As for the safety of Rias and others, at this point, Levi is not worried at all, because he has left a back-up. When Rias and the others are in danger, Levi's back-up can be used at any time. It takes effect, thereby preventing Rias and others from being plotted by the people of the Disaster Group.

After all, the Disaster Group is now at an absolute disadvantage. In order to achieve their goals, they are willing to try no matter how despicable the means are. So it never hurts to be prepared for some things in advance.


Levi, who was reading in the study, heard the door open. Revel, wearing a cool maid outfit, walked in with a glass of juice.

When he is not in class, Levi spends most of his time in his study. The space in the wooden attic is accessible to most maids, except for the study. This place can only be entered by the maids when Li Wei is there.

It's not that Li Wei is stingy about imparting knowledge to the maids, but that the knowledge itself is poisonous. Once you fall into it, it is easy to be negatively affected. Not everyone is a Qi practitioner and can ignore the side effects of knowledge. negative impacts.

As a qi practitioner, Li Wei himself, although his own path of cultivation can be said to be heretical in the eyes of decent people, but again, each of the three thousand avenues has its own advantages and disadvantages, and there is no absolute victory or defeat, as well as good and evil. But this also shows the power of the Qi Practitioner itself and the inclusiveness of the Qi Practitioner's training system.

And Li Wei also discovered a problem, that is, the status of the Qi Practitioner himself seems to be very high, and all kinds of occult knowledge that are very dangerous to demons, as a Qi Practitioner, he does not have those commands. The negative effects of demonic fear are also true in other ways.

And he tried to hide part of the knowledge of Qi Practitioners in the demon clan's large library, luring the upper-level demons to watch it. As a result, the upper-level demons immediately went crazy after reading the knowledge. At the same time, they lost control of their own power and blew themselves up. Death.

Levi didn't want to see his little maids explode into bloody gourds, so they were not qualified to look at the books in the study before they were completely transformed into Qi warriors.

····Ask for flowers······

"Level, have you gotten used to the life here during this time?" Levi closed the book in his hand. The book he is holding now is the grace rune copied from the Nordic god system. The grace rune To a certain extent, it can be said to be a simplified version of seal script. Using a simplified method, the threshold for use can be lowered to a very low level, which gave him some inspiration.

Revel glanced at the book with a heavy cover in Levi's hand, but still couldn't see the name of the book.

Revel said: "I'm used to my current life, and it's actually quite good."

Revel didn't think so at the beginning, but as she got along with Levi, she found that staying here was easier than staying in the family. When she discovered this, she didn't think so at first. Dare to believe.

.. .. ........

However, Levi was really kind to her, and he also provided some things that the family could never provide. She also heard Uberuna say that when she truly gains Levi's favor, she can open up a new world. Gate, know more knowledge, and gain more power at the same time.

Ubelluna has become Levi's partner, and her demonic power system has been changed and turned into a fellow practitioner's path affiliated with the Qi Practitioner. Although the upper limit of this path depends on Levi's strength, but how? It is also much stronger than the demon system in this world, and can even be said to be incomparable.

Revel can feel the changes in Ubelluna. If she and Ubelluna were at par in strength before, and the outcome depended on the on-the-spot performance of both parties, now, Ubelluna's power has completely crushed her. She, this made her feel puzzled and envious at the same time. She was wondering when she could really get Levi's favor, just like Uberuna.

Levi said: "If that's the case, then, are you willing to be my partner?"

"Eh?! Can I do that?" Revel said a little unconfidently.

If it were before, she would have been a newborn calf and not afraid of tigers, but now she has realized the gap between herself and Li Wei. Li Wei is a big shot in the true sense. Even the god kings of the gods have to nod and bow when they see Li Wei. , such a big shot actually fell in love with her, which made her feel incredible.


Revel was a little flustered. She felt like Cinderella in a fairy tale. Such a display made her feel unreal.

Revel covered her cheeks with her hands. Her face was now very hot, almost to the point of being hot to the touch, and the top of her head was also smoking visibly.

This is not a description, but the top of her head is really smoking. The Felix family itself has the ability to control flames, and the high temperature attached to the flame is an unavoidable daily problem for the members of the Felix family.

When members of the Felix family have great emotional ups and downs, high temperatures can easily emit from their bodies. The temperature difference between the inside and outside, and when the high temperature comes into contact with cold air, bursts of white smoke will rise.

Revel said softly: "Sir, you didn't lie to me, did you?"

Levi put the book aside, hooked his hand at Revelle, and motioned for him to come over.

Levi gently took Revel's hand and said, "Actually, I feel a little guilty inside because I like you, but I can't give you all my love."

The shyness in her heart made Levi dare not speak, and she just listened to Levi's words quietly.

Revel already vaguely knew that the relationship between Uberuna and Levi was unusual and that they were probably a couple. While she was envious, she also felt a little sour in her heart.

After hesitating for a moment, Revel whispered: "If it's Uberuna and the others, I already know."

