Sherpa Beelzebub stroked his chest and said, "It is our greatest honor to be a member of the stage play created by His Majesty."

The evil version of Levi laughed and said: "I have never denied that I am a person with a bad personality. I am different from the other me, but I will not be stingy than the other me for the existence that can make me feel happy. He I can give you what I can give, and I can give you what he can't give. But whether you can get a reward or not depends on your personal ability."

After hearing the words of the evil version of Levi, everyone in the Disaster Group already understood in their hearts what kind of person their boss was. Although he was a psychopath with a bad personality, if they could satisfy him, what they could get might be better than others. Little can be given to them.

The evil version of Levi said: "You should be from the demon world, right? I don't care why you came to seek refuge with me, but in that case, your 4. mission should mainly focus on the demon world. It just so happens that you can give The other one is for me to have some fun.”

Everyone in the Disaster Group stood at attention. They knew that the evil version of Levi was going to give them orders next.

The evil version of Levi said: "You are too weak now. In this state, asking you to perform tasks is just to let you die. This is not in line with my pleasure. I want to see more More destruction. Let you become stronger."

Levi snapped his fingers, and black smoke enveloped everyone in the Disaster Group. Everyone in the Disaster Group could feel that powerful power was constantly pouring into their bodies, making them stronger from the root. This made them extremely happy. Unexpectedly, this crazy boss was willing to spend money on them.

Chapter. The evil group is in action

The evil version of Levi also had some thoughts about the Disaster Group, because he noticed that the situation inside the Disaster Group was very interesting.

As the old saying goes, history is always written by the victor. Compared with the characters in the original plot who are slightly more facial-shaped, in the real world, everyone has their own little thoughts and their own thoughts. Thoughts, even the evil version of Levi, cannot completely see through people's hearts without using mind-reading skills.

The situation within the Disaster Group is quite complicated. The old aristocratic forces and the civilian forces are incompatible and have chosen to cooperate for their own interests. For this reason alone, it is not like the "clear distinction between good and evil" like in the Shounenxiang anime.

This world is neither white nor black, but is plastered with fine ashes. Children only tell what is right and wrong, and adults only seek benefits.

But for a chaotic man like the evil version of Levi, pleasure comes first, and a messy old world is what he wants to see. Because this identity is the vest, Li Wei's body, which is hidden behind the vest, can be free to be himself or not.

Anyway, in his opinion, except for the people of the Chong country, all other intelligent beings cannot be regarded as human beings. No matter how many people die, he will not care. Just like do you care how many ants you have trampled to death? And Levi is a very twisted ant nest watering enthusiast.

The so-called ant nest pouring art is to pour hot aluminum into the ant nest from the entrance, then dig out the entire ant nest and rinse it clean, and then you can get a piece of exquisite work of art.

And the evil version of Levi also appreciates the desperate wails of those unlucky people before they die, watching cities turn into seas of fire, the twisted sense of satisfaction, the scenes of destruction and cohesion, like enlarged versions of ant nests. The product is full of magical beauty.

Many people have the hobby of stepping on bugs. In the final analysis, this is the mentality. This is a hobby that many people have. It’s just that the evil version of Levi has taken this hobby to the extreme. The whole world has become a platform for him to step on bugs. .

The evil version of Levi looked at the people in the Disaster Group below who had completed receiving their power, and said: "The current demon world has been intervened by another me, but I believe that your current strength is enough to make some big noise in the demon world. Go ahead and do it, use the way you like to transform the devil world, no matter what you want to do, I will not interfere. The only thing I ask of you is that you must be interesting, and fun is the biggest driving force in life!"

The evil version of Levi snapped his fingers, and a flat portal appeared under the feet of everyone in the group. Everyone fell into the portal. They had been sent to the devil world by the evil version of Levi. Next, let's see How are they capable of causing trouble?

The people of the Disaster Group fell into the demon world and fell into the wilderness. The sudden teleportation, and the falling type, made the people look disgraced. After all, they fell directly into the desert and gnawed the sand. It was not respectable no matter what. .

