All the giant demons knelt down in their own way, but even if they knelt down, their size was still a "living mountain range" to the local demons, which could make these big guys look petite, that is, like Mountains as tall as the Himalayas in the human world.

Only by standing in front of the world's highest peak like Mount Everest can these behemoths look dwarfed.

Levi said: "You are all people who have made mistakes, so you are in prison. However, your mistakes will not cause you to be executed directly, so you can survive. And each of you, so The sentence you face must be at least 200 million years. Now I give you a chance to atone for your crimes, are you willing?"

The giant demons nodded quickly, all of them looking a little reserved, giving the impression that they were children who had done something wrong and were finally forgiven by adults. Such a picture is very eye-catching in the eyes of Sajax and others, but it can also be seen from the side, what a lofty status Levi holds in the hearts of these giant demons.

Levi continued: "You have made enough trouble before. Now it is time for you to get down to business. Next, you will form an alliance with the local demons in this world. After all, you are all demons. Unite and we will It’s not a big problem if you think about it. What you have to do is to help the demon clan defend the demon world, avoid losses in the demon world, and if necessary, assist the demon clan in fighting against external enemies.”

Several giant demons nodded repeatedly, showing "々. I understand."

Levi said: "Don't worry, I won't let you work in vain. If your performance this time can catch my eye, I can exempt you from the rest of your sentence and at the same time, let you obtain the citizenship of the empire. "

Hearing this, the heads of several giant demons nodded faster. Although Sajax and others were curious about what Levi and the giant demon said, they also knew that it was not convenient to ask at this time, and even if they asked , Levi may not answer them.

Anyway, the current situation is pretty good for the Demon Clan. They have lost a few powerful enemies and gained a few powerful helpers.

Levi said: "Next, you will find a suitable place in the devil world to restore your strength. If another me comes to you, just recite my name silently in your heart, and I will support you."

Aqiu Ka whispered beside Li Wei: "Sir, do you need to leave a document to sign the alliance ceremony? Although there is a huge difference in body size between us, we do not have the ability to make a giant contract. questionable."

The giant bone demon Abidas said: "Little one, there is no need to go to such trouble. His Majesty's order is the highest order for our actions, so there is no need to worry about any problems on our side. Now we are allies, Your Majesty has decided us I will become your ally, and we will never betray you. Documents and so on are just redundant items for us."

Achuka said: "What you said makes sense. In that case, there is no need to bother anymore."

Abidas said: "The magic you left behind to enable communication is to keep communication open at all times. Now we need to find a place to recuperate. The previous battle with those fallen angels caused a lot of damage to us. We need to be quiet." The place.".

Chapter 4. The end of the traitor

After the alliance ceremony ended, several giant demons left the venue, and Hector sold Theodora mercilessly. As a result, the alliance team on the demon world left in a hurry, they were in a hurry to go back. Eliminate the traitors.

The two sides were in a hostile relationship before, so the higher-ups of the demon world did not know about Theodora's betrayal, but now Hector of the giant demon side has spoken out. In such a situation, the traitor cannot be allowed to continue to run free.

And the four demon kings also knew that Theodora had been informing Hector and leaking important secrets of the demon world, so it took several attacks by Hector to cause so much damage. Now it really looks like Baymax, Theodora You must pay the price for your actions.

As one of Li Wei's puppet clones, Hector would do such a thing, naturally it was Li Wei's instruction, and Theodora's duplicitous existence is itself an unstable factor, so we can solve it here. It can be considered a relatively good ending for Theodora. After all, in the original plot, Theodora was severely tortured before she died because she offended the original protagonist.

However, Li Wei thought that if he revealed Theodora's affairs to the higher-ups of the demon world through the vest of Hector, Theodora's fate would probably be even worse than in the original plot.

After all, Theodora in the original plot was still able to have a good time, but now she can't say that. After all, the nobles of the demon world punish traitors very hard, and Theodora's previous behavior has already caused a lot of damage. The demon world has caused a lot of damage. Even if there is no way to squeeze out oil from Theodorado to recover the loss, the nobles will not let Theodora die easily. Theodora will definitely endure a very tragic death. Torture, this is the inevitable punishment for traitors.

As for Hector, who directly caused a lot of damage to the demon world, if the demon nobles had any brains, they would not cause trouble at this time, so the only injured person would be Theodora.

After the alliance was completed, several behemoths left one by one. Looking at these monsters that could easily change the terrain, and watching the other pedestrians go away, the local demons felt happy in their hearts.

Levi said to everyone: "I don't need to take care of anything here for the time being. Next, I have other things to deal with. If you have anything else, I will take care of it."

