Levi took off his mask and said with a smile: "He has made peace with his past. His past dark history, as well as the sinister and vicious him, have all left with Verritt."

Kulea said: "It seems that there is something inside that I don't know about. This is the first time I have seen him show such a sad expression. Normally, he is as proud as a lion and will never show a smile. Other expressions."

.. . ...

Levi said: "Just give him some time to calm down. He just needs to adjust himself. The 'legacy' left by Verit will be received by the headquarters during this period. By then, , there will be some special martial artists joining Varslan."

In the original plot, the vanguard force that invaded the small garden were three elite martial artists under Veriter, and their combat method also used sharp knives to sneak in and carry out internal destruction. However, due to the butterfly effect, Verit changed the way of combat. Instead of using stealth combat, he directly pressed the enemy with troops.

Compared with the original plot, this strategy is more dangerous, but if it succeeds, it can cause much greater losses to Varslan, and it can even cause severe damage to Varslan.

Unfortunately, because of Levi's entry, huge variables directly disrupted Verit's plan. The seafood army was destroyed by Levi's group at the first opportunity and failed to cause any damage to the small garden. And she also fell into the dilemma of fighting alone, and was directly killed by Levi's clone.

Now that all the problems and unstable factors have been resolved, Li Wei feels that the final step of his plan can finally be pushed forward.

Chapter. Multiverse

Valslan's airport, which is located in the high orbit of the earth, is bustling with activity at this moment. After lighting up the technology of the Hundred Arms Crystal, humankind's overall technology has ushered in a leap forward, and giants like Valslan , and has many unique technologies.

As the world's largest independent arms company, Varslan's masterpieces are not various crystal weapons, but various huge ships that no other major country can build.

Relying on various means, Walsland gathered a large number of technical personnel, which gave it the current absolute technical advantage.

Levi and Judar were currently in the core section of the airport. The entire airport itself was a giant starship, with a long axis of seven kilometers. This huge airport can build two starships with a long axis of four kilometers at the same time. Varslan is already far ahead of other countries in the exploration of outer space.

Today, the airport welcomed a special wave of guests. A small ship with a slightly plain shape stopped at the outer berth of the airport. Under the leadership of the staff, more than ten people entered the interior of the airport through the safe passage. .

Through the glass helmet of the spacesuit, one can see his head full of white hair, and the other people following him are all martial artists. At this time, they have activated the fully armed mode and are covering next to the old man.

After getting on the commuter bus inside the airport, pedestrians came to a huge hall.

Li Wei saw the old man. This old man was the exchange personnel sent by the motherland of this world this time.

The old man was a little surprised when he saw Li Wei's obviously oriental face.

Levi smiled and said: "You seem to be surprised that Varslan would let me communicate with you two with such an oriental face."

The old man smiled and said: "It's true. Varslan invited us here this time. It can't be just to have a family time."

Levi made a gesture to please sit down, and a chair appeared out of thin air and gathered behind the old man. This scene made the security personnel accompanying the old man nervous.

The old man waved his hand and said, "I believe the other party will not harm me, so you don't have to be so nervous."

"But..." The young martial artist wanted to say something, but was interrupted by the old man's look.

Levi smiled and said: "I can understand their concerns, it is very reasonable."

Levi snapped his fingers, and the side walls of the hall suddenly became transparent. From here, you could see the port area outside, where a giant ship that had completed outfitting was parked quietly there.

The old man looked at the giant ship with a flash of envy in his eyes. The shipbuilding technology of Varslan is obvious to all. Whether it is a ship sailing on the sea or a starship operating in outer space, Varslan's The technology is top notch.

"What a beautiful ship. I have to say that your shipbuilding technology has always been the goal we want to catch up with. Unfortunately, after more than ten years of catching up, I feel that the technical gap between you and us is getting bigger and bigger. The bigger it gets." The old man sighed.

Li Wei smiled and said: "I want to correct your statement here. It is not your ship, but our ship. This ship belongs to Chongguo."

The old man showed a strange expression and said, "Am I not hearing clearly because I am old? This ship belongs to Chongguo?"

Not only did the old man look weird, but even the young guards around him all had weird expressions.

Levi said: "I haven't formally introduced myself yet, so let me introduce myself. My name is Levi, and I am a Chongguo, but I come from the multiverse, a Chongguo in other universes."

The old man showed a surprised expression. Although the theory of the multiverse has been proven to be feasible, the multiverse is just a theory.

