And because of economic problems, various measures are being taken to reduce expenditures, and at the same time, the rectification of various social problems has begun to be accelerated. With no time left for them to waste, the entire top management has already taken action, and this high-speed operation has already begun. It is gradually transmitted to the lower layers and continues to be transmitted to the base layer.

The old man smiled and said: "After dealing with those academic circles during this period, I have gathered a lot of useful talents. However, because of this, I was pointed at and scolded at international conferences."

The leader laughed loudly and said: "It's better for them to scold. If they scold, it means that we have done the right thing and they are starting to panic. Now there are major changes that have not happened in a thousand years. In order to keep the fire that Li Wei has passed on to us, even if it is a war , we will not hesitate.”

The old man looked at the clock on the wall, and it was late at night before he knew it. They were all very busy. The leader had endless meetings every day and had to coordinate the overall situation at any time, while he had to work with people every day. When foreigners criticize each other, condemning them today and protesting tomorrow, they are like fighting cocks. As long as they enter the meeting state, they must concentrate on "fighting" with their opponents. This kind of mental battle is also very draining for the elderly.

The leader said: "Let's stop here today. Tomorrow you will have to go to the International Conference Headquarters. I have to rely on you for the rest."

The series of major domestic actions have still caused the outside world to speculate, so the old man's mission on this trip is to release smoke bombs to the outside world, confuse the outside world's attention, and try to draw the attention of other countries to unimportant places, so as to lay the foundation for the real secret. cover.

The old man nodded and said: "That's all I can do. I'll look forward to my performance next. The plan is going quite smoothly. Next, I just need to complete the finishing work."

Compared with his peers, the old man looks older. Although he insists on exercising and writing, and pays special attention to diet and maintenance, he is still older than ordinary peers.

Because at international conferences, he was often so angry with foreigners that his liver ached. In order to bring down Chongguo, those foreigners would do whatever they could to bring down Chongguo. There was no lower limit at all. It was obviously his own problem, but he always I want to throw the blame to Chongguo.

Dealing with these people with ulterior motives every day, anger is a common occurrence for him, and decades of quarreling experience have taught him how to curse politely. Every time he attends international conferences, he is able to catch the opponent's country. The pain in his feet made the other person angry. Only by looking at the expression of the other person gritting his teeth did he feel comfortable.

The leader and the old man are both very old, and staying up late is a difficult thing for both of them, so after the two briefly finished what they wanted to say, they were taken away by their respective secretaries or assistants.


On Li Wei's side, after each battle was fought, the battle became easier and easier. The number of barbarians is getting smaller and smaller. When the fight comes to the back, the situation has reversed, and it has become the human side chasing the barbarians.

The technology on the barbarian side was indeed more advanced than that on the human side at the beginning. At least in terms of energy weapons, they had an absolute advantage.

But as time goes by, humans are rapidly climbing the technology tree, and even the technology of the barbarians has been reverse-engineered, and martial artists are the product of this reverse-engineering.

Humanity's technology is developing in rapid iterations, but the technology tree on the barbarian side has not changed much in the past ten years.

This difference in development speed also puts the barbarians at an absolute disadvantage.

Chapter. The battle of extermination of the barbarians

It has to be said that human beings' creative ability is very powerful, especially in times of adversity. After this creative ability was stimulated, in just ten years, human technology has developed by leaps and bounds.

Calculating the timeline, the current time in this world should be equivalent to the year in the real world. However, with the various technologies in this world, it is difficult to get them in the real world even if the year is extended.

And this kind of high-speed development relies on external threats. When there are external threats, the overall technological development on the earth is forced to reach its potential. In addition to various black technologies related to martial artists, , other conventional technologies are also developing well, but what is different from the real world is that in terms of military technology, many weapons that shine in the real world cannot be seen in this world.

In the real world, in order to compete for air supremacy, all major countries are developing their own air superiority fighter jets. However, in this world, fighter jets have become a thing of the past. Because there are martial artists with more powerful air combat capabilities, the status of traditional fighter jets has become quite embarrassing. , so much so that in just ten years, the vast majority of combat-type mobile vehicles have been retired, leaving only various functional mobile vehicles, still firmly staying at their posts.

