After An Yilun also survived a class, he came to Li Wei with an uneasy mood.

"An Yijun, I must admit that you have made some progress in the past few days. At least the things you write are already like that. However, it can only be said that you have reached the lowest standard that can be produced. There is no way to guarantee how many copies will be sold in the future. This plan can already be handed over to Shiyu and Yinglili for review. This time, you don’t have to worry about your plan being torn into pieces again." Li Wei said.

"Um... Li Weijun, aren't you calling senior and Ying Lili a little too affectionate?" An Yilun also said feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Is there any?" Levi looked surprised.

An Yilun also suppressed what he wanted to say. The person in front of him was a big sponsor who supported his game, so he couldn't offend him.

"At the club activities after school in the afternoon, everyone will discuss the plan together. If there are no problems, the production can start." Levi said.

Although Li Wei has not played many love games, whether it is the real world or this world, love games have actually been on the decline for a long time. Neon, a game company that specializes in making love games, has gone from its peak to There are more than 800 companies, as well as countless personal positions, which have shrunk to less than 80 official companies now. Most of the authors are personal positions that generate power with love.

With the prosperity of love games for more than ten years, a variety of themes have filled the entire market. Whether they are pure love games, bazaar games, or tauren games, works with various labels and styles have brought the entire industry into a homogeneous state. The era of involution.

In Li Wei's view, An Yilunye's plan lacks explosive plot points and can be regarded as plain water among pure love works. If more than ten years ago, players were not as picky as they are now, they would have been able to accept this. s work.

But now times have changed, and the aesthetic level has been improved by various masterpieces. It is difficult for older players to buy such a work.

Without the help of Li Wei and his harem group, An Yilun would have had the word "attack" written all over his face. If another investor saw a plan of this magnitude, he would probably withdraw his capital in a matter of minutes.

Of course, An Yilun is also the person appointed by Li Wei to increase points. Before the value is squeezed out, Li Wei will not let him go easily, so no matter how rubbish the plan is, Li Wei will find a way to use it. When this game is made, after all, it depends on An Yilun to get points.

Chapter 75. Disgust after seeing the true face

After school time, Levi and Kato Megumi left the classroom and went to the activity room.

When the two arrived at the activity club room, Kasumigaoka Shiu and Eiri hadn't arrived yet. After opening the door with the key, Levi found a seat and sat down. Kato Megumi sat next to him, looking through the pages of Levi's book. She chose light novels, and from time to time, she would write and draw in her notebook as if she had some enlightenment.

"Huh? You came earlier than me today. The activity department is obviously closer to the classroom in my classroom." Ying Lili sat directly next to Levi and watched Levi open his laptop.

"An Yijun brought the plan over today, Ying Lili, you and Shiyu will take a look at the plan later. This time, An Yijun has made considerable progress." Li Wei opened the drawing software and prepared Liver painting. After all, he had been lazy for a while while on vacation, and now he was paying off the debt.

But now it is different from the previous painting. The previous painting was to deal with customers, but now the painting is to promote his light novel. The motivation between the two is completely different. This kind of thing of working for himself, Li Wei is naturally full of motivation.

Although Yinglili wanted to get involved with Li Wei now and nestle in Li Wei's arms, she also knew the time. Li Wei was doing business now, and she would not disturb Li Wei at this time.

However, Li Wei has already 917 explained to her that he has the ability to multi-task, so talking to him while Li Wei is painting will not affect his work. Because of this, when Li Wei is working, Ying Lili You can also talk to him.

"Even if that guy has made progress, that's all. I really don't know why, my dear, you care so much about his game. Even if you really want to make a game, use the novel you are writing now as the background to make it. Isn't it good to have your own game?" Ying Lili said a little unhappy.

"The light novel I am writing now actually intends to turn it into a game, but the conditions are not mature yet. Aki-kun's game can be regarded as a practice work for me to practice my skills. This can be regarded as a game for everyone. That's what you need." Levi waved the electronic pen very fast with his hand, and kept pressing various shortcut keys on the keyboard with his other hand. His drawing speed was as fast as if it were accelerated four times.