However, now, a young man who claimed to be from Chongguo, a parallel universe, appeared in front of him, which made him feel a little ridiculous.

Levi said: "I was the driving force behind the birth of Valslan. Originally, I was supposed to arrive on Earth in this universe four years ago, but due to some mistakes, I only arrived here this year. This made my original The layout has become a mess, and due to such a strange combination of circumstances, Valslan has developed to this stage... Originally, this enterprise should be called 'Northern Heavy Industries'."

Hearing Levi's words, the old man couldn't laugh or cry. If Valslan's original name was Northern Heavy Industries, what would the name of Northern Heavy Industries in China be? Where is the real and fake Monkey King?

Levi clapped his hands, Judar came out and said with a smile: "Welcome to Varsland, Mr. Liu."

Seeing Judar, the old man couldn't keep calm. The golden young man in front of him was the emperor of this huge empire.

Levi saw that the old man wanted to say hello to Judar, and said: "Mr. Liu, there's no need. This guy is just a carbon-based robot, and he was also the chess piece I laid out at the beginning. Because he lost his instructions, this guy started to show his instincts. , Fortunately, his nonsense did not cause any damage to the country, otherwise, the first thing I did when I came here was to tear him down."

Judar smiled and said: "Everything is for the great rejuvenation of the nation. I just set the right path to carry out the task. The motherland in this world faced a very complicated environment at that time, and there were quite a lot of ulterior motives inside. If this industry is returned to the motherland at that time, it will only benefit those with ulterior motives."

The old man nodded. He was also a person from that era, so he naturally knew what Judal was talking about, and he could understand Judal's choice.

Although this gift is four years late, it is not too late after all.

Levi said: "Now that I have come to this world, Judar has also completed his mission very well. Next, we will eliminate the barbarians on the moon and return the entire Varsland to the motherland. After doing all this, we will leave this universe."

The old man said: "Thank you very much for your contribution to the motherland, although the country in this world has no direct relationship with you."


Regarding the old man's statement, Li Wei smiled and said: "It's just that you feel that there is no direct connection. In fact, the power of this bond is beyond the limit of your imagination. I look forward to the motherland in this world being able to show Get up and spread the seeds of the general clan throughout the universe, and by that time, if you are lucky, you may be able to contact the Chongguo in other universes."

The old man nodded and thought about it. If he had Li Wei's ability, he would do such a thing. For example, let's say he traveled to the earth in another universe and came to the Republic of China. In that chaotic era, wouldn't he do something with his passion?

It's just technology or knowledge that matches the times to help those ideal people who are willing to sacrifice their lives and blood. He will never refuse such a thing.

The old man sighed and said: "I will give such a thing to that person, and we will give everyone a prosperous life as you wish."

Levi nodded, smiling.

Although this is not the first time he has done something like this, unlike in the world of Academy Apocalypse, where he did not contact the compatriots from another world at all, and just gave them the opportunity and ran away, this was the first time that Levi had interacted with high-level compatriots from another world. Formal contact.

Levi knew that his kindness might not be reciprocated, but he still did it because he chose to believe in his compatriots in this world.

The development of the motherland in this world far exceeded his imagination. It is precisely because of this that Li Wei believed that his compatriots in this world, even if they received such a "windfall", would be able to securely Can hold it.

The old man said: "As long as we continue to develop, sooner or later we will be able to meet our compatriots from other universes, right?"

Levi nodded. This is a white lie. This lie will also inspire the compatriots in this world to work hard. Maybe, tens of millions of years later, the compatriots in this world may be able to master the technology of traveling to other worlds. And by that time, maybe they can actually find their compatriots in other universes.

Levi still doesn't know that because of his words, the future of the world here is about to undergo huge changes. He still underestimated the pioneering spirit of his compatriots here. In the future, the multiverse country, which is comparable to the "Fourth Natural Disaster", will spread its footprints all over the universe.

And Li Wei will also become Duan Chuanqi, known as "The Man Who Passes Fire."

Levi said: "I believe you can do such a thing. I have given you the key to opening up the future. From now on, it's up to you!"

The old man took a deep breath, stood up, and shouted with a serious expression.


Although the old man is already a little stooped, his military salutes are incomparable. Not only the old man, but also the young martial artists who accompanied the old man also made military salutes. They are all like the old man, and they feel sad in their hearts. Livy as a compatriot.

