"That might be the exit!" Baiyin jumped hard, stepped on a giant falling ceiling fragment, and with the help of the recoil and the acceleration gained from this, he shot out like a cannonball.

Facing the dense debris like a rain curtain, Baiyin's figure flashed in the air several times, avoiding a large number of falling debris, and her sister had already arrived at the exit earlier than her.

Heige grabbed Baiyin's wrist, and the two of them rushed into the white light.

On the sparsely populated street, two figures suddenly appeared. Heige and Baiyin rolled out of balance and fell onto the street, smashing the solid floor tiles into pieces.

"Huh... I survived. I was almost locked in there forever." Heige got up and wiped the cold sweat from her forehead. The scene just now was so exciting that she felt her heart was pounding. Almost jumping out of my chest.

"Baiyin, are you okay?" Heige looked over at his sister and asked with concern.

Baiyin shook her head. Her delicate face was like a doll. Normally it would be difficult for her to see changes in her expression, but now, a frightened expression could still be seen on her face.

Kuroka pulled Shirone to stand up.

The sound of the floor tiles being smashed attracted the guard demon not far away. However, the guard demon saw the special robes representing civil servants on the two people and said very politely: "You two, what happened just now? What happened here?" Did you two destroy the floor tiles?"

Heige said quickly: "I'm so sorry, I accidentally fell down just now and smashed the ground. I am a type with specialized physical body. I was promoted to a high-level demon some time ago, and I am not familiar enough with the control of my own power."

Kuroka's tone was quite polite, but the guard demon could understand the subtext of her words. She was a civil servant and a high-ranking demon, and there was the emblem of the Naberius family division on her robe. Such a being was not He can afford it.

The guard demons cast spells, and the damaged floor tiles were restored to their original appearance. Guard demons are one of the few special units that can cast spells within a limited number of cities. Tasks such as repairing buildings or arresting suspicious persons all require the power of magic. , so the guard devil has special privileges.

Heige said politely: "Thank you for your understanding. A small gift is not disrespectful."

Heige took out a box of beautifully packaged snacks from his storage space and stuffed it into the guard devil's hand.

After Heige politely sent the guard demon away, she breathed a sigh of relief. Both she and Baiyin had changed. They had gained such a powerful power in such a short period of time. She needed a certain amount of time to digest it. , and become familiar with the new abilities you have acquired.

Levi, who was hiding in the dark, smiled. He had done some research and found out that the current owner of Heige and Baiyin was the second son of the Naberius family. His current strength was still a demon, and he was still far away from being a high-level demon. There is still a long way to go. He wants to grow into a high-level demon. At the current growth rate, it will take more than two hundred years.

But now, Heige has surpassed ordinary high-level demons. Such strength is enough to stimulate the backlash of the contract.

On the other side, in the castle where Naberius separated, the current owner of Heige and Baiyin, a tall young man who looked to be about ten years old as a human, suddenly knelt on the ground with a look on his face. Painful expression.

Next to him, an old man who looked very old showed a surprised expression.

"Maha, what's wrong with you?" The old man put his shoulders on the young man's shoulders and helped him up.

"My heart hurts. I can't breathe." The young demon named Maha looked pale and was sweating constantly.

The old man placed his hand on Maha's heart, closed his eyes, and used magic power to feel the problem in Maha's heart. After a few seconds, the old man showed a shocked expression.

"How is this possible?! Such a strong backlash is abnormal. When did our family have such powerful relatives?" The old man's expression was quite ugly. As one of the previous generations of demons who had lived for thousands of years, although he was not a high-ranking demon, Although he is strong, he possesses knowledge that other high-level demons don't have, so he just senses and knows where the problem is.

But the old man couldn't figure it out. The branches of the Naberius family didn't get much from the clan, and the powerful family members were given priority to the clan. The family members who split the family could get only the leftovers. , the strength is also average, but the current level of backlash can only lead to such a situation if the dependents themselves are also top-level demons.

The old man thought of Maha's retinue, Na Wei's superior demon.

"It's Heige?! But how is this possible?! Heige has only been promoted to a high-ranking demon not long ago, and she has such great abilities?" The old man didn't want to believe this fact in his heart.

Maha screamed in pain and covered his heart. At the same time, his whole body inflated like an inflated balloon.

The old man secretly thought that something was wrong, and the violent backlash had exceeded the limit that Maha could bear.

With a loud bang, Maha's body exploded, and his soul was shattered. As he died, the magic power of his body dispersed wildly, shattering all the surrounding furniture.

At this time, other people also noticed the abnormality and rushed here. Then they saw this tragic scene. There were pieces of flesh and blood everywhere in the room. The old man standing next to Maha had blood spattered on his face. Half of his intestines were still hanging on his shoulders.