Ying Lili supported her chin with her hands and looked at the rapidly forming pictures on the computer screen, feeling a little envious of the speed.

Megumi Kato on the side picked up the light novel he was reading and said to Levi: "(cgch) Dear, I have finished reading this set of light novels. What should I do next?"

Levi stared at the computer screen and said: "After I go back tonight, I will help you look at a laptop. Tomorrow, you will start practicing writing and submit articles directly on the 'Become a Light Novelist' website. Only actual combat can test it." Regardless of a person’s ability, there is no threshold for submitting articles on the website, so it is more suitable for you now.”

Kato Megumi nodded: "I know, I will work hard."

Megumi Kato, who has established a relationship with Levi, has already regarded herself as Levi's wife, so she will not refuse in a pretentious manner when Levi spends money to buy things for her, and laptops are important production equipment for her, and It's not for fun, so she doesn't have any psychological burden.

Li Wei felt that although he was a little carefree, he was still far from a real scumbag. After establishing a relationship with three girls and occupying their bodies, it is natural that they have to take responsibility.

As a husband, supporting the family is the most basic thing, but Levi is now different from what he used to be, and he will not have a headache because of such problems.

Levi, who still has hundreds of millions of neon dollars in his bank account, will not be short of money in a short time as long as he doesn't spend money carelessly. He has already prepared the daily expenses for the three girls.

Kasumigaoka Shiu entered the activity department room, sat down next to Kato Megumi, took out his computer and keyboard, and prepared to start today's coding work.

As a light novelist, typing is her daily life. Others have become accustomed to the crackling sound of her keyboard. Even if they are typing on the keyboard at such a close distance, Kato Megumi and Eri Riri will not say anything. , just like listening to music.

"Sister Shiyu, An Yilun will come out with the plan today. My dear, let us review it. Then you can make up your mind." Ying Lili said.

Ying Lili is not a creator who is particularly good at plotting. The books she draws are all the type that win by their painting style. They really need to delve into the plot and solve a lot of problems. However, her advantage in terms of graphics is much greater than that of other creators, so readers simply ignored the minor plot problems and directly enjoyed the ultimate visual impact brought by the fleshy painting style. In the real world, there is Suiryu Kei Rakuen, and in this world, there is Hakugi Eri Rakuen. You can imagine how famous she is in the manga circle.

Eiri also knows her own shortcomings, so she can just leave matters like this review directly to Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

It's not that Yinglili hasn't thought about making up for her shortcomings, but this kind of thing cannot be done overnight, so she is not in a hurry.

She is planning to cooperate with Kasumigaoka Shiu. She will draw, and Kasumigaoka Shiu will provide the plot. The two will collaborate on a male-oriented work. However, this matter only has an idea for the time being. When can it start, neither of them knows. clear.

"Do I have to make the decision here? Let me tell you first, I am quite strict. According to my requirements, An Yilunya's work may not pass." Kasumigaoka Shiyu put on the headphones and turned on Xiaohei House software, set the interface to white text on a black background, find the chapters that you have not finished before, and prepare to start working.

"I think so too." Ying Lili said. She had never been optimistic about An Yilun's creative abilities.

It's not that Yinglili is mean, but she also has a good understanding of An Yilun. An Yilun is only suitable to be a commentator on the sidelines, and his own story originality ability is only at the level of a junior high school student. Moreover, Eiriri has now seen through An Yilun's true face. An Yilun also lacks ability and does not have enough rewards, so he wants to trick her and Kasumigaoka Shiyu into working for him for free. This kind of bad behavior makes She was disgusted.

This kind of behavior is completely stealing the fruits of the creator's labor, and then putting his own name on it and claiming to be a "producer". After seeing this kind of thing clearly, Yinglili became more and more tired of An Yilunye's sweet words.

Talk about Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrives. An Yilun also walked into the activities department room holding a large notebook. .

Chapter 76. Detonation!

