Chapter. Clear the field

Watching this scene, both Levi and Lisa stepped back a distance. Levi took out a box of potato chips from his consciousness space and handed it to Lisa.

Lisa, on the other hand, took out a can of Coke from nowhere and threw it to Levi.

The two of them watched this scene as if they were watching a show.

"Virit, come on! Beat him hard!" Lisa made her hands like trumpets and shouted loudly.

Looking at this scene, Levi almost spit out the coke in his mouth. This shows how unpopular Judal was with Lisa before.

Verit looked at Lisa, who was suspended in mid-air, looked at Judar with contempt, and said: "You are an inhuman bastard. Now, let us finish the last journey of our lives together. This will be your most beautiful place." A good tomb, no one can escape from this ship.”

Levi said from the side: "Lisa, I have to go out here. There is a big guy waiting for us below. If we don't stop him, a big hole will be dug out of the bottom of the boat in the small garden."

Lisa said in surprise: "Are there any enemies outside?"

Li Wei handed the crystal to her and said, "Virit didn't come here alone. She had other reinforcements. As long as you hold this in your hand, your safety will not be a problem. I Just come this way."

What Levi sensed with his senses was much more lively than in the original plot. Veriter was probably dragging his family with him to spread the word this time. According to his senses, there were many individuals similar to barbarians under the sea. But these weird individuals all have the characteristics of marine life, which is different from the appearance of the barbarians like adult insects.

This should be the artificial barbarian army created by Verit. After all, the Hundred Armed Crystals have the same power system as the barbarians. With her technology, there is no technical barrier at all to create artificial barbarians.

Levi teleported outside the hull. Now he is in the sea. The ocean can be said to be the environment he hates most. Even though Levi now has the power to change the landscape, he still has a psychological mentality. Weak, and he has a phobia of the deep sea.

Regarding the environment like the ocean, especially the ocean at night, although Levi was not as afraid as before, he felt as disgusting as touching a caterpillar with his bare hands, which almost made goosebumps all over his body.

In addition, the shapes of the artificial barbarians made by Verit were really unsightly, which made it difficult for him to accept it since his feet were not touching the ground.

"That's why I hate this environment. It's better to make this place brighter..." Levi's body surface burst out with immeasurable light, and a large number of light clusters fell downwards. The entire ocean became brighter, and at the same time, it became brighter. It is so clear that even the naked eyes of ordinary people can see extremely far distances.

The sea surface, which was originally turbulent due to ocean currents, was forced back and became as calm as a lake.

Levi could feel the magic power in his body connecting the world.

Qi, which is big and has no outside, and is small and has no inside, can form the universe above, generate all spirits on the earth, and the essence of heaven and earth combine to form human beings. At this time, Levi suddenly became serious because of the external environment he didn't like.

The more he practices, the more Li Wei realizes that the so-called qi is not a physical existence, but a species closer to the conceptual "nothing". ", is talking about this characteristic of Qi.

The ancient people were able to realize such essential things under such simple conditions, which gave Li Wei an unreal feeling. How to put it, it's a bit like when you were playing "Civilization" and the villagers in the primitive village shared the controllable nuclear fusion technology with you. This situation is full of drawbacks.

Li Wei also began to realize that the Qi he used in his cultivation was born out of thin air, without any foundation or preconditions. Therefore, the so-called "Dharma-ending Era" that he had seen on those forums was not true based on his personal experience.

As for the power of Qi, Li Wei has done a lot of derivation so far, and even deduced more magical powers based on "The Yellow Emperor's Ascension of the Classics". There is no upper limit for this power at all, which gives him Huge fun to explore.

Li Weiwei, besides him, there should be other Qi practitioners in the real world, but those Qi practitioners should have left the earth and gone to other places.

Because when Li Wei was consulting some ancient books in the real world, he discovered clues that some of the contents of the "Tao Te Ching", "Guan Zi", and "Huang Di Nei Jing" should not have appeared in those eras, so " 々. The possibility of "mecha deus ex machina" is quite high. It is likely that some of the contents in those works were not written by ordinary humans.

After reading a large number of relevant ancient books, Li Wei's cultivation level has also increased significantly, which made him confirm his own point of view. Those ancient works were definitely not written by humans at that time.

The methods he is using now are the skills he learned by analogy from the Tao Te Ching. Although his understanding of the Tao Te Ching is not deep enough, this does not prevent Li Wei from using some of its methods.

In Li Wei's view, the "Tao Te Ching" is one of the most exaggerated ancient books in existence. Although it is a pile of classical Chinese texts that ordinary people cannot understand, after understanding its true meaning, it is found that it has mentioned the nature of the universe. .

