Julie said in a low voice: "The guy from the opposite camp who uses Jeet Kune Do is too weak. With such strength, in the world I was in before, he was just a top-notch fighter. It would be unlucky for him to meet a dragon. .”

Julie can be considered a well-informed existence. In her opinion, before her strength was strengthened, she was no match for the dragon, let alone the unlucky guy opposite. And she could feel that Long had not yet shown his true skills, and only relied on fists to determine the outcome. The strength gap between the two sides was so huge.

Levi slapped his mouth, showing a disappointed expression.

Levi said: "I originally thought it would be a wonderful Jeet Kune Do civil war, but I didn't expect that the winner would be decided in less than a second. It's really boring."

........ ..

Hayabusa was still able to fight Blanca before. If it weren't for Nekali and Fang's sneak attack, he might have had a chance to win. But when he arrived at Li Jian's place, he was defeated by Long. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

After the dragon left, Levi stopped hiding himself and moved on, hoping to encounter some interesting things, or interesting games.

So far, the most injured camp is probably the Dead or Alive camp. General Ryu Hayabusa was surrounded and killed. Black Muay Thai boxer Zach and Jeet Kune Do Li Jian are also dead. Now the Dead or Alive camp is On the other hand, three people who Li Wei knew about had already been eliminated, not counting those he didn't know.

Levi's perception is that another battle is about to happen, and the battlefield is not far from here. The camps that are about to conflict are the King of Fighters camp and the Street Fighter camp. Kusanagi Kyo and Shinan have now formed a temporary team, searching The existence of the hostile camp, and now, if they continue to move forward, they will soon encounter Chunli from the Street Fighter camp. Although Chunli is good in strength, she will face Kusanagi Kyo and Shen'an. If Li Wei's side If she doesn't intervene in time, Chunli will soon die.

Kusanagi Kyo and Shinan, anyone between the two of them has a good chance of winning against Chunli, and now Shinian has also learned the magical control skill of the wine glass. In the case of a fight, Chunli can't escape at all. towel.

Chapter. Keep others under control

Levi took Julie and others forward and hung steadily behind Shen'an and Kusanagi Kyo. Before the formation was over, the two met Chunli who was walking towards them.

When members of the enemy camp approach a certain distance, space will prompt the fighters participating in the trial, but this distance is quite close. For the fighters, if they run, it is only a few breaths away. .

Chunli saw Kusanagi Kyo and Kamian, and showed a vigilant expression. She was not a murderous person, and she did not want to participate in such a death battle like an arena, but now she had no choice. If she wanted to live, she had to Must fight.

Kusanagi Kyo's palms ignited with red flames, and he said, "They are from the enemy camp and are alone."

Shen'an didn't say anything, but he took out his hands from his trouser pockets, lowered his center of gravity, and assumed the starting position of the ancient martial arts of the Shen family.

Seeing such a scene, Chunli knew that things could not get better. While she was observing Kusanagi Kyo and Kamian, the two people were also observing her. In many battles between fighters, just by watching You can get a lot of information.

Chunli has a fit body, and her body muscle lines are very obvious. At the same time, she has strong leg muscles that other female fighters do not have. Just looking at her voluptuous thighs, you can tell that she is a master of leg kung fu. .

At this moment, Levi appeared between the two parties.

"Mr. Levi?!" Kusanagi Kyo said in surprise.

Chunli looked at Kusanagi Kyo and Shinan who had put down their postures, and became even more wary. Li Wei, who had just appeared, could be so respected by two tall teenagers. He must be a very powerful master. Chunli thought to herself, I'm afraid it's going to be much worse this time.

Li Wei smiled at Kusanagi Kyo and Shinan and said, "For my sake, how about letting her go?"

"This is an enemy! I know Mr. Li Wei that you are a compassionate person, but this woman is an enemy. If we don't kill her, our entire camp will be in danger!" Kusanagi Kyo said excitedly.

