Li Wei said with a black line on his head: "Are you a child? You still have such a little temper. I am really worried about those unlucky people under you. If they encounter you and are in a bad mood, won't they be angry?"

The evil version of Levi stood up, folded his hands and said, "Your path is too weak in my opinion. Controlling your subordinates relies on clear rewards and punishments and pressure, rather than so-called gifts and compassion. I really can't handle it. Understand, with your shoddy rule, why didn’t the empire collapse?”

Levi said: "This has nothing to do with you. If you are acting like a child like this, I will drive you away."

Seeing Levi's serious expression, the evil version of Levi showed an ugly expression like he was eating shit and said: "I can do whatever I want. No one can tell me what to do, not even you. But this time it's a gift. Damn it, you can’t protect these rotten fish and shrimp forever.”

Levi narrowed his eyes slightly, and the figure of the evil version of Levi who was asking for trouble gradually faded, and finally disappeared in front of the gods.

The gods were relieved when the evil version of Levi left. When the evil version of Levi was here before, they didn't dare to do anything. They were afraid that they would be killed by a terrifying strong man like the evil version of Levi. Targeted, lost his life.

Levi sighed, looked at the embarrassed Zeus and Odin, and waved his hands. All the oil stains on their bodies had disappeared, and they had returned to their previous dignity.

"Thank you, sir." Zeus and Odin both thanked Levi. Although this incident was caused by Levi, they did not dare to say anything more. After all, if Levi was not in charge, they would probably be No matter what, there is no way to leave here alive.

Levi showed an apologetic smile and said: "I first apologize to everyone for the other immature me who interrupted the party because of that guy. But there is no problem now. In a short time, he can't do anything about it." Make some big move."

Under Levi's comfort, the gods finally calmed down, but a worried Zeus approached Levi privately.

"Your Excellency Zeus, are you looking for me alone? Do you have anything to say?" Levi said with a pleasant smile.

Zeus looked embarrassed, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "There is something I don't understand, so I want to ask your Excellency for advice."

Li Wei smiled and said: "There's no need to be so formal. If you have any questions, just ask."

Zeus said: "That's offensive. This time, my lord, your other side invaded Mount Olympus. The defense measures of Mount Olympus itself are in place. We used unique space interference technology to destroy Mount Olympus." The space where Mount Si is located is hidden in the turbulence of space. Even powerful men like Infinite Dragon God and Great Red must go through the main entrance if they want to enter Mount Olympus. How did you get around it? Where did this restriction come from?"

It is normal for Zeus to feel panic. After all, something like this happened today, which means that as long as the evil version of Levi wants to, he can throw his subordinates in through such means and then cause a havoc in Mount Olympus. The strength of the Greek pantheon was incapable of resisting such an invasion.

The Greek pantheon can be regarded as an existence with abundant martial virtues in many pantheons, but it depends on who you compare with. If compared with the monster under the evil version of Levi, the gods of the Greek pantheon are just noobs.

It is precisely because of his self-awareness that Zeus did not hide this kind of question and asked it directly.

Levi never expected that the other party would ask such a question. However, the evil version of the clone was able to enter Mount Olympus so easily. In fact, it was because he had his own body as a spatial coordinate for positioning, plus a lot of assistance. Space coordinates, so the evil version of the clone can be easily teleported over, completely bypassing the outer space turbulence.

Levi said: "Playing with space is like drinking to him. You can't prevent this kind of thing by yourself. The only way I can help is to prevent him from attacking you directly. As for the shrimp soldiers and crab generals below him, you have to find a way on your own."

Zeus wanted to complain in his heart. Heaven was robbed just a few days ago. All the gods knew about this. The giant fallen angels under the evil version of Levi forcefully knocked on the door of heaven and started from the four rulers. The angel's hand took away the wishing machine.

Zeus had laughed about this all day before, because he had suffered a loss from the God of the Bible. Seeing the descendants of the God of the Bible suffer, he was naturally happy to watch the fun, but he did not expect that he could actually do it. Meeting the evil version of Levi himself at such a close distance was too scary, so he was not in the mood to gloat.

