Although the cannon fodder clone itself is not very strong, as a professional scout, Levi has loaded the cannon fodder clone with a lot of investigative capabilities, allowing the cannon fodder clone to still be able to accurately detect targets that are much more powerful than himself. Get the intelligence you need.

What made Levi relieved was that the power of the Great Red was still within the range that he could resist. The power of the Great Red was stronger than when he had just entered this world.

But now, after swallowing the elixir refined with a large number of gods and demons, his strength has been greatly improved compared to before. Now the strength and weakness of both sides have changed, and now he is stronger.

Of course, although Li Wei can defeat the Great Red now, he still cannot do it if he wants to completely keep the opponent. It is like two strong men fighting each other. Even if the other side can win, it is It was a miserable victory, and after the victory there was no way to pursue it further.

This kind of victorious and indestructible situation is not what Li Wei needs. What he wants is to completely defeat the Great Red, devour and digest the opponent, squeeze out all the opponent's power, and turn it into his own power, just like Those gods and demons that he refined into elixirs.

However, the current situation is that Li Wei is more powerful. By swallowing pills to increase his strength, Li Wei's strength has improved far faster than the local gods and demons in this world. It is only a matter of time before he grows up to crush the Great Red. , give him enough time, and all problems will be solved.

Levi did not take back his evil version, but used the teleportation spell to teleport it out of the demon world and let it spread its power in the human world. While he and the two girls went to the next scenic spot worth watching, and in this The process cultivates feelings and trust between both parties.


After the evil version of Levi returned to the human world, he transformed into an ordinary person and entered the Great Empire. He was preparing to make big news here and establish his presence. At the same time, he had to establish his character as a demon king so that the gods and demons in this world could see what a real demon king was.

Originally, the evil version of Levi wanted to set the location of the trouble in Neon, but considering that Neon was too far away from Europe, he even raised a fallen legion in Neon and just brought this legion to Europe is quite a troublesome thing. Although Levi's floating island can be used as a troop transport ship, Levi does not want "fallen" who look like those weird races from the Cthulhu mythology to enter his territory.

Therefore, the evil version of Levi placed the location where the Fallen Legion was established in the Great Empire. In this way, the Fallen Legion only had to cross a narrow strait to enter Europe. This distance, for those man-made twisted monsters, As easy as crossing an aisle threshold.

The evil version of Levi landed on the top of the clock tower of Big Ben. He looked at the historic city under his feet. His eyes were neither sad nor happy. He just stretched out his arms. A large amount was invisible to the naked eye. His appearance was like a tadpole, but twisted. The evil weird little guy is out.

This kind of parasitic life artificially created by evil magic can, after infiltrating into the host's body, optimize the host's various abilities and turn the host into a superman-like existence. The only problem is that such mutations will make the host It became twisted and grotesque. In fact, this twisted and grotesque appearance change was a function that Levi added later. The most original version of this evil method was the orthodox fairy method he used to strengthen his partner.

There is no distinction between good and evil magic. If it is used in a good place, it is an immortal magic. If it is used in an evil place, it is an evil magic. Li Wei is just covering the appearance of the orthodox immortal magic. In fact, it is almost the same on the inside.

However, it doesn't matter even if someone sees through this kind of detail, because the setting of the evil version of Levi itself is the dark side of Levi's heart. Levi peeled off his dark side and became two individuals. But the forces used by both parties are highly consistent in some places, such as the underlying framework, which makes sense.

The evil version of Levi did not hide his aura at all. Even ordinary people with slow perception became inexplicably uneasy the moment he landed on the top of the Big Ben clock tower. And the extraordinary individuals belonging to the church also began to rush towards Big Ben.

The evil version of Levi's perception field spread out, and the entire Great Empire was within his perception field. He knew very well what he was about to face. Although this clone is not as powerful as the main body, it can easily crush gods and demons. Therefore, it is only an extraordinary human being in the church. To the evil version of Levi, it is just a bigger ant.