The entire family group of her brother Rissel was packed away. Uberuna and the other girls in the family group must have crossed that line with Levi long ago, so their strength can be so strong. Far beyond her.

Levi gently stroked Revel's golden long hair and said: "I like each of you. I know that it is very selfish to do this, but I will be selfish and not let you leave my side. You are mine, no one else." Can’t take it away.”

Faced with Levi's overbearing words, Revel's heart was complicated. She didn't mind such a thing. It should be said that there were many situations like Levi's in the demon world, especially the aristocratic body, powerful aristocratic upper-level demons, all of them She has three wives and four concubines. Beings like the current Demon King, Sarzex, can be said to be rare in the Demon World.

In the demon world, the aristocrats can be said to be very playful. Demons in the upper echelons of the aristocracy will try to leave their own heirs as much as possible. The Felix family, which has a large population, is relatively fertile, and they especially like to find those who are powerful. Families will marry together to create a more powerful next generation.

Just like her three brothers, each one has children, and at least two. Moreover, her three brothers are not satisfied yet and want more children, so they also need more partners.

She can understand Levi, and, as far as Uberuna and the girls from the original family group are concerned, her father, the current patriarch of the Felix family, has more than thirty partners. , it is a pity that the more powerful the devil is, the more difficult it is to give birth to children. She has more than thirty "little mothers", but there are only four people in her generation, her three brothers and herself.

In order to ensure that their powerful bloodline can be passed on, the noble demons will cast their nets as wide as possible and catch as many fish as possible.

Revel said in a low voice: "I am a devil. This kind of thing is very normal for me. Sir, you don't need to explain it to me."

Levi hugged Revel's slender waist and said, "This explanation is necessary, because I also explained to Uberuna that although I will not ask for your opinion, you have the right to know. Come to a place with me, and I will talk to you slowly when you get there."

Levi put Revell down, then took her hand, and the two of them used a special teleportation technique to reach the floating island.

The place where the two of them settled was a beach area for leisure. Revelle only felt her eyes dazzled. When she came back to her senses, she found that everything in front of her was completely different.

"Is this here?" Revel whispered.

Levi said: "This is my own little world, and it is also my bedroom."

"Bedroom?" Revel looked at Levi with a puzzled expression on his face.

Levi said: "This whole little world belongs to me alone. See those girls in front of me."

Revel nodded.

Levi said: "They are all my partners. They come from various worlds. Some worlds have encountered devastating disasters, and some worlds have some internal problems. They all follow for various reasons. Got me..."

The expression on Revel's face froze. She originally thought that the girls around Levi were Ubelluna and others, and there were only about ten of them in total. Compared with her father, they were still far behind. But after arriving here, she realized that her thinking was too simple.

Levi said: "The vast majority of people here come from a world without extraordinary power. There are no demons, angels, and gods there, but human beings' own desires have destroyed themselves. They are the last survivors of that world, If I don't care about them, they will be waiting for their own miserable ending in the doomsday."

Revel turned his head, looked at Levi, and said curiously: "Without extraordinary beings, other than large-scale wars, how else can humans exterminate themselves?"

Levi said: "'Resident Evil', do you know?"

Revel said: "I've seen the movie, but I haven't played the game. Is it a zombie virus?"

Levi nodded and said: "A small number of powerful people in that world, in pursuit of a longer lifespan, opened the door to taboos. Their research direction is right, but they do not have enough ability to control their own 4. Research, then, the research results were used by people with ulterior motives, and then caused tragedies that swept the entire world. When I arrived in that world, that world was already hopeless."

Revel felt a little more balanced in her heart. Levi's explanation made her understand that these girls playing on the beach now are the last survivors of a world that has been destroyed. She feels pity for these girls in her heart. They belong to her. It's quite uncomfortable to feel like your hometown is being destroyed.

Levi continued: "Generally speaking, the girls here have a reason to come here, because for them, if they don't come here, their end will be quite miserable. From a certain perspective , this can be regarded as a refuge that I provide for them, so that they can have a place to go when they have nowhere to go.”

Chapter. Determining the relationship

Levi took Revelle around the floating island. The huge floating island made Revelle sigh inwardly. Levi was a "big landowner" in the true sense.

Although the area and scale of the floating island are not even large compared to the Demon Realm, you must know that this place only belongs to Li Wei personally, and although the Demon Realm is large, it is divided into individual families by the nobles. area, and most of the areas in the Demon World are large wastelands with harsh environments, with only a few areas suitable for habitation.

As for Levi's floating island, the environment on it is very mild. No matter where it is, it is a livable zone. This makes Revell, who was born in the demon world, feel a little envious.

After Revel knew where he would live in the future, he followed Levi and left the floating island and returned to the outside world.

After knowing Levi's secret, Revel felt that a bridge called trust had been built between herself and Levi.

However, the reason why Levi took so long was because Revelle needed to change. The original Revelle was just a young lady who had no fingers in the sunshine. She usually did things her own way. To be honest, she was not lovable. .