Sajax said: "Sir, you have helped us enough. There are no big things in the demon world that require your help for the time being. The demons must also learn to handle their own affairs independently. They cannot rely on your help for everything." .”

Sajax knows very well, it should be said that the four demon kings are quite clear. To the demon world, Levi is an outsider after all, and he is destined to leave, so relying too much on Levi now will only cause more problems. Lots of questions. It is precisely because of this that Levi has been passively exposed in front of everyone until now.

After all, Levi's existence could no longer be hidden from the moment the evil version of Levi announced his arrival to the world. How low-key Levi was before, how eye-catching he is now.

Levi said: "In that case, I will return to the human world first, and it will be up to you in the demon world."

"Why don't you stay here a little longer?" Serafall said.

Serafall also has her own little calculation in her heart. Levi spends more time in the Demon Realm and can also send out some political messages. This is what she, who is responsible for the diplomacy of the Demon Realm, wants to see.

The other three demon kings all looked at her, but they couldn't say anything. As the only female of the four demon kings, Serafall was also the person in charge of the foreign teachers. Her thoughts were all things they wanted to do but could not do.

The four demon kings also discovered a small detail, that is, Levi will behave more gently when facing women. Some questions that men would find embarrassing would not be raised by women. concern.

Levi said: "There are still a lot of messy things waiting for me in the human world. I also want to live in the demon world for a long time, but the situation does not allow it."

Serafall said: "That's really a pity. After this storm is over, please be sure to come to the Sidi family as a guest. By the way, my incompetent sister is also at Kuoh Academy. If possible, I can Please, sir, please take care of her for a while, the Sidi family will be at your disposal."

Levi said: "I know, this kind of thing is nothing to me. As for letting me be sent around, what I have to do is far beyond the limit of your ability. Put those things aside If I leave it to you, I will harm you.”

It is true that Levi would not leave those things to the Demon Clan, because they are all dirty work. It is not impossible for members of the Demon Clan to do it if they want to, but after completing such work, they will immediately be Silence.

Moreover, Levi has the ability of the puppet clone technique. As long as his own thinking circuit can withstand it, he can control a large number of puppet clones at the same time. One person is equivalent to the entire force, so he does not need any subordinates, and he has to do It is not appropriate to leave things to others.

After returning to the Gremory family's mansion and saying hello to Rias and Akeno Himejima, Levi returned to the human world. On his side, he was ready to start harvesting the world.

Now the scene has been getting bigger and bigger as Levi plays more and more. Since he is pursuing excitement, he must carry it out to the end. Levi will not be willing to take the blame for the gods and demons in this world. After all, this is a moving practice. It is an important thing that can speed up the progress of his practice and cannot be given up casually.

After returning to the human world, Levi turned his attention to the evil version of the clone that was still in action.

Now, Li Wei already has the spatial coordinates of many divine systems and divine realms in his hands, and he is locating the god kings of each god system. As long as he keeps an eye on these god kings, the entire god system on the opposite side will not be able to escape.

Levi claimed that he had checked and balanced his other self, so the evil version of the clone would not take action at will. However, the evil version of the clone also had a giant fallen angel puppet under his command. Such a force would be able to do so in most cases. Cope with that.

At present, Levi does not plan to make more elite puppets. Although he can control his own thinking circuit, making elite puppets itself also requires a lot of consumption, just like the investment will have a marginal effect. Here The rewards that the world can give to Levi will not be unlimited, so it is suitable for Levi to be able to do things well with the existing strength.

Chapter. The actions of the Disaster Group

The evil version of Levi now operates Europe as his base camp. Originally, the Great Empire was reduced to a hell of flesh and blood, but now, the entire European region has become like that. Although the fighting power of the small monsters is very Pulling the crotch means that the modern army that bullies ordinary people is weak when facing the army of the gods. But if it can achieve such an effect, the monsters have completed their mission.

The next move of the evil version of Levi does not intend to attack Europe, where the gods are concentrated. If we talk about the power of the human world, Amei, you look at the country, and other countries are relatively weaker, then the strength comparison between the gods, Europe is where the gods are concentrated. In comparison, , the number of pantheons in Asia and North America is much smaller.

On the Asian side, the main thing is that the size of the heaven above Chongguo is really too big. When an ordinary god system encounters such a behemoth, it is too late to hide, so naturally it will not take its own life as a joke.

As for North America, there are not many powerful pantheons in the country. Most of them are small pantheons that survive in various cracks. After all, North America is to a certain extent the exclusive territory of European pantheons, so small pantheons in North America have no missionary power. It has been restricted, and even some small theological churches have been dismissed as cults.

