Levi nodded and continued: "God felt that mankind had fallen, so he launched a cleansing, causing huge natural disasters around the world, and used this method to exterminate mankind. However, this approach chilled some angels. , so they rebelled against God. This war lasted for a very short time. In the end, after paying a heavy price, the fallen angels killed their creator. God's indifference and trampling on humans made them hostile All beings who claim to be gods.”

Rias didn't know what to say. Levi's explanation was very straightforward and he didn't go around in circles at all. He simply explained the purpose of the fallen angels.

Levi said: "They will eliminate everything that threatens human existence. In order to achieve their goals, their methods can be said to be very extreme."

Rias was silent. Her butt determined her head. She was a devil, so she couldn't think from a human standpoint. The ultimate goal of those fallen angels is to eliminate all existences that pose a threat to human beings. In other words, one day, those fallen angels from other worlds will cause trouble for the demon clan. It is just a matter of time.

This is not good news for the demon clan. Although those big guys did not take the initiative to attack the cities of the demon world when they were in the demon world, after knowing the other party's ultimate purpose, she knew that the positions of both sides would eventually become hostile. There will be any room for relief.

Rias took a deep breath and smiled bitterly: "I can understand their desire to protect humans, but unfortunately, I am a demon, and they will come to destroy us sooner or later. However, now, even those demons from other worlds cannot There is no way to deal with it, plus what they say, the demon clan can be said to be in danger."

The only thing Rias felt lucky in her heart was that Levi promised the higher-ups of the demon world that he would help the higher-ups of the demon world preserve the seeds of the demon race. As long as the fire can be retained, with the strength and reproduction ability of the demon clan, it is only a matter of time before they make a comeback.

Levi said: "It depends on how the demons view humans. If you can find a way to make those guys think that you are not a threat, but a helper or even a member of humans, maybe you can get help from those guys."

Rias's eyes lit up. Levi's reminder was very important to her now. It was like suddenly allowing her to open the book during a closed-book exam, allowing her to find a broad avenue in the fog.

Since those fallen angels from other worlds have their own firm stance, can the demon clan achieve the purpose of self-protection by changing their stance?

Moreover, humans themselves are important reserves for the demon clan. The boundary between humans and demons is actually quite blurry. From the perspective of modern science, the DNA similarity between humans and demons has reached %, that % The important DNA of the demons comes from the extraordinary power of the demons, and the transformation of humans into demons makes up for this % DNA difference.

If the demon race and the human race can fuse, will they be able to get a super powerful fighter?

Rias doesn't know how feasible such a thing is, but at least it brings her a new way of thinking. She personally can't think of such a problem, but there are so many smart people in the demon world, and everyone can brainstorm, maybe able to find appropriate answers.

Rias thought of an important question and said: "Li Weijun, those fallen angels from another world have the same DNA as humans. Does this mean that as long as the conditions are right, humans can also become that kind of powerful existence? "

Levi said: "The world those guys live in is indeed like this, but the humans in this world and the people in the world over there??,:?!''!!;'.,",'::,Save! ';:"'"Human beings, although they look the same in appearance, are different on the inside. Human beings in this world are not like 『:,?"!'』".".『』?,':! !;How to transform into an existence like those guys. "

Rias had mixed feelings. She didn't know what to say. Humans in this world can be sure that they won't become such monsters. This seems to be a good thing, but it doesn't seem so wonderful either.

Levi said: "I know what you are worried about, but you can rest assured that before most of the other gods were destroyed, the demon clan who did not directly bear the name of gods ranked quite low in their hunting priority. , and this period of time is the time for the Demon Clan to show their sincerity. I believe that the smart people of the Demon Clan know what to do."

Rias nodded. Although changing positions will inevitably bring pain, in order to survive, change is inevitable. If you don't change, there will be only a dead end. How to choose? The demon kings will make decisions for those who are irrational. .

Levi feels that his ability to deceive people has made some small progress. In fact, whether it is a fallen angel clone or a demon clone, the most basic body is human, so Levi said that fallen angels are upgraded from humans. Coming here is not entirely a lie.

Levi deceived Rias like this because he was preparing to capture the demon clan as coolies. After all, the world is now in chaos and demons are rampant all over the world. Naturally, Levi is not willing to deal with those minions personally. After all, it takes too much time. .