Moreover, among the extraordinary individuals of the church who came towards him, there were no beautiful girls among them. They were either the pale Uncle Nian, or they were muscular bald men. They were all heavily armed, as if they were going to fight in the Eastern Region.

Li Wei would naturally have no idea of ​​showing mercy to such an enemy. Moreover, these unlucky ghosts are also a good stepping stone, allowing him to announce his arrival to the outside world. An evil demon king with no bottom line has descended into this world. He It will bring fear to the whole world, and this fear does not distinguish between gods, demons and ordinary people.

This is London, the capital of the Great Empire, and the core headquarters of the Church in the Great Empire. So after the evil version of Levi released his aura, the Church responded. More than 300 Church members Extraordinary individuals are heading towards Big Ben, the Elizabeth Tower.

A large number of extraordinary individuals from the church wearing white robes surrounded the Elizabeth Tower from a distance, but they did not approach the evil version of Levi rashly. At this moment, a light door appeared in the sky, with white wings growing on its back. A male angel wearing tight red armor confronts the evil version of Levi from a distance.

Chapter. Urban Disaster

The evil version of Levi looked at the winged angels who entered the human world from heaven, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart that the reaction speed of heaven was so fast in a place like the church headquarters.

As the church with the largest number of believers in the world and a cross-religion that occupies an absolutely mainstream position, its overall strength is absolutely nothing to say.

If it weren't for the tragic division of the family in ancient times and the death of the God of the Bible, there would be no other minor gods in this world.

At its peak, Heaven had forces that were no worse than those of the Eastern Heaven. Even if it is now divided into three, whether it is Heaven in its incomplete state, fallen angels or demons, any party is equivalent to a top divine system. These three forces are After reuniting, the main gods of other pantheons may have trouble sleeping and eating.

Winged Angel pulled out his long sword from the scabbard. The long sword looked similar to a standard hand sword. A holy golden flame burned on the sword. This warm flame barely resisted the evil version of Levi. The extraordinary individuals of the church below were barely able to breathe due to the pressure brought about by the pressure, and they were not afraid to move at all under the pressure of the evil version of Levi like before.

The evil version of Levi showed a joking smile and said with a smile: "It seems that I have been underestimated. I just sent a bastard to deal with me, or have you become an abandoned son of the people above, poor little guy. "

The male winged angel said with a serious face: "For someone as evil as you, there is no need for a higher-ranking adult to take action. You should find a way to survive from me. I will not show mercy."

The evil version of Levi picked out his ears, stared at the little finger he used to pick out his ears, and said with an indifferent expression: "Are these your last words? It's really boring. If you don't have anything more to say, If so, then don’t say it.”


The male winged angel became inexplicably nervous, and then, his whole body was blown into a ball of blood mist. The golden aura of the blood mist was grasped in the palm of the evil version of Li Wei, and then disappeared~.

The evil version of Levi also brought the Soul-Dancing Bell. Considering that there was a clear gap between the hard power of this clone and the original body, Levi asked the clone to bring the magic weapon with him when he encountered difficult situations. In such a situation, if you directly use the magic weapon and play the map cannon, the gods and demons will not be able to survive the suction of the Soul-Dancing Bell.

The instant killing of the winged angel was very shocking to the extraordinary individuals of the church below. After all, that one was a high-ranking angel. Even an ordinary angel with only one pair of wings could easily destroy a small city. However, he was The ones who can be killed instantly are angels like Winged Angels, who can be considered big shots, which means that the evil version of Levi can crush them to death as easily as crushing ants.

The evil version of Levi looked at the people in the church below and said, "You are here, why don't you leave something behind?"

After hearing the words of the evil version of Levi, the extraordinary individuals affiliated with the church had disagreements. Some individuals fell to their knees, begging for forgiveness from the evil version of Levi, and expressed their willingness to be loyal.

Some individuals just run away, regardless of the choices of other companions around them, and just want to stay as far away from the evil version of Levi as possible.

