"The principles and functions of the three fires have been explained. Now let's talk about the actual case. The quilt can prevent ghosts. The quilt is not an absolutely safe place, but at least after it is formed, it can resist the vast majority of weak incorporeal ghosts. For ghosts, even relatively strong ghosts, it will take several hours to break through this defense, and it will take a while before dawn, and they will have to retreat."

"The best way for ordinary people to resist the spiritual attacks of ghosts is to use their own Yang energy to create a magic circle. However, ordinary people do not have such ability, and the bed is a good place to store Yang energy. The human body is constantly They are all emitting Yang Qi outwards, and quilts can store heat, especially quilts, which have a very good heat storage effect. The Yang Qi that escapes as heat will not be lost directly, but will be fixed in the quilt. , so the more and more Yang Qi accumulated, it turned into a very strong shield, and even the more powerful ghosts could not break through such a defense."

Li Wei was speaking on the stage, while the girls below took the time to take notes. Although Li Wei had provided teaching materials, the content in the teaching materials was very detailed.

But Li Wei often improvises and talks about knowledge that is not in the textbooks, and most of this part of the knowledge is application knowledge. Let alone ordinary 4. students, even professionals like Irina Purple Togami are paying close attention. Time to take notes.

Levi looked at the time and said: "Today's class will end here. As the old saying goes, don't waste time on the road and go home directly after school. Demons and ghosts are quite rampant during this time, although you have amulets. Protect, but don’t be careless. get out of class dismissed!”

The girls stood up, said goodbye to the teacher in unison, put their textbooks and notes in the drawer, and left the classroom without taking anything.

Because the content taught in the classroom would cause trouble if the outside world knew it, so the girls also habitually put the teaching materials and notes in the classroom. Anyway, they had already memorized the content Li Wei explained in their minds. It's hard to forget.

Chapter. Students’ requests for help

A girl fell at the back, and she and Levi were the only ones left in the classroom.

Levi looked at the girl in front of him. This girl was a minor character who appeared in the original plot for a brief scene. In the original plot, she joined the kendo club's pink girl Katase Sakura.

The pink shorts are kept very smooth, and the simple-looking hoop fixes all the broken hair on the forehead. Most girls dare not show their foreheads. Girls who dare to show their foreheads are all concerned about their own appearance. It's worth having confidence.

Levi likes to look at girls' eyes very much. Katase's eyes are big and lively, giving people a sense of youthfulness and vitality, but now her eyes are a little worried.

Levi said: "Katase, do you have something to tell me?"

Looking at the slightly hesitant expression of the other party, Li Wei knew that the other party must have encountered something difficult. Li Wei was also very enthusiastic about the students' problems. After all, these girls were his harem reserves.

Katase Sakura made a decision in her heart, her eyes became firm, and she said: "Teacher, I need your help."

Levi smiled and said: "You can tell me anything if you have anything, and I will try my best to help if I can." Levi didn't know what situation Katase Sakura encountered, but he had prepared amulets for each student before, so it stands to reason , Katase Sakura will not be in danger of life.

Katase Sakura said: "I was targeted by dirty things. I have the amulet you gave me, teacher. Those dirty things can't get close to me. But my family has been harassed by those dirty things during this time. Even normal people are harassed by those dirty things." I can't live my life anymore, I want to ask teacher, please help me get rid of those dirty things."

Levi said: "Can you be sure what that is?"

Katase Sakura recalled the abnormal situation in her family. During this period, she followed Levi to learn various occult knowledge. In addition, she had an amulet to protect herself, so she boldly observed the existence hiding herself at close range, and obtained some clues.

"It was a physical monster, it felt like a spider. It built a nest in my house. Because of the amulet, it was relatively honest during this period, but because of its existence, my family has moved out. "Katase Sakura said.

Levi nodded. The monsters and monsters that could not even break through the amulet were only as strong as they were. Although they were still deadly hunters to ordinary people, to him, they were just ants that could be crushed to death at will.