Zeus wanted to say in his heart that even those beings under the evil version of Levi are not weaklings who can be beaten at will. Zeus still knows relatively well about heaven. Even if the God of the Bible is no longer around, the legacy he left behind, as well as the four A ruling angel has grown up. It can be said that the Greek pantheon and heaven are at war, and the winning rate is only open. Even heaven is forced to hand over the wishing machine. If such a thing is placed on the head of the greek pantheon, what will happen in the future? In such a situation, Zeus felt that he would most likely choose to surrender like the four ruling angels.

Zeus did not dare to call him by his name and said: "The existence of that subordinate is also quite powerful. With our current strength, if we encounter a battle, we will not be able to hold on for too long. To protect the peace of this world and protect mankind, It’s not an easy thing, and what happened in Europe is still in my mind to this day.”

Zeus knew that Levi cared about humans, so he specifically mentioned humans, hoping to attract Levi's attention so that the Greek pantheon could gain more benefits. He had to create a persona that valued humans, so that he could make people The Greek pantheon won Livy's favor.

Some of the god kings of these gods are human beings who have lived for who knows how many years. They saw that while Li Wei had huge power, he also retained a considerable amount of humanity and was not annihilated by divinity. What seemed to be their most fatal weakness became the basis for their ability to exploit Levi.

Of course, Zeus would never feel that he was taking advantage of Levi. In his opinion, this was a fair deal. As long as Levi made a request to him, no matter what the request was, as long as it did not shake his position as the God King, All can be satisfied.

Chapter. The dark history of the Greek pantheon

Levi naturally knew what Zeus wanted, which was nothing more than more powerful power. He said he was compassionate, but in fact he was no different from other gods. His attitude toward humans was like looking after domesticated livestock.

Of course, the Greek pantheon is not entirely ungrateful. There are also "good people" in this pantheon, such as Hestia, the Kitchen God.

However, Hestia has fallen. Because she sympathized with the plight of mankind, she secretly taught her power to mankind, which violated the internal rules of the Greek pantheon. Therefore, she was executed by Zeus, one of the original gods of the same level as Zeus. Hestia, because of the humanity in her heart, brought destruction to herself.

With the fall of Hestia, the last conscience of the Greek pantheon was gone. Since then, the entire Greek pantheon can be said to exist like a P Club player per capita. For Levi, who considers himself a human, the current In the Greek pantheon, if you kill them one by one, no one will be innocent.

Levi found information related to Hestia in the library of Mount Olympus. The confidentiality level of these materials was quite high. It can be seen that Hestia's death was not a good thing in Zeus's eyes. It's not a glorious thing, so I try my best to cover it up.

Levi found the portrait of Hestia and sighed inwardly. She was an intellectual beauty with a gentle temperament like a sister. Although it was only a portrait, it made Levi feel heartbroken and at the same time made him feel sad.

It is precisely because of this that Levi has no good impression of the Greek pantheon. Zeus can personally execute his sister, and Hestia has always been very good to Zeus. In order to maintain internal rules and protect the face of the gods, Zeus was able to kill his eldest sister, and from this we can see Zeus's character.

Zeus tried his best to cover up this matter, but the inside of Mount Olympus was not '.:.:,'?,..;'!!!;'Preparation,;!Use;:,『'?!!.,』 ,;:,?,..:『'?;?"!':』??!::,";:!.;??'";!. The iron plate, a god dissatisfied with Zeus, chose to put this Duan Hei's history is recorded, waiting for those who are destined to discover the real history.

And the destined person that the unknown god is waiting for is Li Wei, an outsider.

Levi said: "I also know your difficulties. I will send you a batch of equipment later. These things will make you less passive when facing those people below me."

Zeus was happy when he heard what Levi said. He just hinted, but Levi already understood what he meant, and was willing to send him a batch of equipment. Such a good thing made the smile on Zeus's face even brighter.

After learning that the demon world had obtained a large amount of equipment, Zeus felt sour in his heart. Levi was too generous to take action. You must know that artifacts are not ordinary equipment on the roadside. As the name suggests, artifacts have the power of gods. Special props, props that can be called artifacts. Except for a few auxiliary artifacts with special functions, each artifact has the ability to change the trend of the local battlefield. You can imagine how precious such props are.

And high-level artifacts, even the gods of various pantheons, cannot be made by hand.

However, none of the artifacts that Levi had provided to the Demon Realm before were extraordinary. The Zeus people were not the only ones who were jealous of them. However, this was something Levi had given to the Demon Realm, and no one dared to attack it.