"Looking at it with the naked eye, I feel that these things are remnants that should not be left in the world." Levi saw the pile of monsters and monsters created by Verit, and she wanted to complain. When Verit created these marine artificial barbarians, , is it a reference to the Cthulhu series of "Love Craft"? The following gadgets are hard not to think of those things.

Facing the seafood army that was getting closer and closer, Levi unleashed his mana, and invisible shock waves spread downwards. The seafood army under Verit's command was instantly wiped out.

Chapter 4. Villette’s Death

The small garden at this time is just a small wooden stick floating on the lake. If you look at it from a high altitude, it really looks like this. The people in the small garden also noticed the abnormality. After all, the entire ocean was shining with golden light. This high-intensity light was enough to attract their attention.

Not only the people in the small garden, but also the satellites in the high orbit of the earth at this time also noticed the abnormality. However, half of the Earth's oceans have become brighter, and this change can be seen even in outer space. This picture was faithfully captured by satellites.

Levi stepped forward and took a deep breath. He looked at his masterpiece, raised his eyebrows, and snapped his fingers. The bright ocean dimmed again, and the originally calm sea gradually became rippled.

Li Wei found that because of his inner feelings, he broke through the confusion in the past and improved his cultivation. Although this progress was not big, considering that the cultivation efficiency of the exercises he practiced was not high, such progress Already valuable enough.

When Levi returned to the cabin, Verit, who had a big hole in his chest, had fallen into Judar's arms.

The battle is over, and Verit's own strength is pretty good. If it were the original Judal, there is still the possibility of overturning, but now that Judal has been transformed by Levi, his strength is no longer what it used to be, so After just a few rounds of fighting between the two sides, the outcome was already decided.

Because Verit himself has been transformed, his vitality is stronger than that of ordinary people. Even if there is a big hole in his chest and blood is flowing everywhere, he can still survive for two or three minutes.

Judar said: "No one wants to get to this point. Do you regret it?"

Verit smiled and said: "Regret is natural. This is my failure, and it is also the last failure. If I were more prepared, I might be able to kill you. There was no sound outside, which shows that I was prepared." Those backhands have been dealt with by your people."

Judar said: "Unfortunately, we are no longer who we were in the past. I can only say that I am indeed sorry for you. However, we have all accepted our own punishment."

The current Judar is just Judar's skin covering Levi's silk thinking circuit. The real Judar has lost his soul, so he said this.

"It's incredible that you will be punished." Verritt said with a sarcastic expression on her face.

Judar didn't say anything, because there was Lisa present next to him, and it was impossible for him to tell the real secret. After all, this kind of thing couldn't be told even if the body was scrapped.

Verit sighed, folded his hands on the hole in his chest, closed his eyes, and said, "You can do whatever you want with my body, whether you chop it up and feed it to the dog or use it for experiments, you can do whatever you want. You, the biggest mistake in my life was meeting you."

Verit felt that her thinking speed was constantly accelerating, and she felt that she was getting lighter and lighter. This reminded her of a certain project she had done to prove whether there was a soul in this world.

Verit felt that he was dazzled or hallucinating due to death. He saw a large number of puppet threads on Judar's body. If he blinked again, those strange puppet threads disappeared without a trace.

Verit completely lost consciousness. At this time, Levi formed Taoist seals with his hands and began to recite the "Transcendence Mantra" in a low voice.

Lisa felt a special energy hovering in the cabin. This energy was quite strange and gave people an indescribable sense of warmth. Although she couldn't understand the spell Levi recited, she could feel that it was a special blessing spell, and it was the kind of real thing that could work.

Levi still felt some sympathy for this poor woman, Veritas, so he used the Transcendence Curse to protect her soul so that she could have a new start and avoid another tragedy with resentment in life. .

Judal picked up Verit's body and walked out of the cabin.

Lisa stopped Judar and said, "Brother, where are you going now? Do you really want to chop the body into pieces and feed it to the dogs?"

Judar came over with a complicated expression on his face and said, "Am I that vicious?"

Lisa nodded shamelessly.

Judar lifted the slightly slipped body up and said, "I can never repay what I owe her. The only thing I can do now is to find a quiet place for her so that she can feel at ease." She will sleep for a long, long time..."

Lisa said: "If you had such an awareness before, would you have brought the matter to this point? And, did you really love her?"

This question is quite sharp. If it were the original Judal, it would be really difficult to answer this question, because the real Judal is an ambitious man who can sacrifice everything for his goals. If it is the real Judal, he will probably come. The sentence "never happened before".

