Weisi, who had always had a tight life in the past, felt free to choose the products she wanted to see for the first time like this. In the past, because she was a backpacker, she was relatively tight financially.

But now, with Levi behind her, she no longer has to live a life of calculating every penny as she did before.

Li Wei said: "Weisi, why have you been wandering all the time? If you really want to settle down somewhere, it is not that difficult. As long as you have a stable job and work hard to save money, you will always be able to I can give myself a little nest."

Weisi was silent for a moment and said: "A pile of cold steel and concrete is not a home at all. I have always been wandering because I can't find a place to put my heart. I feel uneasy and just stay here." If I don’t go down, I know that’s not my destination.”

Weisi's statement has a bit of a feeling of "my home is where I feel at ease".

Weisi smiled and said: "But this is the best now. If I force myself to settle in a place I don't like, I won't meet you now. Li, you are the god who changed my life and you are also for me." The sun that brings light and heat to life.”

Weisi, who had spent some time in Falaisi, was more or less influenced by the Falaixi people and became more bold and unrestrained in expressing her emotions.

Moreover, Mexicans are known for their enthusiasm and unrestrained nature. Putting the two together, Weisi's character is naturally more inclined to be bold.

Levi smiled and said: "I'm very happy to hear you say that, but have you noticed? There are some little tails following us."

Weisi said: "I have already felt it. Their number is not large, so it should not be their large force."

Weisi, who has a beast-like intuition, relied on her rich experience of traveling all over the country to determine the general situation.

Weisi said: "This is not their home court. They should have dispersed their manpower throughout the whole process to find me. Even if they contact me by phone, it will take a certain amount of time to meet up."

Li Wei smiled and said: "This is an opportunity for everyone to defeat them."

Weisi said: "It's better for me to handle this kind of thing myself. I want to end things with those people, but I have to rely on you Li to deal with the aftermath."

Weisi knew that the most she could do was to deal with the members of the mafia organization who were tracking her. As for the other party's base camp, she was not able to deal with it now. But now that she has Li Wei to rely on, she doesn't need to worry about the aftermath. Li Wei will naturally handle these matters perfectly.

Levi nodded, and the two of them slowed down and entered at the entrance of an alley. After entering the alley, the two of them did not continue forward, but waited for the people behind to catch up.

Before long, the members of the mafia organization behind them caught up with them. After they saw the two people entering the alley, they decisively quickened their pace and rushed into the alley almost at a trot, fearing that they would be lost. Traces of the two men.

Weisi was like a flexible big cat, kicking on the wall, flipping around in circles, landing lightly behind the mafia members, and kicked one of the mafia members over with her feet. At the same time, she accelerated instantly , grabbed a mafioso's neck with one hand, pushed him to the ground, charged forward, and when he accelerated to a certain level, he threw him high.

In just a short moment, Weisi had already eliminated two mafia gangsters, and the remaining mafiosi panicked a little when faced with such a fierce Weisi.

"I am different now than before!" Weisi said excitedly as she felt the power surging in her body.

"Get her!"

I don’t know who shouted, and all the mafiosi rushed towards Weisi. The task they got was to catch Weisi alive. After all, where Weisi hid the more than one million euros is still a mystery. We are still trying to find out. They would not directly kill Weisi until the whereabouts of the more than one million euros were revealed.

Looking at the mafiosi who had drawn out various control knives and sticks, Weisi licked the back of her hand, accelerated instantly, charged, and knocked a mafia up. She jumped up high and knocked the mafia into the air. Grab it, slam it downwards, and smash it into the ground. The huge impact not only kills the unlucky guy directly, but also creates a shock wave that also knocks out other mafia gangsters.

Levi was watching all this. The fighting method used by Weisi was very barbaric, and the various brutal throwing techniques were exactly the same as those in the game.

In games, such moves can only knock out a small amount of blood from the opponent's character, but in real combat, such damage is enough to kill an ordinary person instantly. The mafia who was directly thrown to death just now is the best example.

Weisi's fighting style is wild and fast, like a nimble and elegant black panther. In just a few seconds, she has eliminated all enemies.

However, this is also related to the fact that the enemy does not use firearms. When faced with firearms, she is only half a barrel of Weisi, so she still has to dodge as much as possible. After all, she is not one of those monsters that can physically withstand bombardment.

Weisi's current strength is that of an entry-level amateur fighter. Although he bullies ordinary people and plays tricks, in a grand event like the King of Fighters Tournament, Weisi is not even qualified to participate in the auditions.

"Huh, I finally took a breath. Li, do you think I am a cruel and bloodthirsty madman?" Weisi said uneasily.

Levi smiled and said: "You have never seen what real cruelty is like. Scenes like this are nothing more than child's play to me."

