Bodie looked at Brad King not far away from the corner of his eyes. He swung his hand chain and directly entangled Brad King's legs. Brad King was still unable to react after being suddenly attacked. Come on, he was instantly dragged to the ground by the chains.

Bodie didn't bother to take back the chain, and threw it directly in the direction of Levi, saying loudly: "I'll leave this monkey to you! Stop chasing me~'!"

Although Bodie's movements are not agile, his straight-line running speed is quite outstanding. Like a wild boar, he smashes all the obstacles on the road and runs a long distance in an instant.

Levi's smile froze on his face. Is he so scary? After all, Bodie is a little master who can fight with the young Long. He can be seen by Vega and Shenyue Karin, and he has some strength. But for such a powerful existence, just seeing him will make him attracted. Scared and ran away.

Levi looked at Brad King, who was entangled in chains, and said, "Originally, I killed both of them. Since that guy ran away, let's start with you."

At this time, Brad King also broke free from the shackles of the chains, stood up, and said, "If you want to kill me, then go ahead."

However, just after he said this, his head exploded like a watermelon being smashed. After the golden dagger shattered King Brad's head, it returned to Levi's hand.

"As you wish." Levi said calmly.

This scene surprised Chunli, who was observing in the dark. The way she controlled the dagger just now was like the sword fairy from Chongguo mythology. She killed enemies with her sword and defeated them thousands of miles away. But unlike those mythical and legendary swordsmen who are elegant and extraordinary, and come and go high, Li Wei seems to be more down-to-earth and more humane. However, when dealing with enemies, he is completely different from before. Attitude.

Bodie escaped, Brad Wang was killed by Levi, and Julie and others also came out of their hiding place.

Julie stepped on Brad King's headless corpse and said: "What a guy who overestimates his own capabilities. He dares to provoke the master. Now you know how powerful he is. Forgot, this guy doesn't even have a head now." , even if I want to remember something, I can’t remember it.”

Levi said: "Julie, the debt will be wiped out after death. No matter what disrespectful words he said to me before, he is gone now. There is no need to humiliate his body. Just let him stay here and leave it to this space for processing." alright."

Julie let go of her foot on the headless corpse and stepped aside obediently.

On the surface, this space is not much different from the outside world, but from Li Wei's extraordinary perspective as a Qi practitioner, this space is lifeless, and there are no real living things at all. Even the weeds and trees in the wild area are just superficial. In Levi's opinion, they are no more than plastic products.

In the absence of microorganisms, the decomposition efficiency of corpses will be much slower than in the real world. However, space also has its own means of disposing of corpses, which Levi is very clear about.

If the body is left unattended for more than an hour, it will be treated as garbage and directly refreshed in the space. Therefore, if personal items are lost for too long, they will never be found, because the lost items will be refreshed by this space.

Chunli found it difficult to accept this kind of Li Wei. Although Li Wei was indeed good to girls, she escaped with her life just because of Li Wei's tolerance towards girls. However, Brad King's tragic death also made her escape. When telling her the truth, Levi was not that simple.

It should be said that those who were pulled into this battlefield are all top masters from various worlds, and there are many of these top masters who have no regard for human life.

Chunli, who felt a little disappointed in her heart, felt a little uncomfortable when she looked at Julie, Crimson Viper and others who were following Levi and had accustomed expressions. She felt that she and Levi and others were not passers-by. In other words, this crazy space is particularly unfriendly to people like her who don't want to harm other people.

But she would not express any opinions on Levi's behavior, because from Levi's point of view, he did the right thing, killing the trialists of the enemy camp and gaining more resources for his own camp. Many advantages.

Just like before, if she had the advantage, she would kill the opponent. There was no room for compromise on this battlefield. It is only a strong man like Li Wei who has a willful character.

Colleen said next to her: "Master, please leave the rest of the battle to us. Ordinary garbage is not worthy of Master's action. Master just needs to make sure to kill it at the end."

Levi nodded and said, "Then I'll give you a chance to perform. I believe that your current strength is enough to face most situations."

