Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 663 Authenticity of Four Papers

Not all foreigners have the "heart to subjugate China" and never die.

The people who came here today are purely academic people, so there are no conspiracy theories or pretentious plots.

On the contrary, these foreigners stared at Chen Qi's expression, hoping to continue to see Chen Qi's calm expression instead of being panicked.

If Chen Qi or Yuezhong Hospital commits academic fraud, then the authenticity of the papers they previously published in major top medical journals will be questioned.

However, published papers are like water that has been thrown out, and it is difficult to take them back.

That would be fun. This has turned into an international academic scandal. Yuezhong Hospital and Chen Qi will not have a good life, and they, the review editors, will not have a good life either.

After Chen Qi heard the foreigners' request, he immediately asked He Jia to go to the office to bring the original manuscripts of the four papers and put them on the table:

"Gentlemen and ladies, these are four papers submitted by us, namely hibernation therapy, new fluid rehydration formula, stinky tofu skin grafting, and the application of bacteriophages. Which paper do you want to verify first?"

Chen Qi's attitude made Owen and Hubert smile at each other and put aside most of their doubts.

"Chen, we have counted the days and found that the four burn patients you described in the paper should not meet the discharge standards now. Can we go to the ward to see with our own eyes the current recovery status of these four patients?"

In addition to the staff of the two major magazines, there are also three professional burn doctors in this visiting group to China. They are the main force in the evaluation.

Burn patients are the easiest to identify authenticity, because the burn wounds cannot be faked and can be seen at a glance.

Chen Qi stood up at this time: "No problem, let's go to the ward now."

After hearing this, the foreigners stood up one after another and prepared to go to the ward together.

Deputy Director Liang was a little anxious: "Chen Qi, this foreign guest has just arrived in Yuezhong. He has been traveling for several days. Do you want to arrange a rest first and then conduct an on-site inspection?"

Chen Qi shook his head slightly and deliberately replied in English:

"Mr. Owen, Mr. Hubert, and several gentlemen and ladies present, they are all very professional people, meticulous and very rigorous in doing things, so even if they have to take a break, they will only relax after completing their work. "

Who doesn’t want to hear good words? Several foreigners puffed up their chests, praising their good work style.

Deputy Director Liang, who was engaged in external publicity work, knew English and immediately understood what Chen Qi meant, which was not to make these foreigners suspicious, so he said nothing more.

Dean Chen led several blond and blue-eyed foreigners through the hospital, which immediately aroused strong interest among the staff and patients.

After all, foreigners are rare in this era, and when you see one, it’s like looking at giant pandas in the zoo.

As Chen Qi walked, he introduced the new construction of Yuezhong Hospital. The two 20-story twin buildings are the first in the domestic health system and are actually rare abroad.

Top foreign hospitals generally have a long history, so senior management was quite rare in the 1980s, almost like a university campus.

When we arrived at the burn surgery department, the doctors and nurses in the department were already waiting, especially Zhu Huoyan and Lan Lijuan who had been notified and were also waiting at the scene.

Chen Qi gave a brief introduction:

"Gentlemen and ladies, these are the doctors and nurses of our burn surgery department. They are very professional and have rich clinical experience. This is Mr. Zhu Huoyan, our director of the general surgery department. All the treatment in the burn department was done by him. Under the leadership of. This is my wife, Ms. Lan Lijuan, who is also an old friend of yours."

Hibernation therapy paper: the first author is Chen Qi, the second author is Zhu Huoyan, and the third author is Yi Zewen

Paper on clinical application of bacteriophages: the first author is Lan Lijuan, the second author is Zhu Huoyan, and the third author is Ma Xiaona

Paper on the Yuezhong Formula for Rehydration: The first author is Zhu Huoyan, the second author Wang Qizheng, and the third author Shi Guanxing

The paper on stinky tofu skin grafting, the first author is Zhu Huoyan, the second author is Luo Yuyang, and the third author is Zhang Xing

The order of authors in this paper is very particular.

The first author is generally the researcher who contributed the most to this work. He not only contributed the most and most important figures to the chapter (physical contribution), but also wrote the first draft of the chapter (intellectual contribution).

