Chapter 72. Megumi Kato’s turn

"Don't just call me a scumbag. Aren't you curious why I made such a choice?" Levi looked helpless.

"Do you need to listen to the scumbag's sophistry?" Megumi Kato tilted his head slightly, looking confused.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Eirili stared at Li Wei tightly, as if they were going to rush in and bite him if Li Wei didn't give him an explanation.

"Hui, a scumbag is the kind of person who doesn't recognize anyone when he puts on his pants, who just wants to have fun but doesn't want to take responsibility. He also likes the new and hates the old, and doesn't respect his partner's existence. I don't touch any of the above, okay?" Li Wei said.

"But how do you explain it, scumbag-kun?" Megumi Kato said in the same soft tone.

But Li Wei could tell that she was very serious now. If she couldn't come up with an argument that could convince them, it would probably be quite awkward to get along with them in the future. But Li Wei didn't panic, because until now, he had always occupied Focus on psychological advantages.

Levi's psychological advantage is very simple. To put it bluntly, he will not give up the entire forest for a few trees. It is true that he likes three girls very much, but he will not give up the Crystal Palace because of three girls.

After all, he is not an ordinary person, so why should he abide by ordinary people's rules. Whoever stipulates that extraordinary people must abide by ordinary monogamy.

Even Wu Zetian in ancient times had her own "reverse harem". What an ordinary mortal emperor could do, as a cultivator who transcended mortals, couldn't he do it?

Levi said: "Because I have difficulty choosing, and I am not riding on two boats, but on three boats. Hui, you must be counted among them."

"Eh? Why do I have to be counted among them?" Kato Megumi showed a surprised expression. For her, whose expression has never fluctuated much, this is already a very exaggerated expression. If it were placed on Eiri, it would probably be Just flip the table over.

"Because I also like you, just like I like senior and Yinglili." Levi spread his hands, looking like a rogue.

"You're so cunning, you scumbag." Kato Megumi said softly, but now her cheeks were a little red and she felt a little conflicted inside.

Li Wei looked at the three girls and said: "I like you, but if I have to choose one person from the three of you, I will not choose anyone. The reason is also very simple. Choosing one person is the greatest for the other two. Hurt. Instead of doing this, it’s better not to choose any of them, and it’s best to have as little contact as possible in the future, so that at least we can still be friends in the future.”

Seeing Li Wei's serious expression, Eiri swallowed. Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who was sitting on the sofa, quickly shook one foot to the ground, which showed that she was very irritable at this time.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu felt a little panicked. The current situation was beyond her expectation and control, and was slipping towards the unknown abyss. What surprised her the most was that Levi would rather choose no one than hurt all of them, but she felt that not choosing anyone would actually hurt them all, but not as strongly as the former.

But even so, Kasumigaoka Shiyu still found it difficult to accept, why not choose her? !

As everyone knows, Yinglili on the side was already panicking inside at this time, but because of the excessive shock, she gave people a calm feeling.

"I can't accept it." Kasumigaoka Shiyu was the first to break the almost solid atmosphere.

Megumi Kato on the side said: "Even if it is unacceptable, so what? Li Weijun has already made a decision."

At this time, Kato Megumi's name for Levi changed from "Scumbag-kun" back to "Levi-kun". Like Kasumigaoka Shiyu, she can understand Li Wei's approach, but understanding is one thing, and whether she can accept it is another.

As a person who seems to others to have no desires or demands, Kato Megumi's inner emotions are actually richer and more sensitive than ordinary people. She could realize that Levi was not joking with them.

"Why is this happening?" Yinglili wailed in her heart. She finally met the person she liked, but the result was like this. If she wasn't careful, it would end in a mess. The cruel reality shattered all the beautiful fantasies in her heart.

Li Wei saw that the atmosphere he had created was almost the same, and said: "It is precisely because of this that I choose to have them all. Although according to the current law, my approach can be sent directly, but I will not I regret the choices I made, and I have the ability to take responsibility for my choices to the end. I will take each of you seriously, just like the words in that anime, you are all my wings."

Kato Megumi looked at Levi. She didn't have the same psychological burden as Kasumigaoka Shiu and Eiri. It should be said that this was a rare advantage for her being "inconspicuous". For her, Levi's choice was just a step back in time, returning to the ancient times when polygamy was possible.

Before the Meiji Restoration, among the powerful lords and wealthy businessmen in Neon, who didn’t have three wives and four concubines? This is not just about keeping the red flag at home and colorful flags flying outside, but the true meaning of allowing multiple wives to coexist peacefully.

Moreover, Neon is a country established without purging the remnants of feudal forces. Even in modern times, those wealthy businessmen and even some congressmen have more than one wife.

Many things don't exist if ordinary people don't know about them, but Megumi Kato, who knows these things, has already made a decision in his heart.

"I can accept it." Kato Megumi smiled.

Kasumigaoka Shiu and Eiri were both struck by lightning, and their eyes when looking at Kato Megumi became a little unkind, but looking at Kato Megumi's calm smile, Kasumigaoka Shiu and Eiri were defeated, because of this At that time, Kato Megumi's aura of "big woman" was really too strong.

