing doctor from Huaguo actually played burn surgery again.

And as soon as the papers are sent, there are 4 papers!

While this frequency shocked the entire international medical circle, it was also suspected by many doctors. Is there any academic fraud in it?

This kind of suspicion is reasonable, and it is not aimed at doctors from the Hua country. If you change to a doctor from the United States, everyone will still be suspicious. Who told you to be unreasonable and cross-professional all day long?

So this time, the two major medical journals, the New England Journal of Medicine and Surgery and The Lancet, decided to come to China for a surprise inspection after private negotiations after they each received two papers.

Didn't you say that the Yuezhong Hospital has managed to treat 90% of the patients with extremely severe burns?

So now that the patient has not been discharged from the hospital, are they going to see with their own eyes whether the patient really exists? If still alive, how is the recovery going?

Foreigners also pay attention to "seeing is believing, and hearing is delusion", and they actually played "Sun Tzu's Art of War" and made a lot of noise.

Owen, the editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine and Surgery, and Hubert, the main article of The Lancet, led a team to China, nominally to evaluate the level of research and medical education in China.

Of course, the Ministry gave a warm welcome. Normally, the editor-in-chief of such a top medical journal would be impossible to invite.

Owen and Hubert proposed to go to Shanghai, the most developed city in China, and the relevant domestic departments naturally did not allow it.

As a result, when the group arrived in Shanghai, before they had time to rest, the editors of the two top medical journals changed their minds and asked Huaguo to provide a vehicle. They were going to visit Xihu City, Haidong Province.

As a result, they waited for the car, and when they were approaching West Lake City, these foreigners changed their minds and temporarily said that they would go to the Yuezhong Hospital.

Now it's all right, the tour group went all the way from Beiping-Shanghai-Xihu City-Yuezhong City.

Visiting foreign guests these years is not a trivial matter. It is necessary to greet them in advance, and then let the local area fully prepare to show the best side to foreign guests.

As a result, the sudden attack by the foreign guests had to make all the officials in the ministry terrified.

If something goes wrong, causing a bad international impact, one of the people accompanying the tour today counts as one, and none of them can escape.

So when Deputy Director Liang saw Chen Qi, he complained first, saying that they were all killed.

Chen Qi also laughed when he heard it, and after inviting several editors to sit down, he said confidently:

"Editor-in-Chief Owen and Editor-in-Chief Hubert, we are old friends and we have been friends for a long time, so no matter what answers you want to find in our Yuezhong Hospital today, or what you want to prove, our Yuezhong Hospital, including myself, will definitely Fully cooperate.

Please rest assured that our Yuezhong Hospital aims to become an open, inclusive and authoritative international hospital. The goal is to fully integrate into the international mainstream medical circle. We recognize international rules, respect the spirit of contract, and are willing to accept the supervision of the international mainstream medical circle. . "

To integrate into the international mainstream society, you cannot just enjoy benefits and not abide by obligations.

The rules of the game are made by everyone, you agree with the rules of the game, and everyone plays together.

If you do not recognize the rules of the game, even refuse any form of supervision, and are unwilling to abide by the responsibilities and obligations promised at the beginning, and destroy the spirit of the contract, then there is only one ending.

Everyone doesn't take you to play anymore, and they don't want to make friends with you.

Some people may be stubborn, why should foreigners supervise us? We want to be independent, we want the nation to be self-reliant.

Then again, since you want to be independent, why do you send your papers to foreign journals for publication? How good is it to play behind closed doors?

Again, if one country, two countries, one journal and two journals don't make friends with you, it may be the other party's fault.

When no one wants to make friends with you or publish your paper, it means that you are wrong, and wrong very much.

And this supervision is mutual. As long as you are in this circle, others can supervise you, and you can also supervise others. This is what developed countries such as South Korea, Japan and New Zealand do very well.

Chen Qi's statement and relaxed expression made the two chief editors heave a sigh of relief.

What they were most afraid of was that they would arrive suddenly, and then the Yuezhong Hospital became a mess, and the dean Chen Qi was even more panic-stricken, and then some requests made by the visiting group were completely unsatisfied.

If this happened, Owen and Hubert felt that they had nothing to prove and could go home immediately.

The key is that in the future, all submissions from Yuezhong Hospital will definitely be blocked, and even the submissions from doctors in Huaguo will be included in the cautious list by major medical journals and treated differently.

After the editor-in-chief Owen relaxed, he also joked:

"Chen, I'm glad you welcomed us. We thought you'd be scared to pee your pants."

Chen Qi shrugged:

"Ever since I was beaten by my mother after peeing my pants in kindergarten, I haven't peed my pants again, but I don't know if the two editors pee now, do they stop for half an hour, dripping and peeing? "


The foreigners all laughed, and everyone knew that Chen Qi was joking and retaliated by saying that the chief editors were getting old and their prostates were failing.

Seeing that the atmosphere at the scene was relatively cheerful, Deputy Director Liang, who was the most nervous, patted his chest and said to Lao Guo next to him:

"Oh my god, I'm really scared to death. This New Year's Eve is here for a surprise inspection. Fortunately, you are sitting up straight at the Yuezhong Hospital. I guess other hospitals must be making a fool of themselves now."

Lao Guo said indifferently:

"Leaders, please rest assured that all the subjects of our Yuezhong Hospital are one is one, and two is two. We will never make fakes, stand the test, and will never embarrass the country and our superiors."

The editor-in-chief Owen also stated the purpose of this trip:

"Chen, we came to China this time to see with our own eyes whether the patient you mentioned in your paper really exists. At the same time, we also need to review all the records of the course of the disease, the process of medication and surgery. It is best to have videos, photos and Raw data, okay?"

Looking at the picture, several foreigners stared at Chen Qi's face.

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