At the same time, the second author is also the main conception, design and executioner of the specific work, and is responsible for the main experimental results.

The first and third authors are signed after the first author in the order of decreasing contribution value. The responsibilities you bear will also be much lighter.

So generally speaking, the first author is the most important, because he is the person in charge of the project or topic. If there is any promotion or salary increase in the future, the first author will get more points.

Some more rigorous units are not highly recognized by the second and third authors.

Among the four papers, Zhu Huoyan is the first author on 2 papers and the second author on 2 papers, which highlights his core position in burn surgery.

According to Director Zhu's temper, he was unwilling to take this false name. However, in the "strong burn surgery strategy" proposed by Chen Qi, the role of academic leaders was very important, and Chen Qi could not pay attention to burn surgery for a long time. Convinced Director Zhu.

Of course, Director Zhu’s level is sufficient. Many new technologies are just that, what matters is creativity.

Chen Qi and Lan Lijuan each claim to be the first author of one article.

After all, these treatment plans were proposed by Chen Qi, especially the phage therapy Lan Lijuan was the main person in charge, so there is nothing wrong with it.

Among the remaining second and third authors, Chen Qi is almost the same as Guoguo, and has a name for all his confidants.

There is a foundation for the authors of a top international journal article. Their starting point in the future is to be higher than that of their domestic counterparts, and they will have more momentum when going global.

As for Wang Qizheng and Shi Guanxing, both of them are professors at Haidong Medical University.

Letting these two people name themselves is a tacit understanding between Chen Qi and Principal Li in private, that is, whatever good things come out of Yuezhong Hospital can be brought to Haidong Medical University, and Haidong Medical University will give the green light to Chen Qi's private enterprise in the future.

The only exception in the list of authors is Comrade Lao Guo.

Guo Yuanhang is now 61 years old. If it were not for escorting Chen Qi, he would actually be retired now.

For him, it was no longer important or useful to add his name to the paper, so he took the initiative to leave it unsigned and leave it to comrades who needed it more.

This is definitely high-profile in domestic academic circles.

You must know that there is an unspoken rule in domestic academic circles, that is, when your subordinate researchers or the graduate students you lead produce a paper, the first signature must be given to the supervisor or teaching teacher.

The original author can only name the second author, which is very polite.

There are also some shameless leaders or teachers who, seeing the value of your paper, will even take away your project and publish the paper in advance. At that time, the signature will have nothing to do with your original author.

Are you going to sue? Do you want to work in the workplace? Or do you want a diploma or a degree certificate?

It’s so dark that the African uncle shouted 666!

Students with weaker personalities can only knock out their teeth and swallow it in their stomachs. There are also many students who have poor psychological endurance and commit suicide by jumping off the building.

Therefore, when smart young scholars or students submit their papers for review by leading teachers, they will keep the original experimental data confidential and will not hand it over easily.

These are all lessons learned from suffering too much.

Unlike Chen Qi, who wrote a thesis on his own and shared the author's signature with others, he couldn't find another dean like him.

At this time, Chen Qi pointed at the many doctors and said proudly:

"This is the team of our burn department, which includes surgeons and physicians. We work together to create new inventions one after another, and for the first time we can break through the law that 60% of burn patients cannot be rescued."

When Owen and Hubert faced Chen Qiliang's team, they were not disgusted at all by showing off their muscles. Instead, they greeted them enthusiastically.

Unfortunately, Director Zhu studied Russian and could understand but not speak English, so Chen Qi was the translator throughout the process, so the speaker still let Chen Qi be in charge.

After the two sides exchanged pleasantries, Director Zhu and Chen Qi led the foreign visiting group to the ward.

"Gentlemen and ladies, this is Ward 1. The patient here is a 32-year-old woman. At that time, she and her daughter, the patient in Ward 2, were burned by the fire. The burn area reached 90%. She My daughter’s burn area was 83%.

This is not the most surprising thing. The most surprising thing is that when they were sent to the hospital, the two people had already stayed at home for a month without any formal treatment. "

At this time, a foreign doctor shouted out in surprise:

"How is this possible? They couldn't survive in the hospital with such extensive burns. How did they survive at home for a month? This is incredible."

