Heige looked at Baiyin who was already asleep and said: "Baiyin, now we are your followers, you respect Li Wei, you must remember it firmly."

Baiyin woke up instantly and looked at Li Wei and Heige. She was not stupid. She immediately figured out that something must have happened while she was sleeping, and her sister chose to face her. The good-looking man surrendered, and now they had a new allegiance.

Although she doesn’t know whether this new allegiance is reliable, her sister Heige has already made a decision. She will naturally follow Heige’s footsteps because she feels that her sister is much smarter than her. Since her sister thinks it is okay , then no problem.

Baiyin's choice was very simple and crude, which was to follow her sister's footsteps, because her sister's choices were always very correct. This gave her a certain inertia of thinking, but it also allowed her to practice her intuition. , her intuition told her that Levi was reliable.

Intuition is this thing. It is often mysterious, but it does work.

"I understand." Baiyin didn't know what to say, so he simply replied and then closed his mouth.

Levi himself also knew that Bai Yin was not a talkative person, especially when facing strangers, Bai Yin was the kind of shy person who could not be beaten with three sticks.

Levi said: "Before, you were chased everywhere by the demon world. In fact, no one can see through your identity with a simple disguise."

Heige said in surprise: "Is such a thing possible?"

Levi smiled and said: "It may be difficult for others, but for me, it's just a small thing."

The magic power of demons, everyone has a unique "frequency". No matter how it is disguised, its core frequency cannot be changed. Non-perceptual demons cannot detect such details, but they want to be in front of perceptive demons. It's very difficult to hide your true identity.

It is precisely because of this that Heige has such doubts.

Levi said: "You are wanted now. If I don't cover up your identities, you will be in trouble no matter where you go. Although we may not have to enter the city, we are always being chased behind us. Not a pleasant thing.”

Originally, Levi planned to train Heige to be a disruptor who could turn the demon world upside down, but Heige himself had no such intention, so he had no choice but to give up. Since you can't watch the big show, it's a good thing to go around and experience the customs and customs of the devil world.

Li Wei rubbed his chin. The two sisters were both beautiful women. The cat demon clan in this world is rich in handsome men and beauties. Naturally, Heige and Baiyin are not much different. Although before they turned into demons, their charms were similar. They are lower than Rias and others, but as they are transformed into demons, their charm has been progressively improved, reaching the same level as Rias.

Levi snapped his fingers, and each of the two sisters had a set of gorgeous rococo-style short skirts. They had a repetitive and classical flavor, full of devilish characteristics. The Rococo and Gothic styles in this world were actually introduced to the human world by demons. The demon world is the native land of these two styles. Therefore, in the demon world, you can see many female demons wearing complicated retro skirts. Those The complexity of the costumes is too complicated for humans. Some costumes are even so complicated that they cannot be put on without using magic. For humans, it is as gorgeous as cosplay... .

With rococo-style skirts, bonnets on their heads, and light makeup that fits Levi's own aesthetic, the two girls are like dress-up dolls from a picture album, unrealistically beautiful.

"The charm of the cat demon and the mystery of the devil are quite good." Levi nodded with satisfaction.

The magic frequency of the two people has also changed dramatically due to his external interference. Now, even if the two of them stand in front of the hunters, they will not be out.

After all, there are too many naturalized demons from outside. The number of cat demons in the entire demon world starts with millions. Although a population of one million is still a minority for the demon tribe, no one will combine two people. Reminds me of the fugitive.

Another one, He Baiyin, also felt her own changes. Kuroka used magic to change herself into a mirror. Looking at herself in the mirror, she couldn't come back to her senses. She was not a person who was good at putting on makeup, so she always wore a plain face on weekdays. Chaotian, and her job did not require her to have so many gorgeous costumes. She realized for the first time that she could be so cute, and Levi opened the door to a new world for her.

Kuroka looked at Baiyin. Baiyin was now wearing a cute pink dress and golden Bonnet. She looked more petite and cuter at the same time. She was as delicate as a doll, even if Even he can hardly resist its charm.

Heige said: "Sir, is this too conspicuous? After all, we are fugitives. It is easy to attract unnecessary attention with such a high profile."

Levi said: "It doesn't matter, you should know the truth about darkness under the lamp. Who would have known that the wanted people have such courage, and with me here, no one can hurt you, even if It won’t work even if the devil comes.”

Heige was surprised when he heard Li Wei's words. Maybe Li Wei was some kind of strong man who was reclusive, so he had the confidence to say such things.