But now, the person controlling this body is Levi, and Levi doesn't want to cause too much psychological harm to Lisa.

Judar was silent for a moment and said, "I said love, would you believe it?"

Lisa raised her eyebrows. This answer was something she had not expected. She had not expected that the ruthless conspirator would actually have true feelings for Verritt, but this also made her even more confused. Since it was If so, then why would Veriter be asked to take the blame and why would he want to kill Veriten to silence him?

Judar said: "You are a child, how can you understand the things of adults? This incident can be said to be the most regretful thing in my life, without it. Now it is all over, I will not let anyone go again It’s disturbing her.”

Watching Judal leaving the cabin with the body in his arms, Lisa said to Levi beside her: "I think he is crazy. This is inconsistent. Anyway, I can't believe him."

Li Wei smiled and said: "Who knows about this kind of thing? Anyway, if he said yes, I would take it as such.".

Chapter. The end of the interlude

Levi stuffed the last potato chip from the bag into his mouth and drank the cola.

Lisa also imitated Levi's appearance, taking big mouthfuls. For her petite body, the Coke bottle was a bit big for her. After drinking all the Coke, she threw the empty bottle forward and turned into powder. .

After completing the bait mission, Lisa returned to the energy source where she usually slept, preparing to go back to sleep.

A huge ship like the Little Garden can't handle so much energy consumption on the ship relying only on pure nuclear power. Although Varslan claims that the Little Garden is purely nuclear-powered, in fact, this giant ship has A considerable part of the supply depends on Lisa.

To a certain extent, she is like a miniature "Cosmic Rubik's Cube" that can continuously provide energy to the outside world, although this energy supply is more like a slender stream rather than a large opening like the Universe Rubik's Cube. But for existing humans, the capabilities she can provide can still be said to be huge.

Levi said: "Do you like this kind of life? Staying here as a human battery, is this what you want?"

Lisa asked: "But the outside is also quite boring to me. Whether it is here or outside, it is so boring. In this case, if you stay here and be a human battery, you can also treat other people." helpful."

Lisa is very open-minded about her current situation, or in other words, she is content with it. As the third daughter of the Harvey family, she has everything that ordinary people desire since she was born. In addition, she is not like Qiu. Dahl has such huge ambitions, so her desire for the outside world is very low.

And after seeing the ambition of her eldest brother Judar, she also knew that the outside world was not as beautiful as she imagined, and staying here as a homebody was a kind of resistance.

Lisa considers herself to be a person who is not good at maneuvering, but even her sister Kulea is kept in the dark by her elder brother. If she goes out from here, she might be used in some way, so she stays here as a human battery. , which is considered the optimal solution for her -.

Levi said: "It's understandable to lie to others, but it's meaningless to lie to yourself. Do you really like staying here?"

Lisa clenched her fists. She had asked herself this question, but she chose to escape. As long as she didn't think about it, she wouldn't have any worries. But every now and then, the question would come to her mind.

"If I have a choice, I don't want to choose this way, but you tell me that a dangerous existence like me, if I stay outside, will either cause danger to others or be used by people with ulterior motives. What do you want me to choose? !" Lisa's voice increased unconsciously.

Levi gently beat his chest with his hand and said: "Of course you choose a path that you will not regret. Now you regret it. But you still have a chance to choose again."

Lisa has a trump card that no one else has, so for her, the choice is more than just one. As long as she is willing, she will have another chance to choose. After all, strength, power, and wealth are personal confidence, and Lisa, who has all these, is a life of multiple choice questions for ordinary people. For Lisa, , it is an all-choice question where you can choose anything.

"I...I'd better stay here..." Lisa's voice became smaller and smaller.

Levi sighed inwardly about Lisa's choice, but it was her own choice, and she still had room for choice. No matter when she came out, there would be a place for her in the outside world.

Levi didn't say anything, turned around and walked towards the exit of the cabin.

Looking at Levi's back, Lisa stretched out her hand and wanted to say something, but she couldn't say anything after all. She could only watch Levi leave.

Just when Lisa thought Levi would leave, Levi stopped and said, "No matter when you make a choice, there will be someone waiting for you outside. Kulea is very worried about you."

When Lisa heard Levi mention this name, Lisa's inner defenses instantly broke down, but the psychological shadow from before made it still difficult for her to make a decision.

····Ask for flowers·····

Lisa remained silent until Levi left.

After Levi left, he went to the central command room in the small garden. At this time, Kulea was still waiting for him there.

In the central command room, only the Kulea people were left at this time.

Seeing Levi, Kureiya breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Through the surveillance just now, I saw Judar leaving with Verit's body in his arms. What happened?"

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