As for ground vehicles, most of them have been directly eliminated. The original King of Land War tanks have been completely eliminated. Now the support troops of various countries are taking the path of mobile fire support. Frontal conflict is the task of martial artists. Support troops What we have to do is to arrive at the destination in time, provide fire support, and run away without delay.

Maritime vehicles are even more tragic. Now active are all kinds of warrior carriers. Traditional frigates and arsenal ships have been kicked into the garbage heap of history.

The explosive development of various technologies allowed Varslan's fleet to completely change its previous defensive posture in this battle and achieve a dazzling perfect battle loss ratio in the active attack.

On the day of the battle, Varslan's warrior troops had begun to attack the lunar core area. The barbarians had lost most of their nests. The surviving barbarians began to retreat deep into the lunar core, where they barely built a new one. The defense line also lost most of the elite individuals, especially the worm-type elite individuals with strong offensive capabilities, which were killed by the martial artist troops.

On the seventh day of the battle, Li Wei's three clones completed their respective tasks and reunited with the large army. The defense line established by the barbarians was breached, an important core nest was lost, and more than 20,000 barbarian eggs that were still hatching were destroyed. The vitality is severely damaged.

On the first day of the battle, the defeated barbarians lost their last line of defense and could only huddle in the remaining core lair. This was something that humans never dared to think about before, but now, this is the reality.

On the day of the battle, the martial artist troops, led by Li Wei, began to launch a general attack on the last core lair of the barbarians. At the same time, follow-up reinforcements were in place. After the martial artist troops supported by Chongguo were in place, they participated in the moon attack. The number of martial artists in the battle reached fourteen thousand.

This coalition, which requires quantity and quality, does not have the internal intrigues of other alliances, so its combat effectiveness is not comparable to that of ordinary coalition forces.

After the support troops were in place, they took advantage of their numerical advantage to form a small team and began to hunt the lone barbarians on the periphery. The difference between the barbarians and the Zerg in StarCraft is that each barbarian is an independent individual with its own knowledge and wisdom, so when they face an absolutely unbeatable enemy, they will also run away out of fear.

If the barbarians in the core lair are allowed to escape, the subsequent "security battle" will tie up a considerable number of people, and even the barbarian threat will resurgence. Therefore, the main task of the reinforcements supported by the Chongguo is to cut off the core. There are various passages between the lair and the outside world. Once the barbarians are found escaping, they will find a way to kill those barbarians.

Levi knew that security warfare was an inevitable stage. After all, the number of barbarians was there. Even if the individuals in the nest were cleaned up, some lucky individuals would inevitably escape. Therefore, the interior of the moon still needed to be cleaned up, but this time Levi can only leave part of the work to his compatriots in this world. He doesn't have that much free time to do such things.

On the first day of the battle, the last core lair of the barbarians was breached.

The tenth day of the battle was also the last day of the planned time. Due to the arrival of a large number of reinforcements, Varslan also changed its plan and extended the battle by two days to prepare for the autumn wind to sweep away the fallen leaves and completely The barbarians were swept into the dustbin of history.

On the tenth day of the battle, all the barbarian nests had been destroyed, leaving only scattered barbarian individuals hiding in underground passages. However, under the blanket search of the warrior troops, the barbarian individuals who had nowhere to hide had no choice but to be destroyed.

On the tenth day of the battle, most of the martial arts practitioners evacuated to the surface of the moon. Levi took his three clones and a small number of supporting martial arts practitioners to begin repairing the moon that was riddled with holes by the barbarians.

Originally, the repair work would have been a considerable workload, but with Li Wei's help, the progress of the repair surprised the accompanying supporting martial artists, and they were already frightened later.

Levi just snapped his fingers, and the hole-ridden underground space was flooded by soil that came from unknown sources. They used instruments to test and found that the properties of the soil that appeared out of thin air were the same as the original lunar soil.

This scene is a bit like going back in time, but it is different from going back in time. Strictly speaking, it is more inclined to non-creation. Li Wei analyzed the structure of the moon and knew all the trace elements on the moon. After having the data, he grabbed a large amount of "qi" directly from nothingness based on the data, and used the principle of Qi to generate all things. These gases turned into solid matter, filling various holes under the moon.

