Li Wei raised his eyebrows and said: "Although I have a bad temper, I still understand the most basic etiquette. Since I have given this face to you, I will naturally give face to the king."

The female officer was relieved in her heart. As long as Li Wei was willing to attend the dinner, this could be regarded as a step down for King Otto Cre. By then, at the dinner, they would adjust it, and maybe they could make Li Wei no longer have such an attitude. Look at the kingdom.

Although there is no saying in this world that you can’t hit someone with a smiling face, there are similar sayings. As long as everyone has a decent face, many things can be reduced to trivial matters.

Levi's figure disappeared from the front of the female officer. The female officer finally couldn't hold back her expression and showed a surprised expression. Although there are teleportation spells in this world, there are very few mages who can use teleportation spells. Every mage who can use teleportation spells can be called a "master", and using teleportation consumes a lot of magic power. Other magics have longer lead times, and Levi's ability to move himself in an instant is quite incredible in her opinion.

Levi's figure appeared in an alley. At this time, he had changed into clothes that fit the style of this world. He came to the city's slave market.

The Thousand Paper Cranes released before were not only Li Wei's eyes. After improvement, they also became the spatial coordinates he used to use teleportation spells. This teleportation spell can be used as long as there is a beacon, no matter how far away it is. , can be teleported instantly.

Now Levi, relying on the beacon above the earth, can instantly teleport back to the earth in this universe, but he has no intention of doing so. After all, he hasn't had enough fun here yet.

The city's slave market is a huge tent-like building that looks like a circus from the outside. Levi came to the door of the giant tent. A short and fat young man with round-framed glasses on his nose, wearing a hat and gown, and gemstone rings on all ten fingers, like a rich man, came to him.

"This guest, do you need a slave?" The slave merchant showed a professional and flattering smile.

"Is this a place where slaves are sold? It's interesting that slaves are allowed to exist in this country." Li Wei said with a smile.

Chapter 4. Slave

The pudgy slave trader showed an exaggerated smile and said: "Where there are people, there are classes. There are always some unlucky people who become slaves for various reasons. This is a normal thing. And slavery is considered a part of this country. I will set up my store here because the slave trade is a legal and legitimate business in this country."

As a kingdom in the late feudal system, slaves were an important labor force for this country.

Levi said: "What interesting slaves are there?"

The slave merchant rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "It depends on how you define interesting as a customer. However, I am still confident in the quality of the slaves in my hands~"

To be able to open a slave selling shop in the royal capital requires not only wealth and skills, but also good relationships. Slave merchants are confident that the slaves in their hands are of higher quality than those in the hands of other peers.

The slave merchant smiled and said: "The varieties of slaves I have here are very complete, whether they are fighting types, laboring types, or the types of entertainment that the nobles like, and they are all available in large quantities."

Levi looked around. The dim light was not friendly to ordinary people. Levi snapped his fingers, and the dim light in the giant tent became brighter.

"Widow...I still prefer a bright environment, so that I can see more clearly when choosing slaves." Levi smiled.

The slave merchant didn't say anything, and still had that professional smile on his face, but Li Weilu's hand also made him realize that the young man in front of him was not an ordinary idle nobleman, but a being who had mastered powerful magical power.

However, the slave merchant did not have the habit of killing people. After all, he had been doing business for a long time and was very concerned about his reputation. For him, he can still make money after losing his reputation, but it is quite troublesome to make money after his reputation is gone. Therefore, whether he is a regular customer or a new customer, a local in the capital or a foreigner, he will provide relatively high-quality services to make everyone happy. Customers can buy the slave of their choice.

Levi said: "I am quite confident in my own strength. I don't have any use for ordinary combat slaves. I don't have any industrial slaves here, and I don't need related slaves to operate it for the time being. Who are the ornamental slaves you have here?”

With a warm smile on his face, the slave merchant said: "Guest, please come with me. The quality of the ornamental slaves I have here are the best in the industry. There is nothing to say about their appearance or body shape, and they are all It’s original and unopened, so don’t worry about it.”

Levi followed the footsteps of the slave traders and came to a relatively peripheral area. Unlike the roars of the fighting slaves, the ornamental slaves were much quieter.

Slave merchants have a large number of high-quality slaves. Whether they are male or female customers, they can find suitable products according to their needs.

"Guest, slave here, let's see if there is one that meets your needs?" the businessman said.

Levi had located the cage where Raphtalia was located through the positioning spell, and Levi stopped in front of the cage.

It was a petite animal-eared girl who looked to be about seven years old at the end of the month. At this time, she was staying in the corner of the cage, coughing lightly from time to time.