The person climbed out of the sand, vibrating the magic power, and quickly pushed away all the sand on his body.

The only female member of the Disaster Group, Katerea Leviathan, cleared away all the sand and said: "That Lord is really quite evil, but the abilities he gave us are indeed very practical. Now we can freely shuttle between the human world and the demon world. This means that we can use hit and run tactics. As long as we set the coordinates, we can use our newly acquired abilities to move between the coordinates. Repeated rapid transmission."

In the past, because it was easy to be locked up and beaten, the people in the Disaster Group only fought in small groups and did not dare to touch the bottom line of the current Demon King. Moreover, the current Demon King himself is not in the right position. If he kills the descendants of the previous Demon King, he will only It will put more noble demons in danger, so everyone in the Disaster Group can have a certain living space.

This kind of living space was only obtained through the charity of the current Demon King. Such a thing is a shame in itself for the aristocratic faction within the Disaster Group.

But now they can jump repeatedly between the demon world and the human world. Even if they are still no match for the current demon king, as long as they don't have a head-on confrontation with several current demon kings, they can completely implement hit-and-run tactics.

Now that they have the power, even noble demons with the blessing of artifacts are no match for them. They can use the power they obtained from the evil version of Levi to gradually clean up important targets in the demon world and show their belongings. As their power waxes and wanes, one day, the demon world will return to their hands.

Someone dug a hole in the desert, everyone hid in it, and used isolation magic that could reverse divination to create a magical secret room with a very high level of confidentiality.

There are now only a dozen people in the Disaster Group. These people are all the lucky ones who have been "blessed" by the evil version of Levi. Now, the power of each of them has reached several times the level of their former self, but it is not as good as the current one. There is still a clear gap between the four demon kings, especially compared with Sarzechs. After all, Sarzechs is known as the strongest demon king in history. In addition to the mysterious original devil, Sarzechs is the one who has served all the time. The Demon King is the strongest, so it's normal that they can't beat Sarzechs head-on now, because their starting foundation is really too poor, and they can't compare with monsters like Sarzechs.

People made a round table by burning sand to make glass, and then everyone sat down around the round table.

Sherpa said: "Now everyone, let's have a meeting. His Majesty has given us power and does not intend to interfere too much with our choices. In other words, we can do whatever we want next. But this happens to be a trap , is also a test His Majesty has given us. If we destroy our energy without any rules, His Majesty may be disappointed in us, so I hope everyone can pool their wisdom and come up with a strategy that can completely subvert the current order of the demon world."

Sherpa has the best brains, so when other people encounter various problems, they like to give priority to his opinions. After Sherpa's words, everyone became serious.

Katerea said: "To subvert the existing order, we cannot do it with our current manpower. Moreover, the entire aristocratic system has betrayed us. Even if we want to use our strength to fight, it is impossible." Things like that. Those fool-like nobles will not easily place bets on us before we show our absolute superiority."

Chapter. Villain’s Consciousness

Katerea's words are also a concern for all the members of the Disaster Group. As a small workshop-like organization, insufficient manpower has always been the biggest problem faced by the Disaster Group.

After all, what they want to do is very dangerous, so it is difficult to recruit new members. Moreover, because of the absolute numerical disadvantage, the Disaster Group does not have enough energy to identify whether the new members who want to join are spies.

After being fooled twice and almost being taken over by the current Demon King Achuka, they did not dare to recruit new members, so until now, the Disaster Group only has two or three kittens and puppies. It's okay to engage in small-scale sabotage operations, but if you want to engage in large-scale sabotage operations, you don't have such a situation.

Kruzere Asmode, who was standing next to him, said: "Today is different from the past. Our strength has improved tremendously now. Even if we are still no match for the monster Sarzechs, if we want to run away now, no one will." If we can stop it, we can’t just keep the current organization size because of choking, we need more members.”

Katerea said: "Cruzele, you have always been the most opposed to recruiting new members. I didn't expect you to change your mind."

