Therefore, the reason why the cave became what it is now is not simply because the two sisters are here, but also because he doesn't like this simple environment. He will not treat himself badly if conditions permit.

Levi sat down and made himself a cup of strong tea. Because there was no sun in the Demon Realm, it was very cold in the morning and evening. Although Li Wei really liked Fat House Happy, at this time, he wanted to have a cup of tea even more. Hot strong tea or coffee with sugar.

Li Wei picked up the tea cup, blew the tea soup gently, and said: "The most important thing in life is to be happy."

Heige wanted to complain in her heart. It was abnormal for them to be happy in their current situation. Silly Lotte had to have a limit.

However, Heige can understand Li Wei's thoughts. For a strong man like Li Wei, there are hardly many rules that can restrain him, so he can have a happy personality. For ordinary people, it is very difficult just to survive. There is no leisure to pursue any kind of happiness. It is just pure hard work.

Heige came to Baiyin's side and shook her gently, but Baiyin just turned over and continued to sleep.

Levi said: "Since she wants to sleep, let her have a good rest. Sleeping in is considered a child's privilege~¨."

Baiyin's age, whether calculated by monster or devil standards, can be said to be quite young. Li Wei can also feel the immature life of the other party, which shows that the other party's age is older than he imagined. Smaller.

Heige said: "Now we are evading the pursuit of the nobles. If she develops the bad habit of sleeping in, the escape will be quite difficult."

The hunters who are affiliated with the devil's officialdom will not talk about martial ethics with them, so they must remain quite vigilant. Once their vigilance drops, what awaits them may be a tragic ending.

Levi said: "Can you tell me in detail what you encountered? It's best to be as detailed as possible. Maybe I can do something."

Heige sighed in her heart, it would be great if Levi could really do something, but she didn't have such extravagant hopes. Being able to escape from the devil world was already the best result for her. As for escaping, What would happen? That kind of thing is beyond her imagination now.

Heige knew that now was not the time to hesitate. After briefly introducing the identities of himself and his sister, he told what had happened to him, not leaving out any suspicious details.

It took several minutes for Heige to finish telling her story.

"That's probably what happened. I don't have any details to add for now." Heige picked up the pot and cup from the table, poured himself a cup, and drank the drink.

Levi crossed his hands, showing a pensive expression. After a while, he said: "I have integrated all the information, but the result can only be attributed to luck. Because, I am where you are In the events you encountered, no human factors can be seen, and Heige, your own strength has grown too fast. This is related to your superhuman talent. Your rapid growth is a good thing for you. But The superior master assigned to you by the Naberius family is relatively weak. They should be planning to use you to strengthen your master's combat power, but your growth rate has exceeded everyone's expectations. , so it caused the backlash of the contract. Strictly speaking, this was an accident for which both parties were responsible, and no one wanted this to happen."

Heige sighed inwardly, even if he came to such a conclusion, what's the use? After all, this incident caused the death of a member of the noble family. This is an irrefutable fact.

To the aristocracy, she is the sinner who killed the aristocrats. Whether she caused such a result subjectively or accidentally, she must be responsible for this matter.

Heige herself also knew how troublesome the trouble she had caused was. She was not innocent. She was very clear about this. The only thing she feared was to be punished. Any crime involving harming a noble would bring harm to the family of the offender. If you sit together, no one in your immediate family can escape.

She herself had a bad life, and it didn't matter whether she lived or died, but she didn't want to see Bai Yin get hurt, so she took Bai Yin and ran away. If she hadn't sat down, she would have committed suicide long ago.

Heige said: "々. The truth is this, but the key is, will the nobles choose to listen to this truth? In the eyes of the nobles, for things like this, the fault is always the common people, and the nobles will never make mistakes. There will be no responsibility.”

Levi can feel the resentment in Heige's words, but this can't be blamed on Heige, because there are huge social problems in the demon world itself. Now they just rely on violence to suppress all these problems, but as long as the noble body loses In order to gain the advantage of violence, the more ruthlessly they suppress the civilians, the more ruthlessly the civilians will take revenge on them.

This is a problem left over from the history of the demon world, and it is also a problem that any extraordinary race with a large population will face, that is, uneven distribution, leading to sharp internal confrontations.

