The paper man Ubelluna gave a thumbs up to her own body and said with a smile: "Leave the disguise here to me. You can do what you want to do as a body. I won't reveal the truth. "

After Uberuna and Levi resigned, they went to the storage room in the attic, and then she was dazzled by the various props in the storage room.

Levi put all the props that he didn't need here. Although they were just a pile of rubbish to him, for a high-level demon like Ubelluna who was not too strong, the props here were enough. It was a huge help.

Although Ubelluna has already started practicing with Li Wei, her time is still short after all. Although the increase she can get is not small, what she wants to do is to challenge a noble family personally. If she is not prepared carefully, she will still suffer a loss.

She looked at the various props on the shelf and was already thinking about various strategies to fight the enemy. With the help of various props here, it would not be too difficult to defeat the Felix family.

Chapter. Women are very revengeful

It didn't take Uberuna long to pick out the equipment she wanted to take out. Except for some of the items needed for concealment, the rest of the equipment she picked were all attack-type items. After getting ready, she left the attic.

The entrance to the demon world has very strict management on the entry and exit of personnel. Every demon entering and exiting must have a corresponding identification certificate. Without identification certificate, there is no way to enter and exit the passage, and the existence of other forces cannot do anything. He hides his true identity in front of the special investigation equipment in the demon world.

The spies placed by the fallen angels in the demon world are demons who were instigated to rebel, rather than fallen angels pretending to be demons.

Uberuna said that she found props that could hide herself in the utility room. Although she didn't know the limits of these props, she had confidence in Li Wei's props. She believed that with the props that Levi held, it would not be difficult to deceive the equipment at the entrance to the demon world.

Just when Li Wei was living his own little life, the outside world was already in turmoil, and all forces were like hedgehogs with explosive hair, mobilizing their own forces in order to find Linde. Where the other clones are.

For ordinary people, it is no longer as simple as reacting to such changes, but they have no idea what happened. Humanity is still not at peace within itself. There are quarrels between countries every day, and "large-scale quarrels" broke out in the Eastern Region. "Even without the intervention of the gods, human beings are still in such chaos.

Levi used the space beacon he placed on Uberuna to observe her actions throughout the process.

Uberuna has not returned to the Demon Realm for a while, so she needs to re-adapt to the environment of the Demon Realm, especially when she cannot use the teleportation array inside the city. She can only start from the entrance and rely on her own wings to go there. Felix family territory.

Uberuna was very excited at this time. Thinking that she would soon be able to take revenge on her old club, she couldn't help but put on a crazy smile on her face. The only person she didn't want to hurt was the entire Felix family. Revel, as for the others, she didn't bother to care about their life or death, she just wanted to toss them to death.

Her revengeful mentality is an idea shared by many high-level demons who have climbed up from the bottom step by step. However, those high-level demons are not as lucky as she is. They should be dogs or dogs.

The aristocratic families have a monopoly on the promotion channels, especially all kinds of ordinary demons. Even if they are promoted to high-level demons, they are just a blank slate. All kinds of secret techniques and transformations are not accessible to these civilian high-level demons, so the demon world The power layout will always be like that, and nobles will always be nobles. Even if they are down due to internal struggles, they are not comparable to the upper-level demons of the common people.

A situation like this has lasted for tens of thousands of years. The power of the nobles has become larger and larger, and their power has become more and more terrifying. In addition, the upper demons who have accumulated over the years and climbed up from the bottom have no way to compete with them. The basis of confrontation.

There are also various changes within human beings. Both world wars have caused a reshuffle of mankind. After all, when the situation gets extremely bad, there will always be someone who can overturn the table.

However, in the demon world, turning over the table is just a dream for the civilian demons. The power controlled by the noble families is simply not something that the civilian demons can fight against. There is no point in having too many people. In the face of absolute power, there is no chance. usefulness.

Uberuna knew that what she wanted to do could be said to be an unprecedented feat. Although she was not the first person to raise a flag against the Guishuo family, everyone else had failed and she was the only one who could succeed.

After many days, Uberuna arrived in the city where she had stayed for a long time, the main city of the Felix family.

She used the props she carried to quietly penetrate the city shield and enter the city from the air.

