Levi said: "As I said, I am the rule, so I can do whatever I want. Asians are not allowed to enter the restaurant? This kind of thing does not make sense here."

There are various demihuman races in this world, but overall, their combat capabilities are quite low. Compared with the orcs in traditional fantasy works, they are weak. Demi-humans are existences between humans and orcs. Although the output rate of spell casters of certain races is relatively high, this still cannot cover up the problem of the relatively weak combat effectiveness of the entire race.

Respect does not come by relying on charity from others, but by fighting with your own fists and kicks. You can punch away to avoid hundreds of punches. Demi-humans just can't use their own advantages, so they are discriminated against in the kingdom. If demi-humans are quite capable of fighting, who would dare to openly discriminate against demi-humans like this?

Precisely because he knew this, Levi didn't intend to say anything, because the demi-human himself was too stretched, just a pile of mud that couldn't support the wall. Raphtalia was a special case of the body.

Raphtalia was able to achieve relatively strong strength in the original plot, and could even compete with brave men from other worlds in a short period of time. It relied on the experience, attributes, and skill increases brought by the brave men. Ordinary demi-humans can even vomit blood after training. , fighting monsters with instinct, there is no way to achieve the strength of Raphtalia in the original plot.

The two people entered the restaurant. Most of the guests in the restaurant turned their attention to this strange pair. Li Wei had black eyes and looked like someone from a foreign country. Although his appearance was very different from that of the locals in the kingdom, But still majestic. But when everyone looked at Raphtalia, their eyes could not contain their contempt, piercing Raphtalia like a sharp knife.

Raphtalia held Levi's hand tightly and moved behind Levi. Levi patted her head gently and led her forward, finding an empty table and sitting down.

Just after the two of them sat down, a few young people who looked arrogant came over.

A young man with a scar on his face stepped on the bench next to Li Wei, with a joking smile on his face, and said, "outsider, haven't you heard of the saying: When in the country, do as the Romans do?"

Levi raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "I have heard this sentence before, but I didn't do anything excessive."

The young man brought his face close to Levi and said: "This is a place where demi-humans are not allowed to enter. This is a place for people to eat. What do you mean by bringing beasts in? We don't want to eat with beasts. Do you think so?" ah!"

The young man's words made the restaurant boil with excitement, and all kinds of obscene words were thrown at Levi and Raphtalia.

"You bastard with big ears on your head, get out of here! This is no place for a beast like you!"

"Death to foreigners who don't understand the rules! Go back to your hometown! Glomark doesn't welcome you trash!"

"Kick these two bastards out. Just seeing their faces makes me so sick that I can't eat!" The person who said this was a young girl. She made a vomiting motion, which attracted other young people around her. Laughed.

Levi sighed and said, "That's why I don't like this place. There are too many idiots with no brains."

Upon hearing Li Wei's words, the scar-faced young man picked up the bench next to him and hit Li Wei on the head.

Seeing this scene, Raphtalia jumped up quickly, supporting Levi with both hands, trying to push him away. At the same time, she closed her eyes and used her back to protect Levi.

Chapter 4. Asians and Foreigners

Raphtalia closed her eyes tightly, but the expected pain did not fall on his back. She opened her eyes in confusion and found that Levi's hand was firmly supporting the opponent's hit. On the bench, the young man with the scarred face looked ferocious, but he could not move the bench at all.

Levi said with a smile: "I have a certain understanding of the hospitality of this place."

"Let go! I told you to let go!" The scar-faced young man yelled angrily.

Many people in the restaurant looked at Levi unkindly, and everyone was gearing up.

Levi pushed gently, and the bench in the young man's hand fell down, firmly fixed on the ground without making the slightest sound.

At this moment, several soldiers wearing standard half-body armor and carrying long swords walked in. The bearded captain looked at the situation and saw Levi and Raphtalia.

The bearded captain couldn't hide his contempt and said: "Outlander, didn't you see what was written on the sign at the door? It was still talking about the kingdom that you don't know."

A young girl not far away smiled and said: "I think he doesn't know the writing here, maybe he is still illiterate."

Hearing the young girl's words, the whole restaurant burst into laughter. Everyone looked here as if they were laughing. Li Wei felt like he was like Kong Yiji in Mr.'s novel, becoming the object of ridicule by these local residents.

Facing the aggressive bearded captain, Levi said unhurriedly: "Do you think you are nobler than others?"

The bearded captain heard this question and laughed loudly: "Isn't this a normal thing? Even children know that those demi-humans are beasts with fur and armor, and we humans are the noblest ones on the continent. The existence of those demi-humans is more like beasts than humans..."

Levi himself had no favorable impression of this country that believed in the Three Brave Sect, and the attitude of the local residents towards Asians and outsiders made him sigh in his heart. The original protagonist Naofumi Iwatani was really aggrieved sometimes.

The bearded captain said: "Although you are not a resident of the kingdom, you are still a member of the human race. You are willing to degenerate and live with demi-humans. Is this decent?"