Even if Levi is not as powerful as she imagined, just being able to change the frequency of magic power can allow them to escape smoothly.

Chapter. Construction Party Players

After completing the disguise, Levi also put a "skin" on himself. After all, his current identity is there. The Demon King in the Demon World and his relatives know his existence, so he uses his original appearance. , it’s not appropriate to run around outside in a big way.

Heige and Baiyin used magic to wash themselves briefly, and then waited for Levi's next instructions. After all, they were now followers of Levi, so before doing anything, it was best to obtain Levi's guidance.

Heige said: "Sir, we are ready, where are we going next?"

Li Wei said: "You are the aborigines of the Demon Realm, so you should be familiar with the Demon Realm, right?"

Kuroka and Shirone looked at each other, both seeing embarrassment on each other's faces.

Heige said: "I'm sorry, sir, Baiyin and I have been living in a small city ruled by our family. We are not allowed to go outside without orders. Therefore, although we have been in the demon world for a short time, we have little understanding of the demon world. not much."

Levi said: "Since this is the case, then just take a walk with me. After all, I come from the human world, and I have only seen a very small part of the scenery here in the devil world. No matter where I go, it will be good for me. It’s a novel scenery for everyone.”

The reason why Levi wants to go everywhere in the Demon Realm is because some of the terrain and scenery in the Demon Realm are indeed beautiful. He wants to reproduce some of their essence on his floating island. Recently, because of his own strength The growth rate is relatively fast, so the growth rate of the floating island is also unexpected. Now there are large mountains on the periphery of the island. These mountains are the silent terrain of the floating island. Li Wei wants to modify these silent lines to his own liking. Favorite type.

This real-life version of "Minecraft" is very enjoyable to play. As long as it is on the island, for Levi, it is like opening the creative mode of "Minecraft", which can be modified freely as he wishes.

But Li Wei also faced the problem of running out of inspiration. Making terrain was much more complicated than making buildings, so he planned to take a look in the devil world and draw inspiration from it.

A simple mountain is too boring, but there are many wonders of terrain in the Demon World. He plans to recreate some of the wonders as ancillary scenery of new buildings. He can also integrate buildings and terrain, and use height differences to create an uneven landscape. Visual perception.

It is easy to build a city on the plains, but if you want to create a beautiful scenery, a type similar to a mountain city is easier to operate.

When he was still an ordinary person, Levi was a loyal player of "Minecraft". Although Levi was terrible at playing the survival mode, he also had two brushes when playing the creative mode, and he was still playing on Bizhan. After passing the building tutorial of "Minecraft", I also have thousands of fans.

Unfortunately, due to school and work problems, Levi often made videos, so his popularity continued to decline, and in the end, only a few thousand die-hard fans were left. However, Li Wei’s other Bizhan vest is specially used for the illustrations he drew. The number of fans is quite good, not to mention that it can support himself, but the popularity is still good.

Levi took out the gourmet tablecloth in the corner of the room and spread it on the long table. With a flash of light, a sumptuous breakfast appeared on the table, and the quantity was quite exaggerated. Based on the appetite of ordinary people, it would be enough for more than ten people. That’s enough food for one person.

Seeing the food, Kuroka and Shirone's eyes lit up. For the two of them who are in the growth stage of magic, the more food, the better.

However, as demons who were accustomed to the order of hierarchy, Heige and Baiyin waited patiently for Li Wei to sit down before they dared to take their seats. The demon world is a place with strict hierarchies. The demons have integrated hierarchy into their instincts, and when facing a backer like Levi who needs respect, the two of them pay even more attention to such details.

"Everyone, sit down. I don't have so many messy rules here, so there's no need to be so restrictive." Levi said.

"My lord, etiquette must not be discarded. Only when the elders and younger ones are in order, and there is a degree of dignity and inferiority, can order be maintained. Your ability to protect us is already the greatest kindness to us. We must respect you." Heige really said.

Levi said: "Let's start. The rules of the demon clan have penetrated into your hearts. However, in addition to being demons, you are also my dependents. And I am not a demon myself, so you only need to abide by it here. My rule is, don’t worry about the devil’s red tape.”

Li Wei is not a harsh person towards his partner, and he is not one of those mortal emperors with limited energy. He is also afraid that he will not be able to cope with the huge back house and cause competition among the back houses. Levi never considers such problems. As a fierce bull who can destroy the fields, he can make his back home partner not have the energy to think about so many things at all, but focus on how to meet his needs.