There are also some extraordinary individuals of the church with strong personalities who directly choose to commit suicide. At the same time, they activate the backdoor of the church hidden in their bodies, completely annihilating their souls, and not giving a chance to the evil version of Levi.

The evil version of Levi said: "You can't leave without my permission."

The evil version of Levi snapped his fingers, and the parasites that had already infested the bodies of extraordinary individuals from the church began to mutate their hosts. These escaping extraordinary individuals quickly deformed and twisted, and with their miserable howls, they turned into terrifying monsters. If you have watched the movies "The Thing" and "The Thing", you will be able to understand these deformed extraordinary beings. There is a certain understanding of the monsters we transformed. They are existences that are twisted to the extreme. Although they are somewhat different from Cthulhu's style, they are equally disappointing.

Those extraordinary personalities lying on the ground begging for mercy saw their deformed colleagues out of the corner of their eyes, and the fear in their hearts broke through their defenses.

The evil version of Levi doesn't care what these people think. Anyway, he is wearing a vest now. No matter how evil he does, it is normal in the eyes of others.

In fact, the evil version of Levi, as an extension of the ontology, is absolutely controlled by the ontology. All choices he makes can be said to be choices made by the ontology. Levi's original character is Wei Guangsheng, just like a certain third generation, so the evil version of Levi is Danzo, and the evil version of Levi will do things that are difficult for the original body to do.

····Ask for flowers······

The bodies of the church's extraordinary individuals lying on the ground also began to deform, turning into twisted flesh-and-blood monsters in just a few seconds. At the same time, their consciousness was also controlled by the parasitic life in their bodies, turning them into evil versions of Levi. The subordinate puppet controlled by.

After completing the distortion, these monsters began to quickly absorb energy from the outside world and began unconventional practices. These monsters have complete meridians and internal organs in their bodies. The external weirdness is just a disguise, and their cores are pocket-sized. A villain, but this villain has no skin. The flesh and blood and the outer camouflage have been integrated into one body. Even if his body is split open with a sharp weapon, it will be difficult to discover the secrets inside.

. . . . . . . . . . .

These monsters are actually incomplete versions of Qi practitioners. They only know how to absorb the ubiquitous primitive Qi of heaven and earth for rough training. They are very lacking in both conventional offensive methods and magical powers. Their only advantage is to supplement them. It is very convenient. As long as the parasite can parasitize, it can transform the host into a monster. The scope of this transformation is not limited to humans, any mammal can be transformed, and some birds and fish can also be transformed, but the transformation effect will be worse and the strength will be weaker.

Of course, these monsters that are like cannon fodder also have their own ultimate trump card. A large number of monsters can be gathered together to form a giant monster the size of a city. The completed giant monster can be as powerful as the monster Li Wei carefully crafted. The puppets competed against the fallen angel puppets. Apart from their ugly appearance and relatively short health bar, their overall abilities were pretty good.

With Big Ben as the center of the circle, the disaster began to spread outwards. Ordinary people in the city were howling in terror, watching their bodies twisting bit by bit, gradually losing their self-awareness, and turning into ugly monsters controlled by others.

The evil version of Levi gave the first order to the monster that had completed the mutation, destroying everything around it.

As a result, a scene like the end of the world appeared, and the entire city became a nest of monsters. In just a few seconds, there was no normal person in the city anymore, not even the believers in the church's base camp or individuals with extraordinary abilities. , all of which vary by thousands.

Chapter. Heaven’s reaction

The evil version of Levi recalled the Resident Evil series movies he had watched and the Resident Evil series games he had played. It had to be said that the T-Virus was very weak compared to the extraordinary parasite he created.

However, considering that there is a delay in virus infection, and the extraordinary parasite he created, although it is only the size of a virus, it is an existence with extraordinary power. To compare it directly like this is a bit bullying the virus.