"Damn it! You actually ran away!" Eiri pointed her finger at Kato Megumi, trembling with anger.

"Is this considered running away? I just made my own choice like Li Weijun. Just like Li Weijun didn't force us to accept his ideas, I don't force you to accept mine." Kato Megumi smiled road.

Kato Megumi's words left Eirili speechless. Although Kato Megumi didn't usually talk much, every word she said had its own purpose, was simple and went straight to the point.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu took a deep breath, forced herself to calm down, and said: "If you back down here, the winner will be you. I will not admit defeat, so I will not quit!"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu will not give up just like that. She is a strong person herself, and she is extremely compatible with Li Wei. She feels that she and Li Wei are like complementary Tai Chi yin and yang fish, sharing common interests and hobbies, as well as common interests. View.

She had such a huge advantage, but now she was beaten to the point of losing her armor by Kato Megumi. How could she be willing to accept this?

Chapter 73. Vacation is over

When Kato Megumi made her choice, Kasumigaoka Shiu responded in her own way. Although she did not directly answer Kato Megumi's question, she also made her attitude clear.

At this time, Yinglili felt quite embarrassed. After all, her family could not accept her making such a decision.

Although both Kato Megumi and Kasumigaoka Shiwa have meandering appearances, their family backgrounds are ordinary people. In comparison, there are not so many constraints. As a member of the Spencer family, although she is not directly related, But Spencer's name was always on his mind, and the Spencer family would find it difficult to accept such a thing that would bring shame to the family's honor.

Yinglili knows her current situation. She can marry an ordinary person, but she cannot "make a fool of herself" for others. This is not only her personal matter, but also related to the face of the Spencer family.

Ying Lili's expression became serious and she said: "Li Weijun, if you can withstand the pressure of the Spencer family, then I am willing to accompany you to go crazy!"

Eiriri's decision made Kasumigaoka Shiu and Kato Megumi look at her side by side.

"Is it family pressure?" Levi said. He knew Yinglili's family background and had been mentally prepared for such a thing. Moreover, he is not afraid of the Spencer family at all. After all, this world is not his home field. For him who can leave at any time, leaving an unforgettable memory for the Spencer family is not a high-cost matter. .

Yinglili nodded and said: "Even if I can accept your idea, Li Weijun, can you withstand the pressure from the Spencer family? You know, the Spencer family is a huge behemoth, even here in Neon None of the big chaebols are willing to provoke an established family like Spencer."

Levi smiled and said: "I am very confident in my abilities, and I have my trump card. When I reveal my trump card, even the Spencer family will beg me in fear."

Levi's words made the three girls a little surprised.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu said with some worry: "I know a little bit about the Spencer family. It is a behemoth whose influence spans traditional textiles, real estate, machinery manufacturing, financial securities and other industries. You can fight against it alone." Does such a thing exist?”

Yinglili swallowed. She didn't know that her family could be such a huge existence. She only knew that every time there was a banquet at home, many peers would come to praise her. Now she knows It turns out that this is not because of how good she is, but because her family is too big. Even if some profits slip through her fingers, it is enough for ordinary rich people to make a lot of money.

In addition, her father is a diplomat and one of the important members of the Spencer family. There are too many people who want to use her as a springboard to establish contact with the Spencer family.

Levi said: "No matter how huge the enterprise cluster is, it needs people to control it. What my trump card is, I can't reveal to you yet. But if possible, I don't want to use the trump card. After all, they all They are Yinglili's relatives and friends. If they suffer, Yinglili will also be sad."

For Levi, who has mastered extraordinary power, it is not a complicated matter to make someone completely disappear from the world. With his current strength, he is enough to become the best and most terrifying killer in the world.

The three girls did not continue to ask. Since Levi said there were ways to deal with possible situations, they just needed to believe Levi.

The original awkward atmosphere was gone. After clarifying the relationship, some things could be said directly. However, they still felt a little uncomfortable, but everyone was trying to get along. Even Yinglili could do it reluctantly. It’s too late to quarrel with Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

After the thrilling Saturday, everyone who had confirmed their relationship came to Sunday in a blink of an eye. Because of the shark attack yesterday, there were no more people swimming in the sea today.

Although the official has issued an announcement explaining to all tourists that the damaged anti-shark net has been repaired and the shallow sea area is now safe, but even so, no one dares to go into the water.

Because of this, the beach is quite lively, and it is foreseeable that the families of the deceased and injured will definitely file a lawsuit with the beach management, so that the people who eat melons will have melons to eat.

The group of people still went out to enjoy the sun and beach in the morning, but this time, Levi and others did not grab the best seats, so they chose a place relatively close to the hotel and asked hotel staff to place parasols and deck chairs. down.

Yinglili sat on the deck chair, looked at the seaside scenery, and said: "There is no one here today. It seems that everyone is still afraid of sharks."

"It feels like the beach is a little crowded, and it feels a little hot just looking at it." Kasumigaoka Shiu said.

