Li Wei used his powerful computing power to create a virtual model of the microfilament in his mind. The clothes he saw were just put on the virtual model. Whether it looked good or not, the result was calculated in two seconds. Out.

It is precisely because of this advantage that it didn't take long for Levi to choose clothes suitable for Weisi in Charmi's clothing store, from skirts to formal wear, to various accessories and hats , he has a choice.

It can be said that the pile of clothes prepared by Li Wei can save Weisi from buying new clothes for a quarter.

"Would it look better if I grew my hair longer?" Weisi said to herself. If she could settle down and no longer need to run around like before, then she could start growing her hair longer. She was envious of other girls' long flowing looks. Although her current style was more capable and neat, it always made her feel that she lacked femininity... .

A woman wants to please her own appearance, and Weisi wants to show her most beautiful face in front of Levi. Growing her hair long is just the first step. The first step is to learn how to match various accessories and how to apply light makeup.

When she participated in beauty pageants before, the competition organization would provide makeup artists for the contestants. A lone wolf like her who traveled around relied on the official makeup artist of the competition team to help her with makeup.

After changing into new clothes, Weisi happily rushed out of the guest room and came to the concert hall upstairs, where Levi was still waiting for her.

Weisi held up the hem of the long skirt, circled it in front of Levi, and said, "Thank you, it's very beautiful! I rarely wear skirts, I..."

Weisi didn't know what to say. She and Li Wei just met by chance, but Li Wei had helped her so much that she didn't know how to repay Li Wei. There was no shortage of women around Levi, and there was absolutely no need to do this for her, but Levi just did it, which made her feel puzzled and at the same time, she was grateful for it.

If it weren't for the hiding place provided by Li Wei, she didn't know how embarrassed she would be now. It was all thanks to Li Wei that she could rest as peacefully as she did now.

Li Wei smiled and said: "A beautiful girl like you needs to be held in the palm of my hand and taken care of. Your past life was really difficult for you. 4."

Weisi sat down. She had hesitated in her heart before whether to tell her story. After all, the reason why she was being hunted was not honorable, and it could even be said that she asked for it. However, if she didn't speak out, she felt that she would have knots in her heart. When Levi went out, she was having a fierce battle in her heart. Finally, she made the decision to tell what she had done. .

"Li, I think you must be curious in your heart as to why I am being hunted by the mafia organization. Now, I will tell you the reason." Weisi said seriously.

Levi was very clear about the reason why Wei Si was being hunted, but he still pretended not to know and said: "Everyone has their own secrets, you don't have to tell me.".

Chapter. Weisi’s Showdown

Weisi shook her head and said: "I must tell you about this matter. This is no longer a simple personal secret. I don't want to deceive you. I am not the kind of good girl you think!"

Weisi's emotions were a little excited, and she also noticed something abnormal about herself. After her emotions stabilized a little, she told the reason why she was being hunted without any reservation.

Like a tree hole that couldn't speak, Levi kept a smile on his face and listened to Weisi describe the cause and effect of the whole thing.

There is no difference between what Weisi said and the information Li Wei learned, which shows that she has nothing to hide from him.

After Levi listened to Weisi finish telling her story, he gently patted her shoulder, sat next to her, and took her into his arms.

Levi said softly: "Everyone will make mistakes. This is inevitable. Personal growth cannot be smooth sailing. Although you made a mistake in this matter, I support you."

"Eh?" Weisi was a little surprised. Li Wei even said that she had done something wrong in this matter, but he was still willing to stand on her side, which puzzled her.

Levi said: "Being in a casino is a very dangerous thing. It should be said that gambling itself is bad. I have seen a lot of families ruined because of gambling, so I don't have a good impression of gambling. However, what you won was the vampire’s money in the casino, not money directly from a gambler. You deserve this money.”

Weisi looked at Li Wei in surprise. She didn't expect that Li Wei would start to denounce the sins of the casino.

Levi said: "And the casino sent people to hunt you down without evidence. This is already a crime. You are trying to protect your life and property and fight back in a legitimate way. Now you are the most It’s just over-defense. Isn’t this a big mistake?”

Levi has also read a law popularization column by a certain outlaw. People have the right to emergency evacuation when their lives are in danger. In such a situation, even if they overreact, they will be punished by law. This situation will be dealt with lightly.

However, considering that Europe is a very rough place, lawyers can use their words to confuse right and wrong. Only those who are rich and powerful can win the case. Otherwise, even if Weisi files a lawsuit with the casino, Weisi will be accused of intentional homicide even if Weisi just over-defended.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in Europe. There has never been fairness and justice in European courts. Whether it is a civil dispute or an economic dispute between companies, it will eventually become a competition between the financial resources and connections of both parties.

"Li, I didn't expect you to understand me! I was still worried that you would think I was a bad woman." Weisi said excitedly.

Levi gently scratched the bridge of Wei Wei's nose and said with a smile: "You are not qualified to call yourself a woman now, you are just a big girl."

Weisi's Yuan Yin is very pure. This situation shows that she is simply an untouched young girl, so Li Wei said that she has no qualifications to call herself a "woman".