Ordinary humans with weak individual strength can still perform operations like princes and generals, but when it comes to demons, it means that princes and generals have talents. The descendants of the strong will most likely be strong, while the descendants of the weak will be strong. There is a high probability that future generations will still be weak, so the status of the nobles has never been truly threatened. In addition, the nobles consciously use foreign wars to consume the high-end combat power of the civilian class, so that the power of civilian demons is always at a disadvantage. It is in a controlled state, so the civilian demons cannot make any trouble.

For example, the ancient techniques of controlling the people of Chongguo are all tricks that the demon clan has already played. Such methods as dividing and opposing factions, fighting factions, inducing fishing boats, and price manipulation of life have all been used by the demon nobles. The civilian demons have already exhausted all their efforts just to survive. How can they still have the energy and strength to fight against the nobles?

Chapter. The current situation of the demons

The current situation in the demon world is not a "promised land" for any civilian demon, because in the demon world, weakness is the original sin.

Although, even in the real world of human society, the strong can receive preferential treatment, the attitude towards the weak can reveal the bottom line and potential of a civilization.

Knowing the history of demons, Levi knew that demons once had a very glorious "golden age". At that time, demons had a population of more than one billion, nearly 100 million high-ranking demons, and close to one billion demons.

Unfortunately, the golden age only lasted less than ten thousand years, and the demon clan itself declined. However, this is also related to the environment at that time, because the demons at that time were trapped in the demon world and had no way to return to the human world, so they could only roll in crazily. As a result, in the end, they became what they are now, with a population of less than One billion, there are only tens of thousands of high-level demons left, and the top-level combat power has been reduced by %. The originally large civilian demon war group has disappeared in the long river of history. Apart from leaving written records, there is nothing specific. Can stay.

At that time, due to the population explosion and no outlet for external development, the per capita share of the demon clan was already in jeopardy. At the same time, the contradiction between the common people and the nobles was also acute, and civil war was imminent.

The aristocratic body has a perfect inheritance of power, and at the same time, everyone receives elite education and growth, so no matter whether it is mental or personal quality, it is not comparable to the civilian devils. Therefore, the "counselor" of the aristocratic body used "Control the People" "Skills", stupid people, weak people, tired people, humiliating people, poor people.

The large-scale civilian demons were divided by the aristocracy because they had no unified thoughts. The short-sighted civilian demons were fundamentally divided and even hostile to each other under the aristocratic plan. Therefore, they once had The endlessly glorious civilian demon battle group completely disappeared from history.

In order to prevent such civilian demonic groups from resurrecting, the aristocracy has been using methods similar to the art of controlling the people, but now compared to that era, it is gentler, more like boiling frogs. Little by little, the civilians were deprived of their demonic power.

However, the civilian demons are not without capable people. Although they cannot defeat them in a head-on confrontation, the civilian demons also have methods to deal with the current situation, which is the theory of "Lying Ping Xue", the full name of which is "Lie Ping Xue".

To a certain extent, studying while lying down is like breaking a pot. Since you want to suppress me and I can't resist you, then the worst case scenario is to destroy me. If you have the ability, just kill me. Even if you die, you have to lie down and die. .

From that time on, the civilian demons began their own path of "succumbing to difficulties when encountering difficulties". They no longer accumulated wealth and no longer cherished power. The marriage rate and fertility rate also declined, and the demon clan never stopped. The population of one billion at its peak is now less than % of the population at its peak. You can imagine how huge the damage to the demon race as a whole will be if it is destroyed for a long time.

This was a lose-lose confrontation. The aristocrats in the demon clan lost a lot of useful cannon fodder, so they no longer had any absolute advantage in foreign wars, neither in population nor in strength.

Demons are a very long-lived race. After "awakening", the civilian demons passed down the teachings from generation to generation, and also left a lot of dark history about the demon aristocrats, letting the young demons know that the aristocratic body once What he has done, therefore, in this era, there are very few civilian demons who are still willing to make progress. Most civilian demons will remain in a status quo as long as they can survive.

After gaining insight into the rise and decline of the demon clan, Levi maintained a theatrical attitude toward the current demon world. Although he made investments in the top brass of the demon world, such investments were nothing more than a small move for him. It has no impact on the overall situation at all.

Moreover, his puppet clones launched attacks on various cities, which also catalyzed the conflicts between civilians and nobles to a certain extent. After all, when the "devil from another world" did not come, they could still happily mess around, but with the attacks More and more often, civilian demons are also involved in the chaos.

