Chapter. New vest

Rias sighed. She had always been the little princess of the family. Every member of the sparse Gremory family was cared for to a very high standard, and as a member of the head family, he was even more so.

Levi said: "Sometimes, you can get more accurate information by seeing it yourself than listening to what others say. Why does the Disaster Group get the support of so many people? As a member of the ruler of the demon world, you can understand it. It should be It’s said that we want to understand what went wrong with the aristocracy’s management of civilian demons.”

Li Wei is telling the truth. To be honest, the aristocrats of the demon world have mastered the art of controlling the people. The social injustice within the human body is nothing compared to the demon world. .

The demon world maintains civilization on the surface, but in fact it is still a slave society inside. The relatively closed environment makes the civilian demons unable to escape and can only accept the rule of the aristocracy.

This reminded Li Wei of the Republic of China era. On the surface, it was the love and hatred of talented people and beauties, but underneath it was the numbness and despair of ordinary people. Moreover, the demon world was much darker than the Republic of China era, because, although everyone had extraordinary powers, Power, but the power controlled by nobles is far stronger than that of ordinary demons. As a result, ordinary demons do not even have the most basic freedom and dignity when facing nobles. This situation continues to this day. It is conceivable that the accumulation within the demon world The hatred that has arisen has reached such an exaggerated level.

It is precisely because of this that even if the Disaster Group is slandered and slaughters the city, there are still so many ordinary demons willing to support them.

And as the number of attacks carried out by the Disaster Group increases, many civilian demons have begun to doubt whether the original massacre was actually done by the Disaster Group.

After all, there have been so many attacks in succession. If the Disaster Group had to massacre the city every time, it stands to reason that more than ten cities should have been completely wiped out. But every time after the Disaster Group took action, they would only leave behind A large number of propaganda leaflets were issued to call on the common demons to stand up and resist the nobles.

It is precisely because of this that the civilian demons are now suspicious of the propaganda launched by the high-level officials.


In the secret base of the Misfortune Group, the members of the Misfortune Group who had won a great victory were drinking and celebrating. The protagonist of the party was a young devil with black eyes and a face that was somewhat similar to Levi.

"Mark., it's all thanks to you this time, but those bastards of the Dantalin family, howling in despair when facing death, are simply awesome!"

"My father had his tongue cut out by those bastards because he said something bad about the Dantalin family, and a seal was placed on the wound so that my father's tongue could not grow back. Because of this, my father He committed suicide because of something. Mark., it’s all because of you that I can take revenge!”

"My sister was forcibly recruited as a dependent by the third young master of the Dantalin family. For the safety of our family, my sister had no choice but to obey that beast! Mark., you helped me avenge myself. No matter what you asked me to do, I Everyone is willing.”

The young man known as Mark. was one of the new members who voluntarily joined the Disaster Group during this period. With his strong strength and hatred for the nobles, he established a firm foothold within the Disaster Group and gained everyone's support. Can.

Cruzere put down the wine glass in his hand and said: "I'm curious, Mark. Don't you have a name? This one looks like the symbol of some kind of weapon."

Mark. said: "Because I no longer know what my name is, I am sure that I have a name. But the experiments in the laboratory made me lose my memory, so now I only know that I am Mark., A biological weapon used against the Disaster Group."

A civilian demon next to him said: "Listening to your current name, it means there is an experimental subject in front of you. Where are they?"

Mark. shook his head and said: "I don't know, they may be alive or dead. When I escaped from the laboratory, I killed all the researchers and searched the entire institute, but I couldn't find them. Experimental subjects other than myself. However, I did find the information on the previous experimental subjects in the computer."

Mark. is a new school opened by Li Wei. His identity is a surviving monster in a biological weapons research institute in the demon world. He uses ancient forbidden magic and the latest biological technology, and his strength far exceeds that of ordinary high-level demons.

Of course, the strength of this little one cannot be compared with other individuals. After all, this little one uses the original body of a devil from the demon world, which was transformed from a very ordinary civilian devil.

The commoner demon in his physical body was abused by the nobles until he became crippled, with his hands and feet chopped off. He also witnessed how the nobles violated his wife and daughter. Such despair made Li Wei enter into a contract with him, and he voluntarily became Li Wei's wife. Wei transformed into a puppet, but begged Levi to keep his soul for a while so that he could watch his enemies be destroyed.