Shen'an next to him also showed a puzzled expression, but he knew that Li Wei was definitely not a random person, and Li Wei must have his own purpose in doing this.

Levi said: "I naturally know that if I let this person go, I will naturally hunt more people from the opposite camp as compensation. And with my strength, winning is just a piece of cake."

Shen'an put his hands back into his trouser pockets and said, "It's boring."

After saying that, Shen'an turned around and left. Kusanagi Kyo looked at Shinan's leaving figure and chased after him.

Chunli looked at Levi warily and said, "Who are you? Why do you want to let me go from the enemy camp? What is your purpose?"

Li Wei smiled and said: "I'm just a sympathetic person who doesn't want to see girls suffer. Although the two brats just now are not old, they are quite strong. Moreover, they also have a unique combination of attack techniques. They can Defeat an opponent stronger than yourself. If I don't stop them, your chance of survival will be."

After Kusanagi Kyo and Shinan left, Julie, the Crimson Viper Maya, and Colleen walked out of the nearby bushes.

Chunli had a shocked expression on her face when she saw the three people who suddenly appeared. She didn't expect that there were three people from the same camp as Li Wei beside her, but Li Wei was not from her camp. This made her He was confused.

Julie, with her hands behind her head, looked at her old acquaintance Chunli, feeling a little jealous. How could Chunli get special treatment from Levi? She didn't have such treatment. Instantly, her heart felt sour.

When Chunli saw the three of them, she was stunned for a moment. Julie, Crimson Viper, and Colleen, no matter who they were, they were not cheap. However, the man in front of her who was too good-looking made the three of them subservient. The obedient posture was what she found most incredible.

Julie said: "Master, what are you going to do with this woman?"

Chunli was even more surprised when she heard Julie's words.

Levi said: "Just stay with me for now. If you let her leave, if she attacks members of my camp, it will be regarded as betraying my good intentions. In order to prevent such a thing from happening, stay with me." It’s the safest.”

Chun-Li is a very explosive fighter, and her best thing is explosive combos in a short period of time. If she and other people from the Street Fighter camp get together, she will be a big threat to the King of Fighters camp.

Although Levi can exit this space at any time, he does not want to be kicked out so early. Therefore, taking as many advantages as possible within the scope of the game is what he has to do...

Therefore, in the next battle, he will also find ways to increase his points.

Julie said: "Master, since you are worried that she will run away, why don't you put a collar on her?"

The relationship between Julie and Chun Li is also not good, so she wants Chun Li to taste what she has experienced.

Deputy Li Wei looked suddenly enlightened and said, "I almost forgot such an important thing."

Levi's hand had a gold collar, and he threw it gently. The collar went out, and after Sora transformed, it got stuck on Chunli's neck.

"What is this?" Chunli did not pull on the collar as hard as Julie and others did, but asked calmly.

Since Li Wei didn't kill her at the first time, it means that Li Wei didn't have any ill intentions towards her. If he had any ill intentions, she would be a dead person by now.

Levi said: "It's just a small toy that will explode when it leaves a certain distance from me. As long as it does not leave a straight line distance of more than two kilometers from me, this thing is very safe."

Chunli nodded. She could understand what Levi was doing. Levi spared her life, which was considered a mercy. This measure now was nothing. As long as it does not exceed the distance of two kilometers from Levi, it will not explode. This distance limit can be said to be very loose.

Julie looked at the collar around Chunli 4.'s neck and showed a gloating expression. Her favorite thing was to watch others get embarrassed, especially for people like Chunli who were always serious. She liked to see them even more. The other party looked embarrassed. Unfortunately, Chunli had seemed relatively calm so far, which made her a little dissatisfied.

Chunli looked at Julie and others and said, "The four of us are all members of the hostile camp to you. Won't we cause you trouble by staying here?"

Levi said: "Because I have the ability to win this trial, I have a willful character. If I leave you, the worst I can do is to deal with two more other beings in your camp. And besides me and your camp In addition, there is another camp. It is not difficult for me to reduce the total number of people participating in the trial to half of the initial number."