Li Wei sighed in his heart, after all, he was a great demon king who had achieved the achievement of destroying the world. Such a scene did not make any waves in his heart.

Chapter. Charmi in crisis

The phone rang suddenly, and the sound came from the handbag beside a black suit. Weisi squatted down, opened the bag, took out the brick-shaped "Big Brother" from inside, and pressed the answer button.

"Hey, hey! Arecio, where are you now? We are almost here. Hello? Why don't you reply?"

Weisi crushed the big brother directly. At this time, the person on the other side must have noticed something was wrong, and people were already nearby.

Levi said: "There is no need to stay here, someone will deal with the mess here."

Although Li Wei does not have any direct power in Europe, he can mobilize the people under Clausa's clone at will, so no matter what he does, it is very convenient. In America, the power of the Gith clone is directly invoked.

Because he stayed here much longer than the previous two worlds, Levi also took out some of the technological achievements from the future and gave them to the Gith clone, which will be operated by the Gith Society to earn more profits.

The technology that Levi came up with was none other than G network technology and smartphone technology. The first smartphone in the real world was born only in 2010, and the 5G network was only applied to the market in 2016.

Although the technology brought out by Levi is not much more advanced than the technology in this world, technology, even if it is just a step advantage, is still an advantage. As long as he does not stretch his legs and continues to research, the technological advantage can continue expanding.

It's still the year, and Levi doesn't intend to come up with technology that's too "sci-fi" for this era. After all, it's a bit too much and would only encourage the development of technology.

Relying on new technologies, the power of Gith's clones has been expanded to new levels, and Levi's body can control more.

On the side of Clausa's clone, Levi also provided certain technical support. While maintaining his underground kingdom, Clausa's clone was also returning to the surface, returning to the public's attention as a high-tech consortium. .

A mere underground emperor would only make people fearful, but a suitable identity would also help Clausa's avatar appear in public.

Levi and Weisi left the alley. Just after they left, two transport trucks stopped at the street entrance. People in white protective suits walked into the alley carrying stretchers and body bags.

These people are a special response team directly affiliated with Clausa's avatar. They are responsible for the closing and processing of various scenes. They have special rights of passage in many countries in Europe. On the surface, they are under the jurisdiction of Interpol. In fact, they are under the supervision of Interpol. Just obey the orders of Krausa's clone.

There are a total of this kind of special team, and Clausa's avatar transferred two of them to Li Wei's side. After all, Li Wei occasionally needs some help. These well-trained professionals are all good at cleaning up messes. They are able to completely annihilate clues at the scene without damaging the surrounding environment as much as possible.

Weisi looked at the people who wrapped her tightly, and was a little surprised. She didn't see Li Wei make the call, but just after she had done it, these people had already arrived at the scene to deal with the traces, and their methods He is so professional, he looks like he is no ordinary person.

"These people won't leak what's going on here, right?" Weisi said worriedly.

Levi smiled and said: "Their loyalty can be guaranteed, and they are experts in doing this kind of thing. If there were to be leaks, they would have been leaked long ago."

The two people left the alley and returned to the outside world of normal people.


As night fell, Charmi, who was staying in the clothing store, turned off all the lights, checked the shelves, and closed the door of the clothing store.

Sharmi pushed the bicycle, stepped on it in two trots, and headed towards the orphanage outside the city.

The orphanage run by Abbot Villante was originally a monastery that was damaged by the war. After the first abbot bought the original site, he repaired and expanded it on the basis of the monastery, so there is now the orphanage. hospital.

The orphanage has a history of more than 40 years. Dean Villante is the first director. The small town is not that big. It didn’t take Sharmi much time to get out of the small town. She had to rush Return to the orphanage before the sun completely sets, otherwise you will have to put the flashlight in the carrier of the bicycle and use extremely limited lighting.

····Ask for flowers····

It is very troublesome to ride a bicycle on the small road at night, so she will set the time to get off work every day to avoid going back too late.

Just when she saw the lights of the orphanage in the distance, figures stopped her on the road.

With the help of the sunset, Sharmi saw clearly who was blocking him. He was a member of the local mafia family, the Iman family.

Charmi stopped the car. This was the only way back to the orphanage. All other paths could only be walked, not bicycles. The other side must have considered this, so they blocked her here.

Sharmi put the bicycle aside and said, "What do you want to do?"

....... ..

Among the people, a familiar figure walked out, it was Carle.

Carler smiled and said: "Sharmi, since you don't know how to flatter yourself, then naturally we can't make you look good here. Otherwise, where will the face of our Yiman family be put?"

Sharmi was very angry. It was obviously the Iman family that was the first to cause trouble, but she unexpectedly acted like a victim here, making it seem like she was the villain. These mafia organizations are all shameless societies. Scumbag, it is instinct to tell lies with your eyes open.