Biochemical viruses need to maintain a certain concentration to infect the host through the air, and extraordinary parasites will use their extraordinary abilities to actively find host individuals, and under the control of the evil version of Levi, they will gather together at a precise time period Explosion, just for this reason, most civilizations are difficult to defend against. Even the demon clan or other gods and demon systems have difficulty defending against such a sudden attack. Only a handful of particularly powerful beings can defend against such a sudden attack. Survive such an attack.

The evil version of Levi pondered a question, that is, using this ability, he could artificially restore the Zerg in StarCraft.

However, the evil version of Levi only thought about this idea for a moment and then stopped, because the power he currently has is not enough to build a civilization control system similar to "Gestalt". Of course, he can Use points to make purchases within the system. If you are lucky, you may be able to draw related technologies through a lottery.

However, such a system does not conform to Levi's aesthetics, so the evil version of Levi did not think deeply about this route, and the insect sea tactics are of no use to Levi's body. After all, in the face of absolute strength, the number will It would be meaningless.

Just like what the evil version of Levi is doing now, it actually does not contribute much to strengthening his own power. He just wants to establish his evil personality. As for the life and death of ordinary people in the Great Empire, It has nothing to do with the evil version of Levi. After all, there is an old saying in Chongguo that is very good, if you are not of my race, your heart will be different.

When facing his lovely compatriots, Levi will show his humane side, and the evil version of Levi will not set foot on the land of Chongguo, nor will he do anything that will hurt the people of Chongguo.

As for overseas areas, they are already naturalized Japanese, so can they still be considered compatriots? Maybe there will be some accidental injury, but the evil version of Levi doesn't have the leisure to distinguish. Even if it does cause accidental injury, the evil version of Levi will only leave a light apology at most. As for more things, he will I won’t care so much anymore.

The entire city was reduced to a dead zone, with only the weird howls of monsters left. All traces of human beings had disappeared. The entire city became a world of flesh and blood. Some monsters, under the instructions of the evil version of Levi, It is better to aggregate and prepare to form the original version of the giant monster like a god's puppet.

After all, a big man can better demonstrate his power. Big is good, and more is beautiful. To a certain extent, the aesthetics of military lords can also be understood by the evil version of Levi.

A golden light gate appeared in the sky, and a large number of angels came out of the light gate. The evil version of Levi narrowed his eyes slightly. He had already seized this opportunity, controlled the invisible space beacon, and took advantage of this gap to get into the light gate. Fortunately, his space beacon was not blocked. The angels found that they had successfully entered the interior of heaven.

The evil version of Levi showed a crooked smile like a dragon king. He couldn't find anything after wearing iron shoes, and it took no effort to get there. He had been looking for the entrance to heaven before, but he didn't expect that this time, the other party actually took the initiative to show it to him. , and also asked him to send a space beacon into the interior of heaven.

Next, he will use a certain amount of time to figure out the situation inside heaven. As long as the intelligence is sure to be correct, the evil version of Levi will gather an army to enter heaven, kill all the angels, and study the legacy of the God of the Bible. The "universal wishing device" that came down.

There really is a universal wishing device in this world, and according to the relevant information found by Li Wei, in ancient times, the forces of Heaven really used this thing and achieved their own goals. The reason why the strength of Heaven at that time was able to It was so huge that other small gods avoided it because the forces in heaven at that time were able to do almost everything they wanted to do.

Then, there was success and failure. The forces of heaven grew stronger because of the universal wishing device, but also split because of the universal wishing device. The God of the Bible also fell during that period... .

Even most of the natives in this world don't know these secrets. However, through money and connections, Levi obtained the original design draft of "Devil High School" by the original author, as well as the out-of-print original formula book later published. That’s why I know these secrets. It has to be said that Neon's light novels are long and stinky, so compared to reading the original novel, Levi prefers to read setting and formula books. After all, setting and formula books are much simpler and only focus on the key points.

The universal wish-making device in this world is a bit like the "ultimate body" of the Holy Grail of the world view. It can really fulfill your wishes by making wishes, and the effect is just worse than that of Dragon Ball.