After An Yilun also walked into the activity room, he saw Li Wei and others lined up in a row. The smile on his face was a little forced and he said: "This is a bit too grand, it's like the judges are commenting on the contestants' show. ." "Even if it's a talent show, An Yi-kun, you must at least pass the audition first. I heard that your plan has been prepared, which is really hard for you." Kasumigaoka Shiyu held her chin with both hands, with a look on her face. Said calmly.

Although this was not the first time that Kasumigaoka Shiyu had bitten his tongue, An Yilun also had an ominous premonition in his heart. The scene in front of him seemed like something big was about to happen, which made him a little panicked.

An Yilun also looked at Levi surrounded by three girls, and felt a little sour in his heart. He forced himself to concentrate and not pay attention to the details. He came here today to pass his plan. An Yilun also placed the notebook in front of Kasumigaoka Shiyu, took two steps back, and said, "Senior, please taste it."

"I can't tell you about tasting, I just have a little more experience than you." Kasumigaoka Shiyu closed the laptop, opened An Yilunye's notes, placed them on top of the computer, and started browsing.

After carefully reading the plan, Kasumigaoka Shiyu felt that her life was wasted. An Yilun also superficially refined the plan, but after looking through it, you will find that the core of it is still those things , all those added are insignificant and detail settings.

After discarding all the unimportant content, this plan is no different from before.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu sighed and said, "I don't know what you are thinking. This plan is actually not much different from the previous version. Do you really want to make a game?"

"Senior, why do you say that?! I really want to make a love game that moves the players!" An Yilun also said unconsciously when he heard that his plan was rejected - improve.

When Kasumigaoka Shiyu faced An Yirunya's excitement, he still looked indifferent: "You are just touching yourself, and those newly added settings are completely copied from other people's works. They are not at all It doesn’t count as your own. This kind of suture monster cannot impress the players.”

"Sister, why do you conclude that my game plan will not impress players! I admit that this plan uses a lot of classic plots and content, but I am confident that these contents can be perfectly combined to create a A masterpiece that moves all the players!" An Yilun also said excitedly, his hands already on Kasumigaoka Shiyu's table, and his whole body was like a furious lion, full of aggression.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu crossed his arms on his chest and said calmly: "You were stabbed in a painful spot, so are you excited?"

An Yilun also noticed that his emotions were a little out of control. He took two steps back and tried his best not to look at Kasumigaoka Shiyu. He had a feeling in his heart that Kasumigaoka Shiyu had developed a dislike for him at some point. .

This made him feel baffled. If he hadn't helped recommend "Metronome of Love", Kasumigaoka Shiu would still be just a third-rate light novel writer who jumped on the street. Why would she treat him as a benefactor with such an attitude? Thinking of this , An Yilun was also extremely angry.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu seemed not to notice the change in An Yirunya, and continued: "An Yikun, you came to me before and said that you had a good idea and wanted to turn it into a game. I am I have clearly rejected your request because your idea is simply unrealistic. And even the words you just said are very disgusting in my opinion."

"Why do seniors say that to me?! Is it so fun to trample on my hard work?!" An Yilun also had a ferocious expression on his face.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu still had a calm and calm tone: "No one will take pleasure in trampling on the results of your hard work, but is this really the result of 'your' hard work? You are just imitating other people's content everywhere and making up for it." Can a strange stitched monster with four different shapes be able to fulfill the responsibilities of this position?"

An Yilun also trembled slightly because of anger. He felt that his dignity had been trampled on, but Kasumigaoka Shiyu's words made him not know how to fight back. . Asking for flowers.

Because as Kasumigaoka Shiu said, he lacks creative talent. The so-called plan is just imitating the creativity of other creators and is not his own at all.

Just like what Kasumigaoka Shiu said, his plan was an ugly stitching monster. From the beginning, he wanted to use the talents of two people for free and use their talents to lay the foundation for his dream. From the beginning , his motives are impure.

It was precisely because of this that An Yilun felt like being poked in a sore spot and was so angry.

This feeling was like being thrown into the crowd after making a mistake, and everyone knew what he had done.