Levi felt like a lion to a lion. In most cases, lions did not need to participate in hunting, but when there was a big crisis, the lion would rush forward without hesitation and fight for the lion.

Chapter 4. The Art of Yamazaki Ryu

After getting rid of King Brad, Levi continued to move forward with a few girls, moving closer to the safe zone. The "eyes" in the sky continued to transmit the surrounding intelligence to him, and this intelligence allowed him to Li Wei had a rough outline of the current situation.

So far, the battle loss ratio between the three camps is that the King of Fighters camp has the most advantage, the Street Fighter camp is in the upper hand, and the Dead or Alive camp has suffered heavy casualties.

Just as Li Wei was walking forward, there was an encounter, waiting for him in front. Of course, it was not that Li Wei and others were attacked, but that the battle in front blocked their way. As long as they continued to move forward, they would inevitably run into this battle. Li Wei did not speed up, and remained calm and calm. Not busy, keeping a steady pace.

The two sides facing each other are Ryu Yamazaki from the King of Fighters camp, and the father and daughter Bas and Tina from the Dead or Alive camp.

"Tina, run!" Bass shouted in despair. As the world's top wrestling superstar, he was so powerless when facing the tall young man opposite him. He could only exchange two or three moves and was already defeated. The opponent's hand was covered in blood, and his right arm was missing from the elbow. At this time, he was covering his broken arm, trying to let his daughter escape.

Yamazaki Ryu looked at Tina who was already frightened. He licked the blood on his palm with his slender snake-like tongue. With a ferocious smile on his face, he said: "None of you can escape. If you want to blame it, you can only blame it on where you are." Enemy camp, I will free you as soon as possible."

Fighters with a Dead or Alive worldview who can ignore the existence of sharp weapons and modern thermal weapons are still only a minority. Mortal mortals like Bass and Tina will suffer greatly when facing Yamazaki Ryu. Moreover, there is a huge gap in the hard power between the two sides. Even if Ryu Yamazaki is empty-handed and Bass and Tina hold weapons, the ending will still be like this.

"Dad! How could I leave you and run away? I can't forgive myself for doing such a thing! If you want to die, then die. Even if you can't defeat this monster and fight to death, I will make him pay the price! "Tina was shocked and angry inside. Yamazaki Ryu's arms could extend forward like whips, and his hands were as sharp as blades. Her father Bas's right hand was cut off by the opponent with a knife.

Bass said loudly: "Run! I am already old and have lived enough in this life, but you are still young and have many unfulfilled wishes. You cannot die here!"

Yamazaki Ryu's hand is like a whip. With a slight swing, he can penetrate a target dozens of meters away. However, his current strength can only be counted in the King of Fighters camp, but he is a King of Fighters camp. The flow masters forced Bass and Tina into their current desperate situation.

With a slightly twisted smile on his face, Yamazaki Ryu said: "It's really a great drama about the deep love between father and daughter. Unfortunately, the movies I like are big-scene war movies, not such bloody dramas. That's it. Let me send you to hell to reunite.”

Yamazaki Dragon's figure activated instantly, and it was so fast that it pulled out the afterimage. Buzz's strong and huge body was like a light rag doll in front of Yamazaki Dragon. It was knocked into the air in an instant, and just before Buzz The moment he fell, Yamazaki Ryu's two arms pulled out whip shadows, which instantly enveloped Bas.

"Hahahahahaha!!!!" Yamazaki Ryu's laughter was as harsh as a night owl, revealing a mania full of destruction. He himself is a famous killer in the European underground world, and he is also the kind of person who doesn't hide himself at all. The existence of his identity is because he is confident in his own strength. Except for a few top masters, no one can do anything to him.

The flesh and blood on Bass's body was quickly removed. In just a few seconds, from the head down, only bones with flesh and blood residues were left on the muscular wrestling superstar Bass. His whole body was beaten alive by Yamazaki Ryu.

This terrifying scene made Tina fall to the ground in fright. She was so frightened that she could not make any sound. Although she had participated in several death or life competitions, but such a bloody and terrifying scene like this, This was the first time she had seen her only relative who had become so miserable. Such a tragedy instantly broke through her psychological defenses and brought her to the verge of collapse.

