Kato Megumi nodded and thought to himself, myopia is indeed inconvenient, but it is indeed more convenient to wear swimming goggles. Not everyone is used to opening their eyes underwater, and opening their eyes underwater also has certain effects on the eyes. People who have been diving for a long time are relatively aware of the negative effects in this area.

"Don't swim too deep. It's best to bring a swimming ring with you," Levi said.

The hotel staff has prepared a very complete set of things. Not only is each person given a swimming ring, but there are also two surfboards.

"I know, I suddenly discovered that Li Weijun, you have the potential of a mother." Ying Lili picked up a swimming ring and put it around her waist. Although she had some experience in swimming, this was Li Wei's concern after all. , she won’t be ignorant.

Moreover, swimming in the sea is different from swimming in a swimming pool. The water in the swimming pool is relatively calm. The waves of the sea water are churning. If you encounter a whirlpool, you can easily be dragged down. Therefore, with a swimming ring, even if you really encounter a situation, you can buy yourself more reaction time.

"Bring your swimming rings with you, don't let me worry. This short trip is organized by me, so I have the obligation and responsibility to bring you all back together," Levi said.

"I know." Kasumigaoka Shiyu smiled. Although Li Wei was a little verbose at this time, she didn't hate the feeling of being worried, because the person who cared about her was Li Wei.

Levi nodded with satisfaction as he watched the three girls put swimming rings on their waists obediently.

At the same time, he also expanded his perception ability. The limit distance of several hundred meters was enough for him to ensure the safety of the three girls. Even if it was true, he would be able to respond in time to any unexpected situation. react.

Chapter 70. Shark attack

Li Wei's perception range is extremely wide, and it is precisely because of this that when Kasumigaoka Shiyu and others were swimming in the sea, he was able to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

"Tsk... the world of the second dimension is indeed wonderful. On the entire beach, apart from the elderly people, there are really not a few crooked melons and cracked dates." Levi sighed.

This world is not without people with relatively low looks, but the people with low looks in this world are at least above the level of ordinary people in the real world. If there really is such an existence as the "God of Beauty", then Li Wei could only sigh that the other party definitely favored people from this world.

Just when Levi was sighing at the specialness of this world, and at the same time his eyes under his sunglasses kept scanning the beach, two uninvited guests suddenly appeared in his perception.

"Shark? This size, it should be a tiger shark... No matter what kind of shark it is, it must be cleaned up if it is close to humans." Levi stood up, took out a large surfboard inserted next to the lounge chair, and quickly headed towards the sea Run.

As an extraordinary being, Levi's running speed was far beyond what ordinary people could match, but now that there were too many people around him, he had to suppress his speed to about the human limit to avoid attracting unnecessary attention.

Sharks swim very fast in the sea. To them, a distance of several hundred meters is like running fifty meters for a human. It won't take long for them to reach the waters where tourists swim.

Tiger sharks are among the top ten most aggressive among all sharks. Although they are not as big as great white sharks, they are more professional and ruthless than great white sharks in attacking swimmers in the sea.

Entering the sea, Levi placed the surfboard under his body and swung his legs rapidly, pushing him forward quickly like a propeller. However, the two tiger sharks were getting closer and closer to the waters where the swimmers were. Levi could not control the life and death of the other swimmers. All he could do was to take the three girls away from the dangerous waters and return to the beach as quickly as possible. superior.

Swimming waters like this are usually equipped with anti-shark nets, but now two huge tiger sharks swam in. It seemed that there must be something wrong with the anti-shark nets.

But now Levi can't care so much. His only thought is to take the three girls out of danger.

Li Wei quickly came to Kasumigaoka Shiyu and others.

"Hurry up and leave with me, a shark is coming." Levi stopped beside the three of them.

"Shark? Isn't there an anti-shark net here? Why do sharks sneak in?" Ying Lili said with some confusion.

"I don't know about this kind of thing, but two sharks slipped in here. It's best to return to the beach quickly. Safety first." Levi said with a serious expression.

At this moment, a sharp scream came from not far away. Some swimmers had discovered the shark approaching them. They paddled desperately to get away from the shark, but how could humans swim faster than sharks in the sea? Go faster, their struggles are in vain.

Seeing the huge triangular fin rising from the water, the three girls were stunned. Levi yelled: "Everyone, grab the surfboards. No more swimming rings. I will take you back to swim."

The three girls who were awakened by Levi's roar did not dare to delay. They twisted their bodies and escaped into the water, taking off their swimming rings. Yingli, who was wearing swimming goggles, also saw that she was attacking other swimmers. She was so frightened by this scene that she almost drowned if Levi hadn't grabbed her hand and pulled her up.