After Levi's existence was exposed, the Demon Realm no longer concealed the truth from the outside world. Originally, the Demon Realm claimed that these artifacts were the lost objects of history that they had dug out of the original Demon King's treasure house.

But now, the demon world is no longer secretive about such matters, and openly announces the truth to all demons, which also leads to Levi's popularity among the demon clan, and it suddenly rises. Now, the vast majority of people in the demon clan regard Li Wei as their savior. Although Li Wei does not directly help them, this does not affect their respect for Li Wei.

Zeus said cautiously: "Is it like the devil world?"

Levi nodded and said: "Almost, but considering that the manpower in Mount Olympus is not as abundant as that in the Demon World, the number will be smaller. Give me the name of the person who needs something, and describe it clearly. The type of abilities they have, I will arrange the equipment based on their abilities and characteristics.”

Zeus suppressed his inner excitement and said with a trembling voice: "Okay, sir. I will sort out the list later and send it to you."

····Ask for flowers······

If Levi were not still in front of him, Zeus would have jumped up with excitement. Although the number of artifacts available in Mount Olympus is not as good as that in the Demon Realm, each item was selected by Levi and allocated to Olympus. The gods of Mount Pis, this method of selecting artifacts based on abilities and fighting habits, surpasses the "big pot rice" in the demon world in terms of quality.

Levi turned on his mind-reading skills and knew Zeus's inner thoughts. He just smiled in his heart. Although Zeus was an old fox, he was no match for his cheating hunter. If it weren't for the Soul Clock, it would take time to digest the Infinite Dragon God. And Li Zevimu, Levi has a way of making Zeus stop laughing immediately.

.. ........ ........

Levi thought about it and let Zeus be happy for a few more days. Anyway, their lives had entered a countdown, and he would not care so much about a dying person.

In a lively and noisy atmosphere, the party came to an end and the gods dispersed.

After saying hello to Zeus and others, Levi did not return to the human world first, but went directly to the demon world.

It has been a while since Levi visited the Demon Realm in a serious way. Before, he had always acted in secret, so his whereabouts would naturally not be exposed to the outside world.

For such a formal visit with traceable traces, the demon world knew the news in advance, so there was a special person to receive it, and this so-called special person was only qualified by the Gremory family. The person who received Levi was Liya. Izumi and Akeno Himejima.

Within the entrance to the demon world, Levi walked out of the tram platform. He, Rias and Akeno Himejima were all disguised.

Levi looked at the two quite unfamiliar beautiful girls in front of him and said, "If your subtle breath hadn't changed, I would hardly be able to leave you."

Rias smiled and said: "There is nothing we can do about it. After all, the disaster group is too rampant now, and several nobles have been poisoned by them. Now when I am outside, I will respect my father and brother. It is recommended that you use disguise magic to change your magic frequency and appearance. Compared with other families, the Gremory family is better at change spells. This kind of disguise is very effective." Qian.

Chapter. Why not eat minced meat?

Rias and Himejima Akeno have no choice but to change their image. The group of misfortunes is too powerful a deterrent to the nobles. Several nobles have been exterminated one after another. Now, no matter which family they are, they are already in trouble. They are all ready to fight back.

Especially as members of the Demon King's family, they attract hatred, so Rias and Himejima Akeno no longer dare to use their true identities when they go out.

Rias said: "How is it? Li Weijun, do you like how it looks like now?"

Rias lifted the corner of her skirt and made a circle. Now she was wearing a short skirt often worn by civilians in the demon world. Her hair was as dazzling red as flames and was disguised by magic into an inconspicuous brown, but her face It's still amazing, even if it has changed into a different look, it is still so beautiful.

Himejima Akeno, on the other hand, disguised her long-term magic as silver white, and her pupils turned into wine red. Silver-red pupils are relatively common in the demon world. Although her face is stunning, she gives the impression that she belongs to a civilian family. The Xiaojiabiyu that comes out will not attract too many people's attention.

Levi nodded and said: "The outside is just the appearance, what I care about is the unique inside."

Li Wei is telling lies with his eyes open. As a "face-loving dog", Li Wei has very high requirements for his partners. Whether it is appearance or figure, everything must be above the passing level of his heart, and his personality is also good. There can't be any problems, at least he can't be yandere. If there are problems with his character, he will brush him off, no matter how good-looking he is.