Uberuna clearly identifies the object of her hatred. Her target is always the Felix family, a noble family. She does not want to harm innocent civilians, because she has climbed up from the common people step by step. She knows very well, The civilian demons were just swept along by the tide of the times, and had no choice at all. When retaliating, involving unrelated civilian demons is like a weak person taking action against an even weaker person.

Levi looked at Ubelluna in the sky through the space beacon, and felt a little confused. Could it be that Ubelluna wanted to "carry rice" like Pain did to Konoha?

Uberuna's figure turned into a stream of light and sneaked into the Felix family's mansion. With the increase of props, her concealment ability was greatly strengthened. She swaggered forward in the corridor, surrounded by maids and other servants on both sides. , didn't even notice her presence... .

Perception spread outward, and it only took Uberuna a few seconds to locate the area where the main members of the Felix family were. At this time, Boken, the eldest son of the Felix family, was in his room, discussing the strategy of the ranking game with several family members.

Uberuna, who was watching, chanted a spell in her mouth, and Boken's body instantly began to rot and deteriorate, just like a tree withering and losing its vitality.

"Hmph ah ah ah ah ah ah!!! There is an assassin!" Boken reacted instantly. He wanted to use magic to repair his injuries, but after throwing the healing spell away, he found that it had no effect. He realized that the person who attacked him was not using magic to cause direct harm, but a curse.

The Felix family has very high resistance to direct damage, and Yui's resistance weakness is the curse, but the Felix family can refresh the curse state by relying on the ability of resurrection. Therefore, facing the current situation, Boken did not panic like other demons. Instead, he notified the rest of the family and wanted to find the assassin hiding in the dark.

4. Uberuna was not afraid of the other party's call at all, and another curse was thrown on Boken. Boken's body rotted rapidly, and at the same time, his body began to deform.

Uberuna herself is not good at curse spells, but there is a prop called "Curse Scepter" in Levi's utility room. This prop can greatly strengthen the user's curse ability and has its own abilities. "Command Distortion", this ability can transform a target into a monster with strong vitality but extremely weak combat ability. This curse is a special state, and even abilities such as "Dispel Curse" and "Resurrection" cannot be refreshed. This cursed state.

And this prop is the core prop for Uberuna to take revenge on the Felix family. She wants to make the Felix family unable to live or die.

Chapter. All become monsters

Uberuna did not intend to reveal her identity, because there are still many servants in the mansion, and some of them are unrelated people. Like her, they were not voluntarily "joined" to join the Felix family. If they are in If there was a mass killing here, it would be easy to involve these unlucky unrelated people.

She didn't intend to silence the servants in the mansion, so she didn't show her face from the beginning. Although this would make revenge less satisfying, it would save a lot of trouble.

Uberuna is not sure whether there is someone in the demon world who can break this curse. If she reveals her true identity in revenge, she will indeed be happy at the time, but if her identity is known to others later, Revel will know it sooner or later. Yes, she didn't want to stalemate her relationship with Revel.

Boken's body can no longer maintain a human-like state. He has turned into a soft monster with a head like an octopus. His body is covered with twisted and wriggling tentacles and only bloodshot eyeballs. At this time, he originally had The preface's words had become a frenzied howl.

The most vicious point of this curse is that while turning the target into a monster, it retains the target's reason and emotions, allowing the target to clearly realize that he has become an ugly monster.

Such a curse would have a huge impact on those races that are relatively beautiful in appearance. For the demons who don't care so much about their appearance, the greatest lethality of this curse lies in its weakening of strength.

The monster whose target was cursed has a strong vitality and is almost unkillable. However, its strength is also quite poor. It can bully ordinary humans. Even the weakest demon child can take this... The scary-looking monster is rounded and squashed.

Several female demons participating in multi-player sports have been frightened. Although they have extraordinary beauty, they are lower-level demons and lower-level demons with not outstanding strength. Now this situation that they cannot understand at all makes them A chill ran down their spines.

When Samas, the second son of the Felix family, broke into the room, she saw a few frightened female demons huddled in the corner, and there was only a monster lying on the bed, like a puddle of mud.

The moment she saw this ugly monster, Samais ignited a flame in her hand and threw it at the monster. In an instant, the monster wailed miserably and was burned to ashes in just a few moments. Then, it was reborn from the ashes. Becoming more and more ugly.