"Let's go to your house to check the current situation first." Levi didn't talk nonsense. He planned to go and have a look first. During this period, because of Linde, demons and ghosts were rampant all over the world. However, in the face of such a current situation, people have already jumped out and bubbled up. The gods don't intend to take care of it, so the human world is now in a state of considerable chaos.

"I'm going to use the teleportation technique, come here." Levi said.

Katase Sakura walked up to Levi, and Levi put his hand on her shoulder. Katase Sakura didn't struggle at all. She sincerely believed in Levi, so even if Levi did something, she couldn't see it. She would not doubt or doubt things that she understood, and she believed that Levi would not harm her.

The figures of the two people had disappeared from where they were. When Katase Sakura regained her sight again, she found that she had arrived at the door of her home.

Li Wei looked at the house in front of him. Before he even entered the door, he could already smell a special odor. This odor was the smell of bugs that he hated most. Levi also has things he hates, including insects, especially various caterpillars, which make him feel sick just looking at them.

Seeing Levi frowning, Katase Sakura said uneasily: "Teacher, is that monster difficult?"

Levi shook his head and said: "The opponent is not a powerful and ruthless character, but I simply hate bugs. The smell makes me feel a little sick."

After hearing Levi's words, Katase Sakura calmed down. As long as it wasn't a formidable enemy that was difficult to deal with, she was afraid in her heart that if even Levi couldn't deal with the monster hiding in her home, then her family would have to move. .

Katase Sakura took Levi into the courtyard and opened the door of the house with the key. The light in the house was very dim at this time. Katase Sakura felt that this was abnormal. She had lived in this house for more than ten years. I know the lighting level of the house very well. When this house was built, the lighting problem was taken into consideration, so even if it is cloudy, the house will not be too dark. But the current environment is obviously not right. .

"Teacher, please be careful. This house may have become the opponent's lair. Now, we are playing away from home." Katase Sakura said.

"An Xin, I have sensed its existence. It cannot escape, but there is indeed something weird in this room." Levi snapped his fingers, and several light groups appeared on his fingertips. These haloes were extremely bright. High, illuminating the dim indoor space like daylight.

The light group that went out was attached to the ceiling and acted as illumination light.

The two people raised their heads and saw a horrifying scene. From the ceiling at the entrance, several humanoid objects wrapped tightly in spider silk were hanging down. Seeing this scene, Katase Sakura's expression turned extremely ugly.

Levi didn't say anything. He waved his hand gently, and the humanoid objects hanging from the ceiling fell down and slowly landed on the ground. The spider threads on their bodies were also torn apart by Levi's magic power. He saw It became clear who was wrapped in the spider silk.

"They are all dead. Their body fluids have been sucked clean. It is a cruel way to die. It really has the characteristics of a spider monster." Levi said with a serious expression.

Seeing the corpses on the ground, Katase Sakura's whole body collapsed instantly, because the corpses on the ground were her family members, and all her relatives, her parents, and her brother, all of them had been sucked into human bodies. , this horrific way of death almost made her faint.

Katase Sakura was dizzy, unsteady on her feet, and fell backwards. Li Wei's quick eyesight and quick hands helped her, otherwise, she would have had to fall hard.

Katase Sakura looked at Levi and said with tears in her eyes: "Teacher, all my relatives were killed by that monster. I want you to avenge me. I am willing to do anything!"

Levi held Katase Sakura steady and said: "I don't need you to pay anything. You are my student. I am a very protective person. If you are detrimental to my students, you will slap me in the face. How dare you do this? If you have something to do, then don’t live anymore.”

Hearing Levi's domineering words, Katase Sakura felt calmer. She knew that her blood revenge could be avenged.

Chapter. Weak chicken monster

Li Wei also wanted to complain in his heart. This spider monster really didn't know how to live or die. It was simply too old to make trouble.