Large pantheons cannot push these small pantheons too hard, otherwise it will be easy for these small pantheons to unite and form huge monsters. At that time, the old and powerful pantheons in Europe were still the troublesome ones.

So in places like Canada, Canada, and Mexico, there are all kinds of religious beliefs, including those who believe in aliens and the Spaniards. Don’t think such beliefs are ridiculous. In order to harvest for their own beliefs, small pantheons can only disguise their churches as some strange things, or even disguise themselves as various subculture collections.

The Heavenly Noodles Cult is such a combination, and the American-style Iai Association, which is very popular in Amei, also has the shadow of gods and demons behind it. It can be said that in this world, gods and demons have used various The method intervenes in human life, and uses this method to absorb human emotions and condense them into belief energy.

Faith is not a necessity for gods and demons, but more of an enjoyment item with luxury attributes. For gods and demons, this thing is like tobacco, alcohol and cola, with certain addictive properties, so gods and demons That's why he likes the energy of faith so much, and even does some things that can be said to be quite strange in the eyes of humans in order to collect faith.

In addition to the Takamagahara system, Neon also has other gods. For example, the island god system of Ryukyu Island is very weak, and all members are goddesses, and it is also one of the few that is completely friendly to humans. It is one of the gods, so when Linde made a fuss about neon before, he turned a blind eye and let this little god go.

This small pantheon is very embarrassing. How shameful is it? Because serious efforts to grab faith cannot compete with other pantheons, so they found another way to engage in idol culture. All the goddesses in the pantheon debuted, and they also opened a brokerage company to support More young girls have become idols, using this method to absorb the excitement of young people and condense it into belief energy.

The traditional Neon pantheon, which had been destroyed before, has been operating in Neon for a long time and has entered the mature stage of harvesting faith. Even if people are sitting at home, there is a constant flow of faith energy every day. . The situation is different for the Island Gods pantheon. Because they don’t have much popularity and they dare not make their name known, they can only engage in subculture and use idol culture to harvest their faith.

Recently, the island god pantheon has created virtual idols again, and there are more ways to earn faith energy. This is gratifying, but unfortunately, it is still embarrassing.

All the fallen angel clones have been brought to North America by Levi and started to cause trouble. Persimmon picked out the soft ones first, and Levi attached the soul-dwelling bell to his giant fallen angel puppet and began to attack the North American pantheon. The Great Purge.

In just two days, most of the small pantheon in North America was wiped out, leaving only a few that slipped through the net and escaped. However, these fish that slipped through the net were also the result of Levi deliberately letting them go. Unlike the evil version of Levi who turned the whole of Europe into a living hell, the giant fallen angel puppets would deliberately avoid humans when doing things, and try their best to let them go. Humanity suffers less.

This is also the persona Li Wei set for these giant fallen angel puppets. Because the giant fallen angel puppets had already expressed their disgust towards the gods when they made a big fuss at the Nordic Gods Conference, so they released a message to the outside world. , that is, these giant fallen angel puppets are not loyal to the evil version of Levi, but are forced to be loyal to the evil version of Levi due to violence.

····Ask for flowers······

Levi doesn't expect everyone to be able to see such details, but some smart people should be able to detect the anomaly here. If they are brave enough, they might even try to instigate the giant fallen angel puppet. Although there is no use in doing so.


The evil version of Levi is sitting in the palace built by himself with flesh and blood, sitting on the bone-crushing throne. In the palace where there are usually no other creatures except monsters, there are a few more visitors. Let there be more life here.

The evil version of Levi looked at the people below with interest and said: "It's really interesting. Others have no time to hide from me, but you have the courage to ask to see me. You are very talented. I am in a good mood now. Tell you Come on, your words will determine whether you can leave here alive."

.. . ........

The few people standing in the main hall are members of the Disaster Group. The Disaster Group considers themselves to be the orthodox heirs of the demon world. As descendants of the first generation of demon kings, although their strength cannot match that of the four active demon kings, they are still far behind. They transcended ordinary high-level demons and were no different from ordinary gods. However, they were supposed to inherit the demon world, but their power was taken away by the four current demon kings.

However, the most ironic thing is that after the four demon kings ascended the throne, they used the names of their ancestors. This feeling of having their blood and existence taken away made the members of the Disaster Group feel disgusted and disgusted at the same time. Because of their fear, the four descendants of the former Demon King formed the Organization of Misfortune, but this organization was also classified as a terrorist organization by the Demon World, making them nothing more than rats on the street in the Demon World.

This is an internal power dispute in the demon world. Among the four current demon kings, Serafall is proficient in fishing boat control and diplomacy, so she firmly controls the right to speak. The Disaster Group once thought about defending themselves and proving that they are the right ones. The descendants of the first Demon King are the legal heirs.