What happened to Heige is definitely not an isolated case. It should be said that similar things have happened too many times in the history of the demon clan, so many that they have made civilian demons numb.

Levi has no idea of ​​acting as a savior. After all, the situation faced by the demon clan is completely different from that of humans. The huge difference in individual strength determines that the demon clan cannot have justice and fairness, even if the existing nobles are eliminated. Class, soon, the civilian demons will divide into a new aristocratic class.

The law is vividly displayed in the demon clan. Unless the demon clan can actively expand to the outside world, completely bring its own crisis to the outside world, first use external enemies to divert conflicts, and then stimulate the demon's own powerful fertility ability to use its huge The population is plundered from outside, and the people who are robbed back feed the people, thus entering a virtuous cycle. Only in this way can the current crisis of the Demon Clan be solved. Moreover, this method treats the symptoms but not the root cause. It can only solve the immediate crisis. A superhuman race like the Demon Clan, where all the people have extraordinary power, cannot even solve the most basic problems. There is no guarantee of fairness and justice. There is no so-called healthy competition at all. Once we lose the feedback from external interests, we will immediately start to engage in crazy involution, and then everyone will be flat.

Levi said: "I think you are not a native devil, right?"

Heige nodded and said: "I was originally a monster, but under the circumstances at that time, I had no choice, and over the years, the Naberius family that took me in has not treated me badly. If it weren't for this time Unexpectedly, I will not leave the family."

Levi said: "But things have already happened. Even if someone with great ability resurrects the unlucky guy, for the sake of the dignity of the noble body, you cannot escape."

Heige said: "I know that not only me, but even my sister can't escape. After all, any criminal who harms the interests of the nobles will be punished by law and the whole family will be killed."

Heige looked at Baiyin who was sleeping. If it weren't for her, Baiyin wouldn't suffer the same hardships as her, but there are no ifs in this world. From before to now, she has never had a choice. It has to be said that reincarnation It's really a technical job.

Heige thought to herself, if she was born as a member of a certain noble family, even if she was the most marginal member of the collateral line, and her talent was poor, it would be better than what she is now. It would be too difficult for civilian demons to climb up. And if you are not careful, it will bring disaster to yourself and your family. To be honest, this kind of life is no different from walking on a tightrope on a cliff. It looks glamorous to others, but only the person involved knows how difficult this path is. danger.

A man who accompanies a king is like a tiger who accompanies him, so it is most appropriate to place him on a demon noble.

Chapter. Heige’s choice

Li Wei looked at Heige and said with a serious expression: "If I give you a chance to change your destiny, what will you do?"

When asked such a question by Li Wei, Heige was immediately confused, because she had never thought about this matter at all. After all, fantasy cannot solve the real dilemma. At most, it can only bring spiritual comfort, and even when the fantasy ends , there will only be more emptiness and despair left.

It is precisely because of this that she doesn't think about those complicated problems at all, she just focuses on solving the current dilemma and living in the present.

Li Wei looked at Heige's confused look and said again: "I'm not joking with you, but I can really give you the power to change your destiny. What will you do with this power?~"

Heige thought of the legendary novels he had read before. In those legendary novels, the protagonist would meet a peerless master, and then train under the peerless master, gain powerful strength, kill enemies with his hands, have a beautiful woman in his arms, and walk towards life. peak.

Now that the plot of the legendary novel has happened to her, she naturally cannot come back to her senses, especially since Levi no longer suppresses his own power, and she can feel Levi's "greatness".

Levi's control of power has reached a very terrifying level. Although he has let go of the control of his power, in the underground space, only Heige can feel his true power. He is only two or three meters away from the two people. Baiyin, can't feel anything.

Heige hesitated and said, "I want to take my sister far away, to a place where no one knows us, and live a peaceful life."

Heige looked into Levi's eyes. Eyes are the windows to the human soul. He saw disappointment in Levi's eyes. But she is still determined in her choice, because she knows that she is not material for big things. Even if she gains powerful power, she does not have a strong enough mind to control it, and she is likely to get lost in the power in the end.

Heige, who is self-aware, has chosen the safest path. Perhaps such a choice will disappoint Li Wei, but when making any decision, she always gives priority to the safety of her sister Baiyin.

If gaining power would put Baiyin in danger, then she would rather not have that power.