0 Yinglili on the side held her chin with one hand and said: "Just like Sister Shiyu said, An Yijun, this is not 'your' work at all, you are just a parasite that lives on other creators. That’s it. As a producer who coordinates the overall situation, you lack professional qualities, and you always like to insist on your own inexplicable ideas, and you also like to treat others as fools. No one is really stupid, okay, and no one will I tolerate you again and again.”

An Yilun also clenched his fists. He didn't know what happened. In just one weekend, the two people's attitudes towards him had changed so much. Originally, the two of them were only lukewarm about his concept of the work, but now this clearly expressed disgust made it difficult for him to accept it in his heart.

Li Wei received a reminder from the system. An Yilun also suffered a major blow because of the words of Eri Sawamura and Shiu Kasumigaoka. His enthusiasm for creating games was severely damaged. He gained 1,800 points and now has 3,300 points remaining.

Li Wei said in his heart, "Good guy, Kasumigaoka Shiyu's poisonous tongue is really powerful. He immediately broke An Yilun's defense, and gained 1800 points in one breath, which was more than all the points he had obtained before combined." Even more, this is really awesome.

Li Wei's eyes changed when he looked at An Yilun. This young man is simply the best tool. He has to rely on this young man to gain points. scholar.

Chapter 77. Huge blow

Levi looked at An Yilun's chest rising and falling. He was a little afraid that An Yilun would also get angry and do something wrong. He couldn't just let him lie down like this with such a useful score-boosting tool.

Ever since, after Kasumigaoka Shiu and Eiri's white-faced singing, he, the red-faced one, had to appear. If he didn't straighten out the situation here, An Yilun would completely give up. He would be the one to lose the most, although he also had Just use various means to make up for the losses.

Li Wei said: "Okay, let's all calm down. It is true that An Yijun lacks talent as a creator, but everyone can learn. I believe that after systematic study, An Yijun can become a Qualified producer.”

Hearing Li Wei speak for him, An Yilun was also moved in his heart. There are still talented people in this world who are willing to explore his talents.

Li Wei hugged Li Wei's arm, his whole body "930" was attached to Li Wei, and said: "My dear, you always help him speak, but he can't repay you. This guy He is just a creative thief who wants to get something for nothing. After leaving other creators, he can't do anything. I really don't know why you, my dear, invested 10 million in him."

Hearing Ying Lili's name to Levi, An Yilun also felt that there was a crack somewhere in his heart. The uncomfortable feeling almost made him breathless.

An Yilun also took two steps back, grabbed a chair, and sat down reluctantly. He almost slipped to the ground. Now, all he can think about is Ying Lili's "Dear" to Li Wei.

Immediately, An Yilun's expression became more ferocious. Yinglili was a childhood sweetheart with whom he had a childhood agreement. He and Yinglili had agreed that when they grew up, he would become the president of a game production company, and Yinglili was the president of a game production company. He agreed to become a painter for his company.

Now, Yinglili betrayed him!

Kasumigaoka Shiyu on the side leaned back on the chair and said: "My dear, if you have this time to work on the kind of work that will never be born, you might as well take care of the things at hand."

Hearing the word "dear" again, An Yilun's eyes were already filled with bloodshot eyes. The beautiful senior sister he admired, the senior sister he once helped, the senior sister who once held the work and sought his guidance. Senior sister.

Just like Yinglili, she betrayed him!

An Yilun also slumped in his seat, like a loach that had its backbone removed, looking as weak as possible.

At this time, Levi received another prompt from the system. Because of the huge emotional blow, An Yilun also fell into a state of doubting life. He gained 3,000 points and had 6,300 remaining points.

Li Wei said in his heart, "Good guy, this is really the best tool man of the year. He scored 3,000 points in one breath." What Li Wei didn't expect was that Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Eirili's choice of him would have such a big blow to An Yilun, and even make him doubt his life.

An Yilun also barely supported his body and looked at Megumi Kato with expectant eyes. An Yilun had also recognized that Megumi Kato was the beautiful girl with a hanging hat that he met in Detective Slope.

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