Levi shook his head and said: "I'm afraid that if I continue to stay here, I will be reluctant to leave. But there are still people waiting for me in the world where I live. After I finish what I need to do, I have to go back."

He laughed and said: "That's really regrettable. I originally wanted to show you the changes here, but since the incident doesn't allow it, I can only let it go."

Levi nodded. He couldn't stay here for more than ten years. Although he was very patient, he didn't intend to wait for the result for such a long time. For him, as long as he knew that the situation was heading towards A good interview is enough.


After a long period of observation, he is quite trustworthy in the controllers of Chongguo in this world.

Li Wei compared the historical development experiences of the two worlds. If the development process of conquering the country in the real world is difficult, then the development process of conquering the country in this world is hell difficulty. But even in such a harsh external environment, Chongguo still climbed out of the pit of the Fuxiu feudal dynasty step by step, and gradually became as powerful as it is today. This is an extremely difficult thing for those who control it.

In Li Wei's view, Chongguo in this world has used his own development process to hand in a perfect answer sheet, so Li Wei is not worried that if he leaves this world, Chongguo in this world will be affected by this. Pull the crotch.

Levi put all the objects back into the iron box, carefully closed the lid, and said: "I hope to hear from you in the future. Although this generation will no longer be around at that time, I can know that you still exist." ,that's enough."

Although Li Wei feels that he is a heinous person, even a wicked person like him still has feelings in his heart. Who doesn't want his motherland to be more prosperous and powerful? Even he is no exception to this kind of thing.


Zhen Zhen said: "I dare not guarantee this kind of thing, but we will try our best to do it. When we are gone, our descendants will continue to work hard. When our descendants are gone, our descendants will take over the burden and replace them." If we continue to struggle for generations, we dare not relax at all. One day, even if you are in other universes, you will be able to hear our names. Maybe, our descendants will be able to cross the boundaries of the universe and go to other universes. The blood of the descendants of Yan and Huang is spread throughout the world!"

Levi nodded heavily, put the things into his consciousness space, and said: "Although it is goodbye to you forever, I hope it is goodbye to me. Goodbye, comrade!"

The leader stood up, gave Li Wei a military salute, and said, "See you again. Although the person meeting you on the day of goodbye will not be me, my soul will be with him!"

The leader has made a decision to make Li Wei's arrival public after the year. By that time, all descendants of Yan and Huang will know that there was once a compatriot named Li Wei who crossed the boundaries of the universe and came here. Help them complete their revival.

At the same time, all the descendants of Yan and Huang have made an agreement with Li Wei. Sooner or later, the two sides will meet again and say "comrade" to each other.

Seeing Levi's figure disappear into little specks of light, the leader's expression was a little sad. He looked at the empty chair opposite for a long time and sighed.


Years passed by, and at this time, Chongguo had thoroughly understood the various technical materials left by Li Wei, and based on the original ones, he developed something of his own.

At this time, on the other side of the earth, it was the presidential election in Amei's country. In the open-air election venue, the debate between the two sides was extremely fierce.

The supporters of both camps were also clearly divided into two sides, looking at each other with hostile eyes.

At this moment, the sky suddenly cast a large shadow, and a dull buzz gradually became clear.

Someone raised his head curiously, and then saw a scene that he would never forget. Above the sky, various giant steel ships were lowering their altitude. Those giant steel ships were so huge that even those located above Thousands of meters high in the sky, it can still cast large shadows.

The politicians on both sides who were still quarreling at each other stopped at this time, because their attention was also attracted by the fleet in the sky.

The huge fleet with no end in sight caused heavy psychological pressure on everyone present. No one would have thought that on such a solemn and solemn day, there would be such a wave of unexpected visitors.

When the people below saw the starship's painting clearly, they were all shocked and stunned. Under the hull, they saw the bright blood-like flag. At this time, the faces of the politicians on both sides of the stage were extremely ugly.