All the muscles on his body have been shaved off, but Bass is not dead at this time. Yamazaki Ryu is an artist in killing people. It is not the first time that Bass is in this situation. He is so familiar with it. very.

Relying on a lot of practice, Yamazaki Ryu has mastered the technique of slowing down an individual and keeping him alive for a short period of time.

"Such a picture is really a perfect art! Did you know that in Neon, people there like to eat sashimi. There is a way to eat it. After the chef slices the meat off the fish, he puts the fish back in and lets it cook. Swimming, the fish that has lost its flesh and blood will struggle painfully in it, and experience the arrival of death bit by bit. From the neon man's eating art, I have mastered the supreme art! I have been thinking, if such a thing can be done in the human body What a beautiful art it would be to reproduce it on your body!!!”

Yamazaki Ryu's spirit itself is not very normal. It is precisely because of this that his moral values ​​are very different from ordinary people, so he can do such cruel things without any scruples and call it art.

At this time, Tina looked at this Yamazaki Ryu who was gradually approaching her, this devil in human skin, which made her feel scared from the bottom of her heart.

Yamazaki crushed Bas's head with his feet, and with a twisted smile on his face, he said: "Don't panic, don't be afraid, you are just devoting your life to the highest art. Pain is short-lived, but beauty is Everlasting."

Tina opened and closed her mouth, struggling backwards like a fish that landed on the beach. She turned over, rolling and crawling to escape from here, and to stay away from the demon that brought her endless fear.

And at this time, a tall guy',',;;;;"!':?『?:.,",.』',!,,『?!;"'.』.'.!;'; !:Preparation;"Use;',,:;!",::';.;.!:The big figure cast a shadow and enveloped her. Li Wei, with his back to the sun, looked like a god, with a commanding look on his face. A peaceful smile.

"You seem troubled." Levi knelt down and stretched out his hand to Tina, who was already crying.

When Yamazaki Ryu saw Levi, his expression instantly became very ugly, as if he suddenly ate shit while enjoying a delicious meal.

"Mr. Levi, this guy is from the hostile camp." Yamazaki Ryu could only say tactfully.

There are not many people in this world who can scare Yamazaki Ryu, and Levi is one of them. He knows that he is an insignificant person to Levi, so he will try his best to maintain respect when facing Levi. Attitude.

Chapter 4. God Wan Tian

Levi did not raise his head, but said calmly: "I know."

Yamazaki Ryu said: "Killing this woman will allow our camp to gain more points and win the victory as soon as possible."

Levi said: "I know this kind of thing, but I still want to protect her. Can you give me face?"

Yamazaki Ryu swallowed back everything he wanted to say. How dare he deny Levi's face? After all, Li Wei is the existence that even the underground emperor Clausa in Europe is willing to submit to. Over in North America, Geese, who rules most of the underground world in Amei, is also a follower of Li Wei. This kind of A big man with both strength and power is not someone he, a little assassin, can afford to offend.

"Since sir, you have said so, I naturally have no objection. The worst I can do is kill a few more people from other camps. Since sir, you want to save this woman, then I will resign first." Yamazaki Ryuu-said. .

Levi said: "Don't worry, I will solve the problem of head count, and in this trial, whoever kills the final boss of the space will be the final winner. As long as the number of people is reduced to half, for me Say, this trial has entered the final stage."

Yamazaki Ryu nodded and said: "I have a certain understanding of your strength, sir, so I will leave it to you, sir."

Kawasaki Dragon did not stay here. After saying hello to Levi, he continued towards the safety zone, leaving behind Tina, Levi and others who were on the verge of a mental breakdown.

After Yamazaki Ryu left, Julie and others came out.

Julie looked at the headless flesh and blood skeletons on the ground. Even she, who was used to big scenes, felt a little disgusted. Unlike her pretending to be crazy, Yamazaki Ryu is a real madman. Only a madman like Hannibal can say the terrifying words that made people skin crawl and do such horrific things.