Levi smiled and said, "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

The bearded captain said: "Of course, if you come in alone, although we don't welcome outsiders here, we won't kick you out. But if you bring in demi-humans, your nature will change. No one will Love sitting at the table with animals.”

Levi gently touched Raphtalia's head. At this time, the little girl was targeted by everyone's malice. The malice that had almost condensed into substance made her body tremble.

Raphtalia grabbed Levi's clothes tightly, and only in this way could the fear in her heart be relieved.

Levi sighed and said, "I've lost my appetite because of you guys. If that's the case, then I'll ask you to die."

Levi snapped his fingers, and the scar-faced young man's head was like an inflated balloon. Due to the expansion of his head, his skin began to tighten, and this also made him feel endless pain.

"It hurts! Save me!" The scarred young man wailed sadly, but this terrifying scene made his companions not dare to approach him rashly, but kept distance.

Seeing this scene, the bearded captain pulled out the long sword from his waist, pointed the sword at Levi, and said loudly: "What have you done, damn foreign wizard!"

Levi smiled and said: "I just got rid of a piece of garbage that was full of malice towards me, and none of you here can run away. Didn't you laugh very happily just now? Everyone continues to laugh, in the last time of your life ,cheer up."

Out of fear, some diners rushed out towards the door of the restaurant, but right at the door, they hit an invisible barrier, and the huge reaction force knocked them to the ground.

Levi smiled and said, "Don't think about escaping. Not all of the people in this restaurant can leave today."

Levi covered Raphtalia's eyes and said, "I will temporarily close your perception of the outside world. The current scene is not good for children."

Raphtalia nodded, and then she noticed the change in the scenery in front of her. She walked into a huge garden. The bright sunshine and the lush landscape of flowers and plants made her feel that her whole body relaxed. .

When Raphtalia's perception of the outside world was deceived by the illusion, the restaurant was already a scene like hell. Everyone, regardless of gender, old or young, had their heads inflated like inflated balloons.

There was a crackling sound like a bursting balloon, and everyone in the restaurant exploded after swelling to the limit. The pungent smell of blood filled the entire space, and body parts left behind after the human body exploded were everywhere.

Levi took Raphtalia and teleported to the alley behind the restaurant, and then he lifted Raphtalia's sensory shield.

After returning to the real world from the beautiful garden fantasy, Raphtalia was still a little bit unable to recover. She saw that she and Levi were in an alley, and asked curiously: "々. Sir, we have already Have you left there and been punished?”

Levi nodded and smiled: "Well, we have left there, and all those who laughed at you have received the punishment they deserve."

Li Wei also wanted to complain in his heart. This kingdom that believed in the Three Brave Sect made no attempt to cover up its discrimination against Asians and outsiders. In the restaurant just now, Levi found that everyone had a bad attitude towards Asians and foreigners. When those arrogant young people came to trouble Levi and Raphtalia, everyone was The expression on the face is gloating, no matter men, women, old or young.

Levi said: "Since we can't find a place to eat outside, let's go back first. Then we will change your clothes and let you have a good meal. But you are not suitable for eating too greasy food now. , I will prepare suitable nutritious meals for you."

Levi only felt full of malice from the Merromager Kingdom. He originally thought that the kingdom would only discriminate against demi-humans, but he didn't expect that even outsiders would be affected. This left him without even the last trace of sympathy in his heart. Already.

Chapter 44. Loopholes in the shield

Levi took Raphtalia and teleported back to the palace. The scenery in front of her changed again. Raphtalia was afraid and grabbed Levi's clothes tightly, trying to hide behind Levi. She saw the palace lady not far away and hid quickly.

Levi smiled and said: "Anxin, you are safe here."

Levi took Raphtalia back to the door of his room, and the maids on both sides bowed slightly. After entering the room and looking at the magnificent interior decoration, Raphtalia was a little reserved. She looked out of place here in coarse linen clothes.

Levi smiled and said, "Don't be afraid. During this period, you and I will live here. As for the bathroom, it's over there. You can take a bath first. I'll prepare a change of clothes for you."

"Yeah, okay." Raphtalia seemed very uncomfortable in a strange environment, but as long as Levi was here, she wasn't so scared. In the restaurant before, Levi protected her from everyone's ridicule and hostility, which made her feel grateful.

In this kingdom where demi-humans have extremely low status, everyone is hostile to demi-humans. Levi is like Wang Qing in the mire, letting her know that there are still people who care about her.

When Raphtalia entered the bathroom, Levi snapped his fingers, and a set of exquisite clothes that fit Raphtalia's figure appeared in front of him. Levi put the clothes at the door of the bathroom, and then left. there.

The room arranged by Otto Cre was transformed by Levi into a structure like a modern room, with various functional areas perfectly divided. Now he entered the study and began to study the shield in his hand.

According to the system's judgment, this shield has a blue quality rating, which is of superior blue quality, but there is still a certain gap between it and the purple rating.

This shield has a variety of functions, and its own defensive capabilities are just that in Levi's opinion. It can be rated highly because of its diverse functions.

This shield has functions such as self-healing, superimposing body defense, absorbing monster materials to grow, replicating other shield attributes and abilities, and positioning and teleportation. In Levi's opinion, it feels like a magic weapon.