Rias said: "Unique inside? I didn't realize there was anything special about me."

Levi just smiled. Rias didn't know that she was an important point of causal entanglement in the world. If it weren't for his interference, there would have been many events surrounding Rias.

Such high-quality fellow practitioners can bring more benefits to Levi, so whether it is public or private, capturing Rias is a good thing for him.

Levi said: "You are just a fan of the authorities. It's like Akeno has never been confident. You are not aware of your own advantages."

Li Wei's words made the two of them happy but also a little guilty. After all, they knew that as demons, their actions were not in line with Li Wei's moral concepts in some places. It was precisely because of this that when faced with Li Wei's praise, Sometimes, they feel guilty.

The three of them took the city's teleportation station back to the Gremory family's main city. The overall atmosphere in the Gremory family's main city seemed more serious than before, and patrol teams could be seen on the streets at any time.

Levi said: "It seems that the impact of the Disaster Group on the Demon World is greater than I expected. Are other cities like this?"

Rias said: "Only the main city maintains such martial law. The target of the attack by the Disaster Group is very clear, that is the main city where the noble family is located. Any city where members of the noble family are located will be the target of the attack. , in order to reduce the pressure on defense and reduce property losses as much as possible, each noble family has taken measures to focus on defense."

In fact, some noble families have adopted a decentralized defense method, spreading family members to different cities to increase the difficulty of the disaster group's attack. After all, it is not easy to attack several cities at the same time.

Then, this noble family that adopted a dispersed defense was wiped out by the Disaster Group. Even if they were scattered in different cities, they could not stop the Disaster Group from attacking them. Moreover, because of their scattered strength, They were easily defeated by the Disaster Group, and even the artifacts they held were taken away and changed sides.

Levi is pretending to be confused because he understands. After all, he is the big boss behind the Disaster Group, and the evil version of the clone receives "work reports" from the Disaster Group from time to time, so he is relatively familiar with the situation in the demon world.

The Disaster Group has been doing quite well during this period. Although it has been blamed, the prestige of the Disaster Group has been damaged to a certain extent, but it has also allowed more ordinary demons to see the harsh and restrained appearance of the noble demons. On the other hand, the noble demons are not invincible. As long as the ordinary demons below unite, it is possible to achieve great things.

It is precisely because of this that during this period, many civil resistance organizations emerged in the Demon Realm. However, most of these civil resistance organizations did not survive for more than half a month. They were often captured by the Demon Realm's special security forces just after they raised their own banners. The department kicked down the door and checked the meter... .

The number of civilian resistance organizations that can truly survive is very small, and most of them have been annexed by the Disaster Group. After eliminating the poor and retaining the best, the number of the Disaster Group finally exceeded 200 people, and because of the seizure of the artifact With the new power given to them by the evil version of Levi, more than two hundred people have upgraded their combat power. They have replaced shotguns with cannons. In a very short period of time, the original small workshop has developed into a serious problem in the demon world.

Levi said: "It seems that this organization called the Disaster Group has some abilities."

Rias showed a worried expression and said: "The Disaster Group has many supporters among the people. Even if the Disaster Group once committed massacre in the city, their support rate is still so high. Could it be that the nobles Did we really do something wrong?"

The butt determines the head. Although Rias herself is not a bad person, as a noble, her thinking and vision are limited by her status, and she cannot see the overall situation.

Levi said: "This is an internal matter within the demon world. As an outsider, I am not suitable to express opinions on such matters."

Rias said: "But I still want to hear your opinion, Li Weijun, just think of it as my willful request."

Li Wei sighed and said: "Well, in that case, let me tell the truth. If it weren't for the nobles who had absolute power, this way of ruling would have been overthrown for who knows how long. 4."

Rias felt disappointed when she heard Levi's words. Even Levi felt that there was something wrong with the rule of the demon world, which showed that there was indeed a serious problem in the demon world.

Levi said: "Rias, you are well protected by your parents and brother, so you should have never seen the dark side of the demon world. Otherwise, you would not ask such a question. Have you ever seen it?" You are definitely aware of those dark sides."

Now Rias is like Queen Mary. Because she doesn't understand, she says something like "They don't have bread, can't they eat cake?"

When Rias gets to know the other side of the demon world that she has never seen before, she will know why the Disaster Group still has such a high support rate among civilian demons even if they take the blame.

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