Just a few hours ago, the original owner of this puppet body fulfilled his wish and saw the Dantalin family being slaughtered with his own eyes, and Li Wei also helped him kill every member of the Dantalin family. Chopped into minced meat, the noble demons of the Dantalin family felt the ultimate fear before they died.

The soul that had fulfilled its wish chose self-annihilation without Li Wei having to do anything. This soul has been satisfied. Even if it continues to exist, it will fall into endless pain because of the departure of his wife and daughter, so he chooses to annihilate himself. From Li Wei's point of view, although it is an escape, it is not shameful.

In fact, Li Wei also invited him to rebuild his body so that he could fight against the aristocratic forces, but this unlucky man who had lost everything chose to refuse.

This unlucky guy disappeared, and a biological weapon demon named Mark. was born.

Sherpa said: "During this period, the higher-ups in the demon world have been hunting us down more and more, and three bases have been forced to be abandoned. Although we have won again, these victories are too small, even with Mark. We are the same, we are like flies, but we have to fight against the elephant. The opponent can lose countless times because the opponent can afford to lose, but as long as we lose once, we will probably lose all our efforts."

A demon said: "Sherpa, there is no need to say such depressing words when celebrating. We have won several battles in a row, so we should be happy. If we don't celebrate at this time, we don't know how long we will have to wait. Only then can we have the opportunity to celebrate again.”

Sherpa sighed and said: "It's not that we are not allowed to celebrate, but we are asking everyone not to take it lightly. We cannot afford to lose, so we cannot make any mistakes. I don't want to see anyone absent at the next gathering."

Everyone understands that if a member is absent, generally speaking, he has been killed, because everyone must attend the gathering of the Disaster Group, without exception.

Chapter. Headwind situation

Li Weixin opened a small cell because the Misfortune Group is indeed at an absolute disadvantage now and may be destroyed at any time. Opening this small cell can also be regarded as a minimum guarantee for the Misfortune Group, so that the Misfortune Group will not lose. A complete break.

After all, this is how a thin man fights a strong man. The strong man can stand up no matter how many times he is hit, and the thin man has to lie down as long as he is hit. Don't look at the joy of the group of disasters now, as long as he has a confrontation with Sarzechs , the current group of disasters will be completely destroyed.

Sirzechs is called the strongest demon king in history. This is not a boast, but he really has such ability. As a pure reckless man, to be able to become one of the four demon kings is enough to show how capable he is in fighting and to the extent that the other three demon kings respect him and dare not have any ideas.

Mark. said: "Although I joined the organization relatively late, I also know that the current situation is not optimistic. Senior Sherpa is right. We cannot be too optimistic and careless. We are already in the eyes of the four demon kings. Nails, flesh thorns, and the opposite side has an absolute advantage in intelligence network and personnel. What we have to do is to mobilize the crowd. Since there is no way to gain an advantage in terms of troops, then we must find a way to gain an advantage in intelligence."

Sherpa said: "But we don't have enough gold, which is a problem. Although everyone hates the nobles and wants them to die, there are really too few informants who have the courage to provide us with information. And the biggest The problem is that we lack the ability to distinguish between true and false information. Once we are fooled by false information, we will suffer heavy losses."

Mark. raised his hand and said: "I can help in this regard. When I was undergoing transformation in the laboratory, I mastered many spiritual magics from ancient times. These magics are very evil and specialize in Controlling the target, I can use this power for the sake of our future."

Sherpa showed an expression of astonishment. He didn't expect Mark. to have such an ability. Mental magic is easy to learn but difficult to master. Even children can master it due to superficial sensory interference. But when it comes to high-level sensory control and more advanced control of living bodies, it is not something that ordinary demons can learn.

After all, demons are not human beings, but a race of mythical creatures whose entire population possesses extraordinary power. The individual's mental resistance is very strong and can easily control human mental spells. When placed on demons, it only makes the other party feel irritated. If you want Controlling demons, such spiritual magic, requires quite advanced abilities.

After all, the Disaster Group is a resistance organization with the vast majority of its members being civilian demons. As for high-level spiritual magic, even those with noble bodies can only master it, let alone these idiots from the Disaster Group. .

So when they heard that Mark could perform quite advanced spiritual magic, not only Sherpa was shocked, but everyone else was also confused. And when they reacted, they were ecstatic.

High-level spiritual magic can be said to have strategic value that is not inferior to top-level artifacts. At a time when artifacts are so popular, it can even be said to be rarer than artifacts.

Sherpa said: "If this is the case, it will really help a lot. The previous intelligence identification work has always given me a headache. If it can be easier to determine the authenticity of the intelligence, then we will have more energy. Let’s go do other things~¨.”