Hearing Levi's words, Weisi was a little embarrassed. Because of her travel experience, she was a little resistant to men. After seeing too many ugly things, she would rather stay alone. High-quality singleness is far better than low-quality marriage. She has no intention of leaving the single state until she meets the person she feels is right.

But now, the person Weisi thinks is right has finally appeared. Although there are other women around him, she can't control her feelings even though she knows such things. She wants to go to him like a moth to a flame. Levi approaches.

Levi said: "Now that I know what the problem you are facing, Weisi, it will be easy to solve it. I still have a certain influence in Europe and can completely help you offset this debt."

Weisi leaned on Li Wei's arms, raised her head, looked at Li Wei's face and said: "But they and I have already formed a deadly feud. The organization on the other side has lost more than ten lives in order to hunt me down. Will they give up on such a blood debt easily?"

It was normal for Weisi to have such worries. She put herself in someone else's shoes and asked herself, even if she was the leader of the opposite mafia organization, she would not let things go so easily. After all, because of her, the mafia organization opposite has become a laughing stock in the local underground world. If she is not captured, the mafia organization opposite will not be able to wash away the shame.

Levi gently stroked the back of Weisi's neck, and the faint tingling sensation made Weisi reveal a cat-like expression.

Levi said: "If I say this matter can be solved, then it will be solved. They will definitely give me face and let this matter end decently."

Weisi said: "What if the other party doesn't want it to end like this?"

Levi smiled and said: "Then I will help them and let them treat them as decent people."

Levi hugged Weisi's shoulders tightly and said, "I will not let any girl around me be threatened. No matter who dares to threaten the girl around me, I will make him pay the price."

Levi's words sounded extremely domineering to Weisi, but this kind of attitude of helping relatives but not taking care of them was extremely lethal to women. Any woman longs for a solid embrace that can protect her from wind and rain. This unparalleled sense of security is irresistible to all women, and Weisi is no exception.

Levi said: "The underground world here in Europe is indeed a bit messy. It's time to clean up these messy fish."

Weisi didn't know much about Levi, after all, the two of them had only been together for a short time, but in such a short period of time, Weisi felt that she was hopelessly in love with Levi.

Weisi whispered: "Is it worth going to such great lengths for me?"

Weisi did not doubt whether Levi could fulfill his words. Levi's mystery and power were enough to prove that he was extraordinary. What she sees now is just the tip of the iceberg of Levi's strength. The emperor-like temperament of Levi is definitely not something ordinary people can possess.

Levi said: "If it's for you, it's all worth it. I believe in fate. It was a fateful intersection for me to meet you when I walked through there. In this case, I will definitely cherish this wholeheartedly. The choice of destiny, are you willing to hand over your destiny to me?”

Weisi looked at Li Wei's true expression, nodded, and said, "I do!"

Li Wei hugged Weisi like a princess, and said softly: "You will never have a chance to regret your current choice, because I will not give you a chance to regret, and you will get all the happiness."

Levi carried Weisi upstairs and walked into his spacious bedroom...

Chapter 4. Thoughts

Levi made Weisi become a real woman. The craziness of the night made Weisi realize what real happiness is. However, she was so exhausted that she barely got up until noon of the next day.

The fellow cultivator made both parties gain a lot of benefits, and the efficiency of Weisi's digestion and absorption of Jieji's soul in the body has also improved a lot. As for Li Wei, his cultivation has also made progress. Although there is still a certain distance between him and the next great realm, compared with before, the progress is very obvious.

Due to the characteristics of "The Ascension of the Yellow Emperor", the efficiency of a single person's cultivation is inherently slow. Coupled with the growth of the floating island in the sea of ​​​​consciousness space, his cultivation progress will also be swallowed up. Therefore, the efficiency of cultivation progress by relying solely on personal hard work is Very hard.

Therefore, Li Wei needs more partners to improve his cultivation. If he can have more than 3,000 fairies practicing with him like Brother Huangdi, his strength may have exploded by this time. .

But Li Wei didn't dare to be greedy in this kind of thing. Now he was already a man wearing shoes. He was no longer in the barefoot state before. He had too many worries and didn't dare to risk his own life anymore. Moreover, he had finished playing , all his fellow practitioners and friends will also perish. Whether it is for himself or for the girls around him, Li Wei can only put away his desire to commit suicide and move forward honestly.

Weisi is Levi's first character to win the home plate in the King of Fighters world. It must be said that Weisi's body flexibility, which is far beyond ordinary people, is quite impressive.

The flexibility of Weisi's body is comparable to that of a circus contortionist. She can even fold herself in half. This kind of body flexibility is even higher than that of Shiranui-ryu ninjas.

After the night, Li Wei naturally stayed by Weisi's side and took good care of her. But at the same time, Levi's attention was also divided, paying attention to the situation on Sharmi's side. Relying on his cheating multi-threaded thinking ability, Li Wei kept turning on the positioning spell and paying attention to the girl around him. Their movements, and this naturally involves Charmi.

The consumption of positioning spells is very small. Levi can even use it as a permanent passive ability and keep it turned on. With the increasing number of his own thinking circuits, he can even ensure that every girl has two and three lines. The thinking loop watches to make sure nothing goes wrong.