"Elder, what happened, where is Lord Maha?" said a demon familiar.

The old man gritted his teeth and said: "Maha was killed by the backlash of the master-slave contract. Everyone is moving to capture the traitor Heige!"

Chapter. Blame discounts

At this time, Heige didn't know that people from Naberius's separated family were already looking for her all over the city. She was still staying in the dessert shop with Baiyin, enjoying the taste buds brought by the desserts.

Heige put the scoop of ice cream into her mouth. The cold feeling made her feel that her whole scalp was numb. The smoothie made with magic power was far beyond what humans can make with current technology, both in terms of taste and texture. The taste is two levels higher.

"It would be great to be able to have a cup of ice cream after escaping death. Such a life would be great. It would be even better if you could go to the human world." Heige said with a sigh.

Bai Yin said from the side: "Just think about this kind of thing. After all, we are people bound by the family. To enjoy the benefits brought by the family, we must abide by the family's control and rules."

After being strengthened, Heige's perception ability was much improved compared to before, so when people surrounded the dessert shop, she noticed something abnormal.

Heige opened the door of the dessert shop and came to the street. She found that among the people surrounding her, there were some familiar faces.

Heige was confused, and she was still a little unable to react. Seeing the people surrounding her aggressively, she also sensed that something was wrong. They were trying to cause trouble for her.

However, faced with such a situation, Heige decided to find out what was going on first. She was afraid that she would be blamed for others.

Baiyin walked out and found that there were people outside the dessert shop, and the people on the opposite side had already shown fighting postures. The devil's wings behind him had been stretched out, and at the same time, his body had also undergone partial alienation. It looked like he was about to move. Passed.

Baiyin put on a fighting stance. Although she didn't know what the situation was now, no matter what, she would never surrender.

Among the people, several people who looked like they had high positions of authority came out. Heige knew these people. It should be said that she was very familiar with these people, because opposite them were the main members of the Naberius family branch.

The old man said loudly: "Heige, you killed Master Maha, you must explain for this."

The old man's words were very particular. He did not say "you have to pay for this", but "you must give an explanation for this", because Heige is now a high-level demon, and the high-level demon can be said to be the most important member of the demon clan. After excluding a few demon kings, the first echelon of demon clan's combat power is the high-ranking demons.

Therefore, after Heige was promoted to a high-ranking demon, she became an important fighting force for the separation of the Naberius family. Therefore, even if the contract backfired and killed the family's "young master", the family never thought of taking it. Another problem with her life is that she may not be able to survive.

Heige was confused when she heard the elder's words. When she realized what she said, she quickly said: "What's going on? Something happened to the young master?!"

Heige has a complicated view of her immediate boss. She can only say that although Maha has many shortcomings, he still respects their family members, so when she heard the news of Maha's death, she couldn't react.

The elder said: "I don't know why your strength has grown by leaps and bounds in such a short period of time, but because of you, Master Maha was killed by the backlash of the contract. This is an indisputable fact. So, you need Pay the price you set for your mistakes. Of course, you must be able to afford this price, for example, becoming the guardian elder of the family."

"Wait, is there any misunderstanding here?!" Heige was a little panicked. The so-called guard elder is just a nice way of saying it. In fact, he is a high-level thug and tool man, and he is unpaid. .

Guard elders are generally positions only taken by high-ranking demons who have made big mistakes. But no one with a right mind would like such a position. No one likes to be someone else's tool.

Heige felt that the power in his body was boiling, and shock waves visible to the naked eye spread outward. In an instant, the many demons surrounding the dessert shop suffered heavy casualties, and those who were slightly weaker were blown to pieces on the spot.

At this time, Heige was completely confused. If she had killed her master because of the backlash of the contract, this kind of thing was a contract issue. Although it was directly related to her, at least there was room for explanation.

But now, in the eyes of others, it was her who took the initiative to kill her former companion. Now, she was like a piece of clay that fell into her crotch, and she was either shit or shit.

····Ask for flowers······

"I said it was an accident just now, would you believe it?" Heige said with a bitter smile.

The elder's face was completely dark, because Heige's shock wave just now killed another weaker member of the Naberius family branch.

"Heige! You traitor, the family has treated you badly, is this how you repay the family?!" The elder said with a ferocious expression: "Fuck them all! We must not let her leave here alive!"

Heige's expression changed, and he took Baiyin's hand. The two figures disappeared from the place in an instant, and appeared in another place not far away, having escaped from the encirclement of many demons.

"Chase!" the elder roared at the top of his lungs.

...... .......

Li Wei, who was hiding in the dark, smiled. Just now, the energy in Heige's body was out of control, and it was he who was secretly tampering with it.

Heige gained such a huge power in a very short period of time, just like a child getting a gun. He does not yet have the quality to fully control this power, so when stimulated by the outside world, this power can easily lose control.