Although the two sides are not in the same universe, and Levi will leave here sooner or later, this deep connection in blood transcends the shackles of time and space, an invisible link that allows both sides to feel each other's feelings.

Levi had already reacted while the old man was saluting. The same incomparable military salute made his already tall figure even more upright.

Levi said: "After this, I will arrange for a dedicated person to connect with the country. After the moon is cleared of barbarians, the entire Varslan, from equipment to personnel, the overall framework, together with the existing combat organization, and various ships, All will be handed over to the country. Of course, there will definitely be thorns and weeds here, and I believe you have a way to keep these guys in check."

The old man nodded and said, "This meal has already reached your mouth. We still know how to open your mouth. Thank you for your efforts here."

Levi waved his hand and said: "In addition to the existing ones, I also have some technical drawings here, which will be handed over to you later. Next, please watch our final battle in the world here, the barbarians hiding in the moon, You are vulnerable to the iron fist I am waiting for."

The old man nodded. Now he didn't know what to say. Li Wei's contribution to the world was difficult to express in words. Any language related to gratitude would be like that at this time. So pale and feeble.

The conversation between the two parties lasted for more than an hour before Levi sent the old man and his escort away. The old man came on a small boat, but when he went back, Levi directly sent him back to Earth in a cruiser, and This cruiser will be parked there after being sent there and will not be driven back.

However, before doing such a thing, the old man also said hello to the country in advance to prevent the cruiser sending people back to Earth from being intercepted by armed satellites in high orbit. Although the cruiser's firepower and protection at this time , is not afraid of such attacks at all, but it is better to avoid such things.

This Cruiser 4, for the current domestic technology, is a treasure that cannot be completed with its own technology. If you can fully understand the technology inside, the domestic starship technology can jump forward several years.


Above the small garden, inside Levi's apartment.

Kulea was a little curious, so Levi brought her over with a serious face. It was because of something important.

Kulea looked at Li Wei who was busy in the kitchen, and felt warm in her heart. Every time she came here, it was as if she came here to have a meal. Every time, Li Wei would prepare a variety of delicious dishes for her, which was great for people who like For her who loves delicious food, every time she comes here, it's like a grand festival.

"Levi, why are you looking so serious today? Is there something going on?" Kulea leaned against the door frame of the kitchen and smiled.

Levi turned over and said: "Because I am leaving. After wiping out the moon barbarians, I have completed the agreement with Judar and prepared to go back to where I came from."

Kulea said: "Now that the transportation is so convenient, even if we are in different countries, it will not affect our relationship."

Levi said: "There is one thing. I lied to you. I am not from this world. Strictly speaking, I am from another world.".

Chapter. Kulea’s dissatisfaction

"Are you kidding me?" Kulea said doubtfully.

Levi said: "However, I usually don't joke with you much. You also know that I don't like jokes."

Kureiya felt that her mind was a little confused at this time, and what Levi said was beyond the limits of her knowledge.

"Are you really... from another world? Then how did you come to this world?" Kulea said.

Levi brought the cooked food to the table and said: "You can understand me as a djinn-like existence. Although I am much more advanced than the djinn-like garbage, for the convenience of your understanding, you You can think about it this way first. Judar made a wish to me, I responded to him, and then came to this world. But it is not free of charge for me to realize his wish. After all, I follow the principle of equivalent exchange. I want to If you want to get something from me, you must pay an equal price."

Kulea said: "Then what is your wish for Dar?"

Levi smiled and said: "This is a secret. I promised him to keep it secret. No matter who asks me, I will not answer this question. Unless he says it is okay to tell, I will decrypt it."

Kulea was a little surprised in her heart, but she felt that what Levi said was within the range of understanding. She was very curious about Judar's wish, but if she really couldn't ask anything, she wouldn't force it.

Kulea continued: "Then can I know the price of his wish? This question can't be a secret, right?"

Levi said: "The answer to this question may make you angry. The price for Judal's wish to come true is you and Lisa. In other words, Judal sold you to me~"

"This bastard! I knew he was a dog and couldn't change his attitude. Even after all these years, he still looks like that." Kulea cursed.

It’s not that Levi deliberately blackmailed Judal, but that Judar himself was quite a bastard. In the original plot, in order to win over the extremely talented male protagonist Kisaragi Hayato, Judal proposed that Kisaragi Hayato marry into Harvey’s family, and The object of marriage is the third sister Lisa.

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