Chen Qi was very surprised when he thought about it now:

"Yes, the gentleman and I had the same reaction at the time. How could this be possible? When the patient's mother asked me to go to their home to rescue people, I also felt incredible and thought it must be fake.

But when I arrived at their house, I understood. Their whole bodies were covered with pot ash and a kind of Chinese herbal medicine. Their whole bodies seemed to be wrapped in a shell, tightly bound and cut off from the air. Maybe they were... It is this oxygen-free environment that makes it difficult for bacteria to grow.

Of course, we have now set up a new research group to study the specific cause. Our Chinese herbal medicine has been used in clinical burns for thousands of years, so we are analyzing which ingredient plays the role. "

Chinese herbal medicine is not recognized by the mainstream foreign medical community.

For example, in the United States, traditional Chinese medicine is classified as "alternative and complementary medicine," but it does not belong to real clinical medicine, and they do not recognize Chinese medical qualifications.

There is no license for Chinese medicine in the United States, and Chinese medicine practitioners are not (licensed) doctors in the United States.

However, the United States has a Chinese medicine acupuncturist license and a Chinese medicine practitioner license, and 41 states in the United States allow licensed acupuncture practitioners to practice.

The value of this practicing certificate is very low. It cannot be compared with a real medical license. At most, it is a similar professional qualification certificate, such as a baker, a beautician, etc.

Chinese herbal medicines are generally considered "health products" and you can take them by yourself. Foreigners believe in freedom. They respect "Chinese people are accustomed to using herbal plants" as medicines. As long as their safety and toxicity are proven, there will be no problem.

But if you take Chinese herbal medicine to treat people and charge fees, it will be deemed as "illegal medical practice" in most states.

So Chen Qi introduced it, and several foreigners were confused after hearing it. Obviously, they didn't believe that Chinese herbal medicine could save lives for a month.

Chen Qi also sighed. Everything must have evidence, and he can only wait until the results of the experiment come out in the future.

The ward door opened, and Chen Qi and Zhu Huoyan walked in first.

"Dean Chen, Director Zhu, you are here."

Chen Qi nodded and said: "Some foreign doctors want to come and learn our burn technology soon. They need to come and see your recovery, so you can answer truthfully in a while. Don't be nervous. We are all professional doctors. There will be nothing dirty." thought of."

Burn patients are systemic, and they often need to take off their clothes and pants during dressing changes and examinations, leaving the whole body naked, which inevitably makes the patient feel ashamed and uncomfortable.

Ding Xinjuan smiled: "Dean Chen, don't worry, you saved my life. Whatever you say will be taken."

Chen Qi nodded and shouted softly: "Everyone, come in."

When 10 foreigners walked into the ward, Ding Xinjuan was already lying on the hospital bed, exposing her whole body, looking at the wounds and scars all over her body, as well as the traces of skin grafting.

These foreigners covered their mouths and shouted: "oh my god, oh my god!"

Chen Qi thought to himself that the foreigner was so pitiful that he couldn't even say "fuck you".

The burn surgeon from the Third Department of Surgery came forward and first asked about the patient's condition in English. One of the foreigners, a girl, actually spoke Chinese and translated on the side.

Obviously, the two top journals have made all preparations for coming to China this time, including translation, but they are afraid of being deceived by the authors.

After asking questions, the three burn doctors took out measuring tools, two for measuring and one for recording, and began to count the burn area of ​​Ding Xinjuan's whole body.

Foreigners are quite strict in doing things, because according to ordinary people's thinking, when you walk in and see a good guy, there will be no normal skin on the whole body. Let alone 90% burns, even if you report 100% burns, no one will doubt it.

But foreigners are more rigid, and they must make calculations.

While the doctors were still measuring the burn areas of several other patients, Chen Qi introduced to Editors Irving and Hubert:

"In order to prove the authenticity of our treatment, we videotape every patient after admission, including all subsequent treatments. At the same time, we also take photos of the wounds every day to facilitate comparison of treatment results. If you are interested, you can check it out now You can check it out.”

The two chief editors were overjoyed when they heard this, "Very good. This is first-hand information. Chen, is it convenient for us to watch it now?"

"Of course. All the information is in the office next to it. Let's go."

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