Chapter. Grand Handover

As his cultivation level continues to improve, Li Wei's knowledge of the so-called "Tao" becomes clearer and clearer, and he also realizes one thing, that is, after cultivation enters a relatively advanced stage, the development of supernatural powers will become very important. "I am thinking", many times, it depends on whether your imagination is big enough.

Although he has never met any other Qi Practitioners, Li Wei has an intuition that even if other Qi Practitioners follow a different path than him, when it comes to magical powers, everyone will use their imagination.

To a certain extent, opening up magical powers is a bit like playing "Minecraft". A novice can only build matchboxes, but those construction experts can use various combinations of blocks and components to build various Beautiful buildings, the basic blocks for building various buildings in the two are similar, but the difference is so huge.

However, regarding the aspect of imagination, Li Wei feels that he may not be the opponent of those seniors who have practiced for an unknown amount of time. The longer he lives, the more skills and knowledge he can master. A pig can live for hundreds of thousands. In years, no matter how talented you are, you can still transform into a mythical beast.

Therefore, Levi felt that he still had many shortcomings. Now he could show off his strength in front of mortals. When meeting those old-timers, he should still be timid.

It took Li Wei almost a few days to complete the repair of the underground space of the moon. In the process of repairing the underground space, he also encountered some scattered surviving barbarian individuals. Faced with these potential dangers, Li Wei rushed to kill them all. The barbarians will destroy each other.

After losing their nest, the unnatural existence of the barbarians was cut off from the roots. No new individuals would be born. Even if there were some lucky individuals who escaped from him, they would not be able to survive. No matter what big wave comes, after Chongguo establishes an advanced base on the moon, those "lucky ones" will completely usher in their own doom.

After doing all this, Levi returned to the earth and brought several confidantes into his floating island. At this point, Levi no longer had any worries in the world here.

Although there was no point gain from this trip and even some points were spent, Li Wei did not regret it at all. He could see the strong revival of Chongguo in this world. Even if the points were cleared, he was willing to do so. After all, who would still be willing to do so? No emotion at all.

If the real world is inconvenient to change, then he will change Chongguo in other worlds. Maybe in the future, a multiverse-level Chongguo will be born, and by that time, all descendants of Yan and Huang will be related to Rong.


After the Battle of the Moon, two months passed. Levi and his clone Judar took charge of the situation and completed all the handovers bit by bit.

On the surface, Varslan is still the arms empire independent of the major powers, but secretly, Varslan has become a part of Chongguo. All the core management have been replaced by Chongguo people, and various key personnel have been replaced by Chongguo people. A large number of Chongguo researchers are also filling technical positions to provide assistance.

In addition to the handover between establishment and production, the handover between the fleet and the martial arts force is the most troublesome. The domestic side sent a large number of personnel to study, and then they barely learned how to drive these advanced starships, and they could only barely drive them. That's all. To achieve the combat effectiveness of the Moon Battle period, it will take at least ~ years of training. Although the operation of the starship is very intelligent, the overall quality requirements for the crew are higher than those of sea-going ship crews. To be able to board the ship Except for the electromechanical group and logistics group, each member has a doctorate degree.

Two months is not enough for the country to fully control this fleet, but because Varslan is very cooperative and does not hide all kinds of confidential information, the country can also guarantee that this fleet will not rebel. of.

As for the martial arts practitioners affiliated with Varslan, excluding the students who are still undergoing training, the active martial arts practitioners who are already in service, and those who are willing to join the regular army of the country, have now been properly arranged, and as long as they If they perform well, they will all obtain Okukoku citizenship in ten years.

As for those martial artists with hidden dangers, Judar personally dealt with them. After their commander-in-chief expressed his stance, the vast majority of Varslan martial arts practitioners understood the situation clearly, especially now that Chongguo is making a strong comeback. , maybe within a few years, it will become the most powerful country on earth. Surrendering at this time can also bring good benefits, so most of the Varslan martial arts practitioners have chosen to change their camp.

Most of the hidden dangers in martial arts are from Europe and the United States, and they have a very serious sense of racial superiority. The vast majority of people in this group are white supremacists. It is precisely because of this that Levi, who is behind the scenes, Kill these people.

In Li Wei's view, if such hidden dangers are not dealt with, new troubles may arise in the future. It is difficult for others to do such things due to their positions and positions, so he asked Judar to do so. to do this kind of thing.