The energy explosion just now was secretly stimulated by Levi, and because of the huge strength gap between the two sides, Heige was completely unaware that it was not an accident that the energy in his body was out of control.

Different from the original plot where he escaped alone in order not to implicate Shianyin, this time Kuroka chose to take his sister with him to escape. I just don’t know how far this matter will go. The people of the Naberius family will definitely not let it go. This matter will even reach the Zong family, and the devil is very sensitive to things like defection. Now that Kuroka and Shirone have run away, they are no longer responsible.

Levi does not intend to intervene in the situation now. After all, the current Heige and Baiyin are much stronger than in the original plot.

The current Kuroka and Shirone are considered to be in the first echelon of high-level demons, and because they specialize in space jumping, their survivability is extremely strong. Even if they encounter a large army, they can still run away if they cannot be defeated. In the entire demon world, the only ones who can keep the two of them are a few demon kings. As for the other high-level demons, they are still a few thousand.

Chapter.Resumption of classes

The previous adventures between Heige and Baiyin were controlled by Li Wei behind the scenes. After all, how can there be so many adventures in this world, and the two of them don't have the strong luck of the protagonists. It is not that simple to get adventures.

After watching the good show, Levi did not intend to stay in the demon world any longer. He opened a teleportation and returned to the human world. As for Heige and Baiyin, after receiving the power he gave them, they were equivalent to the humanoid space. Beacon, no matter where they go, Levi can sense their status. This is faster than the person-finding and locating spell. Whatever happens to them, Levi can get feedback as soon as possible.

When Levi returned to the human world, it was already dark here in Neon. As a relatively independent space, the demon world has a certain time difference with the external universe. Although this time difference is not big, for the earth, , you can still clearly feel the difference.

Because of the coordinates set in advance, Levi appeared directly in his small attic and walked out of the small attic. At this time, Kuoh Academy gave people a slightly eerie feeling.

"Such a scene is quite suitable for a horror movie set. However, no monsters dare to run here."

Kuoh Academy has the Gremory family's emblem and special magic facilities. In addition to providing protection for the school, it also serves to declare to the outside world that this is the territory of the Gremory family.

At this time, Li Wei received a prompt from the system. This thing was like an account prompt. Li Wei liked this feeling. It was also a generous income, not bad.

As for Hyoudou Makoto's current situation, Levi doesn't plan to use the person-finding and locating spell to watch. After all, the picture must be quite eye-catching.

Because of the additional money, the Philosophy Club will conduct video recordings to record some exciting scenes. Levi himself does not intend to watch these contents, but in the future, he can let Makoto Hyodo perform a social death and then extract them. Second points are also good.

Two more days later, Neon officials finally issued a letter, allowing schools in the Tokyo area to resume classes. Although shocking things happened before, life must continue, and it is unrealistic for schools to be closed for a long time. Therefore, while the potential crisis has not yet been resolved, Neon officials can only allow schools to resume classes to avoid delaying students' learning.

After all, the online exhibition here at Neon is not very good, and it is not easy to take the route of online teaching, and it is not easy to manage, so it is understandable to reopen the school.

Originally, Levi wanted to take advantage of this time to conduct a home visit, but now that school has resumed classes, this matter can only be put on hold for the time being.

Kuoh Academy has returned to its former glory, but Levi knows that the world has changed since the moment Linde exposed himself. There are no problems within the school, but in the nearby area outside the school, the monsters and monsters have changed. De Yue is more active.

Most of the demons and ghosts here in Neon are not very good at fighting. As long as ordinary people are brave enough, they can beat up those weak demons and ghosts, or even beat them to ashes.

Weak monsters like this bully the elderly and children. When encountering adults with strong yang energy, the yang fire alone is not a defense that these little monsters can break through.

During this time, Li Wei heard many strange things, which seemed to be caused by monsters and monsters.

The afternoon classes started again.

Above the classroom, Levi looked at the people below who were really listening to the lecture and nodded with satisfaction. The fact that the students really attended the class was also a kind of affirmation for the teacher.

"The previous content has come to an end. We have just talked about the three yang fires of the human body. Now let's talk about a practical application example. That is why ghosts no longer harass the people who get under the quilt. ”

Everyone's ears were pricked up when Li Wei's words came. Even Irina Ziteng was no exception. During this period, she learned a lot from Li Wei. In the past, situations that could only be solved by violent means could now be solved. If she dealt with it, she could solve the problem without any bloodshed and keep the damage to the minimum as much as possible.

Li Wei had already explained to them the three fires of the human body and the mysterious Eastern mysticism before. After explaining it, it was actually easier to get started. At least it was simpler than religious practice and magic practice. He was from a church background. Ziteng Irina is deeply touched by this... .

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