"The shark is biting!" Yinglili's voice trembled as she emerged from the water.

"I know, I can't control so much about other people. I just want you to be safe." Levi lifted Yinglili's waist with one hand and put her on the surfboard.

At this moment, Levi was really grateful that the surfboard prepared by the hotel was big enough. It is no problem for two people to lie on such a large surfboard. If you squeeze it in, three people can also do it. The three girls are not very big, so they can lie down and surf. The board wasn’t particularly crowded.

After putting Kasumigaoka Shiu and Kato Megumi on the surfboard, Levi grabbed the back edge of the surfboard with both hands and quickly fluttered his legs, bursting out with strength far beyond ordinary people. Although the speed could not keep up with real fish, it was still faster. It swims much faster than normal people.

A layer of red appeared on the sea surface. As Levi sensed it, one of the tiger sharks bit a male swimmer's right leg, and then rolled hard. The male swimmer could not resist at all, and was directly killed by the tiger shark. Dragged under the water.

Levi knew that the male swimmer was hopeless. Even if he was not bitten to death by the tiger shark, he could drown just by choking on the water.

The other shark had already smelled the smell of blood and started to swim towards this side. Levi didn't want to fight with such a behemoth in the sea. Although he could guarantee that he would not lose, it would expose his extraordinary ability in such a place. , purely to make himself uncomfortable, so after taking the three girls with him, he directly left the shark-biting waters.

Even Kato Megumi was frightened and confused at this time. She listened to the piercing screams coming from behind, and her whole body kept shaking.

The same goes for Eiri Riri and Kasumigaoka Shiyu. Neither of them dared to look back.

Levi said: "We are out of dangerous waters and are ready to land. We are about to reach the wave area. Be careful not to be hit by sand and gravel."

Levi pushed the surfboard and ran aground in the surf area. He pulled the three girls up and the four of them walked towards the beach.

Ying Lili turned around and saw that several speedboats from the sea rescue team had arrived at the waters where the sharks were biting, but they arrived a little late. One of the sharks had disappeared, while the other shark jumped out of the water and hit hard. It collided with a speedboat and almost overturned the speedboat. The sea turned into a mess, and a large number of people gathered on the beach to watch the excitement.

"Is everyone okay?" Levi said.

The three girls who had regained consciousness hugged Levi tightly. Levi could feel their fear. This experience of being face-to-face with sharks at close range is enough to leave a lifelong shadow for those who are not brave enough. .

"I'm so scared. Fortunately, Li Weijun, you came in time. If it weren't for you, we would probably be in danger now." Ying Lili hugged Li Wei's strong waist tightly and refused to let go.

Kasumigaoka Shiu and Kato Megumi did the same and grabbed both Levi's arms. In front of sharks, wealth and status have no meaning. Sharks will not care about these. They will only bite you, drag you into the water, tear you to pieces, and drown you.

Such an experience was terrifying enough to cause psychological shadow to the three young girls.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm here. As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you." Levi said.

When he went to the beach to play, there was a shark attack. Levi felt that this trip was really unlucky, and his original good mood was ruined.

Chapter 71. I want it all

In the event of a shark attack on humans, the situation was quickly brought under control. Two tiger sharks entered the swimming waters through the damaged opening of the anti-shark net. After causing two deaths and one person being seriously injured, the water rescue team was rushed in urgently. Kill with a spear gun.

The two tiger sharks were finally dragged to the beach. The ambulance that arrived put the unfortunate guy who was seriously injured by the tiger shark into the car and left the seaside. The beach was also pulled up by the security personnel who followed closely. In the cordoned off zone, tourists playing on the beach could only look at the carcasses of two tiger sharks from a distance.

Of the two tiger sharks, one reached six meters in length and was as tall as a two-story building when stretched straight, while the other was smaller, only over three meters in length.

The body surfaces of both tiger sharks are covered with various speargun spines.

After the barbed speargun stabbed into the body of the tiger shark, the water rescue team members tied the rope to the boat. With the power of the speedboat and the combined efforts of everyone, they dragged the two sharks to the beach.

After Li Wei and others simply wiped their bodies dry, they directly put a layer of gauze on their bodies.

"If a swimmer encounters such a monster, there is no possibility of survival." At this time, Kato Megumi's condition was much better, at least on the surface it seemed so. But Levi could see that her hands were still shaking slightly, and it seemed that the experience just now was still affecting her.

Yinglili is still holding Li Wei's arm tightly, with a frightened expression on her face.

Ying Lili said: "I will never swim in the sea again in this life. It should be said that I will never swim again."

