Revel said a little unconvinced: "Is he so good? Why can't I feel it?"

Uberuna smiled and said: "Because Revel, you have never suffered hardship in the true sense. You have been protected so well by your family, so you take all the good things for granted. But for those of us at the bottom, these Beauty is something we gain with our lives. We don’t lack anything, the only thing we lack is respect, and in the Felix family, we don’t get respect, and even the most basic dignity is missing.”

Chapter. Confused

The demon clan is a clan with a long history and tradition, but in fact, it only took a few thousand years for the demon clan to escape from barbarism. For the demons of the immortal species, it is like ten years for humans, so many relatively barbaric people The rules are still spread among the demon clan and the like.

There are also contradictions within the demon clan. To put it simply and straightforwardly, the channels for social advancement are controlled by the family nobles, who will only support their own followers. After this kind of interest alliance snowballs, the interests of all aspects of the demon society, Neither can escape the influence of noble families.

It is precisely because of this that the demon clan has fallen into a serious state of involution. If the human world had not been discovered, the demon clan would have been involved in a civil war.

Uberuna is one of the victims of this wild era. Because of the foreign war, both her parents died in the war. With the little inheritance left to her by her parents, she began her own difficult road to comeback, but Even if he succeeds and becomes a high-ranking devil, he still cannot escape the fate of being a dog for the nobles.

And to be honest, the family that Uberuna wants to join the most is the Gremory family, or the Sidi family, because in the vast demon world, these two families are the only ones that treat their families as human beings, not tools and high-level cannon fodder. .

An individual's power is quite small in such a big environment, so even if she becomes a high-level demon, Uberuna can still only succumb to reality.

Uberuna glanced at Revelle and said: "Level, sometimes, one's birth determines everything. Talent can never be compared to one's origin, bloodline power, secret techniques, and ritual transformation. These are not ordinary demons. To be honest, when you came here like me, I felt gloating in my heart."

Revel had a surprised expression on her face. She didn't expect that Uberuna, who was respectful to her, would have such thoughts in her heart.

She felt that Ubelluna's idea was simply rebellious. If she were still the noble lady, she would have many ways to torment the other party.

But now everyone is the same, they are all dependents of Li Wei, and no one is nobler than anyone else. Thinking of this, Revel's face turned dark. She was no longer the noble lady she was before. She no longer had the temperament to treat people casually.

Revel sighed inwardly. It had been such a long time, and she still couldn't adapt to her new identity. Although Li Wei didn't treat her as a human being, Li Wei rarely used her. He usually interacted with her. The meeting time was not long, but it was Ubelluna who became Li Wei's assistant in life. Compared with her, the relationship with Li Wei was much closer.

There are differences between people. Revel felt that there seemed to be a gap between herself and Levi, but neither she nor Levi took the initiative to make more progress.

Thinking of this, Revel's cheeks bulged like a hamster.

Revel felt a little aggrieved. She felt that her posture had been set low enough, and she was still working hard to learn how to be a good family member. She made a lot of efforts secretly, but the effect of these efforts was not very good.

Uberuna glanced at Revel, pushed the big bowl for mixing egg liquid in front of her, and said with a smile: "Come and help me. Personally, it's more time-consuming~¨."

The egg liquid of dragon turtle eggs is very special. If you want to beat it to the point where it can be made into cakes, even if you use an auxiliary machine, it will take more than half an hour. However, if you use magic to process it, this time can be reduced to a few seconds. minute.

"Is this okay? I don't have much experience in pastry making. If you mess up, don't blame me. Dragon turtle eggs are very expensive, right?" Revel said, but there was nothing on his hands. He took the things without hesitation and started to help.

Uberuna smiled and said: "It's nothing, it doesn't matter even if you can't do it well, and I believe that this simple step is no problem for you. Moreover, it will be more meaningful if you start doing it."

Revel was a little hesitant in her heart. After all, this was Ubelluna's wish. If she intervened, this intention would become impure. She knew that this was the snack that Ubelluna had prepared for Li Wei.