However, Serafall's right to speak firmly suppressed the Disaster Group. Over time, the Disaster Group became a terrorist organization, even if it was not a terrorist organization.

The appearance of the evil version of Levi gave the pedestrians of the Disaster Group hope that they could stand up.

Chapter. Make the best use of everything

The huge pressure felt by the pedestrians of the Disaster Group, especially the teasing eyes of the evil version of Li Wei, made them feel fear in their hearts.

Although they are classified as a terrorist organization by the higher-ups of the demon world, they are actually just special individuals whose strength exceeds that of ordinary high-level demons. In terms of hard power, there is nothing special about them.

The evil version of Levi on the throne also possesses some of his own abilities, so he can easily sense the strength of the members of the Disaster Group below. To be honest, it's quite a stretch.

Now this person from the Disaster Group has not yet stolen the power of the Infinite Dragon God, so his own strength is stronger than ordinary high-level demons. Although he can crush high-level demons, when facing the four demon kings, he is still An ant-like existence.

Now, instead of attacking the Infinite Dragon God, the people from the Disaster Group came to him. I have to say that fate is really a wonderful thing.

But the strength of this person in the Disaster Group is really not that good. In the original plot, even if he obtained the power of the Infinite Dragon God called "Snake", his own strength has made great progress, but they His opponent was a loser, so all members of the Disaster Group rushed to the street.

There is no absolute justice and evil in this world. The dark history of the four demon kings is that they are not in the right position. Although the demon world is a place where strength speaks for itself, the aristocracy also needs to abide by the unspoken rules of silence, but this generation The rise of the four demon kings has already broken the unspoken rules. New generations like Rias and Himejima Akeno don't know about this, but the aristocratic demons who are a little older know about Sajax and others. How did he become the Demon King?

But again, the demon world is a place where strength is respected. Although there are problems in seizing power by Sajax and others, the four demon kings of this generation are particularly good at fighting, and they have done a lot for the aristocracy. There was little practicality, so the nobles silently ignored the power of the four demon kings.

The Disaster Group has no network base in the aristocracy at all, because the strength of the Disaster Group cannot bring enough benefits to the aristocracy. The aristocratic demons are very real existences, and the current demon king who can bring benefits is more in line with their needs. , and the Disaster Group, which is not strong enough to conquer the crowd, will still face a lot of problems even if it takes back the position of Demon King, and it will not be able to perform at all.

The simplest point is that in foreign wars, the people of the Disaster Group cannot guarantee that the Demon Clan has enough chance of winning. This alone makes the position of the so-called orthodox heir of the Disaster Group quite embarrassing.

The composition of the members of the Disaster Group is quite complex. There are old aristocratic forces and civilian demons who want to change the status quo of the demon world. At least at this stage, the interests of both parties are consistent.

Beelzebub's descendant, Sherpa Beelzebub, stood up and said: "Your Majesty, we are here to present you the most wonderful performance. In your eyes, everything in this world is extraordinary. It's a top-notch farce, and in that case, we are willing to be Your Majesty's puppets, adding a bit of humor and absurdity to your fun."

The evil version of Levi smiled and said: "I like your words very much. Yes, this is just a chess game. Now I have the upper hand. However, I like to see more changes. You are a good variable. "

After hearing the words of the evil version of Levi, everyone showed excited expressions. Even Sherpa Beelzebub, who was usually calm as a habit, was extremely surprised in his heart. However, Sherpa did not dare to lose his composure in front of the evil version of Levi, so he could only endure it.

The evil version of Levi held his chin with his hand and said: "I'm not that guy. I don't have so many rules. My rule is that the people below must be interesting enough, so now you just get the qualification. If you are not interesting enough If so, I will personally make it more interesting for you."

Seeing the morbid smile on the face of the evil version of Levi, everyone's hearts clicked. It was really exciting to work under this guy. Thinking of the tragedy in Europe, the His Majesty in front of me is not as easy to talk to as others.

If it weren't for the purpose of regaining the dominance of the Demon Realm and returning to orthodoxy, they would rather go to the normal version of Levi. Unfortunately, the normal version of Levi has already chosen the current Demon Realm, so they can only come to this " Abnormal" version of Levi.

However, this Levi is a lunatic. Working under such a boss is a high-risk thing in itself. You may be able to get extra rewards, but it is more likely that you will be given up because your ability cannot meet the needs of the boss. He even became an outcast for fun... .

However, the members of the Disaster Group have already made such psychological preparations. It should be said that in order to change the current situation of the demon world, they are ready to pay the price. Although this team is not united, and everyone has their own small thoughts, all of them have the same interests in overthrowing the current Demon King's rule.

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