Levi returned to his own world and was home again. Levi was used to the feeling of returning from a long journey. Although he didn't gain much in the previous world, he only gained a few fellow practitioners. Not only did he not earn points, but he also spent a lot of money, but he did not feel that it was not worth it.

He was satisfied to see the strong revival of his compatriots in another world. He was prepared to do some things that were inconvenient to do in the real world in other worlds.

The first thing I did when I returned to this world was to take out my laptop from the Consciousness Sea Space, put it on the computer table, and connect headphones, an external keyboard, and a network cable.

Today's wireless network technology is quite mature. Even if you use wireless network to play games, the delay is no different from that of a wired network. However, Levi has developed a habit of always connecting the Internet cable to his computer.

As a deep game geek who would feel uncomfortable if he didn't play games, the first thing Levi did when he came back was to connect to the real world network.

During this period of time, Levi did not plan to go to the new world, because as a homebody, he also had some things to do.

The old classics recommended by some big guys in the forum need to be updated, and the activities of "World of Tanks" and "World of Warships" need to be played. It just so happens that the new season of "Diablo" is about to start again, and "Borderlands" is still scheduled. Okay, let’s connect with my friends here... .

There are people here who are anchors, and for the sake of program effectiveness, they will occasionally invite weird people here to connect. Although the friends are not professional anchors, because of this non-professionalism, the program effects are directly maximized.

And from now on, the courses and exhibitions at the Tokyo Metropolitan University of Arts where Levi is located will become relatively intensive, and he still has to get a diploma.

Although it doesn't matter to Levi now whether he has the diploma or not, in order to make his parents look good, he is still prepared to get the diploma.

When he left before, he specifically chose the time when the vacation would start. Now even if he comes back, he still has two weekends to rest and adjust.

Levi clicked on a slightly crude-looking icon on the desktop. This is the communication software used internally by the school. For the Tokyo Metropolitan University of Arts, only this software can be used to log in to the school's intranet. Although Levi could use hacking methods to circumvent such restrictions, it was too troublesome, so he still entered his student ID and password honestly.

Li Wei browsed through the comments in the previous class, most of which were nonsense about 4. Where to go on weekends. Here in Neon, the university's schedule is quite free, so in their spare time, students have quite a lot of spare time. Rich.

After turning off the class chat, Levi looked at the content about the exhibition in the school. As expected, he was qualified to participate in the exhibition. This time, he had to come up with two qualified paintings before the end of the semester, whether they were Chinese paintings or For oil paintings, or ukiyo-e in this case, the first requirement is that the quality must be excellent, and it must be a physical painting, not a printed version of an electronic painting.

"Should you hand in your homework before the end of the semester? You have quite a lot of time, but you can't do it if you don't arrange your time well. If you are leisurely like this every day, you will have to work hard when you get to the final deadline." Levi said to himself.

Chapter.Exhibition Ideas

Li Wei found that he was getting lazier and lazier in life. After gaining extraordinary power, some of the things he wanted to do became more desirable, while the things he didn't want to do became extremely disgusting.

For the end-of-semester exhibition, Li Wei was still very energetic. After all, this kind of public exhibition is the annual end-of-year exhibition of the Tokyo Metropolitan University of Arts. It will attract a lot of tourists to visit, which requires a fee. Tickets.

For an exhibition that can charge tickets, you can imagine the high technology of the exhibited works. It can be said that the students within Dongyi University who can participate in the exhibition all have professional level. The works that can be exhibited are definitely worth the ticket price.

Correspondingly, part of the ticket revenue will be used as a subsidy to each participating student and teacher, so this is a mutually beneficial thing. The higher the quality of the exhibition, the more tourists it can attract, and tourists The more ticket revenue it brings, the income of exhibitors will also increase.

This method can also stimulate the creative passion of the exhibitors, mainly the students. The teachers of Dongyi University are already high-income earners themselves. The benefits brought by the exhibition are of great benefit to their own income. , it’s really nothing.

But for those students, as long as the exhibition is well run, the benefits that the exhibitors can get are almost equivalent to receiving a scholarship. However, to a certain extent, the proceeds from the exhibition itself can be regarded as scholarships, because they are reserved for the best students.