Kaler said: "Our BOSS has changed his mind. Even if he lets you continue to pay the management fee, business is not doing well these days. We will have to wait until we don't know when to get your management fee. In comparison, Now, if I hand you over to Councilor Julian directly, we can earn more."

Charmie felt sick in her heart. That Congressman Julian came to her clothing store to give her flowers before. She knew what kind of person that Congressman Julian was.

As one of the biggest patrons of the local mafia organization, and also having many shady businesses, how could she like such a villain.

Moreover, this Congressman Julian was a fat man who weighed more than 1 kilogram. Just seeing his fat face with an evil smile made Charmi feel sick to his stomach.

Charmi's face changed and he said, "You think just a few people can do anything to defeat me?"

Chapter. Half-way robbery

Charmi put on a fighting stance. Although there were more people on the opposite side, and they probably had guns, she was still confident in her own strength. Even if ordinary people had guns, they wouldn't be able to defeat her.

Carle said: "Do you really want to be our enemy? Don't you care about the orphanage? If you dare to resist, I will burn down the orphanage and let all the little bastards inside be burned to death. That old woman who is so old that her waist is hunched over, don’t you care about their life or death?”

Charmi hesitated, and the words on the other side hit her hard. For her, the orphanage is the place for Wei. Dean Villante is an elder who has watched her grow up. It is impossible for her to ignore the orphanage. of life and death.

Charmi was already angry inside. The other party's bottomless threat made her feel scrupulous. After all, she was facing a barefoot bad guy who was not afraid of wearing shoes. He could really do anything.

Charmi said loudly: "I will not be threatened by you jackals. As long as I take a step back here, you will press forward step by step until I completely surrender. Just dream, no matter what you use No matter how you threaten me, I will not give in. I will kill all of you. If you don’t believe it, you can try it!”

Sharmi is very clear about the mafia, and it is precisely because of this that her current attitude is extremely tough. Because she knows that facing these wolves, she must not expose her weak side. Once her weakness is exposed, she will be eaten by these wolves.

The members of the Yiman family were also shocked by Sharmi's determination. They did not expect that Sharmi, a young girl who looked extremely delicate, would have such determination.

Kaler said: "I know you can fight, but our boss has invited masters from outside to come back! We have invited the Iron Fist Giant from the Rakshasa Kingdom, Pachitlov!"

Carle stepped aside, and a huge figure that was more than a centimeter tall came out. What came out was a strong man wearing only shorts. He had a shaved head, and his whole body was covered with muscles like steel. He was white and slightly slender. The rough skin and the big beard that covered the entire chin made him look like a grizzly bear standing upright, and his hand was holding a long vodka bottle across the distance. You can smell the smell of alcohol.

"Ah? Is this a little girl you want me to deal with? You must be too embarrassed." The strong man's accent carried the unique tongue-licking sound of the Rosa people. He was obviously speaking in French, but he was speaking from a distance. The smell of hair hits my face.

"Pachtlov, don't underestimate this little girl. She has the record of defeating more than a dozen gunmen. Most people can't do anything to her even with a gun. I know you were invited by the BOSS. Master, but please be careful," Carle said.

The strong man called Pachitlov is actually the Fire Snake Puppet. As the most non-human existence among Levi's puppets in this world, the Fire Snake Puppet can freely change his appearance and body shape, except that he cannot change Apart from gender, there is almost a perfect role change.

This appearance refers to the strong man from the Rakshasa Kingdom of Zangirf in the Street Fighter series. It is the new vest of the Fire Snake Puppet. In the past few days, the Fire Snake Puppet occasionally makes its presence felt next to Asamiya Athena, causing psychological problems to her. Under pressure, after getting a new mission, Levi transferred him to Europe. Anyway, he has teleportation spells. His body and several puppets can move quickly around the world, as long as the teleportation messages are arranged in advance. No matter where you are, you can pass by instantly.

The useless member of the Yiman family would definitely not be a match for Charmi in a head-on confrontation, so Levi sent out the Fire Snake Puppet to suppress the formation. Only in this way could he create greater pressure on Charmi, and at the same time Also prepare for the debut of his own body.

Charmi couldn't help but take two steps back. The huge man in front of her gave her an indescribable pressure. Although the two sides had not yet fought, she had a feeling that if she really made a move, she would be very powerful. Probably not an opponent.

The strong man in shorts did two deep squats and moved twice quickly. The horizontal movement was so fast that afterimages appeared, which made Charmi breathless. The opponent was so huge, but his speed was faster than her. The enemy is not something she can fight against now.

Sharmi was a little anxious in her heart. If it was just the loser of the Iman family, she was fully confident that she could deal with them all. She had even thought of a plan on how to destroy the corpse...

But now, the other side has invited a master from outside, and now the situation is a bit tricky.

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