Katase Sakura watched the souls of her relatives turn into specks of light in the sunset, and her heart was filled with panic. Although she had completed her revenge, all her relatives were gone, which left a huge hole in her heart.

Now, she feels that her life has lost its meaning. Even if she continues to live, she will only be like a walking corpse.

Levi patted Katase Sakura on the shoulder and said: "I know that any words of comfort now are in vain. This kind of thing cannot be solved in a short time, but as long as you need me, I will do it for you." Provide a place to stay.”

Katase Sakura showed a forced smile and said: "Thank you, I know what I should do, but now I have no goal."

Levi said: "Then try to live for yourself, not for other people's expectations, just think about your own future."

Katase Sakura nodded.

Levi said: "I will deal with the aftermath of what happened here. If something like this happens in this house, I don't think you will like living here anymore. There is still a spare room in the attic. If you don't dislike it, You can deal with it first over there."

Li Wei took Katase Sakura back to the attic and asked Ubelluna to clean up a room as Katase Sakura's room.

Uberuna and Katase Sakura stopped at the doorway in the corridor.

Katase Sakura looked at Ubelluna with a complicated heart. Ubelluna's external identity was Levi's head maid, but Katase Sakura had an intuition in her heart that the relationship between Ubelluna and Levi might be more than just... Master and maid are so simple.

Uberuna opened the door to the room, stepped aside, and said: "I have really cleaned the inside. All living facilities here are complete, and it is also equipped with independent toilets and bathrooms. If you need anything, You can talk to me directly."

Uberuna also sympathized with Katase Sakura in her heart. Katase Sakura's experience reminded her of her childhood experience. She also experienced similar things to Katase Sakura. Although she has taken revenge now, she also There is no way to go back to the pure self of childhood.

"Thank you, Miss Uberuna." Katase Sakura said politely.

"Just call me Uberuna. I heard what the master said about you. You are absolutely safe here. In fact, I have experienced similar things to you. I can understand how you feel. Next, it will be just you, if you want to cry, no one will see it." Ubelluna said in a gentle tone.

Katase Sakura's eyes were a little red. When she was in front of Levi, she had always controlled her emotions to prevent herself from appearing too rude, but now, she felt that she was almost reaching her limit.

Uberuna said nothing more, just pulled the other person into her arms, lowered her head slightly, and said in a gentle tone: "Everyone here once faced various problems, but because of the master, we are now , life is very good. The owner is a very good person, he can tolerate everything we have."

After sending Katase Sakura back to the attic, Li Weibei waited until the students returned home and checked the safety around the students to avoid the tragedy that happened to Katase Sakura from happening again to others.

After dinner, Levi left the attic and started his inspection, which really made him discover some safety hazards. It has to be said that there are really many monsters and ghosts now. Because of the return of the gods, to some extent It can be said to be a "mysterious return", so the demons and monsters seemed to have received tacit approval and began to become active.

After spending some time, Levi cleared away some potential dangers. Of course, he did not meddle too much. He only cleared away the potential threats around his students, and did not directly clean up the entire area into a vacuum zone of extraordinary existence. .

Chapter. Victims of the Round

Half a month passed by, and Sakura Katase, who had been with Levi for a while, was no longer as depressed as before. Although she was still far away from getting back on her feet, her mental state was compared to when her loved one had just passed away. , much better.

During this period of time, Levi's magic weapon Soul Soul Bell could be said to be running at full power at all times. In half a month, he finally completed the refining of the entire Neon God System and refined it into Pills for your own growth.

After the elixir was prepared, the first thing Li Wei did was to take the elixir during his night's rest and refine its medicinal power.

After devouring the Neon God System, Levi's strength has also improved considerably, which also gives him more confidence in his next plan. Now that the Neon God System has been destroyed, Levi will target him next On the state religion of Baixiang Kingdom, Brahmanism.

The Brahman religion in this world also has considerable power. Adding up all the gods, the Brahman religion accounts for three of the top ten gods.

Although in Levi's view, it is very unreasonable for this weird religion to have such power, but considering that the world view of Devil High School is actually a suture monster, it is not surprising that such a situation would occur.

After all, the original author of Devil's High School was very ambitious when he was designing the setting, and wanted to include all the gods in the world in his work. However, he himself is somewhat similar to the author of "IS", and his own talents cannot To control such a large world view, there are many settings that appear very strange to readers.

There are problems, big and small, in the comparison of the strengths of various pantheons. For example, the classical Nordic pantheon and Brahmanism are too powerful, and the background of the story is clearly in Neon, but there are no gods related to Neon at all. Come on stage.

In addition, Chongguo's heavenly forces have no sense of existence. Instead, they have come up with a weird "hero faction", and even Cao Cao has appeared.

It can be said that Devil's High School itself is a stew-style work, with all elements mixed in. The overall style is "Old Wang next door used the Ten Dragon Subduing Palms to slap Gabriel who climbed up to the top of the city." It's such a nonsensical style.

Although this setting makes people want to complain, once you accept this setting, you will find it quite interesting.