The previous intelligence screening work was done by Sherpas, including connecting with informants and developing new informants. These tasks are very important and not everyone can do them. You must be bold and careful, and you must also be good at it. Just socialize.

Sherpa was relieved to hand over such a job to Mark because Mark had proven his loyalty to the organization. After all, Mark had chopped everyone in the Dantalin family into fine pieces and left them on the wall. He left his own special mark on his body and openly challenged the four demon kings in the demon world, which is enough to show his stance.

He is not worried that Mark is a spy from the Demon King who has infiltrated the organization, because it is impossible for the top leaders of the Demon World to sacrifice the entire noble family because of such a thing. If the Demon King does such a thing, it will cause the entire aristocratic ruling system to fall apart. .

It is precisely because Mark.'s position is very firm that Sherpa can rest assured to let him do such work, and he can get away from such tedious things and focus on publicity and external relations.

Fighting a propaganda war with the high-level officials of the demon world is very disadvantageous for the Disaster Group, and it is also very difficult. However, these things must be done. In order to wash away the various scapegoats that the high-level officials of the demon world have blamed for the Disaster Group, this kind of work must be done. To do this, if you don't seize the high ground on the fishing boat, the opponent will suppress the Disaster Group on the fishing boat. If you want to mobilize the power of the crowd, you have to rely on the fishing boat. This is something that is difficult to do with force.

Although the power of the masses will still be suppressed or even destroyed when faced with absolute power, Sherpa and others still want to awaken ordinary demons.

Although it is unethical to do so, because most civilian demons are very pessimistic. The current situation in the demon world is like a dark room with no doors and windows and is not breathable. People were almost suffocated to death. The people from the Disaster Group woke everyone up loudly. What else could they do except make the people who woke up more desperate.

Moreover, many ordinary demons simply do not believe that the Disaster Group can win the final victory, because the power gap between the two sides is too great. The Disaster Group's few manpower will have to face a total of more than 20 million people in the entire demon world. The army and civil servant system, with this huge numerical gap, can drown the calamity group with the spit of the population on the upper echelons of the demon world.

Moreover, the army and civil servants in the demon world are all vested interests and have been deeply bound to the nobles. If the Disaster Group wants to attack the nobles, they must first defeat this deep-rooted system. This is not an easy task. Sherpa himself knew this.

If they just overthrow the old aristocracy and they appear as the new aristocracy, maybe the military and civil servants can still win over them, but what they have to do is to smash the entire old world and let the ordinary demons who have been kneeling stand up with dignity. , which is tantamount to offending all vested interests.

Sherpa knew that he was on the pirate ship of Cruzere, Katerea and others, but he was also a little excited in his heart. If he could really create a new world where everyone could live with dignity, then It doesn’t matter if you don’t want any title of nobility.

Chapter. Organizational rebirth

Although Mark. is the weakest of Levi's many small powers, equivalent to a youthful and degraded version of Levi's body, his abilities are extremely comprehensive. Naturally, Sherpa's psychological changes cannot escape his perception. For the group of disasters, Mark. The change, he felt, was a good thing.

The people in the Disaster Group are not stupid. Their long-term struggle with the higher-ups of the demon world has taught them how to use the power available to them all around them. So they may not be smart enough, but their thinking is definitely very agile.

Mark. said: "Since ordinary demons in the demon world are afraid of the power of nobles, why can't we go to the human world to find new comrades? Although this has certain risks, it can at least solve our troop strength problem."

Cruzere said in astonishment: "You mean humans?"

Mark. said: "To be honest, demons are very capable of assimilating. They can turn almost any species into demons, even dragon species. Moreover, there are many individuals in the demon world who have transformed from humans. Now We have the ability to enter and exit the human world at will. It is really unreasonable not to make good use of this ability. Moreover, now that the gods have been exposed to human beings, and human beings are also seeking the power to protect themselves, why can't we use human beings to protect themselves? What about the activities of transforming into a demon? Form a united front, and then attack both internally and externally. With a population of several billion, humans will always have the power to help us."

Cruzere sighed and said: "What you said makes sense, but it is not enough to convince me. After all, humans are quite cunning and humans cannot be trusted."

Mark. said: "There is a country with a large population that can cooperate with us, and I think they are also willing to master new power."

Everyone is interested in what Mark. said. Demons are complex, and humans are also complex. There are good people and bad people. With the support of spiritual magic, no one is worried about loyalty issues.