Therefore, Levi is also interested in the universal wishing device wielded by the forces in heaven. Although this thing is currently in a damaged state and only relies on the maintenance of angels to ensure that there are no problems, such a good thing, even if it is a "corpse", is still precious.

Just when the evil version of Levi was thinking about his own affairs, a large number of angels appeared in the sky. The angel clan is also a large population, and its number alone is higher than that of demons and fallen angels. The sky is densely packed with soldiers of the angel legion. Angels They all looked at the tragedy happening on the earth and glared at the evil version of Levi.

The evil version of Levi did not have the slightest panic about the current situation that he was surrounded. Although the number of angel legions was 4., but for Levi, his individual strength was still too poor. Except for a few high-level angels, These ordinary angels just gathered together and shouted. No matter how many people came, they could not break through his defense.

The angel legion is led by a very beautiful female angel. However, Levi does not know her. After all, the Demon High School anime only lasted for four seasons. Due to space limitations, characters who appear later in the plot will not be able to tell their family background. , even if he stood in front of him, he might not be able to get out of the other party. After all, words describe more vaguely than direct pictures.

The evil version of Li Wei smiled and said: "Finally, a person with enough weight has come to take care of the affairs. The trash fish that was sent before has been dealt with by me. I feel that sending a trash fish to deal with me is a bit unfair to me. Is that too disrespectful?".

Chapter.You saved your life

The evil version of Levi wanted to complain in his heart. In the world view of Devil High School, there are a lot of strong women. However, considering that this is a harem-oriented work, every female character is a potential harem member of the male protagonist of the original plot, so The author naturally introduces more and more female characters.

Although the Leng Yanyu sister who is the golden longest in front of me is somewhat different from the description and illustrations in the novel, the evil version of Levi has also revealed the identity of the other party, Uriel, one of the four Seraphs.

The evil version of Levi is not very interested in him, because Uriel has a very strong personality and is not his type. Probably, people who like tsundere and savage girlfriends will like such a domineering lady, although Tsundere can ruin lives, but for those who like cuteness, the character of Tsundere and the contrast between inside and outside are indeed very appetizing.

"Who are you and why would you do such a thing?" Uriel did not come up and start fighting, but wanted to find out the details of the evil version of Levi. She felt a huge threat from the evil version of Levi. Then It is an evil that cannot be described in words. It seems that its mere existence will pollute everything in this world.

Such evil, even the fallen angels and demons who betrayed heaven, do not have such darkness.

The evil version of Levi said: "I wanted to do it, so I did it. Do I need a reason?"

The evil version of Levi showed you such a strange expression of disdain that Uriel choked. This kind of existence that does evil without any reason can be said to be evil itself. The people in the whole city were betrayed by the evil version of Levi. Became a twisted monster.

Moreover, these monsters are still spreading outwards. Maybe it won’t take long for the entire Great Empire to fall. As the headquarters of Heaven in the world, the Great Empire is also the leader of stable faith harvesters. Heaven will never let this happen. Things continue to unfold.

Uriel clenched the scepter in his hand and said coldly: "In this case, there is nothing more to say. I will try my best to destroy you! Suffer death!"

Uriel raised the scepter in his hand, and golden lightning flashed out from the top of the scepter. He killed the evil version of Levi in ​​an instant. The speed of lightning far exceeded other attack methods. It can basically be said that it is the ability to strike first. , especially when the evil version of Levi stands still, there is no possibility of deflection at all.

The Big Ben where the evil version of Levi stood has been wiped out, and the entire Elizabeth Tower has disappeared. A huge circular pit is left on the ground below the evil version of Levi, and lightning covers everything except Nothing remains except the evil version of Levi.

Uriel was surprised in his heart. She had struck out with anger just now. Whether it was the speed or destructive power of the strike, she had reached her peak state. It can be said that even Sarzechs, who is known as the strongest demon king, was fighting like this. After the attack, there is no guarantee that he will not be injured.

However, the evil version of Levi was unscathed, which made Uriel wary. She realized that quantity meant nothing to the evil version of Levi.

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