The most important thing is that the animation production team knows very well. By relying on the style of selling meat without limits, it saved the original work and directly boosted the sales of the original work, allowing it to make further progress. However, because the animation style is too bold, domestically it is only available on "Online Disk", that is, Li Wei in Neon can directly buy high-definition BD to enjoy it.

Li Wei was already imagining in his heart how he could break through the Brahman religion's defenses with his clones and wipe out the entire Brahman religion network without his main body taking action.

Li Wei doesn't have any bad feelings towards Brahmanism. He just thinks that the caste system promoted by Brahmanism is a bit weird. As for how weird it is, it's hard to explain in just a few words. If you just search on the Internet, you will know that this kind of doctrine brings What are the consequences?

Strictly speaking, among the formal religions, Brahmanism is the one that treats people least as human beings. Without it, it would be better than those cults.

Li Wei thought for a long time, but in the end he couldn't come up with any good way. If he wanted to win over the Brahmans, he had to use force.

It's just that the strength of the Brahmin gods is far beyond what weaklings like the Neon Gods can match. If you want to wipe out the network of the Brahmin gods, just relying on avatars may not be enough. After all, strictly speaking, the power of the Brahmin gods, although It can't keep up with the first echelon existence of the three major forces in the Bible, but it can't be manipulated casually. If he wants to win over the opponent in one breath, Levi is mentally prepared to pay a certain price.

Now, after a period of cultivation, the strength of the fallen angel clone has become stronger and stronger. Levi feels that the time is ripe.

So, one night, Levi controlled the clone to attack the Brahman God Realm, and the battle lasted for two hours.

The next day, the whole world was shocked.

After the Neon God System, the first victim appeared. Even the demons far away in the demon world learned the news. When the four demon kings learned the news, they all fell silent.

····Ask for flowers······

Deep in the Demon Realm, within the Demon King's Fortress belonging to Achuka, the four Demon Kings held a meeting here. The Demon King is very busy, plus he has to guard against the giant demons coming from another world, so it is rare for the four Demon Kings to get together when there is nothing urgent.

In the not-so-spacious secret conference room, three men, women and four demon kings sat opposite each other at the four corners of the round table. Except for the four people, no one else attended the meeting. They were used to such secret gatherings.

Sajax said: "I think everyone already knows about the Brahman gods. Yesterday in the human world, the Brahman gods were destroyed. I really don't understand what those guys want to do. They were destroyed before. The neon gods, and now the Brahmin gods are also being hunted by them, do they want to start a war?”


Serafall folded her hands, leaned back on the chair, and said: "It was not a war, it was just a face-to-face hunting. Although I can't understand their purpose. However, their actions will arouse public anger. When the time comes, many gods will All departments will hunt them down."

Sajax said: "Is siege useful to them? It's not like we haven't done anything like this before. Numbers mean nothing to them, and the longer the time drags on, the greater their advantage will be."

Sajax knew that the reason why the demon world was able to hold on head-on was because of the thousands of artifacts provided by Levi. A large number of artifacts could allow the demon clan to quickly become a large number of masters. There would be no problem if the people died, as long as the artifacts could be recovered and passed on. , and soon be able to create a powerful upper-level demon.

However, other divine systems do not have such conditions as the Demon Clan. Every master is valuable to the divine system. Once lost, it will take a long time to complete the replenishment. In a war of attrition, no divine system dares to say I can hold my own.

Sajax continued: "Now that those fallen angels from other worlds have gone to the human world, they can use more earth power. Next time we meet, I really don't know if we will still be their opponents."

This kind of thing is not only worrying for Sirzechs personally, the other three demon kings also look worried.

Chapter. Rias’ curiosity

While the four demon kings were still discussing how to deal with the next situation, Li Wei started refining medicine again. Li Wei was not familiar with the Brahmin gods, so he didn't even think of listening to the other's wailing. Opposite there was a ghost screaming in the Soul Soul Bell, but he just glanced at it.

In the battle with the Brahman gods, Li Wei also suffered certain losses. In his fallen angel clone, he was attacked by the three main gods of the Brahman system. He was caught off guard and almost overturned on the spot. If it weren't for Li Wei's micro-control If his skills were sufficient, the other four clones would simultaneously support the one that was attacked, and that clone would probably tell him where he was on the spot.

For Levi, the puppet clone is a high-end consumable, and it is not something irreplaceable. Even if it is destroyed, he can use the materials to re-create the tool. Whether it is appearance or performance, it has no difference from the destroyed original body. There is a difference, but it costs money after all, and it is always good to save money.

Two divine systems in a row were destroyed. Now everyone in the divine systems around the world is in danger, and even secretly started to unite. However, such a thing is quite far away for Li Wei, because he doesn't care at all whether those divine systems join forces. , the puppet clone's strength is gradually strengthening, and its ability to deal with emergencies is getting stronger and stronger.

For Levi, destroying those gods is just a side mission. His final main mission is to target the three most powerful existences in the world, the Great Red, the Infinite Dragon God, the Beast, and other gods. For him, the devil can only be regarded as a nuisance.