A female demon huddled in the corner said: "Master Samaisi, this monster is the transformation of the eldest master. It may be a curse."

The female demon who spoke was good at curses, and it was precisely because of this that she instinctively felt that the current changes were caused by curses.

Samaisi said in shock: "This?! The reason why this monster was resurrected just now was because of the power of the family's bloodline? But the family's bloodline power can refresh the cursed state through resurrection. Why was it resurrected? My eldest brother is still like this appearance?"

The female demon shook her head quickly and said: "I don't know! I don't know anything!"

Samasi felt something was wrong with her body. He looked down and saw that his left hand had become deformed and became abominably twisted.

"Fuck!" Samais quickly escaped from the room, and at the same time applied magic power to her surroundings, and said loudly: "There is an unknown curse in the house. Everyone, go outside. Boken has been cursed and turned into a monster. !quick!"

Samaisi's reaction was not unpleasant, but he didn't know that the strength of the enemy this time had exceeded the limit that the current Felix family could deal with.

The whole house was filled with ecstasy. As a noble family with a long history, the Felix family, although not famous for their individual strength, had good overall qualities. After hearing Samais’s warning, although they didn’t know Something happened, but they all ran outside.

Uberuna looked at Samais who was running away in embarrassment, and threw out another curse. The ability attached to the curse scepter is a designated ability, not a directional ability. As long as the target is locked, no matter how the target escapes, as long as there is no Escaping from the maximum casting distance, she can launch a curse attack at any time.

Samesh escaped outside the mansion, but when others saw him, half of his body had been transformed.

Samas saw the changes in his body and knew that this difficulty could not be avoided, but even though he was desperate, he did not forget his identity as a member of the Felix family and said: "Everyone should run away as far away as possible. This mansion has been cursed. This curse cannot be lifted even by death and resurrection. Once it turns into a monster, it cannot be saved..."

Before Samas finished speaking, his body had been completely deformed, turning into a half-human, half-animal creature, like a shape-shifter from "The Thing".

Everyone was shocked. Although the magic resistance of the Felix family is not particularly high, it can still block such a curse. This curse that can directly turn the Felix family members into monsters has surpassed them. imagination.

Uberuna came outside the house. All the members of the Felix family were already here, which was just suitable for Bo to deal with. Uberuna held her scepter high, and invisible "threads" wrapped around the bodies of each member of the Felix family. In an instant, their bodies began to become deformed. Because of Uberuna's deliberate control, they The speed of distortion is not very fast, but this irresistible change can bring them the deepest despair.

Levi watched this scene from the perspective brought by the space beacon, and could only sigh that he had offended a woman, and if the hidden dangers were not resolved, this would be the final result.

Ubelluna's ruthlessness surprised him. Normally, Ubelluna acted like a housewife, giving people the impression of being harmless to humans and animals.

However, people all have many sides. In front of him, Ubelluna is indeed a "big" sister who is suitable for living at home. However, when facing the enemy, Ubelluna shows her decisive side.

After all, Uberuna was born as a demon. The three views of demons are very different from humans. Things like this may seem too cruel to ordinary people, but for demons, such things... Just right.

Chapter. The Dilemma of the Demons

After achieving her goal, Uberuna did not stay where she was and left without hesitation. She did not expose herself from the beginning to the end, so she did not even need to deal with the aftermath.

Levi also withdrew his gaze. Now, except for Revel, all direct members of the Felix family have been turned into monsters, and Rissel is no exception. Levi has not received Rissel yet. However, he believed that it would not be long before Risel provided a large number of points.

After all, no one can accept being turned into a monster except for perverts. Especially since this monster is not only ugly, but also extremely weak. This is even more uncomfortable for the demons who are strong and supremacist than killing them. , and the resurrection power of the Felix family bloodline makes them unable to die even if they want to after being turned into monsters. This is the most vicious torture.

Levi could predict that it wouldn't be long before these members of the Felix family who were turned into monsters would have a complete mental breakdown and become real monsters, living in a state of confusion forever.

Of course, as a benevolent person, Levi would not make them suffer too much. Anyway, when Risel's spirit collapsed, he would help these people to be completely relieved.