Revel held an eggbeater in his hand. Because it was assisted by magic power, the electric eggbeater was a burden and would also affect the penetration of magic power. Revel was not very skilled at stirring the egg liquid with a whisk. Before she became Levi's dependent, she could be said to be a superior person in the demon world. It was not her turn to do things like this.

Even after becoming Li Wei's dependent, Li Wei did not force her to do any decent housework, so she always felt like a freeloader, which made her feel quite complicated.

Now that she can put it to use, she feels more at peace. At least, this proves that she is not just freeloading.

Uberuna said: "々. Your Excellency is actually a very good person, but because Revel has not let go of your noble pride, you feel awkward when getting along with him. However, I believe you will change. Time changes a lot of things."

Revel didn't answer Uberuna because she didn't know what she could say, so she did what she was doing in silence.

Feel humiliated? Maybe a little, but that was the beginning. Now, she has begun to get used to this kind of life.

Without the service of servants, she had to rely on herself for everything. At the beginning, she was indeed a little unaccustomed to it, but seeing that everyone else had their own things to do, she had nothing to do for a long time. I feel unaccustomed to it.

Beating eggs with magic power is a rather boring thing. Revel's thoughts soon began to scatter. She remembered that when she just met Levi, the first contact between the two parties was not pleasant. Moreover, the honor of the Felix family He was also stepped on the ground.

Revel patted her face, feeling that she was really boring. Now the honor of the Felix family has nothing to do with her.

Uberuna said: "Give me the things. Take out the fruits from the refrigerator, wash them and cut them."

"Okay, I still know how to cut fruits." Revel gave the things to Ubelluna and took out the snacks from the refrigerator nearby. She didn't know what kind of snacks Ubelluna was going to make. , her understanding of this aspect is, but it is still possible to simply start.

Chapter 4. The change of the eldest lady

Uberuna handled various materials skillfully, and Revel said: "Don't you already have an artifact like a gourmet tablecloth? Do you still need us to make various dishes?"

Ubelluna said: "Sir, you are from another world. The dishes stored on the gourmet tablecloth are all versions of the other world. There are no cooking methods in the local world. This is the meaning of making these. .”

Revel said: "You have completely assumed the role of a maid. Have you forgotten the pride of the upper devil?"

Uberuna smiled and said: "Being a high-ranking demon has not brought me any benefits. On the contrary, here, I get everything I want."

Revel said: "That's not true, is it? You are also a high-level devil, so you shouldn't be in such a miserable state."

Uberuna wanted to roll her eyes and said angrily: "Not everyone has such superior conditions as you, Revel. Without a family background, there is no way to gain oneself through personal struggle alone without the interception of vested interests. There are many high-level demons who live like dogs, but you just don’t know it, Revel.”

Ubelluna thought of a certain saying in the human body that was extremely crooked, "How can the efforts of several generations be inferior to your ten years of hard work?" This sentence seems reasonable at first glance, but only after thinking deeply will you realize that this It's just a lie spun by those with vested interests in order to protect their own interests. Whoever believes this is a fool, unless that person himself is a person with immediate interests.

Uberuna felt very helpless in her heart. Although Revel has strength that is not weak even among high-ranking demons, and considering her current age, it can be said that she is a genius with extraordinary potential, but she is really well protected by her family. Even though he became Levi's dependent, he was not tortured or abused. When Revel looked at the world, he had his own beautification filter.

The difference in outlook on life between people is huge, and different life paths also create huge differences in outlook on life between different people. Therefore, Uberuna knew that she wanted to make Revel "Sensible" is not an easy thing.

But Uberuna couldn't bear to see Revell being gradually alienated by Levi, so she wanted to help Revell, even if doing so would not bring any benefit to her.