Chapter. Death Chicken Game

Faced with Levi's statement, Chunli didn't know whether to call him ignorant or arrogant, but seeing Colleen and others following Levi obediently, acting like a little woman, she couldn't control her heart. surprised.

As a member of Interpol, she has dealt with all three of them. It can be said that these three people are more difficult to deal with, but Li Wei is able to subdue them, and he can also make them restrain their unruliness. In her opinion, it was simply unbelievable.

Chunli is a perceptive person. Just now she heard Kusanagi Kyo say that Li Wei is a compassionate person. She can probably guess the reason why Li Wei kept her, but facing such a "careful" Li Wei, she Her heart is also extremely complicated. If it weren't for Li Wei's "love heart", she would probably be finished at this time.

And she didn't dare to bet that after being killed in this space, he would wake up in the outside world or die completely.

It is precisely because of this that in order to survive, she must participate in battle after battle to gain more survival opportunities for her camp.

Levi said: "Keep moving forward and see if you can encounter any prey. Since there are four of you beside me, I have to eliminate four people and replace your places."

Chunli didn't say anything about this. In this red devil battlefield where the weak prey on the strong, whatever the strong say makes sense. As long as Levi is strong enough and can win straight away, then it doesn't matter whether he says black or white.

And at this time, everyone's minds received a message from the Red Devils battlefield space. The Red Devils battlefield will shrink the safe zone for the first time in an hour. People who have not entered the safe zone after an hour will be will be eliminated and obliterated.

Levi wanted to complain in his heart, this Red Magic Space was like eating chicken, since even things like shrinking the circle had come, but unlike others who were surprised, as the holder of the Red Magic Gem, Levi knew Regarding the various rules on this battlefield, many times, knowing key information in advance is a considerable advantage.

Chunli said with a serious face: "The scope of this space is larger than I imagined. We have to go to the safe area within three days, which is also a certain pressure for us. As the safe area As it continues to shrink, the battle will become increasingly fierce.”

Levi said: "Such things don't matter. Anyway, I will smash all enemies in front of me. The space has provided positioning. Now start moving closer to the safe zone."

Levi's current goal is very simple, that is, to win. If the opponent he encounters on the road is a woman, he will consider whether to let the opponent go. Of course, if he is a man, then I'm sorry, and the head will be wiped first.

Just like Kusanagi Kyo said, he is a compassionate person, and he will naturally give preferential treatment to beauties, but what kind of preferential treatment can he give to big men? He's not a gay guy who likes to go through the back door.

Red Devil Space is very considerate in providing direction and positioning for everyone participating in the trial. Now, in addition to cheaters like Li Wei, others can also know their general direction. Once they deviate from the route, they can rely on the space to provide them. Correct the route according to the direction guidance and avoid detours as much as possible.

Levi led his team towards the safe zone. Just in front of the pedestrians, a fierce battle was going on.

"Bird" Bodie from the Street Fighter camp faced off against Brad King, a drunken master from the Dead or Alive camp. The two sides were playing indistinguishably, but overall, Brad Wang was at a disadvantage, and the reason why he was at a disadvantage was also very simple, that is, his physical fitness was not as good as that of his opponent, although his output ability would not be scratched, and his flexibility He still had a huge advantage in terms of sex, but his relatively fragile body made him afraid to fight Bodie head-on, so he was chased by Bodie's chain.

Bodie is a burly man in leather clothes who is dressed very smartly. He has a mohawk, messy beards on his rough face, and a thick beer belly exposed. He wears leather pants that fit tightly around his legs. and funny pointy leather shoes.

His hand was waving a long chain, and the chain was filled with energy, like a giant python that chose people to eat, constantly chasing King Brad.

"Damn little monkey! You're jumping up and down. When I catch you, I'll break your legs. Then I'll see how you can still jump!" Bodie himself has a bad temper. He can't fight for a long time, and he gradually becomes irritable. stand up.