Kuroka and Shirone said "yes" in a low voice, and then started eating and drinking. After finishing breakfast, the three of them left the hidden underground space and came to the ground.

"It's hard to tell here that it rained yesterday. The surface of the wasteland of the Demon Realm does look a bit desolate." Levi put up a awning and looked into the distance.

The current location of the three of them is located at the junction of the desert and the wasteland. The overall position is more towards the wasteland side. Li Wei looked towards the desert. The straight line distance of the desert where he and others were was less than three kilometers, and behind them, there was It is a wasteland with barren land and sparsely grown low shrubs.

Levi said: "Calculated in terms of kilometers, the nearest city here is also kilometers away. You two are really cautious enough."

Heige said: "If we are not careful, we will not have the chance to meet you, sir. Although I am not very familiar with the Demon World as a whole, I still have some understanding of the environment here because I have been active nearby during this period."

Heige and Baiyin were like groundhogs emerging from their holes, scanning their surroundings vigilantly. Although they now had a backer, they were often careful enough not to make big mistakes.

Heige said: "Just northeast of the cave, about four hundred kilometers away, there is a very strange volcano. Ordinary volcanoes emit magma, but that volcano erupts ice crystals and snow mist. , the only word in the demon world is volcano, and the mountain that sprays ice crystals and snow mist is also called a volcano."

Levi didn't go all over the Demon World. After all, the Demon World is quite big. Each area has different customs and customs. It would take a lot of time to go all over the Demon World, but he doesn't have that much free time. time.

Chapter. Precious information

Since there was no longer any need to hide their figures, the three of them quickly arrived at the destination of their next trip. The ice volcano Heige mentioned was still more than ten kilometers away from the ice volcano. Levi had already seen it. Now comes the impact of cryovolcanoes on the surrounding environment.

The overall color tends to be earth-yellow in the wasteland, with ice blue appearing. As the distance gets closer, a huge ice-made volcano appears in front of the three people. With the ice volcano as the center, it is covered with snow for several kilometers outward. Snow, and at the same time, the abnormally low temperature, even from such a long distance, Levi could still feel it.

At the junction of the ice volcano and the wilderness, it is a zone with suitable temperatures. Secret numbing green plants grow at the junction. A large circle composed of green plants surrounds the outer circle of the ice volcano.

Both Heige and Baiyin's faces were a little pale. The low temperature brought by the ice volcano had a great negative impact on them. Most demons like high temperatures and are not very resistant to low temperatures. Moreover, there is a huge cold magic power around the ice volcano, and the cold current with the magic power makes even Heige, who has been strengthened, still feel a little cold. Baiyin, whose strength had not been strengthened, hugged his arms directly.

Levi put a magic shield on the two of them to isolate them from the ultra-low temperature of the outside world.

Heige felt the warmth wrap around her, and the strange power separated the cold air from the outside world. She knew that this was Levi's action. After all, among the three people traveling together, only Levi had such skill.

Heige said: "This ice volcano is an extremely harsh environment for most demons. There are almost no demons around here. Except for a very small number of herb collectors and miners, no one will come here. "

For the demon race, which is not generally cold-resistant, such a geographical environment can be said to be incompetent for demons. Only a very small number of very rare demons with cold power can adapt to the environment here.

Levi's perception spread outward and began to scan the structure of the ice volcano. However, at this moment, the ice volcano began a new round of eruption. A large number of ice crystals spewed out from the crater, went up to high altitude, and then slowly moved towards Falling down.

This scene looks quite dreamy, and the eruption of the ice volcano caused a change in the weather, and it actually started to snow here.

Levi's perception has penetrated into the interior of the volcano, and then he discovered the secret of this volcano. This ice volcano has traces of man-made excavations in the deep underground space, and in the very deep underground layer, there is a hidden structure. The huge building in the world looks like a temple in shape. There is a wide square in front of the main hall of the temple, and a huge dragon statue stands on the temple square.

Levi scanned the statues in the square through his own perception ability. The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. The shape of this statue was not an ordinary dragon. The more he looked at it, the more it looked like the Great Red.

There must be admirers of the Great Red in the Devil, that's for sure, but not everyone can build a large-scale underground temple in such an environment.

The most important thing is that Levi, who has browsed through the entire Demon Realm Great Library, searched for relevant knowledge in his mind, and found that the history of the Demon Clan did not record this underground temple at all.