Some men have a very high tolerance for women. As long as the woman is good-looking enough and has a hot enough figure, they think there is no problem. Even if the woman has personality problems and is difficult to get along with, these men also think it doesn't matter.

To be honest, this kind of idea seems a bit too licking in Levi's eyes. Beautiful, gentle and kind-hearted women deserve preferential treatment, which Levi can be sure of. However, in Levi's view, those femme fatales who have a good skin, but a bad personality and vicious thoughts, just need training.

Therefore, Levi can accept existences like Uberuna and Heige, but Catreaia of the Disaster Group, Levi cannot accept it, because Catreaia is the kind of person who will do anything to restore the glory of her ancestors. A person who can do anything unscrupulous, a femme fatale with no bottom line, Li Wei is naturally respectful and insensitive.

Moreover, Katerea is also very difficult to change. This kind of existence with firm beliefs cannot be changed by emotions at all. Therefore, even if Katerea is a beautiful lady with both good looks and figure, Levi has no interest in her.

Now that Revel has completed the change, she has empathy and knows how to understand the feelings of others. Her arrogance has melted away, and the arrogance on the surface has been unlocked. The coquettishness on the inside is full of potential for any normal male. charm.

Revel said: "Sir, I don't understand. You obviously have such a powerful power, but you can't subdue the other person. Isn't there any way to restrain that person?"

Although Revel has made up her mind to follow Levi and leave this world, she still has so many relatives here after all. She doesn't want to see unnecessary casualties in her family, especially after knowing that the current demon world is not safe. , she was even more worried about such things.

Levi said: "If there is a way, I won't have to clean up his mess from time to time. The only thing I can do is to limit him within the rules. We both fight within the rules, and no one can Don’t lift the table.”

Revel said curiously: "Overturning the table? I'm curious, to what extent does it count as overturning the table?"

Levi said: "The earth explodes and it's as simple as flipping the table. Whether it's me or him, it's too easy to destroy something. Everything in the world is too fragile for us, so I will try my best to avoid myself At the same time, we must restrain him, otherwise, the situation will get out of control in a very short period of time."

Levi is not bragging to Revel. If it was in the first world period, he indeed did not have such strength. But after experiencing several worlds, whether it is his own cultivation, the magic weapon he holds, and all the The magical powers he has practiced are no longer what they used to be. Now Levi can really completely destroy the earth in a very short time.

With the nuclear power that humans have in this era, the most they can do is cleanse the earth's surface, which can only destroy human civilization itself. But if we want to destroy the earth, unless humans can enter the interstellar age and master antimatter-related technologies, otherwise, destroying the earth will be impossible. Just words.

The so-called destruction of the world by humans is nothing more than the destruction of civilization on the surface, but the destruction of the world here by Levi is to directly blow the entire planet to pieces.

Levi has no way to destroy a massive star like Jupiter, but if it is a planet the size of the Earth, it is not difficult to destroy it.

But now Levi feels that his strength is too high or too low. If he goes down, he can crush most enemies, but if he goes up, he will have to face various monsters.

Not to mention existences at the level of Super Saiyan and Superman, Levi didn't think he could handle just a certain fat blue guy.

If it were a certain Ultra gangster, not to mention Zoffie, even the first-generation Levi might not be able to do it. Even though Ultraman’s performance in the show was a bit rubbish, that was because of funding issues. The design of Ultraman itself It must be very exaggerated. With such power, even if this clan is directly thrown into the Dragon Ball, they can still survive well.

Star Destroyer, for the Ultraman Tribe, is the per capita strength of the elite combat troops, and with such an existence, the Ultraman Tribe can pull out millions of people, let alone fight, just a few Without Ultraman, Levi would have no choice but to run away, and the Ultra gangsters also have the ability to cross the universe. They might even chase people down the "lower path" and kill people. Now Levi would not dare to mess with this at all. of enemies.

Levi suspected that the creative staff who wrote the settings of Ultraman were just writing copywriting with their butts. It was simply unbelievable that such a stupid super civilization would be fucked by Bei Laohei.

However, considering the mysterious Four Olympians, Levi did not dare to wander into the world related to Ultraman until he had enough strength.

Levi's strength is relatively strong. Before he met a real strong person, he was the "god" goalkeeper. When he met the real "god", Levi felt that he was no better than a rookie. Where to go.

Levi took out a book from the bookshelf, put it in Revel's hand, and said: "Of the books on the bookshelf, this is the only one that will do no harm to you. You can't read the other books for the time being."

Revel took the book handed over by Levi, and the words "Basics of Immortal Cultivation" gradually appeared on the cover of the book.

Revel was a little surprised in her heart. She did not expect that the path Levi took was similar to that of the Eastern Heaven. The Eastern Heaven called powerful extraordinary beings immortals, and achieving extraordinary results was "cultivating immortals."

Chapter. Changes in the Demon World

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