Because she was wearing swimming goggles, Yinglili saw the shark attack the swimmer very clearly.

It is precisely because of this that that scene left an indelible psychological shadow on her. Now, she dare not go into the water at all, let alone swim. Her current fear of water only makes her soak in a bathtub. , any wider water area will awaken in her the terrifying image of sharks attacking swimmers.

"I'll call someone from the hotel to pack our things, and we'll go back in a while," Levi said.

Ying Lili nodded. The reason why she is so clinging to Li Wei now is because Li Wei appeared in time before and saved them from the shark attack.

Under such circumstances, Levi still dared to bring a surfboard to rescue them. Such courage is not something ordinary people can possess, and this also shows Levi's reliability.

Coupled with the impact of the previous fear, the current Levi is a psychological life-saving straw for Yinglili. Once she grabs it, she dare not let go.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu's condition is better, and she no longer shows obvious fear.

"Are those people trying to pull the shark away?" Kasumigaoka Shiyu saw a truck driving onto the beach. A group of uniformed people used various tools to lift two sharks into the truck.

"This kind of thing has nothing to do with us." Levi said.

The Neon Man hunts whales and makes himself disgusted by gods and ghosts. However, even if a creature like a shark is hunted, ordinary people will only feel it is a pity and will not have much sympathy for it, because sharks often appear Incidents of shark attacks on humans have made most people dislike sharks.

Especially Levi, who had experienced it personally, didn't have a good impression of sharks. If he hadn't had extraordinary power and rushed to the three girls in time, maybe all three girls would have died.

Sharks are an important part of the marine ecosystem. Although Levi will not deliberately hunt sharks, if a shark offends him, he will kill him without hesitation.

As for the hotel, the "maids" were very efficient. Less than ten minutes after Levi made the call, they were already here.

After asking the hotel staff to pack up the various things on the beach, Levi and others returned to the hotel first.

After the shark was transported away, the crowd of onlookers on the beach still didn't disperse for a long time. Levi turned back, glanced at the people on the beach from a distance, and sighed in his heart, as expected, the existence of melon-eating people, no matter which country they are in, It exists in large numbers.

It is estimated that the shark attack will still make the news. After all, two people were killed and one was seriously injured. This kind of vicious incident is enough to cause a sensation on the Internet.

We returned to the hotel and took the elevator back to the floor where the suite was located. It was still some time before lunch.

"Eiriri, senior sister, Hui. You guys should take a shower first and change into comfortable clothes." Levi said.

Under Levi's slightly surprised gaze, the three girls walked directly into the bathroom.

"Uh? Senior sister, don't you go back to your room? The bathroom here is made of low-grade frosted material, and I can see it from the outside." Levi said helplessly. Although he was not a good person, he didn't want to take advantage of it. Human danger.

"So what? You saved my life anyway. No matter what you want to do to me, I won't resist." Kasumigaoka Shiyu cast a wink at Levi.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu's inner feelings are quite intense. She originally had a special affection for Li Wei. This life-saving grace made her sure that Li Wei is a reliable person who can be trusted with her whole life. It is precisely because of this, She no longer hides her inner feelings.

"Huh? What are you talking about, you fat dinosaur! Isn't it just that the two lumps of meat are heavier? You are seducing Li Weijun here, you are such a vixen!" Ying Lili instantly became furious.

"Ho? I like Li Weijun, Yinglili, do you have any opinions?" Kasumigaoka Shiyu said calmly.

After all, Kasumigaoka Shiu is a person who relies on words, and her language skills are far stronger than Eiri's. A sentence that goes straight to the core chokes Eiri's head.

Ying Lili's face turned red from suppressing it, like a volcano about to erupt, and she finally said in a loud voice: "Because I also like Li Weijun!"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu's expression became serious, as if facing a formidable enemy: "I didn't expect you to have such courage, but I underestimated you. However, doesn't this kind of thing depend on Li Weijun?"

Kato Megumi, who was watching the excitement from the sidelines, was envious in her heart. She was still a step too slow and failed to say that sentence earlier to Eri Riri and Kasumigaoka Shiu. Now, she wanted to hear how Levi would answer. After all, this kind of thing was very complicated. If she also joined the battle, the situation would be even more chaotic.

Levi took a deep breath and his expression became serious: "Do you really want to know the answer?"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Eiri nodded.

Levi said: "When I do multiple-choice questions, I always treat single-choice questions as multiple-choice questions. I mean, I want them all!"

Kasumigaoka Shiu and Eiri felt as if a big bell was ringing in their minds. Levi's answer was beyond their expectations.

Megumi Kato said expressionlessly: "The scumbag has made an incredible scumbag declaration."

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