After a night's rest, Kasumigaoka Shiyu has regained her former composure. Some fears can be gradually diluted with time, and she is not like Eiri, who directly witnessed the terrifying scene of a shark attacking a swimmer, so She stepped out of the shadows faster than Eiriri and Kato Megumi.

Yinglili said from the side: "How about we go to a hot spring town next time? There are no scary monsters like sharks in hot spring towns."

"But hot spring towns are usually located in the mountains, and there are wild boars in the mountains." Kato Megumi said.

Yinglili's face turned black and she said, "I don't believe my luck is so bad. You will encounter sharks when you go to the beach, and you will encounter wild boars when you go to the hot springs."

Levi looked at the chattering girls and said: "Wild boars are much easier to deal with than sharks. It should be said that I can easily deal with most of the animals on land."

"Just brag." Ying Lili looked disbelieving.

Levi just smiled without explaining. Now, he can twist an elephant into a twist just by condensing his spiritual power into an invisible hand. Unless it is as big as a blue whale, most animals, In front of him, it was no different than a rag. They were all small things that could be solved with just a twist.

Even for a big guy like the Blue Whale, it's just a matter of twisting a few more times for Levi. Of course, no one would believe him if he said such a thing, and even those who heard him would regard him as a middle-aged child.

At lunch time, the group returned to the hotel and spent the entire afternoon in the hotel. Levi played ghost cards with a few girls all afternoon. Anyway, he didn’t know what fun the game was. of. It's just that the ghost card game between a few people has a punishment mechanism. The winner of each game can order the three losers to do something. The afternoon was very long, a lot of things happened, and everyone was tortured. It's so annoying, it's like going through more than ten rounds of King's Game.

At around six o'clock in the afternoon, after Levi checked out the suite, he and a few girls took a special car prepared by Master House and returned to Tokyo. Although there were some problems with this trip to the beach, the result was good, at least for Levi.

Chapter 74. The Best Tool Man (will be on the shelves soon, please support me)

Returning to campus life, Li Wei was still as usual, fishing in class, using his multi-threaded thinking ability to code and draw in his mind, and observing An Yilun when he had nothing to do.

Li Wei was thinking wickedly in his heart, whether he should show "How to Raise a Passerby Heroine" to An Yilun when he leaves this world.

This kind of huge mental stimulation is enough to make An Yilun collapse. In this case, he can still gain a lot of points. And when it was time to leave, he would kill An Yilun with one strike and find a way to lift the souls of the people on the other side. By doing so, he might be able to earn a bigger sum of points.

Although it was a bit unethical to do so, Li Wei never thought that he was a good person, and since the target of punishment was "Lori Ye", he had no burden on his heart.

The two anime characters that Levi hates the most are Makoto Ito, who refuses to recognize people when he pulls up his pants, and Yilun Ahn, so he doesn't think it's too much to "entertain" the other party with such high standards.

During the break, An Yilun also came to Li Wei with a notebook and said with a serious expression: "Li Weijun, last week, I detailed the plan. Please take a look and see if there are any. There’s nothing that can be optimized.”

Li Wei took the notebook from An Yilunye and opened it. This time, the volume of the plan had increased considerably.

Compared with only a few core ideas at the beginning, this carefully filled plan now finally has a touch of professionalism. Although in Levi's opinion, it is still not enough to make a love game. But compared with before, it is already a significant improvement.

"An Yijun, it seems that you are doing this very seriously. Well... I need to take a closer look. I will give you the feedback during the break after the next class."

"Then I'll leave it to you, Li Weijun." An Yilun also returned to his seat with some anxiety, waiting for Li Wei's comments on his plan.

"This time it looks a bit better. This guy is improving very quickly. Although I hate him, I have to admit that An Yilun still has a certain talent. Although not much, he still has a bit of talent. ." Li Wei whispered to himself.

An Yilun can also become a big-time blogger with millions of fans. Naturally, he has his abilities, but his ability is more biased towards tasting and evaluation, and he is better at looking for the advantages in works from the perspective of a bystander. and defects.

From the perspective of a creator like now, making a work of his own is also a threshold for An Yilun. If he can cross it, he can successfully enter the world of creators. If he cannot cross it, he can successfully enter the world of creators. , then he will always be an evaluator who only appreciates other people's works.

Although the existence of critics is also necessary, people more often only remember the creator. Critics who speak harshly will be said to be criticizing others, even if they are telling the truth.

For An Yilun, this time's game production is a big opportunity. After all, not everyone is willing to spend 10 million to support his dream, that is, someone like Li Wei who has other Only people with goals will help An Yilun.

"Tsk... it's still a mess. I can only say it's a little better than before. If you don't come to my side and show it directly to Shiyu and Yinglili, they will definitely be torn into a pile of shreds." Levi shook his head. Laughter, An Yilun also has no extraordinary talent in this area.

However, Levi himself was able to complete the transformation so quickly because he had several years of experience in online novels and a considerable foundation, so he was able to complete the transformation as a light novelist so quickly. Online novels and light novels have many things in common. Yes, so the transition is not that difficult.

And An Yilun's transformation from a taster to a creator has completely spanned an entire field. It is understandable that it will be so difficult.

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