Of course, Levi has never mentioned this top-secret matter to anyone around him. After all, using magic to monitor people around him is not a glorious thing. This makes him feel like the "4" Boss ~ "Brother"-like.

After getting up, Weisi saw Levi who was busy in the kitchen. She didn't know which book she had read before. It was very simple to see if a man loved her. Just look at his behavior in the kitchen. .

A man who loves you will definitely be in a happy mood and prepare sumptuous food for you when cooking. Although the so-called food may not taste like it, it definitely contains the other person's feelings.

Looking at Li Wei's dress as a deputy house cook, Weisi felt a little magical. Li Wei, who said such domineering words yesterday, was as aloof as an emperor, but he could still be busy in the kitchen like he is now, gentle and gentle. Prepare food for her.

This huge contrast made her unconsciously intoxicated.

However, what Weisi didn't know was that Levi already had experience in dealing with girls and knew when and what to do. That's why she was able to wake up and see Levi busy in the kitchen.

Levi said: "If you feel uncomfortable, don't get up in a hurry."

Weisi blushed a little and said, "It's almost time. If I don't get up, I'll look too lazy. In fact, I'm quite confident in my cooking skills."

Weisi is not bragging. During a long trip, she had to find a way to solve the problem of food by herself, so she was able to produce relatively rich dishes under very simple conditions, which is difficult for ordinary cooks to do. to things.

Her outdoor cooking skills are even better than those of wild food experts in the real world. She only needs a pot, some oil, a peeling knife, and a relatively clean one, and she can use local ingredients and use all kinds of game. Make a big meal out.

Levi smiled and said: "Cooking for the woman I love is a pleasure to me, but if I have the chance, I would like to taste your cooking skills. After all, cooking is a skill that can only be improved through communication. "

Levi thought of a gourmet TV series with many female characters, "The Spirit of the Shoji". Although the food in it was not like "The Master of Chinese Primary Schools" and could radiate golden light, it was still quite interesting.

But the road has to be walked step by step, and the food has to be stuttered. Things in this world have not been settled yet, and more worlds are still being planned.

Weisi looked at the various raw materials on the kitchen table and said with some curiosity: "々. They are all things I don't have. Li, are you going to make some new dishes?"

"These are some dishes from my hometown. The taste is a bit similar to Mexican food, so I want you to try it. If you like it, I will often cook it for you in the future." Levi turned around and smiled.

Weisi was a little touched in her heart. Li Wei was willing to cook her hometown cuisine, which showed that he loved her from the bottom of his heart.

Li Wei smiled and said: "My hometown is a place with vast territory and abundant resources. The combined land area is larger than the entire mainland of Europe. Of course, when calculating the area, the Asian part of the Rakshasa Kingdom must be removed first. This scale The cuisine in this huge country is divided into different schools. When the time comes, I will cook the dishes of each cuisine for you to try and see which one you like."

Weisi smiled and said, "As long as it's your cooking, I like Xin."

As long as Li Wei cooks, she thinks it is Li Wei's heart. After all, it is incredible for an emperor-like existence like Li Wei to be willing to cook for a woman.

Li Wei brought the prepared Sichuan and Chongqing cuisine to the table and said: "Mexican cuisine pays attention to spiciness, and the cuisine of this region will be closer to Weisi's hometown in taste. Try it while it's hot. .”

Li Wei took off his apron and pulled out a chair for Weisi. In order to take care of Weisi's habits, Li Weijiang's cuisine was improved to a certain extent to make it easier to use knives and forks. After all, chopsticks are a bit difficult for Europeans to use. Taller.

Levi looked at Weisi who was devouring the food and said, "I'll buy you some shoes in the afternoon. As for clothes, I've already prepared them for you. You need to try things like shoes by yourself."

Only the wearer knows whether the shoes fit or not, so Levi can help Weisi buy clothes, but he can't help her buy shoes.

Chapter. Dealing with the Tracker

After lunch, the two of them warmed up for a while before going out in a hurry. This small city full of life is a very suitable city for tourism. The two of them walked on the street, admiring the scenery on the road. landscape.

The two people holding hands, a talented man and a beautiful woman, a couple of gods and gods, made passers-by take a few more glances.

Wei Si said: "The weather here is much better than that in the country of Lao. I have been to the country of Lao before. I stayed there for three months and couldn't stand it anymore. There were too many rainy weather. .”

Levi smiled and said: "The weather here is pretty good. After all, this is a well-known wine-producing area in Europe. However, the sunlight is not adequate and the grapes do not grow well."

Unlike the country where it is mainly cloudy and rainy, the weather here in Falaisi is much better, at least the light and temperature are much more livable, and this natural environment also makes the overall character of the Falaixi people more Although his extroversion and enthusiasm are not as enthusiastic as those of the Xibaiyan people, his temperament is more suitable for foreigners from outside.

Levi had a few more handbags in his hands, inside:'.!"';!?!.!『?".'"』,:::"!!:『:";";』??!? '';;:!,!?"备,",用!?;"?,,,:,.:''The clothes above are all microsilk shoes.

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