Of course, there is never love and hate for no reason in the world. Uberuna is willing to lend a helping hand to Ravel in such a situation because Ravel was her to a certain extent when she was in the Felix family. It was precisely because of the protection given to her by Revel, the most favored member of the family, that when she was in the Felix family, she acted as a tool and was not reduced to a toy.

This made Uberuna very grateful to Revell in her heart, so she helped Revell. This was her repayment.

Uberuna said: "Level, Sir, I have not restricted your personal freedom. If you have time, you can go out and see the lives of ordinary human beings. I think you will have feelings. As for why the upper demon It is normal to have a bad life. If you want to live a good life, you can only treat others as dogs. The noble family has a complete inheritance and a variety of equipment. As well as huge wealth, ordinary individuals who are promoted to high-level demons step by step have nothing but their own high-level demon-level magic power. If they do not treat others as dogs and work on their own, let alone the issue of time. Just the fact that it is easy to conflict with noble families is dangerous enough. The number of high-ranking demons that disappear every year is more than you think. And the reason why they disappear, do you need me to tell you in detail? And Fei The Felix family itself is a very ugly aristocratic family, so I have helped Risel do several dirty jobs, killing those lone high-ranking demons who have conflicts of interest with the Felix family."

Revel was shocked by Uberuna's words. She didn't expect that the internal struggle in the demon world would be so intense. She had never heard of such a thing.

Revel realized the problem. If Uberuna didn't lie to her, it could only mean one thing, that is, she was a cage bird protected by the family elders. She knew too little about the dangers of the outside world.

After realizing her own shallowness and ignorance, Revel's heart felt like needles pricking her heart. No one likes to admit that she is stupid, but the current situation forced Revel to admit this fact. This was the most difficult thing for her. A place of acceptance.

Revel smiled bitterly and said: "I understand why you don't want to see me anymore, because I was too self-righteous before. Thank you, Uberuna, for letting me know my shortcomings. If I start to change now, There should still be relatively plenty of time.”

Uberuna smiled. She was happy to see Revel change.

Ubelluna smiled and said: "Change is not something that can be accomplished overnight. For now, let's start with how to make snacks. After all, what adults need is a virtuous and virtuous life assistant who can let adults see your changes. , Your Majesty’s heart will definitely change your mind.”

Levi, who was hiding in the dark, listened to the conversation between the two. He didn't expect that Ubelluna could change Revel. This was incredible.

Li Wei didn't know why Uberuna did this, but if Revel could really complete the change smoothly, the ultimate beneficiary would only be him, so he was happy to see such a thing happen.

But having said that, when Levi started, he originally planned to bring Uberuna over. After all, the big sister who wins people's hearts is much more fragrant than those young girls. Later, he also made an impromptu decision to bring Rui over. All of Sel's family members were taken away. In fact, Revel was just a supplement at the beginning.

After such a long period of observation, Levi can confirm that although Revel is an unworldly young lady, her nature is not bad. As long as she can be educated well, she can be brought back to the right path.

Levi didn't want to cause instability in his harem, so he couldn't accept girls who preferred yandere, no matter how cute they were. Tsundere-type girls are the most difficult to deal with after yandere-type girls, and Levi doesn't want to cause trouble for himself.

It is precisely because of this that he hopes that Revel can change himself.

Chapter. Fun people add fuel to the flames

After assisting Ubelluna in making the snacks and waiting for Ubelluna to record the snacks on the gourmet tablecloth, Revel left the attic, saying that he wanted to conduct "human observation" to improve his emotional self-control.

Uberuna watched Ravel leave at the door of the attic.

"Ubelluna, you treat her like your own sister. She is really lucky." Levi said.

Levi's voice suddenly appeared behind her, and Uberuna did not panic. Now she believed in Levi wholeheartedly, so when Levi appeared beside her, she only felt joy and no other negative emotions in her heart.

Uberuna turned around, saluted Li Wei gracefully, and said with a smile: "Sir, I do regard Levi as my sister. Although I don't have a sister, I know how to be a qualified sister. I still have a certain amount of confidence.”