Therefore, Levi used this big trick to trick the demons into human chariots, letting the demons deal with the monsters, and then let the fallen angel clones express some goodwill appropriately to encourage them to continue cleaning up.

Levi thought for a while, he was really a good person, at least from a human perspective.

Chapter. Meeting of the Gods

Rias's heart was like a bell ringing. The answer Levi gave was beyond her expectation. The demon clan has always known that human beings have great potential. After all, demons, as most non-native demons, are made of Humanized.

However, the arrival of the fallen angels from another world made her realize how terrifying human potential would be once it was revealed.

According to Levi, in the world where these fallen angels are located, when God was purging mankind, it aroused resistance from some angels. This fallen angel alone was so powerful, and how powerful would that army of fallen angels that killed gods be? terrible.

In her opinion, it is not strange that such an army can kill gods. After all, the gods and Buddhas in this world have proven the strength of the fallen angels in other worlds with their own lives.

Rias said: "After we express enough kindness, will they accept our kindness?"

Levi said: "They are smarter than you think, and their perception is also quite good."

Rias nodded, she already knew the subtext of Levi's words.

As long as Levi is not lying to her, then it is not absolutely impossible to win the favor of the fallen angels from another world. The demon clan has many ways to show sincerity. Since the fallen angels from another world value human beings so much, then everything is planned. Just fight around humans.

After sending Rias away, Levi knew that the tool he was looking for was ready. As for the demons and ghosts in the human world, there was no need for a high-level demon to take action. An ordinary demon could suppress most of the demons and ghosts. There was no need at all. The demon world sends a large number of elite troops, which will not affect the local defense of the demon world.

Li Wei felt that he had done a good job in squeezing the use value of the leeks to this extent. I would have cried when I saw it. The most I could do was ask for the leeks' money, but he was different. He started from the beginning. Just running for the lives of the leeks.

After Rias left, Levi was not in a hurry to return to the attic. After wandering around Akihabara and getting a bunch of loot in his hands, Levi returned to the attic calmly.

Within two days, Levi's senses noticed the activity of demons. A large number of lower-level demons and lower-level demons began to operate in the human world.

However, their purpose is not to develop interests in the human world, but to hunt down all kinds of monsters in an organized manner. Levi's space beacons are all over the world, so he can detect the changes in the demon clan. This time, the demon clan at least takes action. He killed 100,000 demons and lower-level demons. Such a big move also attracted the attention of other gods.

However, the demon clan was very low-key. After deciding on the local monsters and monsters, they left without a trace. They did not publicize their achievements at all, and had no tendency to preach. This made other gods who were concerned about this matter relieved. .

As time goes by, due to the activity of the demon clan, many gods have also faced new troubles, that is, all the "animals" they have raised in captivity have been cleaned up.

Levi used the person-finding and locating spell to locate the locations of multiple pantheons, and he also heard an interesting meeting.

Because the meeting place was on the other side of the earth, and the time difference problem forced Levi to find a way to stagger the time, so Levi left a clone to teach the students, and his own body was teleported to the meeting. on site.

The venue of the conference was Asgard, the home of the Nordic Gods, but the participants in the meeting were not only members of the Nordic Gods. In addition to the Nordic Gods, there were also the Mayan Gods and the Olympus Gods. , the Mesopotamian Gods, the Heavenly Gods in the East, and the fallen angels, one of the three major forces in the Bible.

In addition to these mainstream pantheons, there are also many small pantheons that Li Wei is not familiar with. However, Li Wei searched among these pantheons and found no Cthulhu-style pantheon, nor any ancient gods or foreign gods. God, this disappointed him a little.

But to be honest, if you really encounter a Cthulhu-style god, the cautious Levi will not touch them easily. After all, these things are very evil. Maybe they are not very powerful, but they are definitely disgusting. It's cool, and in the Cthulhu worldview, there are a lot of enemies, and Levi doesn't want to provoke such a powerful enemy.

Cthulhu's world view is very desperate. The stars in the sky are all evil gods. Even humans themselves are the children of evil gods. If they are exposed to a mystery beyond their own limits, they will go crazy, and then they will either die or return to their ancestors and become All kinds of monsters.