Sherpa said: "Tell me what you think. Maybe, this will be the key to our breakthrough."

Mark. said: "I recommend that everyone get to know the country of Xiachongguo. I personally think that they are very suitable as a partner. After all, people in this country have a bottom line. At the same time, compared to other ethnic groups and countries, More kindly, if we can integrate into this general body, not only is it possible to liberate the demon world, but we can even make further progress, allowing the human world to gain a foothold as demons, and use it to reach the stars."

Mark.'s words made everyone think. Chongguo has a huge population base. If they can really get such help, it is not impossible to fight against the demon world head-on.

And they all understand how Chongguo was established. After hundreds of years of turmoil and chaos, idealists groped a path in the darkness. It can be said that among several generations of human beings, Chongguo in this generation is An unprecedented existence.

Moreover, everyone also discovered that the position they and others were in now was so similar to that of Chong Guo back then.

Mark. continued: "It all depends on people. Compared with Amei, I believe in Chongguo. If this can be done well, disaster can arise in an instant. Of course, I think we should change our name. After all, The name "Disaster Group" is too evil, and others will think that we are not good people. We need a more noble and righteous name."

Everyone nodded, because what Mark said was indeed true, and what he said was very practical, so the possibility of failure was not high.

Katerea looked at everyone and said: "Everyone, come up with a better name for the organization. We are originally the righteous army that intends to overthrow the rule of the aristocracy. This name will make everyone aware of our determination!"

Katerea's words made everyone commotion. Everyone started to use their brains and listed the names they came up with on the paper. Before long, there were hundreds of names.

Then everyone began to screen, and those names that were not very reliable were cleared out first. Although the organization members who gave these names felt sorry, the names were too unreliable, and others around them could see it.

After repeated screening, only a few names were left. Then everyone voted on the remaining options. It took almost half an hour to finally decide on the new name of the group that caused the disaster. .

The Sufferers Save the League.

This is the name that everyone wants. The literal meaning of this name is very simple and crude, that is, to save those poor people who are suffering, and who the poor people are, are those who are oppressed by injustice and darkness.

Moreover, this name does not refer to the demon world alone. This is because the scope of the Suffering Salvation Alliance's rescue is not limited to demons. The hardworking people who are suffering all over the world are all those who need to be saved by the Suffering Salvation Alliance.

Moreover, the name also contains a layer of meaning. It is not easy to smash the old world to create a new world. So from now on, use your own hands to create a new world that can give everyone warmth and dignity. .

Sherpa got new inspiration from this name, and immediately picked up the paper and began to draft the organization's new action plan. If an organization wants to become bigger and stronger, it must have its own core ideas to maintain the relationship between organization members. Cohesion.

In the past, the Disaster Group was just a small workshop. Everyone was united by hatred for the nobles. This kind of unity based on hatred is quite extreme and is not conducive to the long-term development of the organization. Therefore, this new action plan is, It has become a necessary idea for the organization.

It is easy to destroy but difficult to build. The previous disaster group, before there was no action plan, would only destroy and destroy, which was extremely detrimental to the long-term development of the organization. Sherpa did not realize this at the time, because at the time he was just Use this organization as a tool for your own revenge.

Now Sherpa has awakened and knows what he really wants to do, which is not to destroy, but to create, to create a promised land where all civilian demons can live with dignity. This goal is quite arduous, and It's still very dangerous, and it's totally a ruthless job with his head in his belt, but he has already had the consciousness to sacrifice his life for such a great cause.

It is precisely because of this that he is drafting an action plan now, because the existence of the action plan can guide the organization to move forward. Even if he is unfortunately killed, the organization can continue to move forward.

However, with a newcomer like Mark., what should be the problem with organizing the exhibition?

Chapter. Three views exploded

While Levi's kid was lurking in the Disaster Group and participating in the meeting to organize the new life, Levi's main body was enjoying a sumptuous dinner hosted by the Gremory family.

Levi is located on the side of the long table, with a variety of sumptuous dishes in front of him. The devil implements a meal-sharing system. The meal-sharing system now used in Europe and the United States was passed down from the devil.

There were not many people at the dinner, and neither Sarzechs nor Geoticus was there. In the mansion, only the female family members of the Gremory family were left, and the yin and yang at the dinner table were at an extreme.

Levi was cutting the steak on the dinner plate, looked at Rias who was sitting opposite him, and said, "Mr. Sajax and Geoticus are not here. They are very busy at this time~?"

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