"I let you down, right?" Heige said. After telling his true thoughts, Heige felt relieved. This decision was the result of a difficult inner struggle.

Levi said: "I'm not disappointed, I just feel that I am a bit too much, because I have already preset a position to induce you and want you to follow my ideas. This is disrespectful in itself. I know You made this choice because of your sister Baiyin's safety, right?"

Heige nodded. Baiyin was her last relative and her spiritual support. If anything happened to Baiyin, no matter how powerful she was, it would be meaningless.

It can be said that if the purpose of obtaining power is to protect Bai Yin, she is willing to obtain power, but if this power will put Bai Yin in danger or even hurt Bai Yin, then this power will be extremely poisonous to her. She feels that she is a very satisfied person. If it were not for the previous accident, she would be a very ordinary naturalized high-level devil, a very ordinary civil servant in the devil world, doing boring and ordinary work every day, fishing from time to time, and being a Happy salary thief.

Heige said: "I know that I may have given up the opportunity to make more progress, but I do not regret my choice. For me, family is the most important thing. I just need to be able to protect my family."

Li Wei also admired Heige in his heart. After seeing his true power, Heige already knew that he could fulfill his promise and that he could really give Heige powerful power. But Heige gave up this great opportunity for the sake of his family. This kind of emphasis on his family suited him very well.

The reason is also very simple, because Levi himself is also a person who values ​​his family very much. If Heige chooses revenge, Levi will not say anything. Instead, he will give her his power with a smile and watch her mess up the entire demon world. The dog jumps. But Heige chose his family, and Levi also put aside his mentality of watching a movie. He respected his sister who loved and cared for her in his heart.

Levi said: "To a certain extent, you chose the correct answer. Congratulations, you got an unexpected perfect score. Although I can't see the excitement, I like your choice very much."

····Ask for flowers······

Levi doesn't have any brothers or sisters himself, so he doesn't know what it's like to get along with brothers and sisters, but Heige and Baiyin get along with each other, they still don't give up in the difficult situation, and they support each other. This kind of relationship makes He was moved.

Levi came to Heige and pointed his index finger between the other person's eyebrows.

Heige only felt that the world in her eyes was broadened, and huge power surged out from deep inside her body. Her whole body seemed to have endless strength. This powerful feeling made her intoxicated.

I don't know how much time passed, but Heige finally got rid of this state.


"Thank you for your help, sir!" Heige suppressed her inner excitement. Now, she has mastered a more powerful power. If she had not obtained this power, she would not even have time to activate her racial magical powers. will be killed by her. This is the tremendous growth she has gained.

Levi said: "Next, I will travel in the devil world for a while."

Heige quickly said: "Sir, you must be very bored on the road. The two of us are willing to follow you, sir, and let us be driven by you."

Levi said: "You are the first person who made me change my mind. It is a virtue to value your family. Don't lose your true heart."

Levi patted Heige on the shoulder, but sighed in his heart that he had overturned the plan he had already made, but he did not regret doing so. Because he saw a sister who loved her sister and gave up a greater opportunity for her. Such a choice would be stupid for normal people, but he appreciated this stupidity.

Levi said: "As for you wanting to go to the human world, it's not a difficult thing. After I get tired of playing in the demon world, you can just follow me to the human world. But having said that, go What are your plans in the human world?”

Heige said: "Originally, I wanted to find a place to live in seclusion with Baiyin, but now, I want to follow you, sir." Qian.

Chapter. Cross-dressing

Levi heard the sound of "thumping" and glanced sideways from the corner of his eyes. Baiyin, the sleepy little white-haired lolita, had already gotten up.

"Good morning..." Baiyin stretched out. She was still a little tired. During the period of escape, she had not had a good rest. She was still a little unaccustomed to being lazy and overslept now.

The quilt covering the body was lifted, and the torn clothes could not cover up the white skin, and a large area of ​​snowy skin was exposed. For a lolita control person, it was extremely lethal.

However, Levi is not an ordinary otaku. He only views lolita with an appreciative attitude, but does not have any evil thoughts in his mind. Compared with lolita who have nothing, he prefers those who "understand people's hearts" big sister.

For some people with special hobbies, the other person is willing to respect the other person's ideas, but when these people with special hobbies practice their hobbies, it does not prevent Levi from despising these people.

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