Bodie was originally an exhibition wrestler, but because his fighting style was too dirty, he was exiled from the wrestling world. After that, he worked as a gangster and a bodyguard for others. Later, because of his strong strength, he was noticed by the Shadow Luo organization and joined the Shadow Luo organization.

This rogue villain who looks rough on the surface is actually a man with great ambitions. On the surface, he is dawdling, but in fact he is searching for various information about the Shadow Lo organization in the hope that one day he can defeat Vega and become Shadow Lo. The commander-in-chief of the organization announced his existence to the world and proved that he was not a good-for-nothing little bastard.

Later, because the leader of the organization required all members of the organization to wear hats, and wearing a hat would crush the mohawk he was proud of, Bodie couldn't stand wearing a hat and left Yingluo. In order to protect themselves, the organization became a patron of the Shenyue Consortium and became one of the flatterers around Shenyue Karin.

However, Shenyue Karin doesn't like Bodie very much. If it weren't for Bodie's strength, with Bodie's appearance and character, Shenyue Karin would not accept him as a diner. .

Although the character of Bodie gives people a funny feeling, judging from his ability to push Brad King into danger, he also has two skills.

"Fat pig, if you want to break my legs, you should keep up with me first!" Brad Wang laughed.

Compared with normal people, Brad King's body shape is already tall and strong, but compared with monsters like Bodie, there is still a huge gap. Although Brad Wang was able to deal effective damage to Bodie, Bodie's chain was so airtight that it was difficult for him to find a chance to take action. Moreover, his terrifying physical strength also made Brad Wang more and more difficult to fight. Scalp numbness.

In other words, Bodie can make countless mistakes. Anyway, he is thick-skinned and thick-skinned, so it doesn't matter even if he takes a few hits. But Brad King does not have such a character. He can't compete with Bodie in terms of strength or defense. In comparison, as long as he was hit, he would be seriously injured, so he only dared to contain Wandering and look for opportunities to attack Bodie's weak defenses as much as possible.

Levi, who was secretly watching this scene, was ready to take the blame for the two of them. No matter it was Bodie or Brad King, they were worthless to him. He just added heads to make up the number.

Chapter. Another head

Just when the two were fighting inextricably, Levi came out of the bushes. Bodie and Brad King separated instantly, wary of Levi who came out.

Bodie looked at Levi with a smile on his face. Having been on the streets for a long time, he could tell at a glance that Levi was not easy to mess with, so even though he had a bad temper, he did not say anything rude or take action directly.

Brad King still looks that drunk. He is wearing a robe full of ancient Chinese style, with a wine gourd hanging around his waist. He has a thousand-layer sole on his feet, and his hair is slightly messy. He is simply tied with a rope. The stubby beard that was tied up and sad gave him a vicissitudes of charm unique to young men.

"Friend, are you going to interfere in my battle with this fat pig?" Brad King opened the wine gourd and took a sip. The strong alcohol stimulated him and he shook his head.

Levi said: "I don't want to interfere in your fight, but I want to deal with you two here. Come on."

When Brad King heard Levi's words, he was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "It's easy for the wind to blow your tongue when you talk big. Whether you can survive ten moves is still a question for the two of us. "

Brad Wang is not someone who likes to take advantage of others. Rather than teaming up with Bodie, he prefers to duel with Levi and win openly.

Bodie is more discerning. The moment he saw Levi, his heart was already ringing with alarm. The feeling Levi gave him was stronger than the pressure Vega gave him.

When he joined the Shadow Luo Organization, he fought against Vega. It was precisely because of this that his strength was taken seriously by Vega, so he joined the Shadow Luo Organization and became a junior cadre.

Although Levi now has a smile on his face, what Bodie is most afraid of is such a smiling tiger. On the contrary, people like Vega who have "I am a villain" written on their faces are easier to get along with, as long as they obey the other party's instructions. If you follow orders and work honestly, you can gain status and money.

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