Li Wei had heard that some schools withheld scholarships based on connections. People who were supposed to receive scholarships could not get the scholarships, and as a result, those with connections got them. The related households are not short of that little money, but what they want is this kind of refreshment.

However, Dongyi University's exhibitions carefully assess the strength of the participating students before placing them in the exhibition. Therefore, the participating students can be said to be well-deserved for the benefits of the exhibition.

At the beginning, Levi was implicitly targeted because of his nationality. However, a professor appreciated Levi's talent and gave him many opportunities to show himself. That's why Levi became so popular so quickly. Get ahead.

The impression given to Li Wei by Neon Man is that he knows little etiquette but no great righteousness, and he has no brains to be strong. If you are just an ordinary person, then they will despise you. If you are stronger than them, then they will exclude you. But when you are strong enough to crush them all, they will respect you and even fear you. .

Most of the neon people gave Li Wei a bad impression, but the professor also made Li Wei have a certain change in his view of the neon people. In Li Wei's view, that professor was Mr. Fujino, who was like Mr. Lu Xun's mentor. As an ordinary person, the old man knows shame, history, etiquette, and morality, and has also created many anti-war works. But because of this, the old man was often attacked by right-wing people. The windows of his home were once smashed. The most serious time was that the house was burned by right-wing people. If Li Wei's senior brother hadn't happened to visit that day, , rescued the old man in time, the old professor was probably burned to death by the fire.

Li Wei was also the last disciple of the other party. This old man provided Li Wei with many valuable opinions on painting creation.

"Ah... it would be a bit embarrassing if I couldn't produce a qualified work for the exhibition this time. What should I draw?"

Levi rarely left the study and went to the painting room next door. The painting room was always ventilated, but even so, when he opened the door, he could still smell the strong smell of oil paint.

However, as an art student, Levi was already very familiar with this smell. The pungent smell to ordinary people was completely trivial to those who studied art.

Looking at the easel leaning against the wall, ideas began to appear in Levi's mind. Now, his thinking ability is far from what he used to be, so even if he just composes a picture in his mind, he can make the image very perfect.

Then Li Wei found out awkwardly that he wanted to paint a lot, but the exhibition only gave him a quota for two paintings, which made him feel that he had no power to use.

The school's art exhibition must abide by the school's rules. When there are only two places, Li Wei does not intend to be a monster, and the size of the two paintings is also restricted. Whether it is the horizontal axis or the vertical axis, the width cannot exceed *of.

Li Wei thought for a moment and decided what he wanted to paint, a dragon, a Chinese classical architectural landscape. However, he did not plan to paint Chinese paintings, but used oil paintings to paint Chinese-style content. After all, he was good at panel painting. Most conveniently, in terms of panel painting, his style is mainly thick coating and imitation oil painting. The paintings are full of weight. That is to say, when painting commercial works, he caters to the current mainstream aesthetics and draws cute girls with big eyes.

Now that there is no shortage of money, when it comes to painting creation, Li Wei will be more casual than before. On the basis of catering to the public, he will add a little bit of his own private goods.

"Start painting tomorrow and try to complete two works within half a month." Li Wei clasped his hands together and made up his mind. After having an idea in his heart, Levi returned to the study. It takes a long time for others to complete an oil painting, but his painting speed is far beyond that of ordinary people, and he is currently using the idle thinking circuit in his mind to draw a draft. On the surface, He looked carefree, but in fact, the painting work had already started from now on.

Sitting in front of the computer, Levi logged into a certain Antarctic beast and saw the message pop-up window that someone had requested a manuscript again.

However, Li Wei no longer intends to accept commercial manuscripts, so he declined the commercial manuscript invitation. In the past, there were economic factors involved in painting, and he had to cater to commercial needs, which made him feel a little uncomfortable. Now that he is not short of money, he will only paint for his own hobbies.

Law just loves drawing Ultraman and Kamen Rider! how! ?