In comparison, the world view of Devil High School is already very friendly to Levi. In Levi's view, the devils here are just a branch of mutants.

Levi ambushed the meeting site in advance. Now, compared to when he first came to this world, his strength has improved significantly. In terms of concealment, he has made further progress.

It is precisely because of his powerful concealment ability that Levi lurked in a corner of the venue, patiently waiting for all participating members to arrive.

Now, the main gods of each god system have arrived in Qiqi, leaving only their respective god-king-level beings who have not arrived. Important people often arrive for the finale, so it is normal to delay like this. After all, they all want to save face, who They don’t want to be looked down upon by others.

Then Li Wei waited for weeks. At this time, he wanted to complain in his heart. How long has it been? Are you still playing such a childish game? Will you die if you lower your head? He needs to digest it now. The Brahman gods did not let the clones launch new attacks. Otherwise, with the procrastinating style of the gods, Li Wei would be fully confident that he would wipe out another god system within a week.

In the past few weeks, the main god-level beings of all the gods have been in place one after another. Li Wei really admires this person. They are all kings of ten thousand years. They are very patient. A "young man" like him, in In terms of patience, there is still a certain gap between him and these Lao Wang.

After all, you sit in your seat for a week without eating or drinking. You either stare at people with your eyes open and play the trick of killing people with your eyes, or you just close your eyes and meditate. This kind of patience is really awesome.

The last ones to arrive were Zeus and Hades from the Greek pantheon. Hades also had a role in the original plot and was one of the more frequent Greek pantheon characters. Hades in this world is a skeleton wearing a robe. , anyway, it just makes Levi feel very rubbish.

Zeus is a handsome young man who looks to be in his early ten years. He is wearing a white robe and leather sandals. His golden curls are simply tied up with a hemp rope. He looks calm and confident.

Chapter. Humans are God’s livestock

Within the spacious and majestic venue, the Valkyries kept walking through, serving delicacies to the gods who came from afar. It seems that talking at the dinner table is not a characteristic of Chongguo. This custom, even the gods There are also, maybe, in the Chong country of this world, this custom is influenced by the gods.

Li Wei hid in the dark and did not act rashly. However, these Mao gods all had something to eat, but he didn't. He wrote down this revenge in a small notebook.

As the host of the Nordic pantheon, the speaker God King Odin came to the podium and began his simple speech.

"Everyone has come from afar. On behalf of the Asa Protoss, I welcome you all. I won't go into details about the purpose of this meeting. I hope you can have good memories and don't be too angry when discussing issues. After all, we now share a common threat, so we should all be allies."

In response to Odin's words, many members of the pantheon remained silent. Everyone has been hostile to each other for who knows how long. This is not the first time such external dangers have been faced, so many people did not respond to Odin's words. Don't take it seriously.

Levi looked at the Valkyrie walking among the gods and thought of the original setting of Nordic mythology. The Valkyrie was actually the bus used by the gods to appease the warriors in the Hall of Valor, just like a certain pantheon. It is said that when a believer ascends to heaven, there will be an original product waiting for him.

The strength of these Valkyries is quite poor, and the aura on their bodies is also quite mixed. It seems that they have been used public equipment countless times.

To tell the ugly truth, Valkyrie is just a plaything.

One of the main gods of the Mayan pantheon, "Corn God" Yom Cax said: "Your Excellency Odin, I understand what you mean, but so far, we know too little about those monsters. Do you have more information related to those monsters?"

Youmu is a young man with a goatee, wearing a linen robe, and holding a wooden staff with a handle that looks like rotten wood.

Odin said: "Unfortunately, we don't have any intelligence. How they appeared or where they came from, we have no idea."

Levi has already taken out a piece of watermelon from his arms. Although my watermelon is not as fragrant as yours, it can quench your thirst. Moreover, this is a black happy melon, which is very delicious and must be tasted.

At this moment, the Tao figure suddenly stood up, and Levi looked over there. He saw a fallen angel character who had a lot of love scenes in Yuanjing, a rare dove among fallen angels, Azazel.