Levi is not a big achiever when playing games, but if the rewards for side missions are generous, he doesn't mind taking long detours. After all, it's okay to take a detour if he can get benefits.

After two hours of lectures on the key points of cultivation in class, Levi also felt a little thirsty. After school, Levi decisively ran away. After telling Uberuna that he wanted to go out to relax, Levi left. attic.

After leaving the attic, Levi went directly to Akihabara in this world. As a qualified otaku, whenever he comes to a world with Akihabara, collecting various materials and works is what he must do. , thanks to the blessing of being able to time travel, Levi has seen many excellent works that are not available in the real world, and has broadened his horizons as a otaku. I have to say that being able to time travel is a happy thing.

When Levi walked into his bookstore, he found that he met an acquaintance. At this time, the beautiful girl, whose red color was as dazzling as flames, was sitting at the window seat, holding a comic book in her hand and reading it with gusto.

Levi felt a little weird in his heart, because the girl in front of him usually gave people a noble and serious feeling, but something with such an otaku flavor as comics didn't go with her.

The girl also noticed Levi's gaze and raised her head. When she saw Levi, her eyes flashed with joy.

"Li Weijun, I didn't expect to see you here." Rias smiled.

"I thought I was with the wrong person, but I didn't expect it was really you. Rias, do you also like comics?" Levi smiled and sat across from Rias.

Rias closed the comic in her hand and turned the cover of the comic to Levi.

Levi saw the cover clearly. It was a seal full of religious colors, with angels and demons painted on it. The name was "Blood Cross Chronicles", and it was a work that did not exist in the real world.

Although I don’t know what the content is, the cover of this work is indeed well drawn. Li Wei himself is a professional with a background in art, and he is also an illustrator. His appreciation ability is much stronger than ordinary people. He can see it. , the creator who drew the cover had two brushes.

Rias said: "The type of comics I like is relatively biased, which are religious comics that are more youth-oriented. They are very niche."

Levi said: "I'm not that picky. As long as the creator doesn't deliberately disgust people, I can read all types of comics, but I'm more picky about light novels."

For example, Li Wei was not optimistic about the Japanese Academy, which had a wrong outlook on life and was ridiculing campus bullying and insulting China.

Rias said: "As for light novels, I am currently following "A Certain Magical Index". I have to say that the description of gods and demons in this work is quite interesting. Although it is lengthy like other light novels, its content is quite interesting. It far surpasses other similar works, the demons and settings in it are quite interesting."

Levi said: "Is it because I am a devil that I pay attention to works in this area?"

Rias nodded and said: "That's right, ordinary boy-oriented and girl-oriented comics are too childish for demons, or too idealistic. The unreal protagonists make It’s hard for me to find a sense of empathy... Only youth comics without justice and evil, and only with different standpoints, can allow me to find the truth of the work."

Levi can understand Rias's thoughts. After all, as a member of a demon noble family, she has been taught by her parents about various intrigues since she was a child. For her, the characters in shounen comics are too dazzling. On the contrary, It’s the flawed characters in youth comics that make them feel real to her.

There are also works such as "A Certain Magical Index" and "Railgun" in this world, and what surprised Levi was that there was no difference between these works and their counterparts in the real world. They were simply beings carved from the same mold. , Li Wei, who first learned about this situation, was very shocked in his heart.

Rias looked at Levi and couldn't imagine that a being like the devil from "A Certain Magical Index" could have a down-to-earth hobby like reading comics. She was the first to know about this. At that time, I was shocked inside, as if I had discovered that the emperor really used a golden pole to select the items.

However, literary creation requires logic, but reality does not. The Levi shown in front of her did not hide the fact that he was an otaku at all.

Rias said: "Levi 4., those fallen angels from another world completely destroyed the Brahmin system last night. Three out of ten of the top ten masters in the world, Brahma, Shiva, and Bishi All the slaves have fallen. Such changes have changed the power map among the various gods. Li Weijun, do you know why they are obsessed with destroying the gods?"

Levi said: "You may not believe it if I say it. Are you sure you really want to know their purpose?"

Rias's expression also became serious and she said, "I'm ready, please tell me."

The reason why Rias asked such a question was not only to satisfy her curiosity, but also to find out information for her brother. After all, no one knew those behemoths from another world better than Levi.

Chapter. On how to maximize the value of leeks

Li Wei said: "Since you are so curious, then I won't sell it, because they are seeking revenge. They killed their own gods, but they are still not satisfied. After coming to this world, anyone who claims to be a god will Their existence is the target of their hunting."

Rias' eyebrows were already frowning. She knew that there must be differences in the historical development between different worlds. Just like the fallen angels and demons in this world, they all betrayed God and left heaven. However, , directly counter-killing the god. Such an operation really scared her.

Rias said: "Why did they kill God? Did they do something to feel sorry for them?"

Levi said: "Before I tell you the reason, let me tell you something else. The DNA of those fallen angels and the appearance of humans. Do you know what this means?"

Rias showed a shocked expression. The DNA of those huge mountain-like creatures turned out to be similar to humans. In other words, those fallen angels were humans.

Rias said: "Are they existences upgraded from humans?"

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