Cruzare is a young man with a rather cold face, his black hair is tied into a high ponytail, and he wears simple gray armor, giving him an inaccessible feeling. He is also the one who is best at assassination in the Disaster Group, so he is also the most active person in various tasks.

Katerea is a brown-skinned purple lady. She was originally very charming, but after receiving the "gift" from the evil version of Levi, she became even more charming.

However, everyone else in the Disaster Group knows her carefree personality, which is quite suitable as a friend and partner, but as a lover, it is really unspeakable. The so-called straight woman of steel is her. With such a personality, even though she is very good-looking, no one else in the Disaster Group has the slightest interest in her.

Cruzere said: "After all, now we have received His Majesty's favor. With the power we have now, what we can do is far beyond what we could do before. And I also agree with what you said about the nobility. Although the body is unreliable, I personally think that in order to deal with those four difficult guys, we must first cut off their wings and wipe out all the noble families. In the next era, the devil world will be the devil world of every devil, and This is not a demon world for nobles. There will be no place for nobles in the future demon world~¨.”

Kruzerei's words shocked all the other companions, because Kruzerei himself is the orthodox heir of the Asmodeus family, and he is also one of the fourth heirs to the position of the four demon kings, but Kruzerei However, Zelei completely overturned his previous position and actually wanted to eliminate all noble bodies. How could they not be shocked by this?

Not only the companions who were born as civilian demons, but also Sherpa and Katerea had confused expressions on their faces.

Sherpa said: "Are you serious?"

Sherpa was also very familiar with Cruzere. Cruzere always talked about family orthodoxy and restoring the family's glory, so the civilian friends of the team didn't like Cruzere very much. Because they all thought that Cruzere was already in a panic, but they didn't expect that Cruzere would give them a cruel attack and said that he would kill the entire aristocratic system.

Such a choice can be said to be "I kill myself." It was precisely because they knew Cruzere well that they were shocked.

Kruzere said: "Of course, because from now on, I will give up the family name of Asmod. From now on, there will be no Cruzere Asmode, only Cruzere Man."

The pronunciation of the devilish word "Man" is very similar to the English word "人". It can be said that English has been influenced by many devilish words since its inception, so there is a certain similarity in the sounds of many words.

The word "Man" represents "the people" or "the masses" in the system of demons and demons. In some contexts, it can also be used as a self-proclaimed male.

A nearby demon named Trant Masulak said: "Cruzele, you are going to give up your noble surname. Do you know what you are doing?! This is a noble surname and it is noble. reflect!"

Tranter usually didn't deal with Cruzare very much. The two often quarreled over trivial matters, but because of this, Trant understood Cruzare's inner pride and persistence very well, and now the other party actually gave up. It destroyed his pride as a noble, and as an "opponent", he felt a little unacceptable.

Cruzere said: "Of course I know what I am doing. This is my choice. The nobles have been domineering for too long. In this devil world, the nobles lie on the heads of civilians to suck blood and monopolize Are you willing to live in a devilish world like this without magic education, spell consumables, and channels for social advancement?"

Tranter shook his head and said: "々. Of course I am not willing to give in, but what can I do? The high-ranking nobles have mastered powerful power, which is simply not something ordinary civilian demons can fight against. Even if they become high-ranking demons, It’s just that I got the qualification to be a dog for the nobles. I’m not willing to do it, so I joined here.”

Cruzelle said: "I used to be proud of my noble blood, but over the years, I have seen too much hypocrisy and sin of the nobles. This is not what I want. I want to take back the throne of the Demon King, but I have to take back the throne of the Demon King." The position of Demon King is not to restore the glory of the family, but to change the current twisted demon world!"

Cruzelle clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. He spoke out his true inner thoughts. Everyone else fell silent, especially Sherpa and Katerea, who were of the same noble blood. Unexpectedly, they usually Cruzelle, who always acted like a bully, actually had such an awareness.

Sherpa and Katerea were both silent. They knew that now Cruzare had sided with the civilian faction, and had even become a member of the civilian faction. In the entire Disaster Group, there were only a few people who still insisted on their aristocratic status. There were only two of them left.