With this special shield, even an ordinary person without any foundation can grow as long as he is willing to fight monsters. However, this shield has a limitation, that is, the person holding the shield cannot use weapons.

Levi thought for a while, and after snapping his fingers, a huge hammer appeared in mid-air in front of him. The hammer was quite simple. If you were a person in modern society, you could tell with your eyes that this thing was used to smash walls. Sledgehammer.

The weapons of the Four Holy Warriors will exclude the user from using other weapons, and Levi has also found this rule at the core of the shield. Now, he is trying to find the bottom line of the shield rules. If there is a loophole, he will exploit it. If there is no loophole, he will exploit it. If so, just modify the core rules of the shield directly.

Just because others can't do such a thing doesn't mean that he can't do it. Although the Four Sacred Weapons are the ring of the planet's self-defense mechanism, they are also "creations" themselves. As long as they are creations, there is the possibility of modification.

Levi picked up the sledgehammer and found that the shield had no resistance to the sledgehammer. He swung it a few times and there was no problem at all.

The sledgehammer in Levi's hand continued to deform. Under the influence of the ability to manipulate matter, the size of the sledgehammer gradually increased, its shape became more exaggerated, and its appearance became more and more gorgeous.

The hammer became more and more exaggerated, with spikes and other attachments appearing on the surface, but this still did not touch the bottom line of the shield. Until Levi began to "enchant" the hammer, a sudden electric current appeared and wrapped around Levi's hand holding the hammer. , but this level of electric shock is like scratching an itch for Levi.

"In other words, as long as they are not enchanted, weapons like hammers can be considered tools." Levi whispered to himself.

The hammer continued to change. After the enchantment was removed, it turned into a giant axe. This also had no mechanism to touch the shield. The giant ax changed again and turned into a huge metal rod. Just add some spikes to this metal rod. It's the mace.

"Well...as a crafts enthusiast, it is very reasonable for me to carry a hammer with me. And I also like cutting wood, so it is normal to bring a wood cutting ax. In addition, I am also a person who likes cooking, so bringing a rolling pin , Not too much, right?" Levi said to himself with a smile on his face.

After figuring out the bottom line of the shield, Levi knew something, that is, things that can be judged as tools can bypass the restrictions of the shield, and there is no need for him to modify the internal logic of the shield.

In the anime, the first weapon that the original protagonist Naofumi Iwatani tried was a sword, and then he was electrocuted by Professor Yang's kiss. In fact, if he tried more and tried weapons such as axes and hammers, the start would not be so difficult. .

However, whether it is a hammer, an axe, or a mace, they are all typical heavy weapons, and their use consumes a lot of physical strength. Naofumi Iwatani, who is still a novice, cannot use these weapons before raising his level. Good use of heavy weapons.

The shield on Levi's arm began to deform, turning into a gorgeous large square shield with a golden face. Its overall structure was similar to the large shield from the ancient Roman period. Of course, those who play League of Legends are also quite familiar with this kind of shield. The game "The Power of the Freljord" Braum uses such a large shield.

Neither Bron nor Naofumi Iwatani can use weapons other than shields. However, Bron is born with supernatural power and can easily pull a big tree out of the ground, smash granite with his fists, and can destroy an entire mountain with just his hands. Drill a tunnel, and even engage in a tug-of-war with the dragon, dragging it into a state of embarrassment.

With such power, fists are Braum's best weapons, so it is normal for Braum not to need weapons. However, Naofumi Iwatani, who was just an ordinary person at the beginning, did not have such physical fitness. Without teammates, he would not be able to grow at all. stand up.

The giant mallet in Levi's hand turned into a gorgeous golden hammer. With a compassionate expression on his face, he said: "May the Holy Light be with you... No, I can't pretend anymore. Compared to the Paladin, The Death Knight is more suitable for me."

Levi felt that his dirty heart was just a simulation of the Paladin's skin. It was unrealistic to perfectly replicate the power of the Holy Light given his nature.

Chapter 4. Beast Ear Girl

In the bathroom, Raphtalia studied everything curiously. Having grown up in a village, she was very curious when she saw the modern shower system from Earth.

A piece of knowledge suddenly appeared in her mind, which taught her how to use these novel gadgets. After playing with it for a while, she speeded up, but because she hadn't taken a shower for a long time, she had stains on her body. There is a thick layer of dirt on it, and it takes quite a while to clean it off.

Recalling the time when Levi protected her just now, Raphtalia felt warm in her heart. Since she lost her parents and left the village, her life has been wandering, and life is worse than death. But now, except for her deceased parents, Besides, there is someone who cares about her.

The feeling of warmth brought by the hot shower on the body is far inferior to the warmth inside.

After spending almost half an hour, Raphtalia walked from the bathroom into the external compartment. She saw her old and worn clothes neatly folded and put aside. On the other side, there is a brand new set of exquisite clothes.

The knowledge in her mind allowed her to put on this suit of clothes easily. Although she didn't know where this knowledge came from, it at least solved the problem she was facing now.

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