The Crimson Viper came to Bass's body, squatted down, and carefully observed the wounds left by Yamazaki Ryu. The pungent smell of blood made her frown slightly. After looking at it for a while, she couldn't bear it. , stood up and moved away from the body.

The Crimson Viper said to Colleen: "The guy just now is a real madman, but he is crazy. I have to admit that he is a master. He can achieve effects that are difficult to achieve with a knife. Such a existence is simply It’s scary.”

Colleen's palm stretched out an icy blade, and the ice blade shone with a dazzling cold light in the sun.

Colleen said: "I can barely achieve this level now. Before my strength was enhanced by the master, if I met the madman just now, I could take at most thirty moves from him. Now I can Defeat him, but fighting such a madman is disgusting."

Before Colleen was conquered by Levi, she was considered a ruthless being, but compared with the crazy Yamazaki Ryu, she was still far behind.

Levi helped the embarrassed Tina up. At this time, Tina was no longer cheerful and lively as before. Now she was crying because of the previous tragic experience. She had never experienced such a blow. , was defeated by the cruel reality now.

Levi hugged Tina gently and said softly: "If you want to cry, just cry as much as you want."

Tina hugged Levi tightly and kept sobbing. At her most desperate moment, Levi appeared in front of her, and with just a few words, the terrible demon retreated. In her heart, Levi was her savior, the one who gave her new life, the first light that broke through the dark night.

Levi said: "No one here will hurt you, you are safe now."

It took Tina a while to stop crying. A lot of reminders popped up in her mind. The people in front of her were all from the hostile camp, and Levi was from the same camp as the demon just now.

Tina said with some confusion: "Why do you want to save me? If you do this, wouldn't it be detrimental to your camp?"

After Tina reunited with her father Bass, she had thought about hunting strong men from other camps to gain as much advantage as possible for her own camp. However, she did not expect that strong men from other camps would be so terrifying. She and her father Bass were so powerless and fragile when facing each other, and they were completely crushed unilaterally by the opponent.

If the strong men in other camps were so terrifying, then her camp would have no chance of surviving.

But what Tina doesn't know is that the Red Devil Space itself is unfair. The Red Devil Space will only pull a fixed number of strong people from the world into the space. As for the balance of strength, such a thing does not exist at all.

····Ask for flowers····

Those who can be pulled into this space are those who are considered top experts in the world in which they are originally located. However, after entering this space, it is unknown whether they can still be considered powerful. What happened just now is the best portrayal of this kind of thing.

Li Wei said: "Because I am a compassionate person, and I can't bear to let such a beautiful girl like you die in a place like this, so I took action. And the final winner will only be me, so I No one can control me no matter what I want to do.”

Levi has absolute confidence in himself. After all, even Orochi was overturned by him. Whether it is the Street Fighter camp or the Dead or Alive camp, there is no one stronger than Orochi, so the victory of this big melee , he had already booked in advance.

........ . . . . . . . . . . .

Everything now is just a formality for him. As long as the number of people drops to half, he will defeat the Red Devil and the first generation Athena and end this trial.

Originally, Levi was still thinking about how to use the wish of this trial, but now Levi decided to make the wish "all women who surrender to him can be taken out of this space by him", so that he can Justifiably, he brings the many beauties he meets in this space into his back home.

After all, whether it is Street Fighter, dead or alive, there are quite a lot of beauties. For Levi, who "loves beauty and cherishes jade", how can he miss such an opportunity.

Levi helped Tina up, and with a little magic, he took care of the embarrassed Tina and restored her to her former glory. But now Tina, because of her father's death, has a haggard look on her face, which makes me feel pity for her.

Levi's hand already had a gold collar, and he put it on Tina: "This collar is used to restrain you. I hope you can understand it. After all, I have to be careful about you dealing with other people in the same camp as me. people."

Tina did not resist and allowed Levi to put the collar around her neck and said: "If your camp is full of monsters like this, then I can't defeat anyone. You can rest assured about such a thing. My name is Tina, thank you for saving me.”

"My name is Levi, and from now on, I am your master." Levi smiled.

"Eh?!" Tina showed a surprised expression. She didn't expect that she would become someone else's slave.

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