"It's really troublesome. During this period, the weather is changeable, and these ornamental slaves with relatively fragile constitutions are prone to diseases. This little guy is a raccoon subhuman. According to our tests, her bloodline is quite pure and she has not been degraded. Before she became a slave, she should have had some blood from the demi-human nobles, but now, she is just a plaything." The merchant said with a sigh.

Levi knelt down and reached into the cage. At this time, the raccoon girl had a frightened expression on her face. After becoming a slave, she suffered a lot and became extremely vigilant.

Faced with the other party's vigilance, Levi was not surprised. His perception scanned the other party. The slave merchant also treated his goods with great care. There were no hidden wounds or obvious scars on the girl's body.

····Ask for flowers·····

Originally, before Raphtalia fell into the hands of slave traders, her previous owner was a military noble. Raphtalia was often whipped, which would definitely leave a lot of scars on her body, but now these scars are completely invisible. This shows that the slave merchants treated her well in order to sell her at a good price.

"How much does this cost?" Levi asked.

"Three gold coins sincerely." The slave merchant rubbed his hands and smiled.

Raphtalia's appearance is top-notch among all demi-human girls. It is precisely because of this beautiful face that slave merchants would be willing to spend money to treat her. If she was just an ordinary demi-human girl, , for the slave traders who got into the eyes of money, they are dead and not worth saving.

... .....

Levi raised his eyebrows. He found that the world line he was in seemed to be somewhat different from the anime. It was a brand new world line.

Because of the original plot, Iwatani Naofumi bought Raphtalia for dozens of silver coins, but when it came to him, it suddenly increased so much.

However, Raphtalia's condition now is much better than that of the original plot. Although she is still mentally traumatized, her body is quite well maintained.

Li Wei didn't say anything. He tossed the three gold coins lightly and fell into the hands of the slave merchant.

After Levi came to this world, his senses had already scanned a lot of things. He knew very well what the kingdom-sized gold coins looked like, their weight and size.

Three gold coins are definitely a bit expensive, but considering that Raphtalia is in good physical condition now, the extra money can be regarded as labor expenses.

The slave merchant put the gold coins into his wallet and said: "Guest, please come with me. I will help you complete the contract to ensure that the slaves will not escape." Shan.

Chapter 4. Regaining freedom

Levi said: "No need, just wash off the slave mark on her body."

Hearing Levi's words, not only the slave traders, but also Raphtalia, who was the buyer and seller, were stunned.

Raphtalia looked at Levi's back with doubts in her eyes. She was very clear about her current identity. As a slave, her future life would probably be full of suffering. But now, the other party actually said How could she not be surprised that she had to erase the mark of slavery on her body.

The slave merchant said: "Guest, are you serious? Erase the mark on her body, and then you will not be able to control her. This is high-end goods worth three gold coins. What if she runs away?"

Levi smiled and said: "She has to run away, and this country is quite unfriendly to demi-humans. Even if she escapes, she won't have anywhere to go."

The slave merchant smiled and said: "That's true, then just follow your decision as a guest."

Levi looked at the petite girl and thought that if the girl upgraded quickly within this time period, her body shape would also grow accordingly. This is considered a characteristic of demi-humans. If demi-humans gain a lot of experience and upgrade before reaching adulthood, their bodies will fertilize in advance, but humans will not fertilize in advance when encountering such a situation.

But Levi doesn't expect Raphtalia to participate in the battle. Now Raphtalia has not solved her psychological problem, and there is no way to participate in high-intensity battles.

Levi smiled at Raphtalia and said, "Introduce yourself, little one."

"Raphtalia." The girl whispered.

"It's a very nice name, with a sense of nobility. The person with this name should be very cultured." Levi said with a smile.

Raphtalia was a little disappointed. This name was the last thing left to her by her mother. The monster invasion brought by the wave destroyed her village. Her parents were also invaded by the wave monster and were killed by a giant three-headed monster. Killing the alpha dog was an unavoidable shadow deep in her heart.

The slave merchant asked his men to bring special magic paint and began to smear on the slave mark on Raphtalia's collarbone. The slave merchant himself was also a very powerful spell caster. All the slaves in his hands had marks. He made it himself.

After feeling the brief stinging sensation, Raphtalia looked at her barren chest. The slave mark that was originally prominent there had now disappeared, and only the smooth skin could be seen.

Generally speaking, in order to be conspicuous, slave traders will put their mark on the slave in a more conspicuous place, usually on the face, chest, wrist, etc., so that the human eye can clearly identify that this is a slave.

The slave merchant put away the paint and handed the tool to remove the mark to the staff nearby. He smiled and said: "Little girl, you are very lucky. You have met a good person. I have to say that such things as fate can still It’s really strange.”

Levi said: "Just remove the mark. Maybe I will patronize your business again in the future."