Cruzere said: "Sherpa, Katerea, I will not force you to give up your nobility status, but as long as I am still alive, I will not allow de facto nobility to exist. Nobles can only As an honorary title, I cannot receive any special preferential treatment. This is my bottom line as a companion."

Levi, who was peeping secretly, was shocked. In the original plot, he was a group of villains with facial makeup, but he actually had such a spirit. Sure enough, there is a certain difference between animation and the real world.

Chapter. Villains should strengthen themselves

The position of the Disaster Group in the original plot is that of pure villains, and there is no whitewashing at all. Moreover, the original plot has very few direct descriptions of the Disaster Group. Therefore, when Levi watched the anime, he felt that this villain organization The appearance was particularly abrupt, and the lunch box was received rather perfunctorily. From the perspective of the original protagonist Makoto Hyoudou, this villain organization was indeed not a good person.

But from this point of view, the top leaders of the demon world themselves are not good people, so the words of the original protagonist Makoto Hyoudou in the original plot blaming the Disaster Group are somewhat untenable, because this has changed the flavor, and it has become a situation of those who gain immediate benefits versus those who resist. dialogue.

Levi, who was secretly watching, wanted to complain in his heart. When he watched the Devil High School anime before, he watched it without thinking, because at that time he had some prejudice against this work, thinking that it was just a harem show that sells meat. That's all, there are no details to delve into. You will earn money after watching the meat-selling content of each episode.

But when he came to this world and learned about the history of this world, especially the history of the demon clan, he realized that the real world was far from what an anime could explain, especially the demon high school itself. In what year, after the anime plot deleted the novel version and used it as a time-consuming plot, there is not much that can be explained clearly in the refined content of several seasons.

After all, not all anime can tell a story well in a very long length like Naruto and One Piece, and at the same time set up a relatively reasonable world view.

Levi can understand the dilemma of the animation adaptation production team. After all, the original novel is the author's personal product. When individuals create, especially long novels, they often make various mistakes, such as bugs in the world view, character thinking and Unreasonable interpersonal relationships and the collapse of the main character's personality are common problems in long-form works. Even creative veterans will overturn on these details.

The adaptation team for adapting novels into animations is composed of many creators. It is said that the three cobblers, like Zhuge Liang, can always create more sparks by brainstorming.

In the neon industry, situations like this will happen from time to time. After a light novel work of its own quality is adapted into an anime, especially the adapting team is quite capable and changes the original work very well. This kind of situation Under such circumstances, there will be situations where animation saves the original work, which in turn increases the sales of the original work.

Let me talk about another extreme example, that is the work "Infinite Stratos" by the great writer. Other people's works can only be adapted if their quality is guaranteed, but to a certain extent, Da Weihao is lucky. , got the opportunity to adapt into anime.

And "Infinite Stratos" met a fairy adaptation team, and the animation produced could be regarded as relatively top-notch at the time. Therefore, in such a window period, "Infinite Stratos" relied on Following his own routine, he achieved good ratings at the time, and the "Feng Shen" of this work was collected by many gentlemen because of his excellent meat-selling paintings, and reached a very high figure in BD sales. , and later many conscientious works were difficult to surpass, so this work was nicknamed "the wall of masterpieces".

This nickname is quite a joke. Only if the sales volume of BD can exceed this work can it be called a masterpiece. If the sales volume of BD cannot exceed this sales line, it cannot be regarded as a masterpiece.

Neon’s audience all voted with their old votes, so the BD sales of “Infinite Storatus” were able to achieve such good results.

However, even collectors who have collected the BD of "Infinite Stolatus" admit that the world view of this work is shit and there are a lot of irrationalities. The reason why they collect the DVD of this work is that Simply because the girls in it are so cute.

The credit goes to the illustrator and the anime adaptation team, and has no direct relationship with the original author, the great writer. Moreover, the great writer himself continued to commit suicide, often saying inappropriate things on special occasions, mocking readers, and antagonizing the publishing house. As a result, the great writer has now disappeared, and Li Wei does not know that the great writer has been banned. , or no longer show up due to other reasons.