In fact, this is also Levi's caution. After all, the Felix family's ability to resurrect from the dead is a very good match for monster bodies. As they live longer, Wansheng's benign mutations will make them stronger. Being powerful actually gives them an advantage. It is precisely because of this that Li Wei decided to execute them to completely eliminate such hidden dangers.

Any normal person would understand the principle of cutting off the grass and roots.

It didn't take long for Uberuna to return to the human world. She didn't stay outside and went straight back to the attic.

After returning the various props that she had taken away to their original places, Uberuna breathed a sigh of relief and a smile appeared on her face. The evil spirit in her heart finally came out and she was able to make those members of the Felix family who had planned to humiliate her Living as monsters and letting them wander in pain and confusion forever, she felt that this kind of punishment was quite suitable for them.

Levi, who was playing games in his bedroom, heard a knock on the door and said casually: "Come in~¨."

Uberuna looked at Levi and said, "Sir, my personal matters have been dealt with and everything has been returned to their original places in the warehouse. I have nothing more to ask for."

Levi put down the controller and turned around and said, "Just untie the knot in your heart. Judging from your appearance, those people in the Felix family should have received the punishment they deserve."

Uberuna nodded and said: "Without your help, I would not have been able to complete my revenge. I am very happy now."

The smile on Uberuna's face couldn't be suppressed. She was not a glamorous girl, and her smile had a unique flavor.

Levi said: "As long as you take revenge, come and play fighting games with me. There will be a lot of fun to watch in the next few days. Let me tell you the truth first. The Nordic gods may go to the territory of the demon world. If you are looking for trouble, there will be fun to watch."

Uberuna came to Levi's side, sat down on the cushion, and skillfully selected the P character to activate. Levi would often ask her to play fighting games. With the devil's reaction speed far exceeding that of humans, she could fight back and forth with Levi who was in an out-of-state condition.

Although Uberuna is in the attic, she still knows a lot about the outside world. Of course, limited by information channels, the information she can know is generally third-hand, and there is a certain lag. However, compared to ordinary civilian demons who have no connections, she is already relatively well-informed.

Uberuna is no longer as concerned about things in this world as before, because for her, she will leave this world sooner or later, so sooner or later, things in this world will have nothing to do with her, so she Why do you still care so much?

However, after hearing what Li Wei said about the Nordic protoss' thoughts on the demon clan, she, who was born as a demon, still pricked her ears.

When the game starts, on the screen, the two characters start to fight crazily. It is a high-quality battle that can be used as the material of a "fighting drama". For the two of them, it is a daily discussion afternoon.

Levi said: "Didn't I teach the demon clan how to deal with those fallen angels from another world before? Those fallen angels from another world are all human supremacists, so the demon clan cleans up all kinds of demons and ghosts around the world to ensure the safety of mankind. Safe. But doing so also touches the interests of the gods. In addition, those fallen angels from another world have destroyed two pantheons. If the demons win over those fallen angels from another world, a war between gods may break out."

Uberuna was a little surprised in her heart, and at the same time she was quite sad. If it were her original self, she would not have learned such news. After all, she was just a dependent of a noble family. They have climbed to high-ranking demons, but to those members of noble families, they are just high-level cannon fodder.

After hearing the news told by Li Wei, she still felt a little sluggish about her status. Now she is no longer the little person she used to be. They say that she is a seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister. Now, even if she sees the devil, she can only All you need to do is to perform the most basic etiquette. Unlike before, you had to perform all kinds of cumbersome etiquette.

As a demon beyond human beings, Uberuna is not difficult to use her heart, so while controlling her game character, she can also think about other questions or answer other people's words fluently. .

Uberuna said with some surprise: "々. The current demon clan is just gambling. Once the bet loses, they will be attacked on both sides."

Levi smiled and said: "But the current demon clan has no choice. It is understandable that they would want to form an alliance with those fallen angels from another world. Now that the demon clan has released letters of goodwill, it depends on what those big guys do. It’s time to react. If we form an alliance with those big guys, the demon clan will have to give up all the interests of the human world, unless they can stabilize the demon world as quickly as possible."

Uberuna said: "This is too difficult. Although those giant demons from another world fought with those giant fallen angels and fought to the death of both sides, the demon world has not yet found those giant demons. If there are no traces of the problem, if we can't take this opportunity to completely solve the problem, the demon clan will most likely lose more than the gain."

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