"That's good, I'm looking forward to your visit." The slave merchant smiled. He is very welcoming to big customers like Li Wei who are so generous that they don't bargain at all. After all, when they open their doors for business, they will naturally not refuse customers easily.

Levi gently touched Raphtalia's head. I have to say that those round raccoon ears not only looked very cute, but also felt very good, plush and soft. .

For this little girl, Li Wei didn't have any desire in his heart. If he really wanted to say it, it felt a bit like having an extra daughter.

Levi smiled and said: "Raphtalia, from now on, you are no longer a slave, well, you are my companion."

"Companion... I am really, okay?" Raphtalia was still a little bit unable to recover from the current situation. After all, just a few minutes ago, she was a slave whose fate was in his hands, but now, The mark of slavery has been removed from her body.

"What's wrong with this? I'm the rule. If I say it's okay, it's okay." Levi smiled.

Levi held Raphtalia's hand and said, "The most important thing now is to take you to dinner first, then change you into new clothes, and let you take a bath..."

Raphtalia nodded mechanically. After her parents were killed in the wave, she lived a homeless life, and was later trafficked by human traffickers. Her first owner was a military noble who liked to whip people. When she was beaten Half dead and covered in blood, he was thrown out of the manor with his other companions. The other companions all died of their injuries, and she was the only one who survived. However, before she could run far, she was captured by the slave team and bought by a slave trader.

It can be said that after her parents left, she did not live a good life. She originally thought that after being bought, she would live a hellish life again, but the new owner, Levi, was very kind to her.

"Master, thank you." Raphtalia said softly.

"Don't call me Master. My name is Levi. You can call me by my first name. If you are not used to it, you can call me Sir. But you are not allowed to call me Master. You are not inferior." Levi smiled.

Regarding Raphtalia, Levi felt more like an old father, so he was prepared to raise Raphtalia like a daughter.

The slave merchant looked at the retreating figures of Levi and Raphtalia with a strange expression. 4. He whispered: "This is really a strange customer. The slaves he bought are as gentle as treating his family. The two of them I don’t think I know it personally. Huh? Why would I be curious about this kind of thing? Is it because I haven’t had a good rest these days?”

After leaving the slave merchant camp, Levi took Raphtalia to the bustling business district. Raphtalia seemed a little timid and held Levi's hand tightly. From time to time on the street, she could Saw a demihuman slave wearing a collar.

Not far away, a slave master whipped his demi-human slave who was working. The demi-human slave was not lazy, but the slave master still laughed and waved the whip fiercely, seeming to enjoy the painful expression of the demi-human slave. .

Chapter 4. Discrimination

Levi saw Raphtalia staring directly at the beaten demihuman slave and said, "Do you feel angry?"

Raphtalia shook her head. She just felt sad in her heart and did not dare to be angry at all. Although she was also a citizen of the kingdom, she was a citizen of the Demihuman Dominion. The Demihuman Dominion itself was an Asian that was discriminated against by humans. The last place for people to stay, this country is quite unfriendly to Asians, and she knows this very well.

There is a country on the mainland where the demihumans are the masters, but it is too far away from here. Some of the people in the demihuman dominion want to go there, but after leaving the dominion, it is easy to be intercepted by bandits or slave-catching teams on the way. And because of being discriminated against, I couldn't get any supplies along the way.

The kingdom's discrimination against demi-humans goes so far that it directly writes "Demi-humans and dogs are not allowed" on various occasions. In the kingdom, demi-humans are not qualified to enter restaurants to eat. Even if they are given money, they can only buy a pile of low-quality food and find a safe place to eat by themselves.

The discrimination against demi-humans is something engraved in the bones of this kingdom, so Raphtalia no longer even thinks about being angry, because anger has no effect and will only cause trouble for herself.

Levi gently touched her head and said, "You can express your inner emotions to me, whether it's sad or angry, you can talk to me."

Raphtalia whispered: "Because we are demi-humans, it is normal to be discriminated against in this kingdom, because this is a country of humans, not a country of demi-humans. What we can do is to be patient. .”

After experiencing various hardships, Raphtalia has an inner maturity that does not match her age. She knows that this world is very cruel. If she does not have the ability to change this world, the only thing she can do is to learn how to integrate into it. world.

Levi didn't say anything. After all, in this kind of thing, the butt determines the head.

The two of them stopped at the door of their restaurant. Raphtalia saw the wooden sign hanging at the door, which read "Demihumans and dogs are not allowed" written in Kingdom characters.

Raphtalia said: "Sir, I'll just wait here. You can go in first. Don't worry, I won't run away."

Levi took Raphtalia's hand and walked directly into the restaurant.

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