But now Levi is not in the mood to draw. He logged into his World of Tanks Russian server account and prepared for a scene of macho men masturbating and tanks fighting each other passionately.

Chapter. Recommended by friends

After playing the game for two hours, Levi finally gave up his accumulated desire to play. In other aspects, Levi's self-control is quite good, but when faced with games, his self-control will deteriorate. It plummeted, and then the game broke through the defense line in a short period of time. I played the game until I lost track of time.

"That's the good thing about having extraordinary strength. In the past, after playing this game for two hours, I would definitely feel dizzy and have backache, but now I don't feel that way at all."

Levi stood up and stretched. Any confrontational game is quite mentally demanding. After all, confrontational games are about the struggle between people, whether it is "World of Tanks" It's still "League of Legends". If ordinary players play for a long time, they will inevitably consume a lot of energy. When the game ends, their condition will generally not be much better.

Opening Penguin, Li Wei saw the friends who were there. He didn't know who had taken the pornographic pictures. Now everyone was playing pornographic pictures. Li Wei was silent for a moment, started to browse the chat history online, and then quickly saved various pornographic pictures. picture. One day, the Lord will be sent in by this dog friend.

Although I have had real experience, LSP is like this. I will never think that my hard drive has too many pornographic pictures. This is a kind of collection desire that is unique to LSP.

Seeing that everyone's inventory was almost exhausted, and many of the pictures had been collected by Li Wei, Li Wei also knew that he should come up with something, so he took the high-quality color picture he had painted before. Figure it out.

That was Tsunade's fanart. Levi didn't know much about the plot of Naruto. After all, a migrant manga like Naruto was very long and time-consuming to follow. There was no puppet clone before, so he didn't know much about the plot of Naruto. I didn’t dare to pursue such a long novel. I read all the previous content of Shippuden. After reading part of Shippuden, Levi stopped pursuing it. Moreover, he was also spoiled by his friends in it. Generally speaking, I already knew the plot and ending, so I didn’t pursue it any further.

As for Boruto's Incombustibles, friends here expressed that those who haven't followed this series don't need to. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

In the eyes of many Naruto fans, Boruto is just a continuation of the story and is just about selling feelings. Levi himself has not read Boruto, so he cannot comment on what friends say. However, this is the first time he has seen a work that has been criticized by friends, so it is estimated that the quality of Boruto is really problematic. No. It doesn’t matter if you chase.

When the Tsunade fanart drawn by Li Wei came out, the erotic pictures stopped immediately.

Tathagata Buddha Stick: I'm fine

Mr. Li: Are you feeling well again? So fast? Do you have any recommendations?

King Qin Yaozhu: Li Daguan is asking people to recommend things again. He is obviously in Neon and has much better information than us.

Li Daguanren: I never take the initiative to seek out supplements. I rely on your recommendation to refill supplements. I will only refill the supplements if there are no problems after you test the poison.

Tathagata Buddha Stick: Have you watched the previous "The Rising of the Shield Hero"? This was the original hegemony of Ah Bi

Li Daguanren: I had heard the name of this series before, but I didn’t follow it. Then I went to watch the new series, and I forgot about this series.

Tathagata Buddha Stick: This series can be supplemented, and it is quite interesting. However, there are some problems with the plot at the beginning of this series, so you have to bear with it. The higher the series goes, the better the quality will be.

Li Daguanyin: Is it the same style as RE: Life in a Different World from the Beginning?

Tathagata Buddha Stick: It can't be explained clearly in a few words. You will know it yourself if you are a senior official. But I think based on your ability to bear it, the first episode should be a piece of cake for you.

Li Daguanren: What do you mean?

Rem World Episode 1: Because of the plot of Episode 1, many children can't bear it. The protagonist is slandered and wronged. It can be said that his reputation is ruined and he is unpopular in the entire country. How can today's primary school students endure this excitement?

Li Daguanren: The protagonist shouldn’t be a resigned neon school drama protagonist, right?

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