Levi folded his hands and said: "Ubelluna, I know you somewhat. I went to investigate your past. In the Felix family, your experience is not that disappointing. Happy, why are you still protecting Revel?"

Uberuna smiled and said: "As you said, my experience in the Felix family was not pleasant, but even in that shit-like environment, there were always malicious people around me. Even under such circumstances, there are still people who can remain kind to me.”

Levi said: "The person who remains kind to you is Revel."

Uberuna nodded and said: "Yes, it was Revel who provided me with shelter at that time, so I was able to be alone in that environment. To be honest, my feelings about the Felix family are very complicated. I wish I could destroy this family with my own hands, but even if I really have the power to do such a thing, I would still be afraid that such a thing would make Revel sad, and even more afraid that she would hate me.~"

Levi can understand Ubelluna's current mental state, it's just a typical suspension bridge effect.

However, the simple Revel, although she has a bad temper, is not a bad person, so she deserves Uberuna's preferential treatment.

Levi said: "If I gave you the power and opportunity to take revenge on the Felix family, what would you do? Of course, I will keep this matter secret from Revel. I know that you hate several members of the Felix family very much. Personally, I hate them so much that I want to kill them.”

Levi, who is well-informed, naturally knows the grudge between Uberuna and the Felix family.

Hearing Levi's words, Uberuna was moved. She didn't have a good impression of the Felix family. If it weren't for Revel, he would have fallen into the Felix family. If he wanted to take revenge, he would have to You should first weigh yourself to see if you have the ability. If you don't have the ability, you will naturally have to pretend to be a grandson.

But Uberuna is self-aware. Even now, she cannot take revenge on the Felix family. Although her strength has made great progress after following Levi, the Felix family has many people. With the overwhelming power, if she could kill only a few at most, she would be surrounded and killed by more Felix family members using human wave tactics.

Levi continued: "I know you want revenge. Go to the warehouse to pick out the equipment later. Each piece of equipment has a special label. You can use it in unlimited quantities. Just remember to put it back in its place after use."

Uberuna's eyes lit up, and she suppressed her inner excitement and said, "Thank you, sir, I will solve it quickly."

As for taking things and running away, Uberuna has never thought about it, because there is no need to follow Levi, which is far better than being a lonely ghost outside. How did everything happen now? Ubelluna still has a lot of ideas in her heart.

On Levi's side, the reason why he would leave such a matter to Ubelluna was because he wanted to have fun. The bad taste of fun people is often like this, they like to watch others do it.

And with Uberuna's temper, instead of turning the Felix family upside down this time, he would drink Coke and eat potato chips while standing on his head.

After all, most girls are petty-minded, and a particularly tolerant one like Uberuna is often more destructive than girls with other personalities, so letting her torment the Felix family will be more effective than other girls. There are many good people. As for the issue of secrecy, it would be enough to keep Revel from knowing, and maybe he could gain some points. After all, if he messed with the Felix family, Risel would definitely not be able to escape.

····Ask for flowers······

Uberuna showed a worried expression and said, "If I go to the Demon World this time, I might need to stay there for a few days. If I'm not here, I might be suspected by Revel."

Li Wei smiled and said: "This kind of problem is easy to solve."

Li Wei pinched his fingers, and a square piece of white paper appeared in front of him. Li Wei quickly folded the white paper skillfully, and after a while, a small paper figure was folded out.

Levi gently tossed the paper man, and the suspended paper man stopped in front of Ubelluna.

Levi said: "Input your magic power into this paper man, and the paper man will transform into your clone, with exactly the same strength and memory as you. It can help you pretend that you are still here. When you come back, you only need to take back yourself. With the magic power, you can get the memory of the paper man in the past few days."

. ...

Uberuna showed a surprised expression and said: "This is really a practical spell, but it is overkill for a place like this."

Uberuna input her own magic power into the paper man, and the paper man, which was originally less than the size of a palm, began to expand rapidly, and in just a few seconds, it turned into another person.

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