The amulet on Katase Sakura's body doesn't look ordinary. This shows that Katase Sakura has someone's backing. Under such circumstances, the other party dares to attack Katase Sakura's family. Levi wants to complain about the monsters these days. Are they all so brave?

Levi said: "You go to the yard and wait first. I will solve the problem soon. I will send the guy in front of you, and then you will execute it."

Now that you have decided to avenge your students, you must give your students a chance to participate in revenge. Now Katase Sakura has just developed magic power. With such an ability, she can bully ordinary people, and she can only bully. The kind of regular guy who doesn't have thermal weapons.

Now Katase Sakura encounters a monster and can only use the power of the amulet to escape. She will definitely not be able to defeat him in a head-on confrontation.

Levi knew that if Katase Sakura was not allowed to do it herself, she might develop a knot in her heart, which would affect her future practice and even affect the quality of her fellow practitioners. This has already involved Li Wei's own interests, so even if it is for himself, Li Wei will handle this matter properly and beautifully.

Katase Sakura nodded, with a sad expression on her face, and whispered: "I understand, teacher."

Levi said: "Do you have any other relatives? After this matter is resolved, where do you plan to go?"

Katase Sakura said: "All my relatives have been killed, and now I am alone. Even if I want to find a place to go, I can't find it."

In Katase Sakura's family, her parents are both only children, and her elders have all passed away, so she is now alone.

It is precisely because of this that Katase Sakura was a little confused when asked this question.

Li Wei didn't know what to say. Here in Neon, only children are relatively rare. Most families with childbearing conditions usually give birth to two or more children. Katase Sakura's family is in such a big environment. Seems a little special.

Of course, young people now have no children at all. After all, the pressure to survive is there. Starting from the late Heisei era, young people who have seen through the laws of society have begun to fail. But now in the Reiwa era, everyone has begun to lie down and have children? nonexistent.

Levi gently rubbed Katase Sakura's head, showed a gentle expression, and said: "If you don't mind, I can act as your guardian for a while until you find a suitable guardian~¨."

"Thank you..." Katase Sakura didn't know what to say. Thousands of words were running through her heart, but when they came to her mouth, they were completely forgotten.

Levi gave Katase Sakura a thumbs up and said, "I'll be right back."

Levi returned to the house. The entire house had been turned into his own nest by the spider monster. However, for Levi, such a defense was just a toy made of building blocks. He could destroy such a defense just by blowing on it. defense.

Levi strode forward towards the stairs leading to the building. At this moment, a large number of fist-sized spiders came out of nowhere and crawled towards Levi quickly. This scene was enough to make Makes people with trypophobia sick.

A golden light shined from Levi's body, and the light swept across, and all the little spiders were burned to ashes. After getting rid of the little spiders, Levi successfully came upstairs and walked to the door of the bedroom where the spider monster was hiding. .

Levi kicked open the bedroom door, and a pungent stench hit his face. In the cold and dark room, a strange spider with a head the size of two people stared at Levi fiercely with widened scarlet compound eyes.

"Stupid human, you actually stepped into this place on your own initiative. This is my lair. Now you are going to die soon." The spider monster's voice was quite sharp, like a human monster speaking with a pinched throat. It was unbelievable. It's so uncomfortable that ordinary people can get goosebumps just listening to it.

Li Wei had no expression on his face. He could only say that the ignorant are fearless. However, since he had not shown any real strength, it was not surprising that he would be looked down upon by the opponent. And facing such a weakling, Li Wei did not pretend to be a pig. The desire to eat a tiger, because the other person is not a tiger at all, just a fragile ant.

"You dare to be so arrogant when you are far inferior to even lower-level demons. Do you really not know how the word death is written?" Li Wei narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes gradually becoming dangerous.

The spider monster screamed, and its twisted mouth sprayed out a ball of spider silk. The sticky spider silk ball spread out in mid-air, turned into a large web, and headed towards Levi.