Varslan's various assets, as well as various military bases and arsenals around the world, have all been handed over. With this windfall, the country's military strength has not only doubled, but it has also increased by more than half. Moreover, the various black-tech materials obtained also allow the country to accurately seize the future.


In a cozy little room, Li Wei and Ling sat opposite each other. Apart from the two of them, there was no one else in the room.

On the small table are two cups of hot tea.

The leader looked at Levi, his eyes full of complexity, and said, "I didn't expect this day to come, but we can't be selfish and leave you here. You have a place you must go back to."

Li Wei smiled and said: "There is no eternal feast. This time, for you and me, is a farewell. My long-term existence can withstand the erosion of time, but you only have about ten years left at most." His life is long gone.”.

Chapter. Precious treasure

Hearing Li Wei's words, the leader smiled and said: "I am satisfied that I can live for ten years. People must learn to cherish blessings. These ten years are enough for me to see the day when revival comes."

Li Wei looked at the white-haired old man in front of him. His calmness and ease made him admire him. Not everyone could face death calmly. After knowing how much time he had left, he would People feel fear.

Li Wei said: "The Chongguo in my world has not been able to complete its complete rejuvenation due to some reasons. The external environment is quite harsh. I hope you can complete such a great cause and make the descendants of Yan and Huang stand proudly among the nations of the world. The top."

The leader nodded and said: "Such a thing is a goal that we strive for throughout our lives, but because of your arrival, the progress of this goal has been greatly advanced. In my lifetime, I can see that day coming. I want to thank you~."

It can be said that completing the rejuvenation of the nation is a lifelong obsession of many people of his generation. After all, the passionate young people who came from that era, even if they have become old, their passion is still hot.

We all know that in recent years, in order to catch up with foreign advanced levels, we have implemented small steps and fast development. In just a few decades, we have completed the journey that other countries have taken for more than 200 years and created a stunning miracle of national success. But this miracle also comes at a price.

And this price was borne by farmers at the beginning, but now it is only borne by young people. Behind the miracle is the crisis, but many things are helpless. After all, the harsh external environment, they It is also difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice.

The reason why European and American countries can have the current quality of life is because their ancestors were robbers who plundered foreign countries. They put their own crises on the heads of other countries, so they can be as carefree as they are now.

As for Chongguo's revival, he gritted his teeth and endured all the crises. Crisis is addictive to foreign marriage, and it is also a way to drink poison to quench thirst. Once you taste the sweetness, you can no longer stop. World War I broke out because of the crisis and the inability to get married.

After absorbing the historical lessons of others, this group of people also understood the laws of historical reincarnation and understood the truth, that is, learning from those Western countries in this aspect is a dead end. This kind of development will eventually It will lead itself to a path of decline.

This is not the revival they want, and it is definitely not the revival that ordinary people would hope for. Therefore, for the happiness of the next generation, and for the life that allows future generations to hold their heads high, the historical mission of this generation is to serve as a stepping stone for future generations. .

It can be said that the fate of three generations has been sacrificed for development. If it were not for the gift brought by Li Wei, another generation would have to be sacrificed to complete the revival. Renaissance is cruel. Although a bright future can be seen, this road will always be accompanied by various disasters.

Levi smiled and said: "If you really want to thank me, then give me some souvenirs, no matter what they are, at least let me have a thought and let me know that I have been here."

Ling laughed and said: "I'm afraid that this meeting will be the last time we meet, so I brought my things with me early."

The collar pulled out an iron box from under the small table. This small iron box full of history gave people the style of the 1970s.

The leader pushed the iron box in front of Levi with reluctance.

Levi nodded and opened the iron box.

Inside the iron box, you can see several medals full of history. Under the medals, there is a folded red flag.

Li Wei took out the red flag and found that the red flag had burnt marks and a strange smell could be smelled on it. This smell was the smell left after blood solidified.

The leader said: "This flag is something that has been passed down from generation to generation. It has been in existence since the time when we resisted the invasion of foreign enemies, and it has been well preserved until now."

Levi sighed and said: "This thing is too valuable as a souvenir. It should be said that this is the most precious gift I got during this trip. I will treasure them well. Moreover, I should leave here." ”

····Ask for flowers·····

The leader sighed and said, "Why don't you stay here for a little longer?"

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