The world view of "Infinite Storatus" is so messed up that even among the light novel writers in Neon there is a saying that Chongguo just randomly recruited an unknown online writer to set up a world at random. The world view is much more reasonable than that of "Infinity is Thoratus".

Compared with the works of great writers, the world view set up by Shi Ta's "Devil High School" is pretty good compared to the works of great writers. At least the main characters of the various forces will not lose their IQs frequently, and they can be regarded as fulfilling their roles. position. As for the characters created by the great writer, they are really made to the extreme. If "Infinite Stolatus" was not born at that special time point, but appeared after the year, the ratings would definitely be as high as those of grandma. Go home.

Just when Levi was distracted, there were new changes in the meeting of the Disaster Group. Trent, the upper-ranking demon of the civilian faction, said: "I personally think Cruzere's choice is correct. As long as the aristocracy does not If we are eliminated, even if we can really seize the demon world, one day, the situation will still become like this. It's just that a new group of nobles are lording it over ordinary demons. Then our resistance, our anger, Does it make sense?”

This question was difficult for both Sherpa and Katerea to answer, because after Kruzere betrayed his aristocratic origins, the old aristocratic faction became a minority within the Disaster Group.

The Disaster Group is now seriously short of manpower. Even the two people who are dissatisfied with such changes have nothing to say. If they still insist on their own ideas, the Disaster Group will easily fall apart. By that time, they will all become evil. As Levi's abandoned son, Sherpa didn't want to see such a thing happen.

Cruzere said: "Yes, even what humans can do, can't we beings who are far more powerful than humans not be able to do it?! Next, we must unite all the forces that can be united, Let the civilian demons know that they also have the power to resist. When the time comes, a huge number of civilian demons will stand behind us, and whoever they help will win."

Chapter. Spark

Li Wei, who was secretly peeking, could also detect the problems within the Disaster Group, but such problems were actually not that big, because now within the Disaster Group, the civilian faction had an absolute advantage, both in terms of numbers and strength. In this way, even if Sherpa and Katerea have their own little ideas, it will be difficult for them to play with their little ideas without the powerful helper of Cruzere.

Cruzere said: "I am going to assassinate the leader of the Barbatos family, and by the way, I will use the power His Majesty gave us to ban the artifact given to the demon clan by His Majesty."

Katerea said: "Wouldn't it be a pity to do this? We can also use the artifact given by another person."

Sherpa said: "What Kruzere said makes sense. Although I also want to keep those artifacts, they have the method to recall those artifacts. Even if we get the artifacts, they only need to recall them. Bian will lose control of the artifact. Since this is the case, the artifact that cannot be obtained will naturally not be left to the opponent."

The method used by the Disaster Group to seal the artifacts held by the demon clan is very simple and crude. That is to directly sacrifice the artifacts they get to the evil version of Levi. In this way, the demon clan will lose control of those artifacts.

Moreover, Sherpa felt that given the bad taste of the evil version of Levi, the artifacts they sacrificed would most likely be turned into items for the camp of the evil version of Levi, and might even be given to them so that they could use them. The artifact that originally belonged to the demon world was used to create obstacles for the demon world. With the evil version of Levi's bad taste, he felt that such a thing was also possible.

Katerea said: "Then do as Cruzere said. Once their wings are almost cut off, it will be the turn of the usurpers who stole the position of the Demon King."

Levi, who was secretly observing, suddenly had some expectations. What kind of earth-shattering things could these audacious members of the Disaster Group do? Tall buildings rose from the ground. Although the current Disaster Group is still weak compared to the Demon King's forces, there are some things , I mean no, a single spark can start a prairie fire, but the starting point of everyone in the Disaster Group is much higher, and with his help behind the scenes, they may not be able to turn the demon world upside down.

Li Wei withdrew his gaze. He did not intend to observe the actions of the people in the Disaster Group. He only wanted to know roughly what the people in the Disaster Group were doing.

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