Levi put his hands behind his back and did not dodge or dodge. The spider web burned in mid-air as he moved towards the spider monster.

His spider web suddenly lost control, and the spider monster was also confused. Then he was covered by a large flame web. The special flame that could burn the soul burned the spider monster and rolled on the ground, screaming in agony.

Li Wei sighed inwardly, when the strength gap reaches a certain level, a battle like this is simply a one-sided crushing.

Levi snapped his fingers, and the spider monster's legs were forcibly broken. But now, the pain of the broken leg is far less than the pain of the soul being burned. The spider monster just lay on the ground and kept twitching. Now it has Yuan was in so much pain that he couldn't even scream.

Levi controlled the intensity of the flames. If he did not control the power of the flames, the spider monster would be burned to ashes in an instant. It would take considerable skill to step on the ants without crushing them to death.

Li Wei's mind moved, and the spider monster that had lost all its legs was suspended in the air. It followed his footsteps and was taken to the courtyard by him.

Katase Sakura in the courtyard still couldn't recover. Less than two minutes after Levi entered the house, he had already resolved the battle, and calmly brought out the monster who killed her relatives. She realized, Levi was much more powerful than she imagined.

The spider monster that had been cut into a stick fell in front of Katase Sakura. It could only twitch on the ground due to the severe pain in its soul.

Levi had a big knife in his hand. He held the handle of the knife back, handed the knife to Katase Sakura, and said: "々. This big knife cuts iron like clay, and even monsters like this can't withstand the slashing of this knife. Now , it’s time for you to take revenge.”

Katase Sakura took a deep breath, held the handle of the knife with trembling hands, and lifted the sword up. The huge sword was lighter than she expected.

Chapter 4. Revenge

Katase Sakura held the big knife steady and came to the spider monster with all its legs twisted off. Her breathing was a little rapid. The ups and downs of life were so fast that she felt that she couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

The thing that she couldn't figure out the most was why her family wanted to return here. Even though they had already moved out, and she also said it was dangerous here, her family still came back, and they lost their lives as a result.

Although she couldn't figure out the reason, it had already happened, and it was useless to regret it now. The only thing she could do was to use the power Levi gave her to avenge her dead relatives.

Katase Sakura held a broadsword in both hands, raised it high above her head, and chopped off the spider monster's head. The spider monster's head was very strong, and ordinary knives could not break through such a defense, but the broadsword in Katase Sakura's hand did not It was an extraordinary product. The knife went down and directly cut the spider monster's head in half.

The spider monster's strong vitality prevented it from dying, but in its current state, life was worse than death for it. It would rather be hacked to death by a knife to avoid suffering more torture.

The spider monster's smelly blood spattered out. Katase Sakura ignored the filth splattered on her body and slashed with the sword one after another. After a while, only the main body of the spider monster was chopped into pieces. .

Levi snapped his fingers, and all the dirt on Katase Sakura's body disappeared.

Levi said: "The corpses of your relatives have been highly damaged and there is no way to resurrect them. However, their souls have not been swallowed by spider monsters. I can temporarily summon their souls so that you can see them for the last time. .”

Hearing Levi's words, Katase Sakura had a complicated expression and said, "Thank you, teacher."

Levi was also a little curious about how Katase Sakura's family was fooled. After he summoned the soul of the deceased and asked Katase Sakura's mouth, he finally understood what happened.

This spider monster has good illusion skills. Although it is of no use to a being like Levi, it is completely impossible for ordinary people to resist.

The spider monster set "pointers" on Katase Sakura's family members in advance, and performed illusions through this medium, making her family members think they had received a call from her, and deceived them back here after they had left. So this tragedy happened.

After the two parties said their final goodbyes, Levi used Taoist methods of transcendence to transcend all of Katase Sakura's deceased relatives, allowing them to enter reincarnation and have a new and bright future.

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