This name reminded Levi of "The Devil Azazel Is Calling You" on the set next door, a weakling who used a Coke bottle as a hanger. Although he was super capable, he was either beaten or was miserable on the way to being beaten. goods.

However, Azazel in this world is not from the demon camp, but from the fallen angel camp, and his own abilities are also quite outstanding. Although he is far behind the top powerhouses, he is still in the first echelon.

Azazel stood up and said, "I'm sorry to interrupt Lord Odin here, because we happen to know some information related to these guys."

Odin didn't care about such things and said: "It doesn't matter. Everyone is here to discuss business matters. Lord Azazel can provide useful information, and everyone can understand it."

Azazel said: "Everyone should know that our fallen angel clan is one of the three major forces in the Bible. We come from the same family, and we have more or less surveillance on the other two families. And we are ambushing in the demon world. The intelligence personnel passed the news back, and the place where those monsters first appeared was the demon world. However, whether those monsters are related to the demon clan requires more advanced evidence collection and observation, but I personally infer that those monsters and demons Clan should have nothing to do with it.”

Odin nodded. In fact, everyone is doing intelligence work. They have hidden secrets in each other's camp to pass on information. However, because the demon world is very closed, there is no one except the fallen angels. Can send Anzi into the demon world.

Odin would only use Azazel's statement as a reference and would not listen to Azazel's family's words. After all, the Fallen Angels liked to engage in conspiracy and conspiracy. He didn't know if this was a method of provocation.

Odin himself is also a cunning leader. He feels that Azazel wants to use the power of other forces to weaken the demon clan. It is normal for the fallen angel clan to use this method.

Levi, who was hiding in the dark, continued to eat melons, vomiting watermelon seeds all over the ground. However, there was a spell to hide his presence, and the Valkyries passing by him did not notice that there were more things on the ground.

Li Wei's perception of the Fallen Angels is quite complicated. It should be said that among the Fallen Angels in this world, there are many Lezi people, and they all say that likes repel each other. As a Lezi person, Li Wei will naturally not like the Lezi people to fall. Angel.

Odin saw that Azazel had closed his mouth and was not going to say anything more, so he said: "I will use my own way to obtain evidence for the information provided by Mr. Azazel. If this matter is really evil, If it is related to the demon clan, then I will ask for an explanation from the demon clan. There is another thing here that is also related to the demon clan, that is, the demon clan massacres the weird things in the human world. Those weird things are the livestock we raise and are our precious property, the demon clan’s actions have violated the interests of all of us.”

Levi, who was eating melon, had already revealed his dead fish eyes. After all, if he said it so straightforwardly, is it really okay? Anyway, in Li Wei's heart, these gods and Buddhas are serious criminals who need to be dragged out for target practice, especially after knowing that in this world, the gods and Buddhas have destroyed human beings three times in a row for their own benefit. This kind of thing has made him very sad. Not happy.

When I free my hands, I will kill you all.JPG

At this time, Levi was almost in such a mood.

Levi looked around and found that all the gods present at the meeting were silent about Odin's statement. This shows that the red-faced and white-faced trick of harvesting faith is not done by one of the gods, but by all the gods. of.

Li Wei sighed in his heart, this world is really rotten. Human beings are just domestic animals to these gods and Buddhas. This feeling of having your destiny in the hands of others will never be wonderful.

It is a pity that the domestic animals do not have the power to fight back. If he had not come to this world, then the humans in this world would still be able to just be domestic animals. Then one day, they seemed to encounter the Christmas fire. The chickens were all slaughtered by their own farmers and owners.

Gee, this tragic fate seems no worse than the Cthulhu worldview.

Chapter. Disruption

Odin was still talking on the stage, and Levi's eyes almost popped out of his head when he heard it. The meaning of that phrase never changed over and over again, which was to treat humans as domestic animals.

Li Wei carefully checked the information. The gods in this world have an addictive dependence on faith. It cannot be said that they will die without it. However, after trying the taste of faith, no god or Buddha dares to say that he absolutely does not need faith. .

To the gods and Buddhas, this thing is like tobacco and alcohol, an addiction that can bring a strong sense of satisfaction. It is just like the happiness of a fat house to Li Wei himself, a happiness that cannot be given up.

Buddha smoked, drank and permed his hair.JPG

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