If Li Wei were an archaeologist, he would probably be crazy about joy, but now Li Wei simply wants to unlock the secrets of the temple, and naturally he cannot use his own identity to do such "dirty work" , then, his most important puppet clone, the evil version of himself, appeared in a hidden corner, and then his body sank into the ice volcano, constantly escaping downwards. Levi's real body was admiring the scenery of ice volcanoes in the sky with two girls.

The evil version of Levi entered the deepest underground space, and layers of magic barriers visible to the naked eye blocked him. However, with the power of his body, the mana he could call upon was huge, like a supercomputer computing data. , found the weak point of this magic barrier in a very short period of time, easily penetrated the barrier, and set foot on the square.

The evil version of Levi did not hesitate and entered the temple decisively. The shape was somewhat similar to the ancient Greek-style temple, which reminded Levi of the style of the sanctuary in "Saint Seiya", but compared to the dilapidated sanctuary, This temple is perfectly preserved, and because of the magical power, there is no dust at all, as if it had just been completed.

The interior of the temple is very empty, with a large number of supporting columns on both sides, and then there is the dragon statue at the end of the temple. I have to say that the people who built this temple are really good at craftsmanship. The statue of the great red god is lifelike, even if Even if Li Wei carved the stone statue himself, he might not be able to achieve this.

Moreover, through the clone's perception system, Levi realized that this statue contained a secret. This statue was a coordinate point for teleportation, and it was also a directional teleportation gate.

Levi thought for a while, but still wasn't willing to let this clone take the risk, so another puppet clone appeared next to the evil version of Levi, but the new puppet clone was much weaker, but this kind of puppet clone appeared next to him. It's just a cannon fodder clone used to explore the road, and it doesn't need much strength.

The cannon fodder clone activated the directional teleportation ability on the statue, and then his figure disappeared from the temple.

When the cannon fodder clone was able to sense the external environment, he found that he was in a different dimensional space, surrounded by distorted light spots of various colors. Here, many concepts have disappeared, and there is neither a stable spatial structure nor a stable spatial structure. There is no clear timeline, up, down, left, right, far or anything like that. The cannon fodder clone has moved an unknown distance away just by thinking about it.

At this moment, a change occurred in front of the cannon fodder clone. The chaotic space fluctuations caused the entire extra-dimensional space to stagnate. Then, the red dragon that covered the sky and the sun rushed out of the space. This size The behemoth, as huge as a planet, stretched out its giant wings in front of the cannon fodder clone. Immediately, the terrifying space storm annihilated the cannon fodder clone, leaving nothing behind.

Levi's body had already obtained the information he wanted, and he couldn't help but have a bright smile on his face.

Heige who was standing next to him saw Li Wei smiling so happily and said with some confusion: "々. Sir, what's wrong with you?"

Levi smiled and said: "I just think the scenery here is very good. I am planning to reproduce this scenery in my own territory. The ice volcano that sprays ice crystals and snow mist is really beautiful."

The reason why Levi had difficulty controlling his expression was because he had left coordinates on the body of the Great Red. One of the two ultimate goals of this trip had already been traced. No matter where the other party went, he could feel it. Can you be unhappy? Gan.

In this world, Levi realized the limitations of the person-finding and locating spell. This spell was used to torture people. When faced with beings inferior to himself, he could achieve unilateral information transparency. However, when faced with and When there is not much difference in strength between them, or when they are stronger than themselves, the person-finding and locating spells will be ineffective, so Levi will find ways to find the Great Red and the Infinite Dragon God.

Chapter 4. The clone’s big move

Li Weizhi has been looking for the whereabouts of the Great Red and the Infinite Dragon God, but because these two are not easy to deal with, the tracking and locating spell has a poor effect on these two, and it is impossible to locate them accurately at all, so looking for the two The plan for an ultimate goal has not been progressing smoothly.

Although the animation has shown that the lairs of the Infinite Dragon God and the Great Red are both different-dimensional spaces, how to enter the different-dimensional spaces is not something that outsiders like Levi can know. It should be said that even the natives of this world may not know where the extra-dimensional space is. After all, the extra-dimensional space is blocked by two great super beings, and ordinary gods and demons cannot enter at all.

The Infinite Dragon God was even driven out by the Great Red. After the Great Red did this, he blocked the extra-dimensional space. Even the Infinite Dragon God is now wandering outside, but Li Wei speculated that Infinite The Dragon God is most likely hiding in a corner of the demon world, so it's not too far away.

Before the cannon fodder clone was eliminated, he obtained a lot of important information, not only the coordinates of the Great Red, but also the specific strength of the Great Red.

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